[py-dev] Acceptance testing with py.test

holger krekel holger at merlinux.eu
Fri Feb 12 22:23:47 CET 2010

Hi Pontus,

On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 14:32 +0100, Pontus Åström wrote:
> I'm considering a plugin for doing acceptance testing with py.test. The 
> core idea is to mimic the behaviour of Concordion 
> (http://concordion.org) with respect to visual effects and reports, but 
> use a python engine. The python libs I am considering are py.test for 
> running tests and genshi for xml instrumentation.

I think that's a good plan :) 

> Then, to get a polished plugin some code need to be written; a py.test 
> plugin for test collection and reporting, and a utility library for 
> easing genshi xml insturmentation.
> Well, the reason for this explanation is to see if anybody out there has 
> some input regarding the idea, or maybe know of some useful libs or 
> approaches to achieve the aim, which btw. is to obtain efficient, 
> readable, executable acceptance tests connected to requirements. Read 
> more about this aim on the Concordion website.

Myself, i haven't too much acceptance testing with non-python domains. 
I hear that Ruby is strong with domain-specific testing but haven't
checked on things myself yet.  As far as giving you some ideas 
on how the py.test plugin side might look like i hope that Ronny
Pfannschmidt or Ali Afshar can provide a pointer to their code
for driving tests from yaml definitions as a starting point. 


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