[py-dev] Remote Distribution

Dj Gilcrease digitalxero at gmail.com
Sun Sep 27 11:45:09 CEST 2009

On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 2:37 AM, holger krekel <holger at merlinux.eu> wrote:
> makes sense.  I'd like to allow to configure some aspects of
> remote environments, i.e. set up virtualenvs etc. See below.

I like the idea of using virtualenv as well

> Applied to testing distribution, here is what i would like to have for
> remote testing conceptually:
>    py.test --tx platform=darwin//packages=django1.1,nose,...
> - would *discover* a darwin host from the above execnet network
> - create/use a fitting virtualenv with the given packages/versions
> - run tests in a new python process in that virtualenv
> - log results back to the invoking console

maybe use a pip requirements file instead of specifying each package
individually. If I remember correctly pip is zero-install as well.
Also it would be nice to have a platforms keyword so you can specify
multiple platforms to run the test on without needing to run the
command multiple times

> A rather decentral system so far with no reporting.  Something like
>    py.test --runweb codespeak.net:9999
> could dynamically fire up a web server at the specified
> host which then receives test results and it could also fire up
> a local browser window allowing to interact with the test run.

I like this and it eliminates the need for py.test to get out of scope
by having and maintaining central web server where test results are
collected and leaves it more to plugin creators to create plugins that
will report back to a specified site if they want to have their one

> The network so far is rather isolated.  To build larger
> test networks there needs to be a way to "connect" two
> execnets.  Maybe to make it publically available a
> command line like this would be nice:
>    execnet publish mynet https://testrun.org/012983102938123
> so that from another place people could issue
>    execnet subscribe https://testrun.org/012983102938123
> and the two execnets would be connected (whatever that
> means exactly).
>    execnet list
> could list my local execnet's hosts and links to other execnets.
> So one could uniformly work with a multitude of dynamic
> user-contributed execnets at the fingertip of
> command line tools.

I like this as well, just need an unsubscribe option, and a
potentially a subscribe all option that would just subscribe to all
published networks

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