[py-dev] Feature proposition

holger krekel holger at merlinux.eu
Wed Sep 9 21:36:00 CEST 2009

Hi Maciej, 

> Hi.
> I have a feature proposition that I'm missing every now and then from
> py.test.
> Basically the idea is to be able to categorize tests with some
> keywords, other than
> just test name or part of it. Example:
> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/138853/
> And I would like to be able to run py.test -k +foo for example to run
> TestFoo and TestOther
> (or some other syntax).

makes sense i think.  maybe as an extension to per-function
"py.test.mark" decorators: 

    class TestSomething:
        mark = ['foo']

so that you can also do:

    class TestSomething:
        mark = ['xfail']

(and eventually mark = ['skip'] - seems logical to have a declarative
'skip' and maybe an imperative 'xfail')

> The concrete use case is for example to mark all translation tests in
> pypy test suite
> (or part of it).

sure.  There a few things that could be improved regarding keywords
and keyword selection, i think. 


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