[py-dev] py.test : setup / teardown at the directory level

holger krekel holger at merlinux.eu
Tue Apr 28 20:02:00 CEST 2009

Hi Philippe, 

your described use case makes lots of sense to me. 

I coded an example which i hope fits it. 

It uses the new "local plugins" (i.e.  plugins defined in a
conftest.py) and funcargs, if you don't know about them
yet i hope this is good to skim/read first: 

Here is the example: 


using py-trunk (probably also works with the 1.0.0b1, haven't checked)
in the lazysetup directory you can now do

    py.test sub1   # will wait 5 seconds because test
                   # functions access the setup defined in
                   # conftest.py 

    py.test sub2   # will immediately run as the "setup"
                   # funcarg is not requested 
The idea for this conftest.py implementation is simple: 
setup the funcarg when first needed and only tear it down
when the test process exits.  

does this make sense to you?  feel free to play around
and ask questions - I'd then put the above example into 
the "tutorial" example section of the funcarg doc. 

One advantage of the above approach is that you do not
need to do anything in your test modules anymore 
(no boilerplate importing of setup_module etc.) 
than requesting the object you want to setup. 


On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 17:09 +0200, Philippe Fremy wrote:
> holger krekel wrote:
> > Hi Philippe, 
> Hi Holger,
> > 
> > On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 13:37 +0200, Philippe Fremy wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I was wondering if there is a possibility to have or emulate
> >> setup/teardown method for an entire directory of tests ?
> >>
> >> I have an expensive setup/teardown method, which I share through about
> >> 10 modules, each with about 20 tests. I would save time if I could do
> >> the setup/teardown just for that directory.
> > 
> > do you have a setup_module()/teardown_module() pair that 
> > you import into all your tests?  
> Exactly.
> > Do you essentially want to setup the test resource 
> > only once per test-run? 
> Once per session would be actually sufficient for this specific case
> today, but the need is once per test directory.
> To be a bit more explicit, in my current software development, I have
> both unit tests for functionality in App1 that I develop myself, and
> functional tests for a wrapper around App2, which is an external
> application :
> base
> + app1
>     + tests
>         + many unit tests
> + app2_wrapper
>     + external_app2
>     + tests
>         + many functional tests for the app2 wrapper, requiring to setup
>           a resource for app2 to run.
> I launch py.test from the base directory.
> I have an expensive setup/teardown for the functional tests of the app2
> wrapper, which I would like to share at the app2_wrapper/tests directory
> level.
> Ideally, if I run only tests from app1, I don't run that expensive
> setup/teardown.
> cheers,
> Philippe
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