[py-dev] py.test and editors (Re: [issue57] Emacs and py.test tracebacks)

Ralf Schmitt schmir at gmail.com
Wed Jul 23 14:43:45 CEST 2008

On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 1:34 PM, holger krekel <holger at merlinux.eu> wrote:

> I think it's fine to have the decorator mostly stay forever.

It looks like you want that decorator to attach more information to
test functions.
In the case where you only want to mark a test as expected failure, I
think it should be removed.

> I think that py.test should usually always run the
> "bug" test but report them specially (no tracebacks)
> if they fail and maybe
>    .........bb...................
> for the progress bar etc.  However, py.test would not
> complain if it passes.  Then, for example,

-0 for not complaining when it passes
I don't like that idea, but I also currently don't have the time to
argue about it. twisted's trial raises an error for expected failures
that succeed.

>    py.test --bugs=173,...,...
> would run all tests that are marked with these bug numbers
> and turn on full traceback reporting when they fail.
> There are also other things that i'd like to tell
> py.test about a test, e.g. having it run "boxed",
> i.e. isolated so that it can segfault without
> disrupting the testing process.

I would have used that a few times in the past..but I can surely live
without such a feature.

>> Thinking about it I have maybe another issue for 0.9.2. When using easy_install
>> the greenlets module is not installed correctly. I haven't looked into
>> this (python setup.py install works). But I will probably have a look
>> at it in the next days....
> cool.  You may just work in release/0.9.x or branch off from there.
> The current way of compiling c-extension modules is a hack IIRC ...
> mostly because i am a bit clueless on how to this correctly,
> particularly for win32.

I thought the trick was that it automatically compiles the c modules
on demand when it is imported?

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