[py-dev] CFP 5th June for CC Camp [camp-orga at events.ccc.de: FINAL Call for Papers: Chaos Communication Camp 2007]

holger krekel holger at merlinux.de
Mon May 28 12:05:24 CEST 2007

Hello all, 

below is an invitation and CFP for the Chaos Computer Camp 
in August 2007 around Berlin.  (extended) deadline for proposals is 

    5th June.  

Maybe I submit a py.execnet/higher level networking talk 
("building a flexible and fast platform for computer viruses" or so) 
and co-submit a "PyPy" one - question being: do some of us 
maybe want to meet up there and sprint a bit?  Seems one is giving 
talks in airport hangars, btw, ... 



----- Forwarded message from camp-orga at events.ccc.de -----

Date: Wed, 23 May 2007 22:38:53 +0200
From: camp-orga at events.ccc.de
To: hpk at trillke.net
Subject: FINAL Call for Papers: Chaos Communication Camp 2007
X-Spambayes-Classification: ham; 0.00

[snip personalized prae-ambel]

FINAL Call for Papers: Chaos Communication Camp 2007, Berlin

Chaos Communication Camp 2007
"In Fairy Dust We Trust!"
August, 8th to 12th, 2007
Airport Museum Finowfurt (Finow Airport) near Berlin, Germany


Final Call for Paper Deadline: June 5th 2007, 23:59 CET


The Chaos Communication Camp is an international, five-day open-air
event for hackers, builders, and makers organized by the Chaos
Computer Club (CCC). The camp provides a relaxed atmosphere for free
exchange of technical, social and political ideas. Discuss, sunbathe,
and enjoy camping with some of the most interesting people you might
ever meet. And all that with internet, power, an abundance of weird
self-made gadgets, and people willing to explain them to you, right
next to your tent.

The Camp area is themed as a starship launch site and split into
various thematic villages organized by participating groups from all
over the world. Have a look at the incredible new location, right
next to an old Russian military airfield (we'll launch drones and
UFOs - no kidding!).  All this together with vintage MiG fighter
planes the Soviet airforce left there when they left East Germany and
helicopters, oh my!
Two huge main hangars (room for 400 people each) will feature
conference tracks with lectures and presentations, while workshops
will take place in a central workshop area and in the various
villages. To get a first glimpse of what to expect have a look at 
our self-organizing participants at the Camp Wiki:
Furthermore there will be a hangar for not-so-lonely hacking nights
and days together with hundreds of others, and a hangar featuring art
and beauty created with or without a computer. Of course there will
also be a lounge with nice electronic music, German beer, great food,
and a choice of caffeinated hacker drinks.
The conference languages are English and German. Don't worry about
language issues though - the Camp is a truly international event!
Everyone will be happy to communicate with you in the languages of
the Internet - broken English and 1337speak. 

In general, lectures and workshops dealing with technology, ethics,
science, security, art, philosophy, politics, culture and cooking are

The main theme of this year's camp is the world we want to live in
tomorrow. Any cool tech, research, ideas, and presentations
interesting to our audience, are interesting to us. 
And even beyond the presentations, the camp lives from participation,
so bring those gadgets, Go boards, webapps, p2p-simulators, knitted
hardware protectors, drones, and lockpicking sets, and expect people
to come to you wanting to learn more.

For this year's Camp there's a special travel opportunity. The Hacker
Foundation (http://hackerfoundation.org) has put together a package
of nothing less than legendary proportions. For US$1337 (roundtrip
from the US and Canada) or ???1337 (roundtrip from Europe) you get
admission to both the Camp and the Defcon hacker conference in Las
Vegas just a few days before the Camp, a flight from Defcon to
Frankfurt (Germany) and from there directly to Finow Airfield on a
specially chartered "Hackers on a Plane" flight. This offer includes
optional accomodation at the Camp. See for yourself:

For general travel Information see

=Lecture Requirements=

Lectures are expected to be highly relevant in practice or better be
darn funny. Sales droids and PR-people have been known to disappear
without traces on past events. Interactive workshops are welcome.
Hands-on anything are even more welcome.
Final presentations for talks should be up to 60 minutes, for
workshops up to 60 or 120 minutes long. Additionally, a
question-and-answer period will be provided. Follow-up discussions
and hands-on workshops are strongly encouraged, there will be space
for such activities available outside the main lecture shelters (if
you don't prefer a nice sit-in on the grass in the sun).

Audio and video recordings of the lectures will be published online
in various formats. All material will be available under a Creative
Commons licence allowing free non-commercial redistribution of the
material as long as the original credit to authors and publishers is

All proposals MUST be submitted online using our lecture submission
system at https://pentabarf.cccv.de/submission/Camp+2007 . Please
follow the instructions given there. You can provide papers and
slides for the digital conference pack upon submission. Please make
sure your submission contains all information we need to review your
talk and send us everything in one go.

If you have any questions regarding your submission, feel free to
contact us at camp-content at cccv.de but do NOT submit your lecture via
Accepted speakers are asked to hand in slides used in their talks.
Please use a well-known format for your slides.
=Dates and deadlines=

We've already finished our first CFP. We offer a scheduled second
deadline till June, 5th. Submissions received before June 5th, 23:59
CET, will be allocated to remaining slots.
Notification of acceptance will be sent by June, 27th, or earlier.
Early submissions will be treated with higher priority.

----- End forwarded message -----

merlinux GmbH       Steinbergstr. 42    31139 Hildesheim   
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