[py-dev] Is this a bug?

Tom Harris tom_harris at aapl.com.au
Fri Feb 10 02:09:47 CET 2006

I found the following whilst testing a class with py.test with a broken __repr__. 

If I call py.test with the --showlocals flag it attempts to print the locals in a failing test function. If one of these locals has a broken __repr__ (in my case it was the tested class itself, no surprise there), then the test script exits with a broken traceback due to the repr_locals() function in py.test.terminal.TerminalSession class. The call to repr should (IMHO)  catch any exception from repr and generate a default repr, say  <foo.bar instance at 0x00A96058>.

Does this need fixing? Now I know about it, it's not really a problem but it would have confused me a bit if I hadn't just written the broken repr. I'll submit a patch with a test if you like.

BTW, py.test is much cooler than unittest.

Tom Harris

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