[py-dev] Thanks a lot for py.test!

François Pinard pinard at iro.umontreal.ca
Fri Oct 28 17:00:45 CEST 2005

[holger krekel]

> Well, i guess i have some problems with my email setup [...] Until i
> get to it i probably resort to not using non-ascii characters :-)

For my French correspondents, I'm a bit anal and ask people to
write French with the proper diacritics.  For Americans and other
diacritic-deficient nations :-), I'm much more forgiving, and "Francois"
is just OK!  To respect the intent of the diacritic in my name without
writing it, one may resort to transliteration, like in "Franc,ois".

A tiny unusual detail I noticed, in email originating from you, is that
each line has one, sometimes two, spurious spaces at its end.  (So you
now see the kind of nit-picker I may be.  Yet, otherwise, a good guy!)

François Pinard   http://pinard.progiciels-bpi.ca

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