[py-dev] new py lib website

holger krekel hpk at trillke.net
Sat Jun 11 22:08:37 CEST 2005

Hi py-dev, 

there is a update to the py lib's website: 


You'll basically find the same information as before
but it should be more structured.  Additionally, there 
now is an issue tracker here: 


whre the 12 people who ever committed something to the py lib
can all use their codespeak usernames+logins.  The issue
tracker will be the main driving point for working 
on the long awaited first py release, 0.8.  
Help is welcome. 

If you svn-commit a change relating to an issue in the
tracker you can consider to put at the top of the commit 

    issueN in-progress 

    here goes your normal commit log message 

this will connect your checkin to the issue tracker. 
the 'N' in issueN is the issue-number you'll find in
the tracker. 

If you issue 'py.test' in the py/documentation directory 
then you basically get a mirror of the original web page
(modulo the tracker which is only living at codespeak). 
This allows to test out modifications to documentation or 
even to layout on your local checkout.   So feel free to 
fix typos or add documentation to your likening. 

have fun, 


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