[py-dev] handling of 'class' attribute by py.xml.html

William McVey wam at cisco.com
Thu Jun 9 00:20:30 CEST 2005

On Wed, 2005-06-08 at 16:59, holger krekel wrote:
> However, 
>     html.div(class_="somestyleclass") 
> does produce '<div class="somestyleclass"></div>' as expected.

Ahhh, that's perfect.

> Here you are modifying the html.Style class which 
> does not refer to the example you gave above.  
> However, a Style object should not contain a css 'class' 
> anyway.  Can you post a more real-life example to show
> the problem you are hitting? 

Well, the example I gave pretty much was the real-world example. I
needed to put 'class' attributes on html object elements. You're right
though, my patch wasn't the solution I had written to solve this
earlier. Your solution (trailing underscore) works just fine though so
I'm not going to bother finding the hack I had originally come up with

Thanks again.

  -- William

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