[py-dev] we are about to get press:

holger krekel hpk at trillke.net
Fri Jan 28 23:56:19 CET 2005

Hi Grig! 

On Fri, Jan 28, 2005 at 14:27 -0800, Grig Gheorghiu wrote:
> Here goes:
> http://agiletesting.blogspot.com/2005/01/python-unit-testing-part-3-pytest-tool.html
> Feedback and comments are appreciated. 

I just read through your blog entry and enjoyed it. All of it, especially
the criticism seems pretty sensible.  Of course, it motiviates me to 
finally get rid of remaining ugly tracebacks. I'd actually like to 
do it by really improving the collection logic ... 

Personally, btw, i find the assert statement <-> self.assertEquals 
difference one of the primary points for using py.test.  But reading your
blog entry reminded me that we should probably focus a bit more on getting
the current features more solid (especially tracebacks). 
However, integrating doctests is still high on the list ... hum, 
didn't I say that already lately? :-) 

Btw, another interesting development may be that we spent some time 
at the Switzerland PyPy sprint to run CPython's unittest-using 
regression tests to work _unmodified_ from invoking them with 
py.test.  It's easier than i thought but i am not sure that 
i want to offer this "officially" from py.test. Maybe i put
it into the py/documentation/example directory to show off
what you can do from "conftest.py" files. 

So i am very much looking forward to meet and discuss 
with you at Pycon! 



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