[py-dev] Problems with DOS files

Matthew Scott mscott at goldenspud.com
Tue Jan 18 02:00:24 CET 2005

Patrick K. O'Brien wrote:
>>Is there
>>anything similarly simple that can be done under windows?
> Not that I'm aware of.  :-(
> Take that back.  Courtesy of Matthew Scott, here is a clever, two-line
> solution (concatenate that second line if it breaks):
> pytest.bat
> ==========
> @echo off
> python -c "import py; from py.__impl__.test.cmdline import main; main()" %1
> %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

Just had to do something similar with a Schevo script, so here's a new 
version that can be put into py\bin as pytest.cmd:

@echo off
python %~dp0\py.test %*

Not sure if it will work on non-NT-based systems, or with a .bat 
extension instead of .cmd, but this style seems to work great for the 
other script I had to write.  Above py.test script is untested by me 
though since I avoid Windows whenever possible. :)

Opening this URL in Internet Explorer will shed some light on the 
"advanced" batch file syntax, at least on Windows XP:


Basically, %~dp0 resolves to the drive and directory of the pytest.cmd 
file that was executed, and %* is the rest of the command-line arguments 
given to the batch file.  The py\bin directory needs to be in the PATH 
environment variable but everything else is done via Py's magic :)

- Matthew

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