[py-dev] py.test and --session, re-run failures only

Ian Bicking ianb at colorstudy.com
Sat Apr 2 02:48:51 CEST 2005

Martin Blais wrote:
> oh, while we're taking a shot at the future, another feature that i
> used to have was the ability to compare the test output to a fixed
> file, we called this "expect files", because the test was expected to
> generate specific output.  might not be useful now but you could note
> that in the futures document as well, for some kinds of tests this can
> be a quick-n-dirty way to write a test.  dump something on the output,
> inspect it to make sure it's allright, dump that into an expect file. 
> could be easy to implement since you already capture the output text. 
> note that these kinds of tests fail on outputs sensitive to numerical
> (im)precision.

That's called doctest ;) -- of course better integration of that is also 
in the future at this point.

> and another one: for C++ code which can crash, a timeout option is
> absolutely *essential*.

This could potentially be implemented as a decorator, like:

def test_cpp_code():

def timeout(seconds):
     def replacement_func(*args, **kw):
         some stuff with alarm signals and whatnot...
     return replacement_func

Of course, you can't apply a decorator globally with an option, but it's 
probably only in specific areas where you'd need this anyway.

Ian Bicking  /  ianb at colorstudy.com  /  http://blog.ianbicking.org

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