[Pytest-commit] commit/tox: 2 new changesets

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Tue Jun 21 10:58:58 EDT 2016

2 new commits in tox:

Changeset:   0ffb9f6ad0e3
Branch:      The-Compiler/fix-typo-1466505573719
User:        The-Compiler
Date:        2016-06-21 10:39:36+00:00
Summary:     Fix typo
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 503a42ddacd3ed71e3accfb23a93296ae1068db6 -r 0ffb9f6ad0e3c23fb1561586483063be96bb99e2 tox/hookspecs.py
--- a/tox/hookspecs.py
+++ b/tox/hookspecs.py
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 def tox_runtest_pre(venv):
     """ [experimental] perform arbitrary action before running tests for this venv.
-    This could be used to indicate that tests for a given venv have started, for intstance.
+    This could be used to indicate that tests for a given venv have started, for instance.

Changeset:   970d10c85c13
User:        obestwalter
Date:        2016-06-21 14:58:54+00:00
Summary:     Merged in The-Compiler/tox/The-Compiler/fix-typo-1466505573719 (pull request #199)

Fix typo
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 503a42ddacd3ed71e3accfb23a93296ae1068db6 -r 970d10c85c13bf7faf1a7a04aa72287c294a41cb tox/hookspecs.py
--- a/tox/hookspecs.py
+++ b/tox/hookspecs.py
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 def tox_runtest_pre(venv):
     """ [experimental] perform arbitrary action before running tests for this venv.
-    This could be used to indicate that tests for a given venv have started, for intstance.
+    This could be used to indicate that tests for a given venv have started, for instance.

Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/hpk42/tox/


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