[Pytest-commit] Issue #671: missing fixture setup for doctest module items (hpk42/pytest)

Buck Evan issues-reply at bitbucket.org
Thu Jan 29 23:01:45 CET 2015

New issue 671: missing fixture setup for doctest module items

Buck Evan:

For a lack of deep understanding, I'm just transcribing our #pylib conversation to this ticket:

(12:58:14 PM) buck11: I don't see that my autouse fixture is running for my doctests, counter to documentation
(12:58:39 PM) buck11: known bug? also its quite possible i'm doing it wrong
(01:01:52 PM) buck11: =/
(01:50:31 PM) ronny: buck11: afair doctest fixture integration is not there
(01:50:48 PM) buck11: docs explicitly say its there
(01:50:50 PM) ronny: (doctests run with custom items, i reall they arent able to handle fixtures)
(01:50:50 PM) buck11: sec
(01:51:06 PM) ronny: there is a utility function to get fixture values
(01:51:10 PM) buck11: http://pytest.org/latest/doctest.html
(01:51:12 PM) ronny: but afair autouse is not there
(01:51:16 PM) buck11: Also, using fixtures from classes, modules or projects and autouse fixtures (xUnit setup on steroids) fixtures are supported when executing text doctest files.
(01:51:40 PM) buck11: "when executing text doctest files"
(01:51:42 PM) ronny: hmmm, what version do you run then
(01:51:44 PM) buck11: i guess is the key clause
(01:51:51 PM) buck11: i was doctesting code
(01:52:04 PM) buck11: i updated a second ago
(01:53:21 PM) ronny: buck11: i checked the code, the doctest text file has explicit code for that detail, the doctest module thing hasnt
(01:53:36 PM) buck11: hrm i expected them to be more similar 
(01:53:42 PM) buck11: shrug
(01:55:01 PM) ronny: buck11: doctest is a bit messy, there is also fixture code in the doctest modules
(01:55:09 PM) ronny: buck11: how are your fixtures scoped?
(01:55:36 PM) buck11: it was forced to be function scope, because i wanted to leverage monkeypatch fixture
(01:55:50 PM) buck11: i've solved it a different way entirely now
(01:56:42 PM) buck11: ronny: https://github.com/bukzor/python-clom/commit/04e3bab93#diff-1
(01:56:47 PM) buck11: sadness, but it works
(01:56:48 PM) ronny: hmm, as far as i can tell docestmodule can use a overhaul, unlike the textfile, it doesnt use FixtureRequest._fillfixtures
(01:57:58 PM) ronny: buck11: can you report a bug?
(01:58:08 PM) buck11: i dont know what the bug i
(01:58:09 PM) buck11: s
(01:58:24 PM) ronny: missing fixture setup for doctest module items

Responsible: RonnyPfannschmidt

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