[Pytest-commit] commit/pytest: 2 new changesets

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Fri Apr 3 22:00:39 CEST 2015

2 new commits in pytest:

Changeset:   88a5fdc86c08
Branch:      yield-experimental-docs
User:        nicoddemus
Date:        2015-04-03 19:55:10+00:00
Summary:     Reviewed wording about yield being a "new" feature
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 60008bd048a58852c513d129a0b8093cb9fc552b -r 88a5fdc86c0871498a95e33fa8c50e66416f3fef doc/en/yieldfixture.txt
--- a/doc/en/yieldfixture.txt
+++ b/doc/en/yieldfixture.txt
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 of a ``return`` statement to provide a fixture value while otherwise
 fully supporting all other fixture features.
-Let's look at a simple standalone-example using the new ``yield`` syntax::
+Let's look at a simple standalone-example using the ``yield`` syntax::
     # content of test_yield.py
@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@
 because the Python ``file`` object supports finalization when
 the ``with`` statement ends. 
-Note that the new syntax is fully integrated with using ``scope``, 
-``params`` and other fixture features.  Changing existing 
-fixture functions to use ``yield`` is thus straight forward.
+Note that the yield fixture form supports all other fixture
+features such as ``scope``, ``params``, etc., thus changing existing
+fixture functions to use ``yield`` is straight forward.
 Discussion and future considerations / feedback
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
 - lastly ``yield`` introduces more than one way to write
   fixture functions, so what's the obvious way to a newcomer?
   Newcomers reading the docs will see feature examples using the
-  ``return`` style so should use that, if in doubt.  
+  ``return`` style so should use that, if in doubt.
   Others can start experimenting with writing yield-style fixtures
   and possibly help evolving them further.

Changeset:   619ad0c4b4dc
Branch:      yield-experimental-docs
User:        nicoddemus
Date:        2015-04-03 19:59:33+00:00
Summary:     Removed "discussion" session

Kept a note about exceptions after yield not being reraised
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 88a5fdc86c0871498a95e33fa8c50e66416f3fef -r 619ad0c4b4dc6e18a088c058f44aa00c7fc60f9f doc/en/yieldfixture.txt
--- a/doc/en/yieldfixture.txt
+++ b/doc/en/yieldfixture.txt
@@ -68,48 +68,13 @@
 features such as ``scope``, ``params``, etc., thus changing existing
 fixture functions to use ``yield`` is straight forward.
-Discussion and future considerations / feedback
+.. note::
-The yield-syntax has been discussed by pytest users extensively.
-In general, the advantages of the using a ``yield`` fixture syntax are:
+    While the ``yield`` syntax is similar to what
+    :py:func:`contextlib.contextmanager` decorated functions
+    provide, with pytest fixture functions the part after the
+    "yield" will always be invoked, independently from the
+    exception status of the test function which uses the fixture.
+    This behaviour makes sense if you consider that many different
+    test functions might use a module or session scoped fixture.
-- easy provision of fixtures in conjunction with context managers. 
-- no need to register a callback, providing for more synchronous
-  control flow in the fixture function.  Also there is no need to accept
-  the ``request`` object into the fixture function just for providing
-  finalization code.
-However, there are also limitations or foreseeable irritations:
-- usually ``yield`` is used for producing multiple values.
-  But fixture functions can only yield exactly one value.
-  Yielding a second fixture value will get you an error.
-  It's possible we can evolve pytest to allow for producing
-  multiple values as an alternative to current parametrization.
-  For now, you can just use the normal
-  :ref:`fixture parametrization <fixture-parametrize>`
-  mechanisms together with ``yield``-style fixtures.
-- the ``yield`` syntax is similar to what
-  :py:func:`contextlib.contextmanager` decorated functions
-  provide.  With pytest fixture functions, the "after yield" part will  
-  always be invoked, independently from the exception status
-  of the test function which uses the fixture.   The pytest
-  behaviour makes sense if you consider that many different
-  test functions might use a module or session scoped fixture.
-  Some test functions might raise exceptions and others not,
-  so how could pytest re-raise a single exception at the
-  ``yield`` point in the fixture function?
-- lastly ``yield`` introduces more than one way to write
-  fixture functions, so what's the obvious way to a newcomer?
-  Newcomers reading the docs will see feature examples using the
-  ``return`` style so should use that, if in doubt.
-  Others can start experimenting with writing yield-style fixtures
-  and possibly help evolving them further.
-If you want to feedback or participate in the ongoing
-discussion, please join our :ref:`contact channels`.
-you are most welcome.

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