[Pytest-commit] Issue #631: markers leaking (hpk42/pytest)

David Szotten issues-reply at bitbucket.org
Tue Nov 11 15:48:06 CET 2014

New issue 631: markers leaking

David Szotten:

it looks like using custom markers on subclasses, together with a fixture on the base class causes siblings to see each other's markers:

import pytest

def common():

def checker(request):
    assert len(request.keywords.get('marker').args) == 1

class Parent(object):

class TestChild1(Parent):
    def test(self, checker):

class TestChild2(Parent):
    def test(self, checker):

_________________________________________________ ERROR at setup of TestChild1.test _________________________________________________

request = <SubRequest 'checker' for <Function 'test'>>

    def checker(request):
>       assert len(request.keywords.get('marker').args) == 1
E       assert 2 == 1
E        +  where 2 = len(('arg1', 'arg2'))
E        +    where ('arg1', 'arg2') = <MarkInfo 'marker' args=('arg1', 'arg2') kwargs={}>.args
E        +      where <MarkInfo 'marker' args=('arg1', 'arg2') kwargs={}> = <bound method NodeKeywords.get of <NodeKeywords for node <Function 'test'>>>('marker')
E        +        where <bound method NodeKeywords.get of <NodeKeywords for node <Function 'test'>>> = <NodeKeywords for node <Function 'test'>>.get
E        +          where <NodeKeywords for node <Function 'test'>> = <SubRequest 'checker' for <Function 'test'>>.keywords

test_marker_bug.py:11: AssertionError

This might be related to #535

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