[Pytest-commit] commit/pytest: Anthon van der Neut: complete_dotted: fix for #361, filecompleter on dot files had differing behaviour from bash

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Tue Oct 1 17:19:06 CEST 2013

1 new commit in pytest:

Changeset:   8124b841c6ca
User:        Anthon van der Neut
Date:        2013-10-01 16:33:15
Summary:     complete_dotted: fix for #361, filecompleter on dot files had differing behaviour from bash

Now if the prefix to expands ends in the directory seperator, then
'..../.*' is globbed as well.
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 6720c03fd0dafceda84710d6958bf5f6708bb032 -r 8124b841c6ca8c40963d4650143c32304932a3ec _pytest/_argcomplete.py
--- a/_pytest/_argcomplete.py
+++ b/_pytest/_argcomplete.py
@@ -74,9 +74,13 @@
             prefix_dir = 0
         completion = []
+        globbed = []
         if '*' not in prefix and '?' not in prefix:
+            if prefix[-1] == os.path.sep:  # we are on unix, otherwise no bash
+                globbed.extend(glob(prefix + '.*'))
             prefix += '*'
-        for x in sorted(glob(prefix)):
+        globbed.extend(glob(prefix))
+        for x in sorted(globbed):
             if os.path.isdir(x):
                 x += '/'
             # append stripping the prefix (like bash, not like compgen)

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