[Pytest-commit] commit/pytest: hpk42: close issue240 - rework "good practises" document and discuss

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Tue Dec 10 14:54:42 CET 2013

1 new commit in pytest:

Changeset:   23152b79f1dc
User:        hpk42
Date:        2013-12-10 14:54:13
Summary:     close issue240 - rework "good practises" document and discuss
discuss the two common test directory layouts in more detail, including
an explicit note on how it interacts with PEP420-namespace packages.
Affected #:  2 files

diff -r 4c16e1c06b5d0bcad11840fba22bc7604c1f1fbd -r 23152b79f1dc6ad64a2e6a73a327b770352ca6f7 CHANGELOG
@@ -26,6 +26,10 @@
   with repeated same values (sometimes useful to to test if calling 
   a second time works as with the first time).
+- close issue240 - document precisely how pytest module importing
+  works, discuss the two common test directory layouts, and how it 
+  interacts with PEP420-namespace packages.
 - fix issue246 fix finalizer order to be LIFO on independent fixtures
   depending on a parametrized higher-than-function scoped fixture. 
   (was quite some effort so please bear with the complexity of this sentence :)

diff -r 4c16e1c06b5d0bcad11840fba22bc7604c1f1fbd -r 23152b79f1dc6ad64a2e6a73a327b770352ca6f7 doc/en/goodpractises.txt
--- a/doc/en/goodpractises.txt
+++ b/doc/en/goodpractises.txt
@@ -8,24 +8,151 @@
 Work with virtual environments
-We recommend to use virtualenv_ environments and use easy_install_
-(or pip_) for installing your application dependencies as well as
-the ``pytest`` package itself.  This way you will get a much more reproducible
-environment.  A good tool to help you automate test runs against multiple
-dependency configurations or Python interpreters is `tox`_.
+We recommend to use virtualenv_ environments and use pip_ 
+(or easy_install_) for installing your application and any dependencies 
+as well as the ``pytest`` package itself.  This way you will get an isolated
+and reproducible environment.    Given you have installed virtualenv_
+and execute it from the command line, here is an example session for unix
+or windows::
+    virtualenv .   # create a virtualenv directory in the current directory
+    source bin/activate  # on unix
+    scripts/activate     # on Windows
+We can now install pytest::
+    pip install pytest
+Due to the ``activate`` step above the ``pip`` will come from
+the virtualenv directory and install any package into the isolated
+virtual environment.  
+Choosing a test layout / import rules
+py.test supports two common test layouts:
+* putting tests into an extra directory outside your actual application
+  code, useful if you have many functional tests or for other reasons
+  want to keep tests separate from actual application code (often a good
+  idea)::
+    setup.py   # your distutils/setuptools Python package metadata 
+    mypkg/
+        __init__.py
+        appmodule.py
+    tests/
+        test_app.py
+        ...
+* inlining test directories into your application package, useful if you 
+  have direct relation between (unit-)test and application modules and
+  want to distribute your tests along with your application::
+    setup.py   # your distutils/setuptools Python package metadata 
+    mypkg/
+        __init__.py
+        appmodule.py
+        ...
+        test/
+            test_app.py
+            ...
+Important notes relating to both schemes:
+- **make sure that "mypkg" is importable**, for example by typing once::
+     pip install -e .   # install package using setup.py in editable mode
+- **avoid "__init__.py" files in your test directories**.
+  This way your tests can run easily against an installed version 
+  of ``mypkg``, independently from if the installed version contains 
+  the tests or not.  
+- With inlined tests you might put ``__init__.py`` into test 
+  directories and make them installable as part of your application.
+  Using the ``py.test --pyargs mypkg`` invocation pytest will
+  discover where mypkg is installed and collect tests from there.
+  With the "external" test you can still distribute tests but they
+  will not be installed or become importable.
+Typically you can run tests by pointing to test directories or modules::
+    py.test tests/test_app.py       # for external test dirs
+    py.test mypkg/test/test_app.py  # for inlined test dirs
+    py.test mypkg                   # run tests in all below test directories
+    py.test                         # run all tests below current dir
+    ...
+Because of the above ``editable install`` mode you can change your 
+source code (both tests and the app) and rerun tests at will.
+Once you are done with your work, you can `use tox`_ to make sure
+that the package is really correct and tests pass in all 
+required configurations.
+.. note::
+    You can use Python3 namespace packages (PEP420) for your application
+    but pytest will still perform `package name`_ discovery based on the
+    presence of ``__init__.py`` files.  If you use one of the above
+    two recommended file system layouts but leave away the ``__init__.py``
+    files it should just work on Python3.3 and above.  When using 
+    "inlined tests", however, you will need to use absolute imports for
+    getting at your application code because the test modules will be
+    imported directly, without any application context.  The latter allows
+    your tests to run against an installed version of your package.
+.. _`package name`:
+.. note::
+    If py.test finds a "a/b/test_module.py" test file while
+    recursing into the filesystem it determines the import name
+    as follows:
+    * determine ``basedir``: this is the first "upward" (towards the root)
+      directory not containing an ``__init__.py``.  If e.g. both ``a``
+      and ``b`` contain an ``__init__.py`` file then the parent directory
+      of ``a`` will become the ``basedir``.
+    * perform ``sys.path.insert(0, basedir)`` to make the test module
+      importable under the fully qualified import name.
+    * ``import a.b.test_module`` where the path is determined
+      by converting path separators ``/`` into "." characters.  This means
+      you must follow the convention of having directory and file
+      names map directly to the import names.
+    The reason for this somewhat evolved importing technique is
+    that in larger projects multiple test modules might import
+    from each other and thus deriving a canonical import name helps
+    to avoid surprises such as a test modules getting imported twice.
 .. _`virtualenv`: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv
 .. _`buildout`: http://www.buildout.org/
 .. _pip: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip
+.. _`use tox`:
 Use tox and Continuous Integration servers
-If you frequently release code to the public you
-may want to look into `tox`_, the virtualenv test automation
-tool and its `pytest support <http://testrun.org/tox/latest/example/pytest.html>`_.
-The basic idea is to generate a JUnitXML file through the ``--junitxml=PATH`` option and have a continuous integration server like Jenkins_ pick it up
-and generate reports.
+If you frequently release code and want to make sure that your actual
+package passes all tests you may want to look into `tox`_, the
+virtualenv test automation tool and its `pytest support
+Tox helps you to setup virtualenv environments with pre-defined
+dependencies and then executing a pre-configured test command with
+options.  It will run tests against the installed package and not
+against your source code checkout, helping to detect packaging
+If you want to use Jenkins_ you can use the ``--junitxml=PATH`` option
+to create a JUnitXML file that Jenkins_ can pick up and generate reports.
 .. _standalone:
 .. _`genscript method`:
@@ -33,21 +160,19 @@
 Create a py.test standalone script
-If you are a maintainer or application developer and want others
-to easily run tests you can generate a completely standalone "py.test"
+If you are a maintainer or application developer and want people
+who don't deal with python much to easily run tests you may generate 
+a standalone "py.test" script::
     py.test --genscript=runtests.py
-generates a ``runtests.py`` script which is a fully functional basic
+This generates a ``runtests.py`` script which is a fully functional basic
 ``py.test`` script, running unchanged under Python2 and Python3.
 You can tell people to download the script and then e.g.  run it like this::
     python runtests.py
 Integrating with distutils / ``python setup.py test``
@@ -93,8 +218,9 @@
 Integration with setuptools test commands
-Setuptools supports writing our own Test command for invoking 
+Setuptools supports writing our own Test command for invoking pytest.
+Most often it is better to use tox_ instead, but here is how you can
+get started with setuptools integration::
     from setuptools.command.test import test as TestCommand
     import sys
@@ -143,69 +269,4 @@
 Within Python modules, py.test also discovers tests using the standard
 :ref:`unittest.TestCase <unittest.TestCase>` subclassing technique.
-Choosing a test layout / import rules
-py.test supports common test layouts:
-* inlining test directories into your application package, useful if you want to
-  keep (unit) tests and actually tested code close together::
-    mypkg/
-        __init__.py
-        appmodule.py
-        ...
-        test/
-            test_app.py
-            ...
-* putting tests into an extra directory outside your actual application
-  code, useful if you have many functional tests or want to keep
-  tests separate from actual application code::
-    mypkg/
-        __init__.py
-        appmodule.py
-    tests/
-        test_app.py
-        ...
-In both cases you usually need to make sure that ``mypkg`` is importable,
-for example by using the setuptools ``python setup.py develop`` method.
-You can run your tests by pointing to it::
-    py.test tests/test_app.py       # for external test dirs
-    py.test mypkg/test/test_app.py  # for inlined test dirs
-    py.test mypkg                   # run tests in all below test directories
-    py.test                         # run all tests below current dir
-    ...
-.. _`package name`:
-.. note::
-    If py.test finds a "a/b/test_module.py" test file while
-    recursing into the filesystem it determines the import name
-    as follows:
-    * find ``basedir`` -- this is the first "upward" (towards the root)
-      directory not containing an ``__init__.py``.  If both the ``a``
-      and ``b`` directories contain an ``__init__.py`` the basedir will
-      be the parent dir of ``a``.
-    * perform ``sys.path.insert(0, basedir)`` to make the test module
-      importable under the fully qualified import name.
-    * ``import a.b.test_module`` where the path is determined
-      by converting path separators ``/`` into "." characters.  This means
-      you must follow the convention of having directory and file
-      names map directly to the import names.
-    The reason for this somewhat evolved importing technique is
-    that in larger projects multiple test modules might import
-    from each other and thus deriving a canonical import name helps
-    to avoid surprises such as a test modules getting imported twice.
 .. include:: links.inc

Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/hpk42/pytest/


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