[Pytest-commit] Issue #139: tox 1.6.1 uses default pip 1.3.1 -> bad install_command default (hpk42/tox)

freeo issues-reply at bitbucket.org
Fri Dec 6 16:00:07 CET 2013

New issue 139: tox 1.6.1 uses default pip 1.3.1 -> bad install_command default


Tox 1.6.1 doesn't work out of the box using win32, python33 32bit.

The install_command default is `pip install --pre ...`, which is unsupported by `pip 1.3.1` - the version, which gets installed by tox! I didn't find a possibility to set `deps=pip>=1.4.1`, which leads to a circular problem, if I want to avoid changing the default `install_command`! I can't upgrade pip without changing the default. Upgrading itself make the change obsolete. 
The default pip version for any environment should therefore be `pip>=1.4`, if the `--pre` option is a default!
This was annoying to find for a newbie like me...

This is my working tox.ini, just in case.


envlist = py33
install_command=pip install {opts} {packages}


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