[Pytest-commit] commit/tox: 2 new changesets

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Thu Aug 8 08:36:34 CEST 2013

2 new commits in tox:

Changeset:   1d9e9ed68e53
User:        mgood
Date:        2013-08-07 18:42:20
Summary:     Update devenv example docs with "usedevelop" setting
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r d31aad39e16f4e3b397a0b131834b50a1c265c48 -r 1d9e9ed68e53259adeb2b23a558b5dc56528567c doc/example/devenv.txt
--- a/doc/example/devenv.txt
+++ b/doc/example/devenv.txt
@@ -14,11 +14,13 @@
 Firstly, you need to prepare configuration for your development environment. In
 order to do that, we must define proper section at ``tox.ini`` file and tell at
 what directory environment should be created. Moreover, we need to specify
-python version that should be picked::
+python version that should be picked, and that the package should be installed
+with ``setup.py develop``::
     envdir = devenv
     basepython = python2.7
+    usedevelop = True
     commands =
     deps =

Changeset:   c44e2c27e2e0
User:        mgood
Date:        2013-08-07 18:46:40
Summary:     Add "usedevelop" to the other "devenv" config example too
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 1d9e9ed68e53259adeb2b23a558b5dc56528567c -r c44e2c27e2e09e71ab9270c15333baa1333502df doc/example/devenv.txt
--- a/doc/example/devenv.txt
+++ b/doc/example/devenv.txt
@@ -47,13 +47,16 @@
 Let's say we want our development environment sit at ``devenv`` and pull
 packages from ``requirements.txt`` file which we create at the same directory
-as ``tox.ini`` file. We also want to speciy Python version to be 2.7.
+as ``tox.ini`` file. We also want to speciy Python version to be 2.7, and use
+``setup.py develop`` to work in development mode instead of building and
+installing an ``sdist`` package.
 Here is example configuration for that::
     envdir = devenv
     basepython = python2.7
+    usedevelop = True
     deps =
     commands =
         pip install -r requirements.txt

Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/hpk42/tox/


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