[py-svn] pytest commit c75f441489d3: introduce new --testpkg importpath option, add more meat to draft release announcement

commits-noreply at bitbucket.org commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Sat Nov 6 23:44:50 CET 2010

# HG changeset patch -- Bitbucket.org
# Project pytest
# URL http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/pytest/overview
# User holger krekel <holger at merlinux.eu>
# Date 1289078253 -3600
# Node ID c75f441489d31835abeeabd20c0f6cfd7441b269
# Parent  c6e8dde3a8da522120ea8259772da3d5e3f27217
introduce new --testpkg importpath option, add more meat to draft release announcement

--- a/testing/acceptance_test.py
+++ b/testing/acceptance_test.py
@@ -309,3 +309,24 @@ class TestInvocationVariants:
         out, err = capsys.readouterr()
         assert "--myopt" in out
+    def test_cmdline_python_package(self, testdir):
+        path = testdir.mkpydir("tpkg")
+        path.join("test_hello.py").write("def test_hello(): pass")
+        path.join("test_world.py").write("def test_world(): pass")
+        result = testdir.runpytest("--pyargs", "tpkg")
+        assert result.ret == 0
+        result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([
+            "*2 passed*"
+        ])
+        result = testdir.runpytest("--pyargs", "tpkg.test_hello")
+        assert result.ret == 0
+        result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([
+            "*1 passed*"
+        ])
+    def test_cmdline_python_package_not_exists(self, testdir):
+        result = testdir.runpytest("--pyargs", "tpkgwhatv")
+        assert result.ret
+        result.stderr.fnmatch_lines([
+            "ERROR*file*or*package*not*found*",
+        ])

--- a/pytest/plugin/python.py
+++ b/pytest/plugin/python.py
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ cutdir = py.path.local(pytest.__file__).
 def pytest_addoption(parser):
-    group = parser.getgroup("terminal reporting")
-    group._addoption('--funcargs',
+    group = parser.getgroup("general")
+    group.addoption('--funcargs',
                action="store_true", dest="showfuncargs", default=False,
                help="show available function arguments, sorted by plugin")

--- a/pytest/__init__.py
+++ b/pytest/__init__.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ see http://pytest.org for documentation 
 (c) Holger Krekel and others, 2004-2010
-__version__ = '2.0.0.dev19'
+__version__ = '2.0.0.dev20'
 __all__ = ['config', 'cmdline']

--- a/pytest/plugin/session.py
+++ b/pytest/plugin/session.py
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ def pytest_addoption(parser):
         action="store_true", dest="collectonly",
         help="only collect tests, don't execute them."),
+    group.addoption('--pyargs', action="store_true",
+        help="try to interpret all arguments as python packages.")
     group.addoption("--ignore", action="append", metavar="path",
         help="ignore path during collection (multi-allowed).")
     group.addoption('--confcutdir', dest="confcutdir", default=None,
@@ -429,12 +431,29 @@ class Collection(FSCollector):
         ihook.pytest_collect_directory(path=path, parent=self)
         return True
+    def _tryconvertpyarg(self, x):
+        try:
+            mod = __import__(x, None, None, ['__doc__'])
+        except ImportError:
+            return x
+        p = py.path.local(mod.__file__)
+        if p.purebasename == "__init__":
+            p = p.dirpath()
+        return p
     def _parsearg(self, arg):
         """ return (fspath, names) tuple after checking the file exists. """
+        arg = str(arg)
+        if self.config.option.pyargs:
+            arg = self._tryconvertpyarg(arg)
         parts = str(arg).split("::")
         path = self.fspath.join(parts[0], abs=True)
         if not path.check():
-            raise pytest.UsageError("file not found: %s" %(path,))
+            if self.config.option.pyargs:
+                msg = "file or package not found: "
+            else:
+                msg = "file not found: "
+            raise pytest.UsageError(msg + arg)
         parts[0] = path
         return parts

--- a/doc/usage.txt
+++ b/doc/usage.txt
@@ -25,39 +25,18 @@ To stop the testing process after the fi
     py.test -x            # stop after first failure
     py.test -maxfail=2    # stop after two failures
-calling pytest from Python code
+specifying tests / selecting tests
-.. versionadded: 2.0
+Several test run options::
-You can invoke ``py.test`` from Python code directly::
+    py.test test_mod.py   # run tests in module
+    py.test somepath      # run all tests below path
+    py.test -k string     # only run tests whose names contain a string
-    pytest.main()
+Import 'pkg' and use its filesystem location to find and run tests::
-this acts as if you would call "py.test" from the command line.
-It will not raise ``SystemExit`` but return the exitcode instead.
-You can pass in options and arguments::
-    pytest.main(['x', 'mytestdir'])
-or pass in a string::
-    pytest.main("-x mytestdir")
-You can specify additional plugins to ``pytest.main``::
-    # content of myinvoke.py
-    import pytest
-    class MyPlugin:
-        def pytest_addoption(self, parser):
-            raise pytest.UsageError("hi from our plugin")
-    pytest.main(plugins=[MyPlugin()])
-Running it will exit quickly::
-    $ python myinvoke.py
-    ERROR: hi from our plugin
+    py.test --testpkg=pypkg # run all tests found below directory of pypkg
 calling pytest through ``python -m pytest``
@@ -162,4 +141,39 @@ for example ``-x`` if you only want to s
 Currently only pasting to the http://paste.pocoo.org service is implemented.
+calling pytest from Python code
+.. versionadded: 2.0
+You can invoke ``py.test`` from Python code directly::
+    pytest.main()
+this acts as if you would call "py.test" from the command line.
+It will not raise ``SystemExit`` but return the exitcode instead.
+You can pass in options and arguments::
+    pytest.main(['x', 'mytestdir'])
+or pass in a string::
+    pytest.main("-x mytestdir")
+You can specify additional plugins to ``pytest.main``::
+    # content of myinvoke.py
+    import pytest
+    class MyPlugin:
+        def pytest_addoption(self, parser):
+            raise pytest.UsageError("hi from our plugin")
+    pytest.main(plugins=[MyPlugin()])
+Running it will exit quickly::
+    $ python myinvoke.py
+    ERROR: hi from our plugin
 .. include:: links.inc

--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ def main():
         description='py.test: simple powerful testing with Python',
         long_description = long_description,
-        version='2.0.0.dev19',
+        version='2.0.0.dev20',
         license='MIT license',
         platforms=['unix', 'linux', 'osx', 'cygwin', 'win32'],

--- a/doc/announce/release-2.0.0.txt
+++ b/doc/announce/release-2.0.0.txt
@@ -3,14 +3,24 @@ py.test 2.0.0: standalone, features++, i
-Welcome to pytest-2.0.0!  With this release py.test becomes its own standalone
-PyPI distribution, named ``pytest``, installing the ``py.test`` command line
-tool.  Apart from a great internal cleanup this release comes with tons
-of improvements and new features and a completely revamped extensive
-documentation, including many continously tested examples. See
+Welcome to pytest-2.0.0, rapid and easy testing for and with Python.
+py.test now comes as its own PyPI distribution named ``pytest`` which
+installs the ``py.test`` tool.  It removes most long-deprecated code,
+providing for a much smaller and easier to understand code base.  There
+are also many new features and much improved documentation. See
+for details or below for some more information.
+Thanks to all issue reporters and people asking questions or
+complaining.  Particular thanks to Floris Bruynooghe and Ronny Pfannschmidt
+for their great coding contributions.
 New Features
@@ -20,31 +30,117 @@ New Features
     python -m pytest.main # on all pythons >= 2.5
     import pytest ; pytest.main(args, plugins)
-  see http://pytest.org/2.0.0/invoke.html for details.
+  see http://pytest.org/2.0.0/usage.html for details.
+- new and better reporting information in assert expressions
+  which compare lists, sequences or strings.
+  see http://pytest.org/2.0.0/assert.html for details.
 - new configuration through ini-files (setup.cfg or tox.ini recognized),
   for example::
-    norecursedirs = .hg _build
-    python_collect_funcprefix = test_
-    python_collect_classprefix = Test
+    norecursedirs = .hg data*  # don't ever recurse in such dirs
+    addopts = -x --pyargs      # add these options by default
   see http://pytest.org/2.0.0/customize.html
+- improved standard unittest support.  For example you can now run
+  the tests of an installed 'unittest' package with py.test::
-Thanks to issue reporters, people asking questions, complaining and
-generally to Ronny Pfannschmidt for his awesome help on many issues.
+    py.test --pyargs unittest
-holger krekel
+- add a new "-q" option which decreases verbosity and prints a more
+  nose/unittest-style "dot" output.
-Changes between 1.3.3 and 1.3.4
+- fix issue126 - introduce py.test.set_trace() to trace execution via
+  PDB during the running of tests even if capturing is ongoing.
+- fix issue124 - make reporting more resilient against tests opening
+  files on filedescriptor 1 (stdout).
+- fix issue109 - sibling conftest.py files will not be loaded.
+  (and Directory collectors cannot be customized anymore from a Directory's
+  conftest.py - this needs to happen at least one level up).
+- fix issue88 (finding custom test nodes from command line arg)
+- fix issue93 stdout/stderr is captured while importing conftest.py
+- fix bug: unittest collected functions now also can have "pytestmark"
+  applied at class/module level
+Important Note on importing "pytest" versus "py.test"
+The usual way in pre-2.0 times to use py.test in python code was
+to import "py" and then e.g. use "py.test.raises" for the helper.
+This remains valid and is not planned to be deprecated.  However,
+in most examples and internal code you'll find "import pytest"
+and "pytest.raises" used as the recommended default way.
+(Incompatible) Removals
+- py.test.config is now only available if you are in a test run.
+- the following (mostly already deprecated) functionality was removed:
+  - removed support for Module/Class/... collection node definitions
+    in conftest.py files.  They will cause nothing special.
+  - removed support for calling the pre-1.0 collection API of "run()" and "join"
+  - removed reading option values from conftest.py files or env variables.
+    This can now be done much much better and easier through the ini-file
+    mechanism and the "addopts" entry in particular.
+  - removed the "disabled" attribute in test classes.  Use the skipping
+    and pytestmark mechanism to skip or xfail a test class.
+- py.test.collect.Directory does not exist anymore and it
+  is not possible to provide an own "Directory" object.
+  If you have used this and don#t know what to do, get
+  in contact.  We'll figure someting out.
+  Note that pytest_collect_directory() is still called but
+  any return value will be ignored.  This allows to keep
+  old code working that performed for example "py.test.skip()"
+  in collect() to prevent recursion into directory trees
+  if a certain dependency or command line option is missing.
+More Detailed Changes between 1.3.4 and 2.0.0
-- fix issue111: improve install documentation for windows
-- fix issue119: fix custom collectability of __init__.py as a module
-- fix issue116: --doctestmodules work with __init__.py files as well
-- fix issue115: unify internal exception passthrough/catching/GeneratorExit
-- fix issue118: new --tb=native for presenting cpython-standard exceptions
+- pytest-2.0 is now its own package and depends on pylib-2.0
+- new ability: python -m pytest / python -m pytest.main ability
+- new python invcation: pytest.main(args, plugins) to load
+  some custom plugins early.
+- try harder to run unittest test suites in a more compatible manner
+  by deferring setup/teardown semantics to the unittest package.
+- introduce a new way to set config options via ini-style files,
+  by default setup.cfg and tox.ini files are searched.  The old
+  ways (certain environment variables, dynamic conftest.py reading
+  is removed).
+- add a new "-q" option which decreases verbosity and prints a more
+  nose/unittest-style "dot" output.
+- fix issue126 - introduce py.test.set_trace() to trace execution via
+  PDB during the running of tests even if capturing is ongoing.
+- fix issue123 - new "python -m py.test" invocation for py.test
+  (requires Python 2.5 or above)
+- fix issue124 - make reporting more resilient against tests opening
+  files on filedescriptor 1 (stdout).
+- fix issue109 - sibling conftest.py files will not be loaded.
+  (and Directory collectors cannot be customized anymore from a Directory's
+  conftest.py - this needs to happen at least one level up).
+- introduce (customizable) assertion failure representations and enhance
+  output on assertion failures for comparisons and other cases (Floris Bruynooghe)
+- nose-plugin: pass through type-signature failures in setup/teardown
+  functions instead of not calling them (Ed Singleton)
+- remove py.test.collect.Directory (follows from a major refactoring
+  and simplification of the collection process)
+- majorly reduce py.test core code, shift function/python testing to own plugin
+- fix issue88 (finding custom test nodes from command line arg)
+- refine 'tmpdir' creation, will now create basenames better associated
+  with test names (thanks Ronny)
+- "xpass" (unexpected pass) tests don't cause exitcode!=0
+- fix issue131 / issue60 - importing doctests in __init__ files used as namespace packages
+- fix issue93 stdout/stderr is captured while importing conftest.py
+- fix bug: unittest collected functions now also can have "pytestmark"
+  applied at class/module level

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