[py-svn] py-trunk commit c01d15908f90: progressing towards 1.3.2, adding announcement, regen docs

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Wed Jul 7 15:42:40 CEST 2010

# HG changeset patch -- Bitbucket.org
# Project py-trunk
# URL http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/overview
# User holger krekel <holger at merlinux.eu>
# Date 1278510088 -7200
# Node ID c01d15908f909ce097f673db17803a180c0e01ad
# Parent  4a3bb3440d179e31e64b269cce9e45ed8ac0ccb7
progressing towards 1.3.2, adding announcement, regen docs

--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -28,11 +28,21 @@ commands=
-commands= py.test -rsfxX --confcutdir=.. \
-        --junitxml={envlogdir}/junit-{envname}s.xml --forcegen
+     {distshare}/execnet-**LATEST**
+     {distshare}/py-**LATEST**
+     {distshare}/pytest-xdist-**LATEST**
+     pytest-figleaf 
+     pytest-coverage
+     pytest-cov
+     pytest-capturelog 
+    {envpython} bin-for-dist/makepluginlist.py 
+    py.test [doc] -rsfxX --confcutdir=. \
+        --junitxml={envlogdir}/junit-{envname}s.xml --forcegen 

--- a/doc/test/plugin/figleaf.txt
+++ b/doc/test/plugin/figleaf.txt
@@ -6,29 +6,16 @@ report test coverage using the 'figleaf'
 .. contents::
-To install the plugin issue::
-    easy_install pytest-figleaf  # or
-    pip install pytest-figleaf   
-and if you are using pip you can also uninstall::
-    pip uninstall pytest-figleaf
-After installation you can simply type::
+after pip or easy_install mediated installation of ``pytest-figleaf`` you can type::
     py.test --figleaf [...]
 to enable figleaf coverage in your test run.  A default ".figleaf" data file
-and "html" directory will be created.  You can use command line options
-to control where data and html files are created.
+and "html" directory will be created.  You can use ``--fig-data`` 
+and ``fig-html`` to modify the paths.
 command line options

--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/announce/release-1.3.2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,721 @@
+py.test/pylib 1.3.2: API and reporting refinements, many fixes 
+The pylib/py.test 1.3.2 release brings many bug fixes and a few new
+features and was refined for and tested against the recently released
+Python2.7 besides remaining compatibile to the usual armada of interpreters
+(Python2.4 through to Python3.1.2, Jython and PyPy).  Note that for using
+distributed testing features you'll need to upgrade to the jointly released
+pytest-xdist-1.4 because of some internal refactorings. 
+See http://pytest.org for general documentation and below for 
+a detailed CHANGELOG. 
+cheers & particular thanks to Benjamin Peterson, Ronny Pfannschmidt 
+and all issue and patch contributors, 
+holger krekel
+Changes between 1.3.1 and 1.3.2
+New features 
+- fix issue103:  introduce py.test.raises as context manager, examples::
+    with py.test.raises(ZeroDivisionError):  
+        x = 0
+        1 / x
+    with py.test.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo:
+        call_something()
+    # you may do extra checks on excinfo.value|type|traceback here
+  (thanks Ronny Pfannschmidt) 
+- Funcarg factories can now dynamically apply a marker to a 
+  test invocation.  This is for example useful if a factory
+  provides parameters to a test which are expected-to-fail: 
+    def pytest_funcarg__arg(request):
+        request.applymarker(py.test.mark.xfail(reason="flaky config"))
+        ...
+    def test_function(arg):
+        ...
+- improved error reporting when collection errors appear. 
+  In general, for custom (test and particularly collection) 
+  nodes ``node.repr_failure(excinfo)`` is now called so that you can 
+  override it to return a string error representation of your choice 
+  which is going to be reported as a (red) string. 
+- introduce '--junitprefix=STR' option to prepend a prefix 
+  to all reports in the junitxml file. 
+Bug fixes / Maintenance
+- make tests and the ``pytest_recwarn`` plugin in paricular fully compatible 
+  to Python2.7 (if you use the ``recwarn`` funcarg warnings will be enabled so that 
+  you can properly check for their existence in a cross-python manner). 
+- improve error messages if importing a test module failed (ImportError,
+  import file mismatches, syntax errors) 
+- refine --pdb: ignore xfailed tests, unify its TB-reporting and 
+  don't display failures again at the end.
+- fix assertion interpretation with the ** operator (thanks Benjamin Peterson)
+- fix issue105 assignment on the same line as a failing assertion (thanks Benjamin Peterson)
+- fix issue104 proper escaping for test names in junitxml plugin (thanks anonymous)
+- fix issue57 -f|--looponfail to work with xpassing tests (thanks Ronny)
+- fix issue92 collectonly reporter and --pastebin (thanks Benjamin Peterson)
+- fix py.code.compile(source) to generate unique filenames 
+- fix assertion re-interp problems on PyPy, by defering code 
+  compilation to the (overridable) Frame.eval class. (thanks Amaury Forgeot)
+- fix py.path.local.pyimport() to work with directories
+- streamline py.path.local.mkdtemp implementation and usage
+- don't print empty lines when showing junitxml-filename
+- add optional boolean ignore_errors parameter to py.path.local.remove
+- fix terminal writing on win32/python2.4 
+- py.process.cmdexec() now tries harder to return properly encoded unicode objects 
+  on all python versions
+- install plain py.test/py.which scripts also for Jython, this helps to
+  get canonical script paths in virtualenv situations
+- make path.bestrelpath(path) return ".", note that when calling 
+  X.bestrelpath the assumption is that X is a directory. 
+- make initial conftest discovery ignore "--" prefixed arguments 
+- fix resultlog plugin when used in an multicpu/multihost xdist situation 
+  (thanks Jakub Gustak) 
+- perform distributed testing related reporting in the xdist-plugin 
+  rather than having dist-related code in the generic py.test 
+  distribution
+Changes between 1.3.0 and 1.3.1
+New features 
+- issue91: introduce new py.test.xfail(reason) helper 
+  to imperatively mark a test as expected to fail. Can 
+  be used from within setup and test functions. This is
+  useful especially for parametrized tests when certain 
+  configurations are expected-to-fail.  In this case the
+  declarative approach with the @py.test.mark.xfail cannot
+  be used as it would mark all configurations as xfail. 
+- issue102: introduce new --maxfail=NUM option to stop
+  test runs after NUM failures.  This is a generalization
+  of the '-x' or '--exitfirst' option which is now equivalent
+  to '--maxfail=1'.  Both '-x' and '--maxfail' will 
+  now also print a line near the end indicating the Interruption. 
+- issue89: allow py.test.mark decorators to be used on classes
+  (class decorators were introduced with python2.6) and 
+  also allow to have multiple markers applied at class/module level
+  by specifying a list. 
+- improve and refine letter reporting in the progress bar:
+  .  pass
+  f  failed test
+  s  skipped tests (reminder: use for dependency/platform mismatch only)
+  x  xfailed test (test that was expected to fail)
+  X  xpassed test (test that was expected to fail but passed)
+  You can use any combination of 'fsxX' with the '-r' extended
+  reporting option. The xfail/xpass results will show up as 
+  skipped tests in the junitxml output - which also fixes 
+  issue99.
+- make py.test.cmdline.main() return the exitstatus instead of raising 
+  SystemExit and also allow it to be called multiple times.  This of
+  course requires that your application and tests are properly teared 
+  down and don't have global state. 
+Fixes / Maintenance 
+- improved traceback presentation: 
+  - improved and unified reporting for "--tb=short" option
+  - Errors during test module imports are much shorter, (using --tb=short style)
+  - raises shows shorter more relevant tracebacks
+  - --fulltrace now more systematically makes traces longer / inhibits cutting
+- improve support for raises and other dynamically compiled code by
+  manipulating python's linecache.cache instead of the previous
+  rather hacky way of creating custom code objects.  This makes 
+  it seemlessly work on Jython and PyPy where it previously didn't.
+- fix issue96: make capturing more resilient against Control-C 
+  interruptions (involved somewhat substantial refactoring
+  to the underlying capturing functionality to avoid race 
+  conditions).
+- fix chaining of conditional skipif/xfail decorators - so it works now 
+  as expected to use multiple @py.test.mark.skipif(condition) decorators,
+  including specific reporting which of the conditions lead to skipping. 
+- fix issue95: late-import zlib so that it's not required 
+  for general py.test startup. 
+- fix issue94: make reporting more robust against bogus source code
+  (and internally be more careful when presenting unexpected byte sequences)
+Changes between 1.2.1 and 1.3.0
+- deprecate --report option in favour of a new shorter and easier to
+  remember -r option: it takes a string argument consisting of any
+  combination of 'xfsX' characters.  They relate to the single chars
+  you see during the dotted progress printing and will print an extra line 
+  per test at the end of the test run.  This extra line indicates the exact
+  position or test ID that you directly paste to the py.test cmdline in order
+  to re-run a particular test. 
+- allow external plugins to register new hooks via the new 
+  pytest_addhooks(pluginmanager) hook.  The new release of
+  the pytest-xdist plugin for distributed and looponfailing 
+  testing requires this feature. 
+- add a new pytest_ignore_collect(path, config) hook to allow projects and
+  plugins to define exclusion behaviour for their directory structure - 
+  for example you may define in a conftest.py this method::
+        def pytest_ignore_collect(path):
+            return path.check(link=1)
+  to prevent even a collection try of any tests in symlinked dirs. 
+- new pytest_pycollect_makemodule(path, parent) hook for
+  allowing customization of the Module collection object for a 
+  matching test module. 
+- extend and refine xfail mechanism: 
+  ``@py.test.mark.xfail(run=False)`` do not run the decorated test
+  ``@py.test.mark.xfail(reason="...")`` prints the reason string in xfail summaries
+  specifiying ``--runxfail`` on command line virtually ignores xfail markers
+- expose (previously internal) commonly useful methods: 
+  py.io.get_terminal_with() -> return terminal width
+  py.io.ansi_print(...) -> print colored/bold text on linux/win32
+  py.io.saferepr(obj) -> return limited representation string
+- expose test outcome related exceptions as py.test.skip.Exception, 
+  py.test.raises.Exception etc., useful mostly for plugins
+  doing special outcome interpretation/tweaking
+- (issue85) fix junitxml plugin to handle tests with non-ascii output
+- fix/refine python3 compatibility (thanks Benjamin Peterson)
+- fixes for making the jython/win32 combination work, note however: 
+  jython2.5.1/win32 does not provide a command line launcher, see
+  http://bugs.jython.org/issue1491 . See pylib install documentation
+  for how to work around. 
+- fixes for handling of unicode exception values and unprintable objects
+- (issue87) fix unboundlocal error in assertionold code 
+- (issue86) improve documentation for looponfailing
+- refine IO capturing: stdin-redirect pseudo-file now has a NOP close() method
+- ship distribute_setup.py version 0.6.10 
+- added links to the new capturelog and coverage plugins 
+Changes between 1.2.1 and 1.2.0
+- refined usage and options for "py.cleanup"::
+    py.cleanup     # remove "*.pyc" and "*$py.class" (jython) files
+    py.cleanup -e .swp -e .cache # also remove files with these extensions
+    py.cleanup -s  # remove "build" and "dist" directory next to setup.py files
+    py.cleanup -d  # also remove empty directories 
+    py.cleanup -a  # synonym for "-s -d -e 'pip-log.txt'"
+    py.cleanup -n  # dry run, only show what would be removed
+- add a new option "py.test --funcargs" which shows available funcargs 
+  and their help strings (docstrings on their respective factory function) 
+  for a given test path
+- display a short and concise traceback if a funcarg lookup fails 
+- early-load "conftest.py" files in non-dot first-level sub directories. 
+  allows to conveniently keep and access test-related options in a ``test`` 
+  subdir and still add command line options. 
+- fix issue67: new super-short traceback-printing option: "--tb=line" will print a single line for each failing (python) test indicating its filename, lineno and the failure value
+- fix issue78: always call python-level teardown functions even if the
+  according setup failed.  This includes refinements for calling setup_module/class functions 
+  which will now only be called once instead of the previous behaviour where they'd be called
+  multiple times if they raise an exception (including a Skipped exception).  Any exception
+  will be re-corded and associated with all tests in the according module/class scope.
+- fix issue63: assume <40 columns to be a bogus terminal width, default to 80
+- fix pdb debugging to be in the correct frame on raises-related errors 
+- update apipkg.py to fix an issue where recursive imports might
+  unnecessarily break importing 
+- fix plugin links 
+Changes between 1.2 and 1.1.1
+- moved dist/looponfailing from py.test core into a new 
+  separately released pytest-xdist plugin.
+- new junitxml plugin: --junitxml=path will generate a junit style xml file
+  which is processable e.g. by the Hudson CI system. 
+- new option: --genscript=path will generate a standalone py.test script
+  which will not need any libraries installed.  thanks to Ralf Schmitt. 
+- new option: --ignore will prevent specified path from collection. 
+  Can be specified multiple times. 
+- new option: --confcutdir=dir will make py.test only consider conftest 
+  files that are relative to the specified dir.  
+- new funcarg: "pytestconfig" is the pytest config object for access
+  to command line args and can now be easily used in a test. 
+- install 'py.test' and `py.which` with a ``-$VERSION`` suffix to
+  disambiguate between Python3, python2.X, Jython and PyPy installed versions. 
+- new "pytestconfig" funcarg allows access to test config object
+- new "pytest_report_header" hook can return additional lines 
+  to be displayed at the header of a test run. 
+- (experimental) allow "py.test path::name1::name2::..." for pointing
+  to a test within a test collection directly.  This might eventually
+  evolve as a full substitute to "-k" specifications. 
+- streamlined plugin loading: order is now as documented in
+  customize.html: setuptools, ENV, commandline, conftest. 
+  also setuptools entry point names are turned to canonical namees ("pytest_*")
+- automatically skip tests that need 'capfd' but have no os.dup 
+- allow pytest_generate_tests to be defined in classes as well 
+- deprecate usage of 'disabled' attribute in favour of pytestmark 
+- deprecate definition of Directory, Module, Class and Function nodes
+  in conftest.py files.  Use pytest collect hooks instead.
+- collection/item node specific runtest/collect hooks are only called exactly
+  on matching conftest.py files, i.e. ones which are exactly below
+  the filesystem path of an item
+- change: the first pytest_collect_directory hook to return something
+  will now prevent further hooks to be called.
+- change: figleaf plugin now requires --figleaf to run.  Also
+  change its long command line options to be a bit shorter (see py.test -h).
+- change: pytest doctest plugin is now enabled by default and has a
+  new option --doctest-glob to set a pattern for file matches. 
+- change: remove internal py._* helper vars, only keep py._pydir 
+- robustify capturing to survive if custom pytest_runtest_setup 
+  code failed and prevented the capturing setup code from running. 
+- make py.test.* helpers provided by default plugins visible early -
+  works transparently both for pydoc and for interactive sessions
+  which will regularly see e.g. py.test.mark and py.test.importorskip. 
+- simplify internal plugin manager machinery 
+- simplify internal collection tree by introducing a RootCollector node
+- fix assert reinterpreation that sees a call containing "keyword=..."
+- fix issue66: invoke pytest_sessionstart and pytest_sessionfinish 
+  hooks on slaves during dist-testing, report module/session teardown 
+  hooks correctly.
+- fix issue65: properly handle dist-testing if no 
+  execnet/py lib installed remotely. 
+- skip some install-tests if no execnet is available
+- fix docs, fix internal bin/ script generation
+Changes between 1.1.1 and 1.1.0
+- introduce automatic plugin registration via 'pytest11' 
+  entrypoints via setuptools' pkg_resources.iter_entry_points
+- fix py.test dist-testing to work with execnet >= 1.0.0b4 
+- re-introduce py.test.cmdline.main() for better backward compatibility 
+- svn paths: fix a bug with path.check(versioned=True) for svn paths,
+  allow '%' in svn paths, make svnwc.update() default to interactive mode 
+  like in 1.0.x and add svnwc.update(interactive=False) to inhibit interaction.
+- refine distributed tarball to contain test and no pyc files
+- try harder to have deprecation warnings for py.compat.* accesses
+  report a correct location
+Changes between 1.1.0 and 1.0.2
+* adjust and improve docs
+* remove py.rest tool and internal namespace - it was
+  never really advertised and can still be used with
+  the old release if needed.  If there is interest 
+  it could be revived into its own tool i guess.
+* fix issue48 and issue59: raise an Error if the module
+  from an imported test file does not seem to come from 
+  the filepath - avoids "same-name" confusion that has
+  been reported repeatedly
+* merged Ronny's nose-compatibility hacks: now
+  nose-style setup_module() and setup() functions are 
+  supported
+* introduce generalized py.test.mark function marking
+* reshuffle / refine command line grouping
+* deprecate parser.addgroup in favour of getgroup which creates option group
+* add --report command line option that allows to control showing of skipped/xfailed sections 
+* generalized skipping: a new way to mark python functions with skipif or xfail 
+  at function, class and modules level based on platform or sys-module attributes. 
+* extend py.test.mark decorator to allow for positional args
+* introduce and test "py.cleanup -d" to remove empty directories 
+* fix issue #59 - robustify unittest test collection
+* make bpython/help interaction work by adding an __all__ attribute 
+  to ApiModule, cleanup initpkg
+* use MIT license for pylib, add some contributors
+* remove py.execnet code and substitute all usages with 'execnet' proper
+* fix issue50 - cached_setup now caches more to expectations 
+  for test functions with multiple arguments. 
+* merge Jarko's fixes, issue #45 and #46
+* add the ability to specify a path for py.lookup to search in
+* fix a funcarg cached_setup bug probably only occuring 
+  in distributed testing and "module" scope with teardown. 
+* many fixes and changes for making the code base python3 compatible,
+  many thanks to Benjamin Peterson for helping with this. 
+* consolidate builtins implementation to be compatible with >=2.3, 
+  add helpers to ease keeping 2 and 3k compatible code
+* deprecate py.compat.doctest|subprocess|textwrap|optparse
+* deprecate py.magic.autopath, remove py/magic directory 
+* move pytest assertion handling to py/code and a pytest_assertion
+  plugin, add "--no-assert" option, deprecate py.magic namespaces 
+  in favour of (less) py.code ones. 
+* consolidate and cleanup py/code classes and files 
+* cleanup py/misc, move tests to bin-for-dist 
+* introduce delattr/delitem/delenv methods to py.test's monkeypatch funcarg 
+* consolidate py.log implementation, remove old approach. 
+* introduce py.io.TextIO and py.io.BytesIO for distinguishing between
+  text/unicode and byte-streams (uses underlying standard lib io.* 
+  if available) 
+* make py.unittest_convert helper script available which converts "unittest.py" 
+  style files into the simpler assert/direct-test-classes py.test/nosetests
+  style.  The script was written by Laura Creighton. 
+* simplified internal localpath implementation 
+Changes between 1.0.1 and 1.0.2
+* fixing packaging issues, triggered by fedora redhat packaging, 
+  also added doc, examples and contrib dirs to the tarball. 
+* added a documentation link to the new django plugin. 
+Changes between 1.0.0 and 1.0.1
+* added a 'pytest_nose' plugin which handles nose.SkipTest, 
+  nose-style function/method/generator setup/teardown and 
+  tries to report functions correctly. 
+* capturing of unicode writes or encoded strings to sys.stdout/err 
+  work better, also terminalwriting was adapted and somewhat 
+  unified between windows and linux. 
+* improved documentation layout and content a lot
+* added a "--help-config" option to show conftest.py / ENV-var names for
+  all longopt cmdline options, and some special conftest.py variables. 
+  renamed 'conf_capture' conftest setting to 'option_capture' accordingly. 
+* fix issue #27: better reporting on non-collectable items given on commandline 
+  (e.g. pyc files)
+* fix issue #33: added --version flag (thanks Benjamin Peterson) 
+* fix issue #32: adding support for "incomplete" paths to wcpath.status()
+* "Test" prefixed classes are *not* collected by default anymore if they 
+  have an __init__ method 
+* monkeypatch setenv() now accepts a "prepend" parameter
+* improved reporting of collection error tracebacks
+* simplified multicall mechanism and plugin architecture, 
+  renamed some internal methods and argnames 
+Changes between 1.0.0b9 and 1.0.0
+* more terse reporting try to show filesystem path relatively to current dir 
+* improve xfail output a bit
+Changes between 1.0.0b8 and 1.0.0b9
+* cleanly handle and report final teardown of test setup
+* fix svn-1.6 compat issue with py.path.svnwc().versioned()
+  (thanks Wouter Vanden Hove)
+* setup/teardown or collection problems now show as ERRORs
+  or with big "E"'s in the progress lines.  they are reported
+  and counted separately. 
+* dist-testing: properly handle test items that get locally 
+  collected but cannot be collected on the remote side - often 
+  due to platform/dependency reasons
+* simplified py.test.mark API - see keyword plugin documentation
+* integrate better with logging: capturing now by default captures
+  test functions and their immediate setup/teardown in a single stream 
+* capsys and capfd funcargs now have a readouterr() and a close() method
+  (underlyingly py.io.StdCapture/FD objects are used which grew a 
+  readouterr() method as well to return snapshots of captured out/err)
+* make assert-reinterpretation work better with comparisons not 
+  returning bools (reported with numpy from thanks maciej fijalkowski)
+* reworked per-test output capturing into the pytest_iocapture.py plugin 
+  and thus removed capturing code from config object 
+* item.repr_failure(excinfo) instead of item.repr_failure(excinfo, outerr)
+Changes between 1.0.0b7 and 1.0.0b8
+* pytest_unittest-plugin is now enabled by default
+* introduced pytest_keyboardinterrupt hook and 
+  refined pytest_sessionfinish hooked, added tests. 
+* workaround a buggy logging module interaction ("closing already closed
+  files").  Thanks to Sridhar Ratnakumar for triggering. 
+* if plugins use "py.test.importorskip" for importing 
+  a dependency only a warning will be issued instead 
+  of exiting the testing process. 
+* many improvements to docs: 
+  - refined funcargs doc , use the term "factory" instead of "provider"
+  - added a new talk/tutorial doc page 
+  - better download page
+  - better plugin docstrings
+  - added new plugins page and automatic doc generation script
+* fixed teardown problem related to partially failing funcarg setups 
+  (thanks MrTopf for reporting), "pytest_runtest_teardown" is now 
+  always invoked even if the "pytest_runtest_setup" failed. 
+* tweaked doctest output for docstrings in py modules, 
+  thanks Radomir. 
+Changes between 1.0.0b3 and 1.0.0b7
+* renamed py.test.xfail back to py.test.mark.xfail to avoid 
+  two ways to decorate for xfail
+* re-added py.test.mark decorator for setting keywords on functions 
+  (it was actually documented so removing it was not nice) 
+* remove scope-argument from request.addfinalizer() because 
+  request.cached_setup has the scope arg. TOOWTDI. 
+* perform setup finalization before reporting failures
+* apply modified patches from Andreas Kloeckner to allow 
+  test functions to have no func_code (#22) and to make 
+  "-k" and function keywords work  (#20) 
+* apply patch from Daniel Peolzleithner (issue #23) 
+* resolve issue #18, multiprocessing.Manager() and 
+  redirection clash 
+* make __name__ == "__channelexec__" for remote_exec code
+Changes between 1.0.0b1 and 1.0.0b3
+* plugin classes are removed: one now defines 
+  hooks directly in conftest.py or global pytest_*.py 
+  files. 
+* added new pytest_namespace(config) hook that allows 
+  to inject helpers directly to the py.test.* namespace. 
+* documented and refined many hooks 
+* added new style of generative tests via 
+  pytest_generate_tests hook that integrates 
+  well with function arguments. 
+Changes between 0.9.2 and 1.0.0b1
+* introduced new "funcarg" setup method, 
+  see doc/test/funcarg.txt 
+* introduced plugin architecuture and many 
+  new py.test plugins, see 
+  doc/test/plugins.txt
+* teardown_method is now guaranteed to get 
+  called after a test method has run. 
+* new method: py.test.importorskip(mod,minversion)
+  will either import or call py.test.skip()
+* completely revised internal py.test architecture
+* new py.process.ForkedFunc object allowing to 
+  fork execution of a function to a sub process
+  and getting a result back. 
+XXX lots of things missing here XXX
+Changes between 0.9.1 and 0.9.2
+* refined installation and metadata, created new setup.py, 
+  now based on setuptools/ez_setup (thanks to Ralf Schmitt 
+  for his support).
+* improved the way of making py.* scripts available in 
+  windows environments, they are now added to the 
+  Scripts directory as ".cmd" files. 
+* py.path.svnwc.status() now is more complete and 
+  uses xml output from the 'svn' command if available
+  (Guido Wesdorp)
+* fix for py.path.svn* to work with svn 1.5
+  (Chris Lamb)
+* fix path.relto(otherpath) method on windows to 
+  use normcase for checking if a path is relative.
+* py.test's traceback is better parseable from editors 
+  (follows the filenames:LINENO: MSG convention)
+  (thanks to Osmo Salomaa)
+* fix to javascript-generation, "py.test --runbrowser" 
+  should work more reliably now
+* removed previously accidentally added 
+  py.test.broken and py.test.notimplemented helpers. 
+* there now is a py.__version__ attribute
+Changes between 0.9.0 and 0.9.1
+This is a fairly complete list of changes between 0.9 and 0.9.1, which can
+serve as a reference for developers.
+* allowing + signs in py.path.svn urls [39106]
+* fixed support for Failed exceptions without excinfo in py.test [39340]
+* added support for killing processes for Windows (as well as platforms that
+  support os.kill) in py.misc.killproc [39655]
+* added setup/teardown for generative tests to py.test [40702]
+* added detection of FAILED TO LOAD MODULE to py.test [40703, 40738, 40739]
+* fixed problem with calling .remove() on wcpaths of non-versioned files in
+  py.path [44248]
+* fixed some import and inheritance issues in py.test [41480, 44648, 44655]
+* fail to run greenlet tests when pypy is available, but without stackless
+  [45294]
+* small fixes in rsession tests [45295]
+* fixed issue with 2.5 type representations in py.test [45483, 45484]
+* made that internal reporting issues displaying is done atomically in py.test
+  [45518]
+* made that non-existing files are igored by the py.lookup script [45519]
+* improved exception name creation in py.test [45535]
+* made that less threads are used in execnet [merge in 45539]
+* removed lock required for atomical reporting issue displaying in py.test
+  [45545]
+* removed globals from execnet [45541, 45547]
+* refactored cleanup mechanics, made that setDaemon is set to 1 to make atexit
+  get called in 2.5 (py.execnet) [45548]
+* fixed bug in joining threads in py.execnet's servemain [45549]
+* refactored py.test.rsession tests to not rely on exact output format anymore
+  [45646]
+* using repr() on test outcome [45647]
+* added 'Reason' classes for py.test.skip() [45648, 45649]
+* killed some unnecessary sanity check in py.test.collect [45655]
+* avoid using os.tmpfile() in py.io.fdcapture because on Windows it's only
+  usable by Administrators [45901]
+* added support for locking and non-recursive commits to py.path.svnwc [45994]
+* locking files in py.execnet to prevent CPython from segfaulting [46010]
+* added export() method to py.path.svnurl
+* fixed -d -x in py.test [47277]
+* fixed argument concatenation problem in py.path.svnwc [49423]
+* restore py.test behaviour that it exits with code 1 when there are failures
+  [49974]
+* don't fail on html files that don't have an accompanying .txt file [50606]
+* fixed 'utestconvert.py < input' [50645]
+* small fix for code indentation in py.code.source [50755]
+* fix _docgen.py documentation building [51285]
+* improved checks for source representation of code blocks in py.test [51292]
+* added support for passing authentication to py.path.svn* objects [52000,
+  52001]
+* removed sorted() call for py.apigen tests in favour of [].sort() to support
+  Python 2.3 [52481]

--- a/doc/test/plugin/skipping.txt
+++ b/doc/test/plugin/skipping.txt
@@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ apply the function will be skipped.
 .. _`whole class- or module level`: mark.html#scoped-marking
-.. _xfail:
 mark a test function as **expected to fail**

--- a/doc/test/plugin/junitxml.txt
+++ b/doc/test/plugin/junitxml.txt
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ command line options
     create junit-xml style report file at given path.
+    prepend prefix to classnames in junit-xml output
 Start improving this plugin in 30 seconds

--- a/py/__init__.py
+++ b/py/__init__.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ dictionary or an import path.
 (c) Holger Krekel and others, 2004-2010
-__version__ = version = "1.3.2a1"
+__version__ = version = "1.3.2"
 import py.apipkg

--- a/doc/test/plugin/links.txt
+++ b/doc/test/plugin/links.txt
@@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
 .. _`helpconfig`: helpconfig.html
-.. _`pytest_recwarn.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.1/py/_plugin/pytest_recwarn.py
+.. _`pytest_recwarn.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.2/py/_plugin/pytest_recwarn.py
 .. _`unittest`: unittest.html
-.. _`pytest_monkeypatch.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.1/py/_plugin/pytest_monkeypatch.py
-.. _`pytest_genscript.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.1/py/_plugin/pytest_genscript.py
+.. _`pytest_monkeypatch.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.2/py/_plugin/pytest_monkeypatch.py
+.. _`pytest_genscript.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.2/py/_plugin/pytest_genscript.py
 .. _`pastebin`: pastebin.html
 .. _`skipping`: skipping.html
 .. _`genscript`: genscript.html
 .. _`plugins`: index.html
 .. _`mark`: mark.html
 .. _`tmpdir`: tmpdir.html
-.. _`pytest_doctest.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.1/py/_plugin/pytest_doctest.py
+.. _`pytest_doctest.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.2/py/_plugin/pytest_doctest.py
 .. _`capture`: capture.html
-.. _`pytest_nose.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.1/py/_plugin/pytest_nose.py
-.. _`pytest_restdoc.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.1/py/_plugin/pytest_restdoc.py
+.. _`pytest_nose.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.2/py/_plugin/pytest_nose.py
+.. _`pytest_restdoc.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.2/py/_plugin/pytest_restdoc.py
 .. _`restdoc`: restdoc.html
 .. _`xdist`: xdist.html
-.. _`pytest_pastebin.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.1/py/_plugin/pytest_pastebin.py
-.. _`pytest_tmpdir.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.1/py/_plugin/pytest_tmpdir.py
+.. _`pytest_pastebin.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.2/py/_plugin/pytest_pastebin.py
+.. _`pytest_tmpdir.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.2/py/_plugin/pytest_tmpdir.py
 .. _`terminal`: terminal.html
-.. _`pytest_hooklog.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.1/py/_plugin/pytest_hooklog.py
+.. _`pytest_hooklog.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.2/py/_plugin/pytest_hooklog.py
 .. _`capturelog`: capturelog.html
 .. _`junitxml`: junitxml.html
-.. _`pytest_skipping.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.1/py/_plugin/pytest_skipping.py
+.. _`pytest_skipping.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.2/py/_plugin/pytest_skipping.py
 .. _`checkout the py.test development version`: ../../install.html#checkout
-.. _`pytest_helpconfig.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.1/py/_plugin/pytest_helpconfig.py
+.. _`pytest_helpconfig.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.2/py/_plugin/pytest_helpconfig.py
 .. _`oejskit`: oejskit.html
 .. _`doctest`: doctest.html
-.. _`pytest_mark.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.1/py/_plugin/pytest_mark.py
+.. _`pytest_mark.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.2/py/_plugin/pytest_mark.py
 .. _`get in contact`: ../../contact.html
-.. _`pytest_capture.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.1/py/_plugin/pytest_capture.py
+.. _`pytest_capture.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.2/py/_plugin/pytest_capture.py
 .. _`figleaf`: figleaf.html
 .. _`customize`: ../customize.html
 .. _`hooklog`: hooklog.html
-.. _`pytest_terminal.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.1/py/_plugin/pytest_terminal.py
+.. _`pytest_terminal.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.2/py/_plugin/pytest_terminal.py
 .. _`recwarn`: recwarn.html
-.. _`pytest_pdb.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.1/py/_plugin/pytest_pdb.py
+.. _`pytest_pdb.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.2/py/_plugin/pytest_pdb.py
 .. _`monkeypatch`: monkeypatch.html
 .. _`coverage`: coverage.html
 .. _`resultlog`: resultlog.html
 .. _`cov`: cov.html
-.. _`pytest_junitxml.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.1/py/_plugin/pytest_junitxml.py
+.. _`pytest_junitxml.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.2/py/_plugin/pytest_junitxml.py
 .. _`django`: django.html
-.. _`pytest_unittest.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.1/py/_plugin/pytest_unittest.py
+.. _`pytest_unittest.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.2/py/_plugin/pytest_unittest.py
 .. _`nose`: nose.html
-.. _`pytest_resultlog.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.1/py/_plugin/pytest_resultlog.py
+.. _`pytest_resultlog.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/1.3.2/py/_plugin/pytest_resultlog.py
 .. _`pdb`: pdb.html

--- a/doc/test/plugin/hookspec.txt
+++ b/doc/test/plugin/hookspec.txt
@@ -203,8 +203,5 @@ hook specification sourcecode
     def pytest_rescheduleitems(items):
         """ reschedule Items from a node that went down. """
-    def pytest_looponfailinfo(failreports, rootdirs):
-        """ info for repeating failing tests. """
 .. include:: links.txt

--- a/doc/test/plugin/coverage.txt
+++ b/doc/test/plugin/coverage.txt
@@ -6,27 +6,10 @@ Write and report coverage data with the 
 .. contents::
-Note: Original code by Ross Lawley. 
+Original code by Ross Lawley. 
-Use pip to (un)install::
-    pip install pytest-coverage 
-    pip uninstall pytest-coverage 
-or alternatively use easy_install to install::
-    easy_install pytest-coverage 
-To get full test coverage reports for a particular package type::
-    py.test --cover-report=report
+Requires Ned Batchelder's excellent coverage:
 command line options
@@ -38,11 +21,8 @@ command line options
     html: Directory for html output.
                     report: Output a text report.
                     annotate: Annotate your source code for which lines were executed and which were not.
-                    xml: Output an xml report compatible with the cobertura plugin for hudson.
     Directory for the reports (html / annotate results) defaults to ./coverage
-    File for the xml report defaults to ./coverage.xml
     Show missing files

--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ def main():
         description='py.test and pylib: rapid testing and development utils.',
         long_description = long_description,
-        version= '1.3.2a1',
+        version= '1.3.2',
         license='MIT license',
         platforms=['unix', 'linux', 'osx', 'cygwin', 'win32'],

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