[py-svn] py-trunk commit b571b7e9a9b2: remove py.execnet, substitute py.execnet usages with "execnet" ones.

commits-noreply at bitbucket.org commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Fri Oct 2 17:01:19 CEST 2009

# HG changeset patch -- Bitbucket.org
# Project py-trunk
# URL http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/overview/
# User holger krekel <holger at merlinux.eu>
# Date 1254495537 -7200
# Node ID b571b7e9a9b2f2f44d63a58360476de7868fd312
# Parent 2036f394193fe3d3b37cf5b80ea2128f5ae9764e
remove py.execnet, substitute py.execnet usages with "execnet" ones.

--- a/py/execnet/gateway.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
-gateway code for initiating popen, socket and ssh connections. 
-(c) 2004-2009, Holger Krekel and others
-import sys, os, inspect, socket, atexit, weakref
-import py
-from py.__.execnet.gateway_base import Message, Popen2IO, SocketIO
-from py.__.execnet import gateway_base 
-debug = False
-class GatewayCleanup:
-    def __init__(self): 
-        self._activegateways = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
-        atexit.register(self.cleanup_atexit)
-    def register(self, gateway):
-        assert gateway not in self._activegateways
-        self._activegateways[gateway] = True
-    def unregister(self, gateway):
-        del self._activegateways[gateway]
-    def cleanup_atexit(self):
-        if debug:
-            debug.writeslines(["="*20, "cleaning up", "=" * 20])
-            debug.flush()
-        for gw in list(self._activegateways):
-            gw.exit()
-            #gw.join() # should work as well
-class ExecnetAPI:
-    def pyexecnet_gateway_init(self, gateway):
-        """ signal initialisation of new gateway. """ 
-    def pyexecnet_gateway_exit(self, gateway):
-        """ signal exitting of gateway. """ 
-class InitiatingGateway(gateway_base.BaseGateway):
-    """ initialize gateways on both sides of a inputoutput object. """
-    # XXX put the next two global variables into an Execnet object
-    #     which intiaties gateways and passes in appropriate values. 
-    _cleanup = GatewayCleanup()
-    hook = ExecnetAPI()
-    def __init__(self, io):
-        self._remote_bootstrap_gateway(io)
-        super(InitiatingGateway, self).__init__(io=io, _startcount=1) 
-        self._initreceive()
-        self.hook = py._com.HookRelay(ExecnetAPI, py._com.comregistry)
-        self.hook.pyexecnet_gateway_init(gateway=self)
-        self._cleanup.register(self) 
-    def __repr__(self):
-        """ return string representing gateway type and status. """
-        if hasattr(self, 'remoteaddress'):
-            addr = '[%s]' % (self.remoteaddress,)
-        else:
-            addr = ''
-        try:
-            r = (self._receiverthread.isAlive() and "receiving" or 
-                 "not receiving")
-            s = "sending" # XXX
-            i = len(self._channelfactory.channels())
-        except AttributeError:
-            r = s = "uninitialized"
-            i = "no"
-        return "<%s%s %s/%s (%s active channels)>" %(
-                self.__class__.__name__, addr, r, s, i)
-    def exit(self):
-        """ Try to stop all exec and IO activity. """
-        try:
-            self._cleanup.unregister(self)
-        except KeyError:
-            return # we assume it's already happened 
-        self._stopexec()
-        self._stopsend()
-        self.hook.pyexecnet_gateway_exit(gateway=self)
-    def _remote_bootstrap_gateway(self, io, extra=''):
-        """ return Gateway with a asynchronously remotely
-            initialized counterpart Gateway (which may or may not succeed).
-            Note that the other sides gateways starts enumerating
-            its channels with even numbers while the sender
-            gateway starts with odd numbers.  This allows to
-            uniquely identify channels across both sides.
-        """
-        bootstrap = [extra]
-        bootstrap += [inspect.getsource(gateway_base)]
-        bootstrap += [io.server_stmt, 
-                      "io.write('1'.encode('ascii'))",
-                      "SlaveGateway(io=io, _startcount=2).serve()", 
-                     ]
-        source = "\n".join(bootstrap)
-        self._trace("sending gateway bootstrap code")
-        #open("/tmp/bootstrap.py", 'w').write(source)
-        repr_source = repr(source) + "\n"
-        io.write(repr_source.encode('ascii'))
-        s = io.read(1)
-        assert s == "1".encode('ascii')
-    def _rinfo(self, update=False):
-        """ return some sys/env information from remote. """
-        if update or not hasattr(self, '_cache_rinfo'):
-            ch = self.remote_exec(rinfo_source)
-            self._cache_rinfo = RInfo(**ch.receive())
-        return self._cache_rinfo
-    def remote_exec(self, source): 
-        """ return channel object and connect it to a remote
-            execution thread where the given 'source' executes
-            and has the sister 'channel' object in its global 
-            namespace.
-        """
-        source = str(py.code.Source(source))
-        channel = self.newchannel() 
-        self._send(Message.CHANNEL_OPEN(channel.id, source))
-        return channel 
-    def remote_init_threads(self, num=None):
-        """ start up to 'num' threads for subsequent 
-            remote_exec() invocations to allow concurrent
-            execution. 
-        """
-        if hasattr(self, '_remotechannelthread'):
-            raise IOError("remote threads already running")
-        from py.__.thread import pool
-        source = py.code.Source(pool, """
-            execpool = WorkerPool(maxthreads=%r)
-            gw = channel.gateway
-            while 1:
-                task = gw._execqueue.get()
-                if task is None:
-                    gw._stopsend()
-                    execpool.shutdown()
-                    execpool.join()
-                    raise gw._StopExecLoop
-                execpool.dispatch(gw.executetask, task)
-        """ % num)
-        self._remotechannelthread = self.remote_exec(source)
-    def _remote_redirect(self, stdout=None, stderr=None): 
-        """ return a handle representing a redirection of a remote 
-            end's stdout to a local file object.  with handle.close() 
-            the redirection will be reverted.   
-        """ 
-        # XXX implement a remote_exec_in_globals(...)
-        #     to send ThreadOut implementation over 
-        clist = []
-        for name, out in ('stdout', stdout), ('stderr', stderr): 
-            if out: 
-                outchannel = self.newchannel()
-                outchannel.setcallback(getattr(out, 'write', out))
-                channel = self.remote_exec(""" 
-                    import sys
-                    outchannel = channel.receive() 
-                    ThreadOut(sys, %r).setdefaultwriter(outchannel.send)
-                """ % name) 
-                channel.send(outchannel)
-                clist.append(channel)
-        for c in clist: 
-            c.waitclose() 
-        class Handle: 
-            def close(_): 
-                for name, out in ('stdout', stdout), ('stderr', stderr): 
-                    if out: 
-                        c = self.remote_exec("""
-                            import sys
-                            channel.gateway._ThreadOut(sys, %r).resetdefault()
-                        """ % name) 
-                        c.waitclose() 
-        return Handle()
-class RInfo:
-    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
-        self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        info = ", ".join(["%s=%s" % item 
-                for item in self.__dict__.items()])
-        return "<RInfo %r>" % info
-rinfo_source = """
-import sys, os
-    executable = sys.executable, 
-    version_info = tuple([sys.version_info[i] for i in range(5)]),
-    platform = sys.platform,
-    cwd = os.getcwd(),
-    pid = os.getpid(),
-class PopenCmdGateway(InitiatingGateway):
-    def __init__(self, args):
-        from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
-        self._popen = p = Popen(args, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE) 
-        io = Popen2IO(p.stdin, p.stdout)
-        super(PopenCmdGateway, self).__init__(io=io)
-    def exit(self):
-        super(PopenCmdGateway, self).exit()
-        self._popen.poll()
-popen_bootstrapline = "import sys ; exec(eval(sys.stdin.readline()))"
-class PopenGateway(PopenCmdGateway):
-    """ This Gateway provides interaction with a newly started
-        python subprocess. 
-    """
-    def __init__(self, python=None):
-        """ instantiate a gateway to a subprocess 
-            started with the given 'python' executable. 
-        """
-        if not python:
-            python = sys.executable
-        args = [str(python), '-c', popen_bootstrapline]
-        super(PopenGateway, self).__init__(args)
-    def _remote_bootstrap_gateway(self, io, extra=''):
-        # have the subprocess use the same PYTHONPATH and py lib 
-        x = py.path.local(py.__file__).dirpath().dirpath()
-        ppath = os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', '')
-        plist = [str(x)] + ppath.split(':')
-        s = "\n".join([extra, 
-            "import sys ; sys.path[:0] = %r" % (plist,), 
-            "import os ; os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = %r" % ppath, 
-            inspect.getsource(stdouterrin_setnull), 
-            "stdouterrin_setnull()", 
-            ""
-            ])
-        super(PopenGateway, self)._remote_bootstrap_gateway(io, s)
-class SocketGateway(InitiatingGateway):
-    """ This Gateway provides interaction with a remote process
-        by connecting to a specified socket.  On the remote
-        side you need to manually start a small script 
-        (py/execnet/script/socketserver.py) that accepts
-        SocketGateway connections. 
-    """
-    def __init__(self, host, port):
-        """ instantiate a gateway to a process accessed
-            via a host/port specified socket. 
-        """
-        self.host = host = str(host)
-        self.port = port = int(port)
-        self.remoteaddress = '%s:%d' % (self.host, self.port)
-        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-        try:
-            sock.connect((host, port))
-        except socket.gaierror:
-            raise HostNotFound(str(sys.exc_info()[1]))
-        io = SocketIO(sock)
-        super(SocketGateway, self).__init__(io=io)
-    def new_remote(cls, gateway, hostport=None): 
-        """ return a new (connected) socket gateway, instatiated
-            indirectly through the given 'gateway'. 
-        """ 
-        if hostport is None: 
-            host, port = ('', 0)  # XXX works on all platforms? 
-        else:   
-            host, port = hostport 
-        mydir = py.path.local(__file__).dirpath()
-        socketserverbootstrap = py.code.Source(
-            mydir.join('script', 'socketserver.py').read('r'), """
-            import socket
-            sock = bind_and_listen((%r, %r)) 
-            port = sock.getsockname()
-            channel.send(port) 
-            startserver(sock)
-            """ % (host, port)
-        ) 
-        # execute the above socketserverbootstrap on the other side
-        channel = gateway.remote_exec(socketserverbootstrap)
-        (realhost, realport) = channel.receive()
-        #gateway._trace("new_remote received" 
-        #               "port=%r, hostname = %r" %(realport, hostname))
-        return py.execnet.SocketGateway(host, realport) 
-    new_remote = classmethod(new_remote)
-class HostNotFound(Exception):
-    pass
-class SshGateway(PopenCmdGateway):
-    """ This Gateway provides interaction with a remote Python process,
-        established via the 'ssh' command line binary.  
-        The remote side needs to have a Python interpreter executable. 
-    """
-    def __init__(self, sshaddress, remotepython=None, ssh_config=None): 
-        """ instantiate a remote ssh process with the 
-            given 'sshaddress' and remotepython version.
-            you may specify an ssh_config file. 
-        """
-        self.remoteaddress = sshaddress
-        if remotepython is None:
-            remotepython = "python"
-        args = ['ssh', '-C' ]
-        if ssh_config is not None:
-            args.extend(['-F', str(ssh_config)])
-        remotecmd = '%s -c "%s"' %(remotepython, popen_bootstrapline)
-        args.extend([sshaddress, remotecmd])
-        super(SshGateway, self).__init__(args)
-    def _remote_bootstrap_gateway(self, io, s=""): 
-        extra = "\n".join([
-            str(py.code.Source(stdouterrin_setnull)), 
-            "stdouterrin_setnull()",
-            s, 
-        ])
-        try:
-            super(SshGateway, self)._remote_bootstrap_gateway(io, extra)
-        except EOFError:
-            ret = self._popen.wait()
-            if ret == 255:
-                raise HostNotFound(self.remoteaddress)
-def stdouterrin_setnull():
-    """ redirect file descriptors 0 and 1 (and possibly 2) to /dev/null. 
-        note that this function may run remotely without py lib support. 
-    """
-    # complete confusion (this is independent from the sys.stdout
-    # and sys.stderr redirection that gateway.remote_exec() can do)
-    # note that we redirect fd 2 on win too, since for some reason that
-    # blocks there, while it works (sending to stderr if possible else
-    # ignoring) on *nix
-    import sys, os
-    if not hasattr(os, 'dup'): # jython
-        return 
-    try:
-        devnull = os.devnull
-    except AttributeError:
-        if os.name == 'nt':
-            devnull = 'NUL'
-        else:
-            devnull = '/dev/null'
-    # stdin
-    sys.stdin  = os.fdopen(os.dup(0), 'r', 1)
-    fd = os.open(devnull, os.O_RDONLY)
-    os.dup2(fd, 0)
-    os.close(fd)
-    # stdout
-    sys.stdout = os.fdopen(os.dup(1), 'w', 1)
-    fd = os.open(devnull, os.O_WRONLY)
-    os.dup2(fd, 1)
-    # stderr for win32
-    if os.name == 'nt':
-        sys.stderr = os.fdopen(os.dup(2), 'w', 1)
-        os.dup2(fd, 2)
-    os.close(fd)

--- a/py/execnet/script/loop_socketserver.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-import os, sys
-import subprocess
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))
-    script = os.path.join(directory, 'socketserver.py')
-    while 1:
-        cmdlist = ["python", script]
-        cmdlist.extend(sys.argv[1:])
-        text = "starting subcommand: " + " ".join(cmdlist)
-        print(text)
-        process = subprocess.Popen(cmdlist)
-        process.wait()

--- a/doc/test/funcargs.txt
+++ b/doc/test/funcargs.txt
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ and to offer a new mysetup method:
             host = self.config.option.ssh
             if host is None:
                 py.test.skip("specify ssh host with --ssh")
-            return py.execnet.SshGateway(host)
+            return execnet.SshGateway(host)
 Now any test function can use the ``mysetup.getsshconnection()`` method like this:

--- a/bin-for-dist/gensetup.py
+++ b/bin-for-dist/gensetup.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import sys
 sys.path.insert(0, sys.argv[1])
 import py
-toolpath = py.magic.autopath()
+toolpath = py.path.local(__file__)
 binpath = py.path.local(py.__file__).dirpath('bin')
 def error(msg):

--- a/testing/execnet/test_multi.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-    tests for 
-    - multi channels and multi gateways 
-import py
-class TestMultiChannelAndGateway:
-    def test_multichannel_receive_each(self):
-        class pseudochannel:
-            def receive(self):
-                return 12
-        pc1 = pseudochannel()
-        pc2 = pseudochannel()
-        multichannel = py.execnet.MultiChannel([pc1, pc2])
-        l = multichannel.receive_each(withchannel=True)
-        assert len(l) == 2
-        assert l == [(pc1, 12), (pc2, 12)]
-        l = multichannel.receive_each(withchannel=False)
-        assert l == [12,12]
-    def test_multichannel_send_each(self):
-        l = [py.execnet.PopenGateway() for x in range(2)]
-        gm = py.execnet.MultiGateway(l)
-        mc = gm.remote_exec("""
-            import os
-            channel.send(channel.receive() + 1)
-        """)
-        mc.send_each(41)
-        l = mc.receive_each() 
-        assert l == [42,42]
-    def test_multichannel_receive_queue_for_two_subprocesses(self):
-        l = [py.execnet.PopenGateway() for x in range(2)]
-        gm = py.execnet.MultiGateway(l)
-        mc = gm.remote_exec("""
-            import os
-            channel.send(os.getpid())
-        """)
-        queue = mc.make_receive_queue()
-        ch, item = queue.get(timeout=10)
-        ch2, item2 = queue.get(timeout=10)
-        assert ch != ch2
-        assert ch.gateway != ch2.gateway
-        assert item != item2
-        mc.waitclose()
-    def test_multichannel_waitclose(self):
-        l = []
-        class pseudochannel:
-            def waitclose(self):
-                l.append(0)
-        multichannel = py.execnet.MultiChannel([pseudochannel(), pseudochannel()])
-        multichannel.waitclose()
-        assert len(l) == 2

--- a/testing/execnet/test_xspec.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-import py
-XSpec = py.execnet.XSpec
-class TestXSpec:
-    def test_norm_attributes(self):
-        spec = XSpec("socket=\hello")
-        assert spec.socket == ""
-        assert spec.python == "c:/this/python2.5" 
-        assert spec.chdir == "d:\hello"
-        assert spec.nice is None
-        assert not hasattr(spec, '_xyz')
-        py.test.raises(AttributeError, "spec._hello")
-        spec = XSpec("socket=")
-        assert spec.socket == ""
-        assert spec.python == "python2.5"
-        assert spec.chdir is None
-        assert spec.nice == "3"
-        spec = XSpec("ssh=user at host//chdir=/hello/this//python=/usr/bin/python2.5")
-        assert spec.ssh == "user at host"
-        assert spec.python == "/usr/bin/python2.5"
-        assert spec.chdir == "/hello/this"
-        spec = XSpec("popen")
-        assert spec.popen == True
-    def test__samefilesystem(self):
-        assert XSpec("popen")._samefilesystem()
-        assert XSpec("popen//python=123")._samefilesystem()
-        assert not XSpec("popen//chdir=hello")._samefilesystem()
-    def test__spec_spec(self):
-        for x in ("popen", "popen//python=this"):
-            assert XSpec(x)._spec == x
-    def test_samekeyword_twice_raises(self):
-        py.test.raises(ValueError, "XSpec('popen//popen')")
-        py.test.raises(ValueError, "XSpec('popen//popen=123')")
-    def test_unknown_keys_allowed(self):
-        xspec = XSpec("hello=3")
-        assert xspec.hello == '3'
-    def test_repr_and_string(self):
-        for x in ("popen", "popen//python=this"):
-            assert repr(XSpec(x)).find("popen") != -1
-            assert str(XSpec(x)) == x
-    def test_hash_equality(self):
-        assert XSpec("popen") == XSpec("popen")
-        assert hash(XSpec("popen")) == hash(XSpec("popen"))
-        assert XSpec("popen//python=123") != XSpec("popen")
-        assert hash(XSpec("socket=hello:8080")) != hash(XSpec("popen"))
-class TestMakegateway:
-    def test_no_type(self):
-        py.test.raises(ValueError, "py.execnet.makegateway('hello')")
-    def test_popen(self):
-        gw = py.execnet.makegateway("popen")
-        assert gw.spec.python == None
-        rinfo = gw._rinfo()
-        assert rinfo.executable == py.std.sys.executable 
-        assert rinfo.cwd == py.std.os.getcwd()
-        assert rinfo.version_info == py.std.sys.version_info
-    def test_popen_nice(self):
-        gw = py.execnet.makegateway("popen//nice=5")
-        remotenice = gw.remote_exec("""
-            import os
-            if hasattr(os, 'nice'):
-                channel.send(os.nice(0))
-            else:
-                channel.send(None)
-        """).receive()
-        if remotenice is not None:
-            assert remotenice == 5
-    def test_popen_explicit(self):
-        gw = py.execnet.makegateway("popen//python=%s" % py.std.sys.executable)
-        assert gw.spec.python == py.std.sys.executable
-        rinfo = gw._rinfo()
-        assert rinfo.executable == py.std.sys.executable 
-        assert rinfo.cwd == py.std.os.getcwd()
-        assert rinfo.version_info == py.std.sys.version_info
-    def test_popen_cpython25(self):
-        for trypath in ('python2.5', r'C:\Python25\python.exe'):
-            cpython25 = py.path.local.sysfind(trypath)
-            if cpython25 is not None:
-                cpython25 = cpython25.realpath()
-                break
-        else:
-            py.test.skip("cpython2.5 not found")
-        gw = py.execnet.makegateway("popen//python=%s" % cpython25)
-        rinfo = gw._rinfo()
-        if py.std.sys.platform != "darwin": # it's confusing there 
-            assert rinfo.executable == cpython25  
-        assert rinfo.cwd == py.std.os.getcwd()
-        assert rinfo.version_info[:2] == (2,5)
-    def test_popen_cpython26(self):
-        for trypath in ('python2.6', r'C:\Python26\python.exe'):
-            cpython26 = py.path.local.sysfind(trypath)
-            if cpython26 is not None:
-                break
-        else:
-            py.test.skip("cpython2.6 not found")
-        gw = py.execnet.makegateway("popen//python=%s" % cpython26)
-        rinfo = gw._rinfo()
-        assert rinfo.executable == cpython26
-        assert rinfo.cwd == py.std.os.getcwd()
-        assert rinfo.version_info[:2] == (2,6)
-    def test_popen_chdir_absolute(self, testdir):
-        gw = py.execnet.makegateway("popen//chdir=%s" % testdir.tmpdir)
-        rinfo = gw._rinfo()
-        assert rinfo.cwd == str(testdir.tmpdir.realpath())
-    def test_popen_chdir_newsub(self, testdir):
-        testdir.chdir()
-        gw = py.execnet.makegateway("popen//chdir=hello")
-        rinfo = gw._rinfo()
-        assert rinfo.cwd == str(testdir.tmpdir.join("hello").realpath())
-    def test_ssh(self, specssh):
-        sshhost = specssh.ssh
-        gw = py.execnet.makegateway("ssh=%s" % sshhost)
-        rinfo = gw._rinfo()
-        gw2 = py.execnet.SshGateway(sshhost)
-        rinfo2 = gw2._rinfo()
-        assert rinfo.executable == rinfo2.executable
-        assert rinfo.cwd == rinfo2.cwd
-        assert rinfo.version_info == rinfo2.version_info
-    def test_socket(self, specsocket):
-        gw = py.execnet.makegateway("socket=%s" % specsocket.socket)
-        rinfo = gw._rinfo()
-        assert rinfo.executable 
-        assert rinfo.cwd 
-        assert rinfo.version_info 
-        # we cannot instantiate a second gateway
-        #gw2 = py.execnet.SocketGateway(*specsocket.socket.split(":"))
-        #rinfo2 = gw2._rinfo()
-        #assert rinfo.executable == rinfo2.executable
-        #assert rinfo.cwd == rinfo2.cwd
-        #assert rinfo.version_info == rinfo2.version_info

--- a/example/execnet/svn-sync-repo.py
+++ b/example/execnet/svn-sync-repo.py
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ def get_svn_youngest(repo):
     return int(rev)
 def getgateway(host, keyfile=None):
-    return py.execnet.SshGateway(host, identity=keyfile)
+    return execnet.SshGateway(host, identity=keyfile)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     if len(sys.argv) < 3:

--- a/py/test/config.py
+++ b/py/test/config.py
@@ -252,7 +252,8 @@ class Config(object):
                 xspeclist.extend([xspec[i+1:]] * num)
         if not xspeclist:
             raise self.Error("MISSING test execution (tx) nodes: please specify --tx")
-        return [py.execnet.XSpec(x) for x in xspeclist]
+        import execnet
+        return [execnet.XSpec(x) for x in xspeclist]
     def getrsyncdirs(self):
         config = self 

--- a/testing/execnet/test_serializer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import sys
-import os
-import tempfile
-import subprocess
-import py
-from py.__.execnet import serializer
-def _find_version(suffix=""):
-    name = "python" + suffix
-    executable = py.path.local.sysfind(name)
-    if executable is None:
-        py.test.skip("can't find a %r executable" % (name,))
-    return executable
-def setup_module(mod):
-    mod.TEMPDIR = py.path.local(tempfile.mkdtemp())
-    if sys.version_info > (3, 0):
-        mod._py3_wrapper = PythonWrapper(py.path.local(sys.executable))
-        mod._py2_wrapper = PythonWrapper(_find_version())
-    else:
-        mod._py3_wrapper = PythonWrapper(_find_version("3"))
-        mod._py2_wrapper = PythonWrapper(py.path.local(sys.executable))
-    mod._old_pypath = os.environ.get("PYTHONPATH")
-    pylib = str(py.path.local(py.__file__).dirpath().join(".."))
-    os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = pylib
-def teardown_module(mod):
-    TEMPDIR.remove(True)
-    if _old_pypath is not None:
-        os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = _old_pypath
-class PythonWrapper(object):
-    def __init__(self, executable):
-        self.executable = executable
-    def dump(self, obj_rep):
-        script_file = TEMPDIR.join("dump.py")
-        script_file.write("""
-from py.__.execnet import serializer
-import sys
-if sys.version_info > (3, 0): # Need binary output
-    sys.stdout = sys.stdout.detach()
-saver = serializer.Serializer(sys.stdout)
-saver.save(%s)""" % (obj_rep,))
-        return self.executable.sysexec(script_file)
-    def load(self, data, option_args=""):
-        script_file = TEMPDIR.join("load.py")
-        script_file.write(r"""
-from py.__.execnet import serializer
-import sys
-if sys.version_info > (3, 0):
-    sys.stdin = sys.stdin.detach()
-options = serializer.UnserializationOptions(%s)
-loader = serializer.Unserializer(sys.stdin, options)
-obj = loader.load()
-sys.stdout.write(type(obj).__name__ + "\n")
-sys.stdout.write(repr(obj))""" % (option_args,))
-        popen = subprocess.Popen([str(self.executable), str(script_file)],
-                                 stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
-                                 stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
-                                 stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
-        stdout, stderr = popen.communicate(data.encode("latin-1"))
-        ret = popen.returncode
-        if ret:
-            raise py.process.cmdexec.Error(ret, ret, str(self.executable),
-                                           stdout, stderr)
-        return [s.decode("ascii") for s in stdout.splitlines()]
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<PythonWrapper for %s>" % (self.executable,)
-def pytest_funcarg__py2(request):
-    return _py2_wrapper
-def pytest_funcarg__py3(request):
-    return _py3_wrapper
-def pytest_funcarg__dump(request):
-    py_dump = request.getfuncargvalue(request.param[0])
-    return py_dump.dump
-def pytest_funcarg__load(request):
-    py_dump = request.getfuncargvalue(request.param[1])
-    return py_dump.load
-def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
-    if 'dump' in metafunc.funcargnames and 'load' in metafunc.funcargnames:
-        pys = 'py2', 'py3'
-        for dump in pys:
-            for load in pys:
-                param = (dump, load)
-                conversion = '%s to %s'%param
-                if 'repr' not in metafunc.funcargnames:
-                    metafunc.addcall(id=conversion, param=param)
-                else:
-                    for tp, repr in simple_tests.items():
-                        metafunc.addcall(
-                            id='%s:%s'%(tp, conversion),
-                            param=param,
-                            funcargs={'tp_name':tp, 'repr':repr},
-                            )
-simple_tests = {
-#   type: expected before/after repr
-    'int': '4',
-    'float':'3.25',
-    'list': '[1, 2, 3]',
-    'tuple': '(1, 2, 3)',
-    'dict': '{6: 2, (1, 2, 3): 32}',
-def test_simple(tp_name, repr, dump, load):
-    p = dump(repr)
-    tp , v = load(p)
-    assert tp == tp_name
-    assert v == repr
- at py.test.mark.xfail
-# I'm not sure if we need the complexity.
-def test_recursive_list(py2, py3):
-    l = [1, 2, 3]
-    l.append(l)
-    p = py2.dump(l)
-    tp, rep = py2.load(l)
-    assert tp == "list"
-def test_bigint_should_fail():
-    py.test.raises(serializer.SerializationError,
-                   serializer.Serializer(py.io.BytesIO()).save,
-                   123456678900)
-def test_bytes(py2, py3):
-    p = py3.dump("b'hi'")
-    tp, v = py2.load(p)
-    assert tp == "str"
-    assert v == "'hi'"
-    tp, v = py3.load(p)
-    assert tp == "bytes"
-    assert v == "b'hi'"
-def test_string(py2, py3):
-    p = py2.dump("'xyz'")
-    tp, s = py2.load(p)
-    assert tp == "str"
-    assert s == "'xyz'"
-    tp, s = py3.load(p)
-    assert tp == "bytes"
-    assert s == "b'xyz'"
-    tp, s = py3.load(p, "True")
-    assert tp == "str"
-    assert s == "'xyz'"
-    p = py3.dump("'xyz'")
-    tp, s = py2.load(p, True)
-    assert tp == "str"
-    assert s == "'xyz'"
-def test_unicode(py2, py3):
-    p = py2.dump("u'hi'")
-    tp, s = py2.load(p)
-    assert tp == "unicode"
-    assert s == "u'hi'"
-    tp, s = py3.load(p)
-    assert tp == "str"
-    assert s == "'hi'"
-    p = py3.dump("'hi'")
-    tp, s = py3.load(p)
-    assert tp == "str"
-    assert s == "'hi'"
-    tp, s = py2.load(p)
-    assert tp == "unicode"
-    assert s == "u'hi'"

--- a/py/execnet/rsync.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-1:N rsync implemenation on top of execnet. 
-(c) 2006-2009, Armin Rigo, Holger Krekel, Maciej Fijalkowski 
-import py, os, stat
-md5 = py.builtin._tryimport('hashlib', 'md5').md5
-Queue = py.builtin._tryimport('queue', 'Queue').Queue
-class RSync(object):
-    """ This class allows to send a directory structure (recursively)
-        to one or multiple remote filesystems.
-        There is limited support for symlinks, which means that symlinks
-        pointing to the sourcetree will be send "as is" while external
-        symlinks will be just copied (regardless of existance of such
-        a path on remote side). 
-    """
-    def __init__(self, sourcedir, callback=None, verbose=True): 
-        self._sourcedir = str(sourcedir)
-        self._verbose = verbose 
-        assert callback is None or py.builtin.callable(callback)
-        self._callback = callback
-        self._channels = {}
-        self._receivequeue = Queue()
-        self._links = []
-    def filter(self, path):
-        return True
-    def _end_of_channel(self, channel):
-        if channel in self._channels:
-            # too early!  we must have got an error
-            channel.waitclose()
-            # or else we raise one
-            raise IOError('connection unexpectedly closed: %s ' % (
-                channel.gateway,))
-    def _process_link(self, channel):
-        for link in self._links:
-            channel.send(link)
-            # completion marker, this host is done
-        channel.send(42)
-    def _done(self, channel):
-        """ Call all callbacks
-        """
-        finishedcallback = self._channels.pop(channel)
-        if finishedcallback:
-            finishedcallback()
-    def _list_done(self, channel):
-        # sum up all to send
-        if self._callback:
-            s = sum([self._paths[i] for i in self._to_send[channel]])
-            self._callback("list", s, channel)
-    def _send_item(self, channel, data):
-        """ Send one item
-        """
-        modified_rel_path, checksum = data
-        modifiedpath = os.path.join(self._sourcedir, *modified_rel_path)
-        try:
-            f = open(modifiedpath, 'rb')
-            data = f.read()
-        except IOError:
-            data = None
-        # provide info to progress callback function
-        modified_rel_path = "/".join(modified_rel_path)
-        if data is not None:
-            self._paths[modified_rel_path] = len(data)
-        else:
-            self._paths[modified_rel_path] = 0
-        if channel not in self._to_send:
-            self._to_send[channel] = []
-        self._to_send[channel].append(modified_rel_path)
-        #print "sending", modified_rel_path, data and len(data) or 0, checksum
-        if data is not None:
-            f.close()
-            if checksum is not None and checksum == md5(data).digest():
-                data = None     # not really modified
-            else:
-                self._report_send_file(channel.gateway, modified_rel_path)
-        channel.send(data)
-    def _report_send_file(self, gateway, modified_rel_path):
-        if self._verbose:
-            print("%s <= %s" %(gateway, modified_rel_path))
-    def send(self, raises=True):
-        """ Sends a sourcedir to all added targets. Flag indicates
-        whether to raise an error or return in case of lack of
-        targets
-        """
-        if not self._channels:
-            if raises:
-                raise IOError("no targets available, maybe you "
-                              "are trying call send() twice?")
-            return
-        # normalize a trailing '/' away
-        self._sourcedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(self._sourcedir, 'x'))
-        # send directory structure and file timestamps/sizes
-        self._send_directory_structure(self._sourcedir)
-        # paths and to_send are only used for doing
-        # progress-related callbacks
-        self._paths = {}
-        self._to_send = {}
-        # send modified file to clients
-        while self._channels:
-            channel, req = self._receivequeue.get()
-            if req is None:
-                self._end_of_channel(channel)
-            else:
-                command, data = req
-                if command == "links":
-                    self._process_link(channel)
-                elif command == "done":
-                    self._done(channel)
-                elif command == "ack":
-                    if self._callback:
-                        self._callback("ack", self._paths[data], channel)
-                elif command == "list_done":
-                    self._list_done(channel)
-                elif command == "send":
-                    self._send_item(channel, data)
-                    del data
-                else:
-                    assert "Unknown command %s" % command
-    def add_target(self, gateway, destdir, 
-                   finishedcallback=None, **options):
-        """ Adds a remote target specified via a 'gateway'
-            and a remote destination directory. 
-        """
-        assert finishedcallback is None or py.builtin.callable(finishedcallback)
-        for name in options:
-            assert name in ('delete',)
-        def itemcallback(req):
-            self._receivequeue.put((channel, req))
-        channel = gateway.remote_exec(REMOTE_SOURCE)
-        channel.setcallback(itemcallback, endmarker = None)
-        channel.send((str(destdir), options))
-        self._channels[channel] = finishedcallback
-    def _broadcast(self, msg):
-        for channel in self._channels:
-            channel.send(msg)
-    def _send_link(self, basename, linkpoint):
-        self._links.append(("link", basename, linkpoint))
-    def _send_directory(self, path):
-        # dir: send a list of entries
-        names = []
-        subpaths = []
-        for name in os.listdir(path):
-            p = os.path.join(path, name)
-            if self.filter(p):
-                names.append(name)
-                subpaths.append(p)
-        self._broadcast(names)
-        for p in subpaths:
-            self._send_directory_structure(p)
-    def _send_link_structure(self, path):
-        linkpoint = os.readlink(path)
-        basename = path[len(self._sourcedir) + 1:]
-        if not linkpoint.startswith(os.sep):
-            # relative link, just send it
-            # XXX: do sth with ../ links
-            self._send_link(basename, linkpoint)
-        elif linkpoint.startswith(self._sourcedir):
-            self._send_link(basename, linkpoint[len(self._sourcedir) + 1:])
-        else:
-            self._send_link(basename, linkpoint)
-        self._broadcast(None)
-    def _send_directory_structure(self, path):
-        try:
-            st = os.lstat(path)
-        except OSError:
-            self._broadcast((0, 0))
-            return
-        if stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode):
-            # regular file: send a timestamp/size pair
-            self._broadcast((st.st_mtime, st.st_size))
-        elif stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode):
-            self._send_directory(path)
-        elif stat.S_ISLNK(st.st_mode):
-            self._send_link_structure(path)
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("cannot sync %r" % (path,))
-REMOTE_SOURCE = py.path.local(__file__).dirpath().\
-                join('rsync_remote.py').open().read() + "\nf()"

--- a/py/test/dist/mypickle.py
+++ b/py/test/dist/mypickle.py
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 import py
-from py.__.execnet.gateway_base import Channel
+from execnet.gateway_base import Channel
 import sys, os, struct
 #debug = open("log-mypickle-%d" % os.getpid(), 'w')

--- a/py/execnet/xspec.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-(c) 2008-2009, holger krekel 
-import py
-class XSpec:
-    """ Execution Specification: key1=value1//key2=value2 ... 
-        * keys need to be unique within the specification scope 
-        * neither key nor value are allowed to contain "//"
-        * keys are not allowed to contain "=" 
-        * keys are not allowed to start with underscore 
-        * if no "=value" is given, assume a boolean True value 
-    """
-    # XXX allow customization, for only allow specific key names
-    popen = ssh = socket = python = chdir = nice = None
-    def __init__(self, string):
-        self._spec = string
-        for keyvalue in string.split("//"):
-            i = keyvalue.find("=")
-            if i == -1:
-                key, value = keyvalue, True
-            else:
-                key, value = keyvalue[:i], keyvalue[i+1:]
-            if key[0] == "_":
-                raise AttributeError("%r not a valid XSpec key" % key)
-            if key in self.__dict__:
-                raise ValueError("duplicate key: %r in %r" %(key, string))
-            setattr(self, key, value)
-    def __getattr__(self, name):
-        if name[0] == "_":
-            raise AttributeError(name)
-        return None
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<XSpec %r>" %(self._spec,)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return self._spec 
-    def __hash__(self):
-        return hash(self._spec)
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        return self._spec == getattr(other, '_spec', None)
-    def __ne__(self, other):
-        return self._spec != getattr(other, '_spec', None)
-    def _samefilesystem(self):
-        return bool(self.popen and not self.chdir)
-def makegateway(spec):
-    if not isinstance(spec, XSpec):
-        spec = XSpec(spec)
-    if spec.popen:
-        gw = py.execnet.PopenGateway(python=spec.python)
-    elif spec.ssh:
-        gw = py.execnet.SshGateway(spec.ssh, remotepython=spec.python)
-    elif spec.socket:
-        assert not spec.python, "socket: specifying python executables not supported"
-        hostport = spec.socket.split(":")
-        gw = py.execnet.SocketGateway(*hostport)
-    else:
-        raise ValueError("no gateway type found for %r" % (spec._spec,))
-    gw.spec = spec 
-    if spec.chdir or spec.nice:
-        channel = gw.remote_exec("""
-            import os
-            path, nice = channel.receive()
-            if path:
-                if not os.path.exists(path):
-                    os.mkdir(path)
-                os.chdir(path)
-            if nice and hasattr(os, 'nice'):
-                os.nice(nice)
-        """)
-        nice = spec.nice and int(spec.nice) or 0
-        channel.send((spec.chdir, nice))
-        channel.waitclose()
-    return gw

--- a/py/execnet/multi.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-Support for working with multiple channels and gateways
-(c) 2008-2009, Holger Krekel and others
-import py
-    import queue 
-except ImportError:
-    import Queue as queue
-class MultiGateway:
-    def __init__(self, gateways):
-        self.gateways = gateways
-    def remote_exec(self, source):
-        channels = []
-        for gw in self.gateways:
-            channels.append(gw.remote_exec(source))
-        return MultiChannel(channels)
-    def exit(self):
-        for gw in self.gateways:
-            gw.exit()
-class MultiChannel:
-    def __init__(self, channels):
-        self._channels = channels
-    def send_each(self, item):
-        for ch in self._channels:
-            ch.send(item)
-    def receive_each(self, withchannel=False):
-        assert not hasattr(self, '_queue')
-        l = []
-        for ch in self._channels:
-            obj = ch.receive()
-            if withchannel:
-                l.append((ch, obj))
-            else:
-                l.append(obj)
-        return l 
-    def make_receive_queue(self, endmarker=NO_ENDMARKER_WANTED):
-        try:
-            return self._queue
-        except AttributeError:
-            self._queue = queue.Queue()
-            for ch in self._channels:
-                def putreceived(obj, channel=ch):
-                    self._queue.put((channel, obj))
-                if endmarker is NO_ENDMARKER_WANTED:
-                    ch.setcallback(putreceived)
-                else:
-                    ch.setcallback(putreceived, endmarker=endmarker)
-            return self._queue
-    def waitclose(self):
-        first = None
-        for ch in self._channels:
-            try:
-                ch.waitclose()
-            except ch.RemoteError:
-                if first is None:
-                    first = py.std.sys.exc_info()
-        if first:
-            py.builtin._reraise(first[0], first[1], first[2])

--- a/testing/pytest/dist/test_gwmanage.py
+++ b/testing/pytest/dist/test_gwmanage.py
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import py
 import os
 from py.__.test.dist.gwmanage import GatewayManager, HostRSync
 from py.__.test.plugin import hookspec
+import execnet
 def pytest_funcarg__hookrecorder(request):
     _pytest = request.getfuncargvalue('_pytest')
@@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ class TestGatewayManagerPopen:
         hm = GatewayManager(["popen"] * 2, hook)
         call = hookrecorder.popcall("pytest_gwmanage_newgateway")
-        assert call.gateway.spec == py.execnet.XSpec("popen")
+        assert call.gateway.spec == execnet.XSpec("popen")
         assert call.gateway.id == "[1]"
         assert call.platinfo.executable == call.gateway._rinfo().executable
         call = hookrecorder.popcall("pytest_gwmanage_newgateway")
@@ -149,7 +150,7 @@ class TestHRSync:
     def test_hrsync_one_host(self, mysetup):
         source, dest = mysetup.source, mysetup.dest
-        gw = py.execnet.makegateway("popen//chdir=%s" % dest)
+        gw = execnet.makegateway("popen//chdir=%s" % dest)
         finished = []
         rsync = HostRSync(source)
         rsync.add_target_host(gw, finished=lambda: finished.append(1))

--- a/py/path/gateway/channeltest2.py
+++ b/py/path/gateway/channeltest2.py
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ channel.send(srv.p2c(py.path.local("/tmp
-#gw = py.execnet.SshGateway('codespeak.net')
-gw = py.execnet.PopenGateway()
+#gw = execnet.SshGateway('codespeak.net')
+gw = execnet.PopenGateway()
 c = gw.remote_exec(SRC, stdout=py.std.sys.stdout, stderr=py.std.sys.stderr)
 subchannel = gw._channelfactory.new()

--- a/contrib/svn-sync-repo.py
+++ b/contrib/svn-sync-repo.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 small utility for hot-syncing a svn repository through ssh. 
-uses py.execnet. 
+uses execnet. 
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ def get_svn_youngest(repo):
     return int(rev)
 def getgateway(host, keyfile=None):
-    return py.execnet.SshGateway(host, identity=keyfile)
+    return execnet.SshGateway(host, identity=keyfile)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     if len(sys.argv) < 3:

--- a/testing/pytest/plugin/test_pytest_terminal.py
+++ b/testing/pytest/plugin/test_pytest_terminal.py
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ class TestTerminal:
     def test_gwmanage_events(self, testdir, linecomp):
+        execnet = py.test.importorskip("execnet")
         modcol = testdir.getmodulecol("""
             def test_one():
@@ -113,10 +114,10 @@ class TestTerminal:
         rep = TerminalReporter(modcol.config, file=linecomp.stringio)
         class gw1:
             id = "X1"
-            spec = py.execnet.XSpec("popen")
+            spec = execnet.XSpec("popen")
         class gw2:
             id = "X2"
-            spec = py.execnet.XSpec("popen")
+            spec = execnet.XSpec("popen")
         class rinfo:
             version_info = (2, 5, 1, 'final', 0)
             executable = "hello"

--- a/testing/execnet/test_gateway.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,545 +0,0 @@
-mostly functional tests of gateways.
-import os, sys, time
-import py
-from py.__.execnet import gateway_base, gateway
-queue = py.builtin._tryimport('queue', 'Queue')
-TESTTIMEOUT = 10.0 # seconds
-class TestBasicRemoteExecution:
-    def test_correct_setup(self, gw):
-        assert gw._receiverthread.isAlive()
-    def test_repr_doesnt_crash(self, gw):
-        assert isinstance(repr(gw), str)
-    def test_attribute__name__(self, gw):
-        channel = gw.remote_exec("channel.send(__name__)")
-        name = channel.receive()
-        assert name == "__channelexec__" 
-    def test_correct_setup_no_py(self, gw):
-        channel = gw.remote_exec("""
-            import sys
-            channel.send(list(sys.modules))
-        """) 
-        remotemodules = channel.receive() 
-        assert 'py' not in remotemodules, (
-                "py should not be imported on remote side") 
-    def test_remote_exec_waitclose(self, gw):
-        channel = gw.remote_exec('pass')
-        channel.waitclose(TESTTIMEOUT)
-    def test_remote_exec_waitclose_2(self, gw):
-        channel = gw.remote_exec('def gccycle(): pass')
-        channel.waitclose(TESTTIMEOUT)
-    def test_remote_exec_waitclose_noarg(self, gw):
-        channel = gw.remote_exec('pass')
-        channel.waitclose()
-    def test_remote_exec_error_after_close(self, gw):
-        channel = gw.remote_exec('pass')
-        channel.waitclose(TESTTIMEOUT)
-        py.test.raises(IOError, channel.send, 0)
-    def test_remote_exec_channel_anonymous(self, gw):
-        channel = gw.remote_exec('''
-           obj = channel.receive()
-           channel.send(obj)
-        ''')
-        channel.send(42)
-        result = channel.receive()
-        assert result == 42
-class TestChannelBasicBehaviour:
-    def test_channel_close_and_then_receive_error(self, gw):
-        channel = gw.remote_exec('raise ValueError')
-        py.test.raises(channel.RemoteError, channel.receive)
-    def test_channel_finish_and_then_EOFError(self, gw):
-        channel = gw.remote_exec('channel.send(42)') 
-        x = channel.receive()
-        assert x == 42
-        py.test.raises(EOFError, channel.receive) 
-        py.test.raises(EOFError, channel.receive) 
-        py.test.raises(EOFError, channel.receive) 
-    def test_channel_close_and_then_receive_error_multiple(self, gw):
-        channel = gw.remote_exec('channel.send(42) ; raise ValueError')
-        x = channel.receive()
-        assert x == 42
-        py.test.raises(channel.RemoteError, channel.receive)
-    def test_channel__local_close(self, gw):
-        channel = gw._channelfactory.new()
-        gw._channelfactory._local_close(channel.id)
-        channel.waitclose(0.1)
-    def test_channel__local_close_error(self, gw):
-        channel = gw._channelfactory.new()
-        gw._channelfactory._local_close(channel.id,
-                                            channel.RemoteError("error"))
-        py.test.raises(channel.RemoteError, channel.waitclose, 0.01)
-    def test_channel_error_reporting(self, gw):
-        channel = gw.remote_exec('def foo():\n  return foobar()\nfoo()\n')
-        try:
-            channel.receive()
-        except channel.RemoteError:
-            e = sys.exc_info()[1]
-            assert str(e).startswith('Traceback (most recent call last):')
-            assert str(e).find('NameError: global name \'foobar\' '
-                               'is not defined') > -1
-        else:
-            py.test.fail('No exception raised')
-    def test_channel_syntax_error(self, gw):
-        # missing colon
-        channel = gw.remote_exec('def foo()\n return 1\nfoo()\n')
-        try:
-            channel.receive()
-        except channel.RemoteError:
-            e = sys.exc_info()[1]
-            assert str(e).startswith('Traceback (most recent call last):')
-            assert str(e).find('SyntaxError') > -1
-    def test_channel_iter(self, gw):
-        channel = gw.remote_exec("""
-              for x in range(3): 
-                channel.send(x)
-        """) 
-        l = list(channel) 
-        assert l == [0, 1, 2]
-    def test_channel_passing_over_channel(self, gw):
-        channel = gw.remote_exec('''
-                    c = channel.gateway.newchannel()
-                    channel.send(c)
-                    c.send(42)
-                  ''')
-        c = channel.receive()
-        x = c.receive()
-        assert x == 42
-        # check that the both sides previous channels are really gone
-        channel.waitclose(TESTTIMEOUT)
-        #assert c.id not in gw._channelfactory
-        newchan = gw.remote_exec('''
-                    assert %d not in channel.gateway._channelfactory._channels
-                  ''' % (channel.id))
-        newchan.waitclose(TESTTIMEOUT)
-        assert channel.id not in gw._channelfactory._channels
-    def test_channel_receiver_callback(self, gw): 
-        l = []
-        #channel = gw.newchannel(receiver=l.append)
-        channel = gw.remote_exec(source='''
-            channel.send(42)
-            channel.send(13)
-            channel.send(channel.gateway.newchannel())
-            ''') 
-        channel.setcallback(callback=l.append)
-        py.test.raises(IOError, channel.receive)
-        channel.waitclose(TESTTIMEOUT)
-        assert len(l) == 3
-        assert l[:2] == [42,13]
-        assert isinstance(l[2], channel.__class__) 
-    def test_channel_callback_after_receive(self, gw):
-        l = []
-        channel = gw.remote_exec(source='''
-            channel.send(42)
-            channel.send(13)
-            channel.send(channel.gateway.newchannel())
-            ''') 
-        x = channel.receive()
-        assert x == 42
-        channel.setcallback(callback=l.append)
-        py.test.raises(IOError, channel.receive)
-        channel.waitclose(TESTTIMEOUT) 
-        assert len(l) == 2
-        assert l[0] == 13
-        assert isinstance(l[1], channel.__class__) 
-    def test_waiting_for_callbacks(self, gw):
-        l = []
-        def callback(msg):
-            import time; time.sleep(0.2)
-            l.append(msg)
-        channel = gw.remote_exec(source='''
-            channel.send(42)
-            ''')
-        channel.setcallback(callback)
-        channel.waitclose(TESTTIMEOUT) 
-        assert l == [42]
-    def test_channel_callback_stays_active(self, gw):
-        self.check_channel_callback_stays_active(gw, earlyfree=True)
-    def check_channel_callback_stays_active(self, gw, earlyfree=True):
-        # with 'earlyfree==True', this tests the "sendonly" channel state.
-        l = []
-        channel = gw.remote_exec(source='''
-            try:
-                import thread
-            except ImportError:
-                import _thread as thread
-            import time
-            def producer(subchannel):
-                for i in range(5):
-                    time.sleep(0.15)
-                    subchannel.send(i*100)
-            channel2 = channel.receive()
-            thread.start_new_thread(producer, (channel2,))
-            del channel2
-            ''')
-        subchannel = gw.newchannel()
-        subchannel.setcallback(l.append)
-        channel.send(subchannel)
-        if earlyfree:
-            subchannel = None
-        counter = 100
-        while len(l) < 5:
-            if subchannel and subchannel.isclosed():
-                break
-            counter -= 1
-            print(counter)
-            if not counter:
-                py.test.fail("timed out waiting for the answer[%d]" % len(l))
-            time.sleep(0.04)   # busy-wait
-        assert l == [0, 100, 200, 300, 400]
-        return subchannel
-    def test_channel_callback_remote_freed(self, gw):
-        channel = self.check_channel_callback_stays_active(gw, earlyfree=False)
-        # freed automatically at the end of producer()
-        channel.waitclose(TESTTIMEOUT) 
-    def test_channel_endmarker_callback(self, gw):
-        l = []
-        channel = gw.remote_exec(source='''
-            channel.send(42)
-            channel.send(13)
-            channel.send(channel.gateway.newchannel())
-            ''') 
-        channel.setcallback(l.append, 999)
-        py.test.raises(IOError, channel.receive)
-        channel.waitclose(TESTTIMEOUT)
-        assert len(l) == 4
-        assert l[:2] == [42,13]
-        assert isinstance(l[2], channel.__class__) 
-        assert l[3] == 999
-    def test_channel_endmarker_callback_error(self, gw):
-        q = queue.Queue()
-        channel = gw.remote_exec(source='''
-            raise ValueError()
-        ''') 
-        channel.setcallback(q.put, endmarker=999)
-        val = q.get(TESTTIMEOUT)
-        assert val == 999
-        err = channel._getremoteerror()
-        assert err
-        assert str(err).find("ValueError") != -1
-    @py.test.mark.xfail
-    def test_remote_redirect_stdout(self, gw): 
-        out = py.io.TextIO() 
-        handle = gw._remote_redirect(stdout=out) 
-        c = gw.remote_exec("print 42")
-        c.waitclose(TESTTIMEOUT)
-        handle.close() 
-        s = out.getvalue() 
-        assert s.strip() == "42" 
-    @py.test.mark.xfail
-    def test_remote_exec_redirect_multi(self, gw): 
-        num = 3
-        l = [[] for x in range(num)]
-        channels = [gw.remote_exec("print %d" % i, 
-                                        stdout=l[i].append)
-                        for i in range(num)]
-        for x in channels: 
-            x.waitclose(TESTTIMEOUT) 
-        for i in range(num): 
-            subl = l[i] 
-            assert subl 
-            s = subl[0]
-            assert s.strip() == str(i)
-class TestChannelFile:
-    def test_channel_file_write(self, gw): 
-        channel = gw.remote_exec("""
-            f = channel.makefile() 
-            f.write("hello world\\n")
-            f.close() 
-            channel.send(42) 
-        """)
-        first = channel.receive() 
-        assert first.strip() == 'hello world' 
-        second = channel.receive() 
-        assert second == 42 
-    def test_channel_file_write_error(self, gw): 
-        channel = gw.remote_exec("pass") 
-        f = channel.makefile() 
-        channel.waitclose(TESTTIMEOUT)
-        py.test.raises(IOError, f.write, 'hello')
-    def test_channel_file_proxyclose(self, gw): 
-        channel = gw.remote_exec("""
-            f = channel.makefile(proxyclose=True) 
-            f.write("hello world")
-            f.close() 
-            channel.send(42) 
-        """)
-        first = channel.receive() 
-        assert first.strip() == 'hello world' 
-        py.test.raises(EOFError, channel.receive)
-    def test_channel_file_read(self, gw): 
-        channel = gw.remote_exec("""
-            f = channel.makefile(mode='r') 
-            s = f.read(2)
-            channel.send(s) 
-            s = f.read(5)
-            channel.send(s) 
-        """)
-        channel.send("xyabcde")
-        s1 = channel.receive()
-        s2 = channel.receive()
-        assert s1 == "xy" 
-        assert s2 == "abcde"
-    def test_channel_file_read_empty(self, gw): 
-        channel = gw.remote_exec("pass") 
-        f = channel.makefile(mode="r") 
-        s = f.read(3) 
-        assert s == ""
-        s = f.read(5) 
-        assert s == ""
-    def test_channel_file_readline_remote(self, gw): 
-        channel = gw.remote_exec("""
-            channel.send('123\\n45')
-        """)
-        channel.waitclose(TESTTIMEOUT)
-        f = channel.makefile(mode="r") 
-        s = f.readline()
-        assert s == "123\n"
-        s = f.readline()
-        assert s == "45"
-    def test_channel_makefile_incompatmode(self, gw):
-        channel = gw.newchannel()
-        py.test.raises(ValueError, 'channel.makefile("rw")')
-    def test_confusion_from_os_write_stdout(self, gw):
-        channel = gw.remote_exec("""
-            import os
-            os.write(1, 'confusion!'.encode('ascii'))
-            channel.send(channel.receive() * 6)
-            channel.send(channel.receive() * 6)
-        """)
-        channel.send(3)
-        res = channel.receive()
-        assert res == 18
-        channel.send(7)
-        res = channel.receive()
-        assert res == 42
-    def test_confusion_from_os_write_stderr(self, gw):
-        channel = gw.remote_exec("""
-            import os
-            os.write(2, 'test'.encode('ascii'))
-            channel.send(channel.receive() * 6)
-            channel.send(channel.receive() * 6)
-        """)
-        channel.send(3)
-        res = channel.receive()
-        assert res == 18
-        channel.send(7)
-        res = channel.receive()
-        assert res == 42
-    def test__rinfo(self, gw):
-        rinfo = gw._rinfo()
-        assert rinfo.executable 
-        assert rinfo.cwd 
-        assert rinfo.version_info 
-        s = repr(rinfo) 
-        old = gw.remote_exec("""
-            import os.path
-            cwd = os.getcwd()
-            channel.send(os.path.basename(cwd))
-            os.chdir('..')
-        """).receive()
-        try:
-            rinfo2 = gw._rinfo()
-            assert rinfo2.cwd == rinfo.cwd
-            rinfo3 = gw._rinfo(update=True)
-            assert rinfo3.cwd != rinfo2.cwd
-        finally:
-            gw._cache_rinfo = rinfo
-            gw.remote_exec("import os ; os.chdir(%r)" % old).waitclose()
-def test_join_blocked_execution_gateway(): 
-    gateway = py.execnet.PopenGateway() 
-    channel = gateway.remote_exec("""
-        import time
-        time.sleep(5.0)
-    """)
-    def doit(): 
-        gateway.exit() 
-        gateway.join(joinexec=True) 
-        return 17 
-    pool = py._thread.WorkerPool() 
-    reply = pool.dispatch(doit) 
-    x = reply.get(timeout=1.0) 
-    assert x == 17 
-class TestPopenGateway:
-    gwtype = 'popen'
-    def test_chdir_separation(self, tmpdir):
-        old = tmpdir.chdir()
-        try:
-            gw = py.execnet.PopenGateway()
-        finally:
-            waschangedir = old.chdir()
-        c = gw.remote_exec("import os ; channel.send(os.getcwd())")
-        x = c.receive()
-        assert x == str(waschangedir)
-    def test_many_popen(self):
-        num = 4
-        l = []
-        for i in range(num):
-            l.append(py.execnet.PopenGateway())
-        channels = []
-        for gw in l:
-            channel = gw.remote_exec("""channel.send(42)""")
-            channels.append(channel)
-##        try:
-##            while channels:
-##                channel = channels.pop()
-##                try:
-##                    ret = channel.receive()
-##                    assert ret == 42
-##                finally:
-##                    channel.gateway.exit()
-##        finally:
-##            for x in channels:
-##                x.gateway.exit()
-        while channels:
-            channel = channels.pop()
-            ret = channel.receive()
-            assert ret == 42
-    def test_rinfo_popen(self, gw):
-        rinfo = gw._rinfo()
-        assert rinfo.executable == py.std.sys.executable 
-        assert rinfo.cwd == py.std.os.getcwd()
-        assert rinfo.version_info == py.std.sys.version_info
-    def test_gateway_init_event(self, _pytest):
-        rec = _pytest.gethookrecorder(gateway.ExecnetAPI)
-        gw = py.execnet.PopenGateway()
-        call = rec.popcall("pyexecnet_gateway_init") 
-        assert call.gateway == gw
-        gw.exit()
-        call = rec.popcall("pyexecnet_gateway_exit")
-        assert call.gateway == gw
-    @py.test.mark.xfail # "fix needed: dying remote process does not cause waitclose() to fail"
-    def test_waitclose_on_remote_killed(self):
-        gw = py.execnet.PopenGateway()
-        channel = gw.remote_exec("""
-            import os
-            import time
-            channel.send(os.getpid())
-            while 1:
-                channel.send("#" * 100)
-        """)
-        remotepid = channel.receive()
-        py.process.kill(remotepid)
-        py.test.raises(channel.RemoteError, "channel.waitclose(TESTTIMEOUT)")
-        py.test.raises(EOFError, channel.send, None)
-        py.test.raises(EOFError, channel.receive)
- at py.test.mark.xfail
-def test_endmarker_delivery_on_remote_killterm():
-    if not hasattr(py.std.os, 'kill'):
-        py.test.skip("no os.kill()")
-    gw = py.execnet.PopenGateway()
-    try:
-        q = queue.Queue()
-        channel = gw.remote_exec(source='''
-            import os
-            os.kill(os.getpid(), 15)
-        ''') 
-        channel.setcallback(q.put, endmarker=999)
-        val = q.get(TESTTIMEOUT)
-        assert val == 999
-        err = channel._getremoteerror()
-    finally:
-        gw.exit()
-    assert "killed" in str(err)
-    assert "15" in str(err)
-def test_socket_gw_host_not_found(gw):
-    py.test.raises(py.execnet.HostNotFound, 
-            'py.execnet.SocketGateway("qowieuqowe", 9000)'
-    )
-class TestSshPopenGateway:
-    gwtype = "ssh"
-    def test_sshconfig_config_parsing(self, monkeypatch):
-        import subprocess
-        l = []
-        monkeypatch.setattr(subprocess, 'Popen', 
-            lambda *args, **kwargs: l.append(args[0]))
-        py.test.raises(AttributeError,  
-            """py.execnet.SshGateway("xyz", ssh_config='qwe')""")
-        assert len(l) == 1
-        popen_args = l[0]
-        i = popen_args.index('-F')
-        assert popen_args[i+1] == "qwe"
-    def test_sshaddress(self, gw, specssh):
-        assert gw.remoteaddress == specssh.ssh
-    def test_host_not_found(self):
-        py.test.raises(py.execnet.HostNotFound, 
-            "py.execnet.SshGateway('nowhere.codespeak.net')")
-class TestThreads:
-    def test_threads(self):
-        gw = py.execnet.PopenGateway()
-        gw.remote_init_threads(3)
-        c1 = gw.remote_exec("channel.send(channel.receive())")
-        c2 = gw.remote_exec("channel.send(channel.receive())")
-        c2.send(1)
-        res = c2.receive()
-        assert res == 1
-        c1.send(42)
-        res = c1.receive()
-        assert res == 42
-    def test_threads_twice(self):
-        gw = py.execnet.PopenGateway()
-        gw.remote_init_threads(3)
-        py.test.raises(IOError, gw.remote_init_threads, 3)
-def test_nodebug():
-    from py.__.execnet import gateway_base
-    assert not gateway_base.debug

--- a/testing/pytest/plugin/test_pytest_execnetcleanup.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-def test_execnetplugin(testdir):
-    reprec = testdir.inline_runsource("""
-        import py
-        import sys
-        def test_hello():
-            sys._gw = py.execnet.PopenGateway()
-        def test_world():
-            assert hasattr(sys, '_gw')
-            assert sys._gw not in sys._gw._cleanup._activegateways
-    """, "-s", "--debug")
-    reprec.assertoutcome(passed=2)

--- a/testing/pytest/test_pickling.py
+++ b/testing/pytest/test_pickling.py
@@ -182,8 +182,9 @@ class TestConfigPickling:
 def test_config__setstate__wired_correctly_in_childprocess(testdir):
+    execnet = py.test.importorskip("execnet")
     from py.__.test.dist.mypickle import PickleChannel
-    gw = py.execnet.PopenGateway()
+    gw = execnet.PopenGateway()
     channel = gw.remote_exec("""
         import py
         from py.__.test.dist.mypickle import PickleChannel

--- a/py/test/defaultconftest.py
+++ b/py/test/defaultconftest.py
@@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ Generator = py.test.collect.Generator
 Function = py.test.collect.Function
 Instance = py.test.collect.Instance
-pytest_plugins = "default runner capture terminal keyword xfail tmpdir execnetcleanup monkeypatch recwarn pdb pastebin unittest helpconfig nose assertion".split()
+pytest_plugins = "default runner capture terminal keyword xfail tmpdir monkeypatch recwarn pdb pastebin unittest helpconfig nose assertion".split()

--- a/testing/pytest/dist/test_dsession.py
+++ b/testing/pytest/dist/test_dsession.py
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
 from py.__.test.dist.dsession import DSession
 from py.__.test import outcome
 import py
+import execnet
-XSpec = py.execnet.XSpec
+XSpec = execnet.XSpec
 def run(item, node, excinfo=None):
     runner = item.config.pluginmanager.getplugin("runner")

--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -8,22 +8,20 @@ from setuptools import setup
 long_description = """
-advanced testing and development support library: 
+advanced testing and development support library:
 - `py.test`_: cross-project testing tool with many advanced features
-- `py.execnet`_: ad-hoc code distribution to SSH, Socket and local sub processes
-- `py.path`_: path abstractions over local and subversion files 
+- `py.path`_: path abstractions over local and subversion files
 - `py.code`_: dynamic code compile and traceback printing support
-Compatibility: Linux, Win32, OSX, Python versions 2.3-2.6. 
+Compatibility: Linux, Win32, OSX, Python versions 2.4 through to 3.1.
 For questions please check out http://pylib.org/contact.html
 .. _`py.test`: http://pylib.org/test.html
-.. _`py.execnet`: http://pylib.org/execnet.html
 .. _`py.path`: http://pylib.org/path.html
 .. _`py.code`: http://pylib.org/code.html
-(c) Holger Krekel and others, 2009  
+(c) Holger Krekel and others, 2009
 trunk = 'trunk'
@@ -63,8 +61,6 @@ def main():
-                  'py.execnet',
-                  'py.execnet.script',

--- a/testing/pytest/dist/test_mypickle.py
+++ b/testing/pytest/dist/test_mypickle.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import py
 import sys
+import execnet
 Queue = py.builtin._tryimport('queue', 'Queue').Queue
@@ -117,7 +118,7 @@ def test_self_memoize():
 class TestPickleChannelFunctional:
     def setup_class(cls):
-        cls.gw = py.execnet.PopenGateway()
+        cls.gw = execnet.PopenGateway()
     def test_popen_send_instance(self):

--- a/testing/execnet/conftest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-import py
-def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
-    if 'gw' in metafunc.funcargnames:
-        if hasattr(metafunc.cls, 'gwtype'):
-            gwtypes = [metafunc.cls.gwtype]
-        else:
-            gwtypes = ['popen', 'socket', 'ssh']
-        for gwtype in gwtypes:
-            metafunc.addcall(id=gwtype, param=gwtype)
-def pytest_funcarg__gw(request):
-    scope = "session"
-    if request.param == "popen":
-        return request.cached_setup(
-                setup=py.execnet.PopenGateway,
-                teardown=lambda gw: gw.exit(),
-                extrakey=request.param,
-                scope=scope)
-    elif request.param == "socket":
-        return request.cached_setup(
-            setup=setup_socket_gateway, 
-            teardown=teardown_socket_gateway,
-            extrakey=request.param,
-            scope=scope)
-    elif request.param == "ssh":
-        return request.cached_setup(
-            setup=lambda: setup_ssh_gateway(request),
-            teardown=lambda gw: gw.exit(),
-            extrakey=request.param,
-            scope=scope)
-def setup_socket_gateway():
-    proxygw = py.execnet.PopenGateway() 
-    gw = py.execnet.SocketGateway.new_remote(proxygw, ("", 0)) 
-    gw.proxygw = proxygw
-    return gw
-def teardown_socket_gateway(gw):
-    gw.exit()
-    gw.proxygw.exit()
-def setup_ssh_gateway(request):
-    sshhost = request.getfuncargvalue('specssh').ssh
-    gw = py.execnet.SshGateway(sshhost)
-    return gw

--- a/testing/execnet/test_rsync.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-import py
-from py.execnet import RSync
-def pytest_funcarg__gw1(request):
-    return request.cached_setup(
-        setup=py.execnet.PopenGateway,
-        teardown=lambda val: val.exit(),
-        scope="module"
-    )
-pytest_funcarg__gw2 = pytest_funcarg__gw1
-def pytest_funcarg__dirs(request):
-    t = request.getfuncargvalue('tmpdir')
-    class dirs:
-        source = t.join("source")
-        dest1 = t.join("dest1")
-        dest2 = t.join("dest2")
-    return dirs
-class TestRSync:
-    def test_notargets(self, dirs):
-        rsync = RSync(dirs.source)
-        py.test.raises(IOError, "rsync.send()")
-        assert rsync.send(raises=False) is None
-    def test_dirsync(self, dirs, gw1, gw2):
-        dest = dirs.dest1
-        dest2 = dirs.dest2
-        source = dirs.source
-        for s in ('content1', 'content2', 'content2-a-bit-longer'): 
-            source.ensure('subdir', 'file1').write(s) 
-            rsync = RSync(dirs.source)
-            rsync.add_target(gw1, dest)
-            rsync.add_target(gw2, dest2)
-            rsync.send()
-            assert dest.join('subdir').check(dir=1)
-            assert dest.join('subdir', 'file1').check(file=1)
-            assert dest.join('subdir', 'file1').read() == s 
-            assert dest2.join('subdir').check(dir=1)
-            assert dest2.join('subdir', 'file1').check(file=1)
-            assert dest2.join('subdir', 'file1').read() == s 
-            for x in dest, dest2:
-                fn = x.join("subdir", "file1")
-                fn.setmtime(0)
-        source.join('subdir').remove('file1')
-        rsync = RSync(source)
-        rsync.add_target(gw2, dest2)
-        rsync.add_target(gw1, dest)
-        rsync.send()
-        assert dest.join('subdir', 'file1').check(file=1)
-        assert dest2.join('subdir', 'file1').check(file=1)
-        rsync = RSync(source)
-        rsync.add_target(gw1, dest, delete=True)
-        rsync.add_target(gw2, dest2)
-        rsync.send()
-        assert not dest.join('subdir', 'file1').check() 
-        assert dest2.join('subdir', 'file1').check() 
-    def test_dirsync_twice(self, dirs, gw1, gw2):
-        source = dirs.source
-        source.ensure("hello")
-        rsync = RSync(source)
-        rsync.add_target(gw1, dirs.dest1)
-        rsync.send()
-        assert dirs.dest1.join('hello').check()
-        py.test.raises(IOError, "rsync.send()")
-        assert rsync.send(raises=False) is None
-        rsync.add_target(gw1, dirs.dest2)
-        rsync.send()
-        assert dirs.dest2.join('hello').check()
-        py.test.raises(IOError, "rsync.send()")
-        assert rsync.send(raises=False) is None
-    def test_rsync_default_reporting(self, capsys, dirs, gw1):
-        source = dirs.source
-        source.ensure("hello")
-        rsync = RSync(source)
-        rsync.add_target(gw1, dirs.dest1)
-        rsync.send()
-        out, err = capsys.readouterr()
-        assert out.find("hello") != -1
-    def test_rsync_non_verbose(self, capsys, dirs, gw1):
-        source = dirs.source
-        source.ensure("hello")
-        rsync = RSync(source, verbose=False)
-        rsync.add_target(gw1, dirs.dest1)
-        rsync.send()
-        out, err = capsys.readouterr()
-        assert not out
-        assert not err
-    def test_symlink_rsync(self, dirs, gw1):
-        if py.std.sys.platform == 'win32':
-            py.test.skip("symlinks are unsupported on Windows.")
-        source = dirs.source
-        dest = dirs.dest1
-        dirs.source.ensure("existant")
-        source.join("rellink").mksymlinkto(source.join("existant"), absolute=0)
-        source.join('abslink').mksymlinkto(source.join("existant"))
-        rsync = RSync(source)
-        rsync.add_target(gw1, dest)
-        rsync.send()
-        assert dest.join('rellink').readlink() == dest.join("existant")
-        assert dest.join('abslink').readlink() == dest.join("existant")
-    def test_callback(self, dirs, gw1):
-        dest = dirs.dest1
-        source = dirs.source
-        source.ensure("existant").write("a" * 100)
-        source.ensure("existant2").write("a" * 10)
-        total = {}
-        def callback(cmd, lgt, channel):
-            total[(cmd, lgt)] = True
-        rsync = RSync(source, callback=callback)
-        #rsync = RSync()
-        rsync.add_target(gw1, dest)
-        rsync.send()
-        assert total == {("list", 110):True, ("ack", 100):True, ("ack", 10):True}
-    def test_file_disappearing(self, dirs, gw1):
-        dest = dirs.dest1
-        source = dirs.source 
-        source.ensure("ex").write("a" * 100)
-        source.ensure("ex2").write("a" * 100)
-        class DRsync(RSync):
-            def filter(self, x):
-                assert x != source
-                if x.endswith("ex2"):
-                    self.x = 1
-                    source.join("ex2").remove()
-                return True
-        rsync = DRsync(source)
-        rsync.add_target(gw1, dest)
-        rsync.send()
-        assert rsync.x == 1
-        assert len(dest.listdir()) == 1
-        assert len(source.listdir()) == 1

--- a/testing/execnet/test_basics.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-import py
-import sys, os, subprocess, inspect
-from py.__.execnet import gateway_base, gateway
-from py.__.execnet.gateway_base import Message, Channel, ChannelFactory
-def test_subprocess_interaction(anypython):
-    line = gateway.popen_bootstrapline
-    compile(line, 'xyz', 'exec')
-    args = [str(anypython), '-c', line]
-    popen = subprocess.Popen(args, bufsize=0, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
-                             stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
-    def send(line):
-        popen.stdin.write(line.encode('ascii'))
-        if sys.version_info > (3,0): # 3k still buffers 
-            popen.stdin.flush()
-    def receive():
-        return popen.stdout.readline().decode('ascii')
-    try:
-        source = py.code.Source(read_write_loop, "read_write_loop()")
-        repr_source = repr(str(source)) + "\n"
-        sendline = repr_source
-        send(sendline)    
-        s = receive()
-        assert s == "ok\n"
-        send("hello\n")
-        s = receive()
-        assert s == "received: hello\n"
-        send("world\n")
-        s = receive()
-        assert s == "received: world\n"
-    finally:
-        popen.stdin.close()
-        popen.stdout.close()
-        popen.wait()
-def read_write_loop():
-    import os, sys
-    sys.stdout.write("ok\n")
-    sys.stdout.flush()
-    while 1:
-        try:
-            line = sys.stdin.readline()
-            sys.stdout.write("received: %s" % line)
-            sys.stdout.flush()
-        except (IOError, EOFError):
-            break
-def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
-    if 'anypython' in metafunc.funcargnames:
-        for name in 'python3.1', 'python2.4', 'python2.5', 'python2.6':
-            metafunc.addcall(id=name, param=name)
-def pytest_funcarg__anypython(request):
-    name = request.param  
-    executable = py.path.local.sysfind(name)
-    if executable is None:
-        py.test.skip("no %s found" % (name,))
-    return executable
-def test_io_message(anypython, tmpdir):
-    check = tmpdir.join("check.py")
-    check.write(py.code.Source(gateway_base, """
-        try:
-            from io import BytesIO 
-        except ImportError:
-            from StringIO import StringIO as BytesIO
-        import tempfile
-        temp_out = BytesIO()
-        temp_in = BytesIO()
-        io = Popen2IO(temp_out, temp_in)
-        for i, msg_cls in Message._types.items():
-            print ("checking %s %s" %(i, msg_cls))
-            for data in "hello", "hello".encode('ascii'):
-                msg1 = msg_cls(i, data)
-                msg1.writeto(io)
-                x = io.outfile.getvalue()
-                io.outfile.truncate(0)
-                io.outfile.seek(0)
-                io.infile.seek(0)
-                io.infile.write(x)
-                io.infile.seek(0)
-                msg2 = Message.readfrom(io)
-                assert msg1.channelid == msg2.channelid, (msg1, msg2)
-                assert msg1.data == msg2.data
-        print ("all passed")
-    """))
-    #out = py.process.cmdexec("%s %s" %(executable,check))
-    out = anypython.sysexec(check)
-    print (out)
-    assert "all passed" in out
-def test_popen_io(anypython, tmpdir):
-    check = tmpdir.join("check.py")
-    check.write(py.code.Source(gateway_base, """
-        do_exec(Popen2IO.server_stmt, globals())
-        io.write("hello".encode('ascii'))
-        s = io.read(1)
-        assert s == "x".encode('ascii')
-    """))
-    from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
-    args = [str(anypython), str(check)]
-    proc = Popen(args, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
-    proc.stdin.write("x".encode('ascii'))
-    stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
-    print (stderr)
-    ret = proc.wait()
-    assert "hello".encode('ascii') in stdout
-def test_rinfo_source(anypython, tmpdir):
-    check = tmpdir.join("check.py")
-    check.write(py.code.Source("""
-        class Channel:
-            def send(self, data):
-                assert eval(repr(data), {}) == data
-        channel = Channel()
-        """, gateway.rinfo_source, """
-        print ('all passed')
-    """))
-    out = anypython.sysexec(check)
-    print (out)
-    assert "all passed" in out
-def test_geterrortext(anypython, tmpdir):
-    check = tmpdir.join("check.py")
-    check.write(py.code.Source(gateway_base, """
-        class Arg:
-            pass
-        errortext = geterrortext((Arg, "1", 4))
-        assert "Arg" in errortext
-        import sys
-        try:
-            raise ValueError("17")
-        except ValueError:
-            excinfo = sys.exc_info()
-            s = geterrortext(excinfo)
-            assert "17" in s
-            print ("all passed")
-    """))
-    out = anypython.sysexec(check)
-    print (out)
-    assert "all passed" in out
-def test_stdouterrin_setnull():
-    cap = py.io.StdCaptureFD()
-    from py.__.execnet.gateway import stdouterrin_setnull
-    stdouterrin_setnull()
-    import os
-    os.write(1, "hello".encode('ascii'))
-    if os.name == "nt":
-        os.write(2, "world")
-    os.read(0, 1)
-    out, err = cap.reset()
-    assert not out
-    assert not err
-class TestMessage:
-    def test_wire_protocol(self):
-        for cls in Message._types.values():
-            one = py.io.BytesIO()
-            data = '23'.encode('ascii')
-            cls(42, data).writeto(one)
-            two = py.io.BytesIO(one.getvalue())
-            msg = Message.readfrom(two)
-            assert isinstance(msg, cls)
-            assert msg.channelid == 42
-            assert msg.data == data
-            assert isinstance(repr(msg), str)
-            # == "<Message.%s channelid=42 '23'>" %(msg.__class__.__name__, )
-class TestPureChannel:
-    def setup_method(self, method):
-        self.fac = ChannelFactory(None)
-    def test_factory_create(self):
-        chan1 = self.fac.new()
-        assert chan1.id == 1
-        chan2 = self.fac.new()
-        assert chan2.id == 3
-    def test_factory_getitem(self):
-        chan1 = self.fac.new()
-        assert self.fac._channels[chan1.id] == chan1
-        chan2 = self.fac.new()
-        assert self.fac._channels[chan2.id] == chan2
-    def test_channel_timeouterror(self):
-        channel = self.fac.new()
-        py.test.raises(IOError, channel.waitclose, timeout=0.01)
-    def test_channel_makefile_incompatmode(self):
-        channel = self.fac.new()
-        py.test.raises(ValueError, 'channel.makefile("rw")')

--- a/py/execnet/script/socketserver.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-    start socket based minimal readline exec server
-# this part of the program only executes on the server side
-progname = 'socket_readline_exec_server-1.2'
-import sys, socket, os
-    import fcntl
-except ImportError:
-    fcntl = None
-debug = 0
-if debug: #  and not os.isatty(sys.stdin.fileno()):
-    f = open('/tmp/execnet-socket-pyout.log', 'w')
-    old = sys.stdout, sys.stderr
-    sys.stdout = sys.stderr = f
-    #import py 
-    #compile = py.code.compile 
-def print_(*args):
-    print(" ".join(str(arg) for arg in args))
-if sys.version_info > (3, 0):
-    exec("""def exec_(source, locs):
-    exec(source, locs)""")
-    exec("""def exec_(source, locs):
-    exec source in locs""")
-def exec_from_one_connection(serversock):
-    print_(progname, 'Entering Accept loop', serversock.getsockname())
-    clientsock,address = serversock.accept()
-    print_(progname, 'got new connection from %s %s' % address)
-    clientfile = clientsock.makefile('rb')
-    print_("reading line")
-    # rstrip so that we can use \r\n for telnet testing
-    source = clientfile.readline().rstrip()
-    clientfile.close()
-    g = {'clientsock' : clientsock, 'address' : address}
-    source = eval(source)
-    if source:
-        co = compile(source+'\n', source, 'exec')
-        print_(progname, 'compiled source, executing')
-        try:
-            exec_(co, g)
-        finally:
-            print_(progname, 'finished executing code')
-            # background thread might hold a reference to this (!?)
-            #clientsock.close()
-def bind_and_listen(hostport):
-    if isinstance(hostport, str):
-        host, port = hostport.split(':')
-        hostport = (host, int(port))
-    serversock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-    # set close-on-exec
-    if hasattr(fcntl, 'FD_CLOEXEC'):
-        old = fcntl.fcntl(serversock.fileno(), fcntl.F_GETFD)
-        fcntl.fcntl(serversock.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFD, old | fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC)
-    # allow the address to be re-used in a reasonable amount of time
-    if os.name == 'posix' and sys.platform != 'cygwin':
-        serversock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
-    serversock.bind(hostport)
-    serversock.listen(5)
-    return serversock
-def startserver(serversock, loop=False):
-    try:
-        while 1: 
-            try: 
-                exec_from_one_connection(serversock)
-            except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): 
-                raise 
-            except: 
-                if debug:
-                    import traceback
-                    traceback.print_exc()
-                else:
-                    excinfo = sys.exc_info()
-                    print_("got exception", excinfo[1])
-            if not loop: 
-                break 
-    finally:
-        print_("leaving socketserver execloop")
-        serversock.shutdown(2)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    import sys
-    if len(sys.argv)>1:
-        hostport = sys.argv[1]
-    else:
-        hostport = ':8888'
-    serversock = bind_and_listen(hostport)
-    startserver(serversock, loop=False)

--- a/bin-for-dist/test_install.py
+++ b/bin-for-dist/test_install.py
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class VirtualEnv(object):
     def makegateway(self):
         python = self._cmd('python')
-        return py.execnet.makegateway("popen//python=%s" %(python,))
+        return execnet.makegateway("popen//python=%s" %(python,))
     def pcall(self, cmd, *args, **kw):

--- a/py/test/looponfail/remote.py
+++ b/py/test/looponfail/remote.py
@@ -7,10 +7,9 @@
     otherwise changes to source code can crash 
     the controlling process which should never happen. 
-from __future__ import generators
 import py
 import sys
+import execnet
 from py.__.test.session import Session
 from py.__.test.dist.mypickle import PickleChannel
 from py.__.test.looponfail import util
@@ -55,7 +54,7 @@ class RemoteControl(object):
             py.builtin.print_("RemoteControl:", msg)
     def initgateway(self):
-        return py.execnet.PopenGateway()
+        return execnet.PopenGateway()
     def setup(self, out=None):
         if out is None:

--- a/testing/pytest/dist/test_txnode.py
+++ b/testing/pytest/dist/test_txnode.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 import py
+import execnet
 from py.__.test.dist.txnode import TXNode
 queue = py.builtin._tryimport("queue", "Queue")
 Queue = queue.Queue
@@ -46,8 +47,8 @@ class MySetup:
             config = py.test.config._reparse([])
         self.config = config
         self.queue = Queue()
-        self.xspec = py.execnet.XSpec("popen")
-        self.gateway = py.execnet.makegateway(self.xspec)
+        self.xspec = execnet.XSpec("popen")
+        self.gateway = execnet.makegateway(self.xspec)
         self.id += 1
         self.gateway.id = str(self.id)
         self.node = TXNode(self.gateway, self.config, putevent=self.queue.put)

--- a/example/execnet/popen_read_multiple.py
+++ b/example/execnet/popen_read_multiple.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ NUM_PROCESSES = 5
 channels = []
 for i in range(NUM_PROCESSES):
-    gw = py.execnet.PopenGateway() # or use SSH or socket gateways 
+    gw = execnet.PopenGateway() # or use SSH or socket gateways 
     channel = gw.remote_exec("""
         import time
         secs = channel.receive()
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ for i in range(NUM_PROCESSES):
     print "*** instantiated subprocess", gw
-mc = py.execnet.MultiChannel(channels)
+mc = execnet.MultiChannel(channels)
 queue = mc.make_receive_queue()
 print "***", "verifying that timeout on receiving results from blocked subprocesses works"

--- a/py/path/gateway/channeltest.py
+++ b/py/path/gateway/channeltest.py
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class PathServer:
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     import py
-    gw = py.execnet.PopenGateway()
+    gw = execnet.PopenGateway()
     channel = gw._channelfactory.new()
     srv = PathServer(channel)
     c = gw.remote_exec("""

--- a/doc/changelog.txt
+++ b/doc/changelog.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 Changes between 1.0.x and 'trunk'
+* remove py.execnet code and substitute all usages with 'execnet' proper
 * fix issue50 - cached_setup now caches more to expectations 
   for test functions with multiple arguments. 

--- a/py/execnet/script/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@

--- a/py/execnet/script/xx.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-import rlcompleter2
-import register, sys
-    hostport = sys.argv[1]
-    hostport = ':8888'
-gw = register.ServerGateway(hostport)

--- a/testing/execnet/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@

--- a/py/execnet/serializer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-Simple marshal format (based on pickle) designed to work across Python versions.
-import sys
-import struct
-_INPY3 = _REALLY_PY3 = sys.version_info > (3, 0)
-class SerializeError(Exception):
-    pass
-class SerializationError(SerializeError):
-    """Error while serializing an object."""
-class UnserializableType(SerializationError):
-    """Can't serialize a type."""
-class UnserializationError(SerializeError):
-    """Error while unserializing an object."""
-class VersionMismatch(UnserializationError):
-    """Data from a previous or later format."""
-class Corruption(UnserializationError):
-    """The pickle format appears to have been corrupted."""
-if _INPY3:
-    def b(s):
-        return s.encode("ascii")
-    b = str
-FOUR_BYTE_INT_MAX = 2147483647
-_int4_format = struct.Struct("!i")
-_float_format = struct.Struct("!d")
-# Protocol constants
-PY2STRING = b('s')
-PY3STRING = b('t')
-UNICODE = b('u')
-BYTES = b('b')
-NEWLIST = b('l')
-SETITEM = b('m')
-NEWDICT = b('d')
-INT = b('i')
-FLOAT = b('f')
-STOP = b('S')
-class CrossVersionOptions(object):
-    pass
-class Serializer(object):
-    def __init__(self, stream):
-        self.stream = stream
-    def save(self, obj):
-        self.stream.write(VERSION)
-        self._save(obj)
-        self.stream.write(STOP)
-    def _save(self, obj):
-        tp = type(obj)
-        try:
-            dispatch = self.dispatch[tp]
-        except KeyError:
-            raise UnserializableType("can't serialize %s" % (tp,))
-        dispatch(self, obj)
-    dispatch = {}
-    def save_bytes(self, bytes_):
-        self.stream.write(BYTES)
-        self._write_byte_sequence(bytes_)
-    dispatch[bytes] = save_bytes
-    if _INPY3:
-        def save_string(self, s):
-            self.stream.write(PY3STRING)
-            self._write_unicode_string(s)
-    else:
-        def save_string(self, s):
-            self.stream.write(PY2STRING)
-            self._write_byte_sequence(s)
-        def save_unicode(self, s):
-            self.stream.write(UNICODE)
-            self._write_unicode_string(s)
-        dispatch[unicode] = save_unicode
-    dispatch[str] = save_string
-    def _write_unicode_string(self, s):
-        try:
-            as_bytes = s.encode("utf-8")
-        except UnicodeEncodeError:
-            raise SerializationError("strings must be utf-8 encodable")
-        self._write_byte_sequence(as_bytes)
-    def _write_byte_sequence(self, bytes_):
-        self._write_int4(len(bytes_), "string is too long")
-        self.stream.write(bytes_)
-    def save_int(self, i):
-        self.stream.write(INT)
-        self._write_int4(i)
-    dispatch[int] = save_int
-    def save_float(self, flt):
-        self.stream.write(FLOAT)
-        self.stream.write(_float_format.pack(flt))
-    dispatch[float] = save_float
-    def _write_int4(self, i, error="int must be less than %i" %
-                    (FOUR_BYTE_INT_MAX,)):
-        if i > FOUR_BYTE_INT_MAX:
-            raise SerializationError(error)
-        self.stream.write(_int4_format.pack(i))
-    def save_list(self, L):
-        self.stream.write(NEWLIST)
-        self._write_int4(len(L), "list is too long")
-        for i, item in enumerate(L):
-            self._write_setitem(i, item)
-    dispatch[list] = save_list
-    def _write_setitem(self, key, value):
-        self._save(key)
-        self._save(value)
-        self.stream.write(SETITEM)
-    def save_dict(self, d):
-        self.stream.write(NEWDICT)
-        for key, value in d.items():
-            self._write_setitem(key, value)
-    dispatch[dict] = save_dict
-    def save_tuple(self, tup):
-        for item in tup:
-            self._save(item)
-        self.stream.write(BUILDTUPLE)
-        self._write_int4(len(tup), "tuple is too long")
-    dispatch[tuple] = save_tuple
-class _UnserializationOptions(object):
-    pass
-class _Py2UnserializationOptions(_UnserializationOptions):
-    def __init__(self, py3_strings_as_str=False):
-        self.py3_strings_as_str = py3_strings_as_str
-class _Py3UnserializationOptions(_UnserializationOptions):
-    def __init__(self, py2_strings_as_str=False):
-        self.py2_strings_as_str = py2_strings_as_str
-if _INPY3:
-    UnserializationOptions = _Py3UnserializationOptions
-    UnserializationOptions = _Py2UnserializationOptions
-class _Stop(Exception):
-    pass
-class Unserializer(object):
-    def __init__(self, stream, options=UnserializationOptions()):
-        self.stream = stream
-        self.options = options
-    def load(self):
-        self.stack = []
-        version = ord(self.stream.read(1))
-        if version != VERSION_NUMBER:
-            raise VersionMismatch("%i != %i" % (version, VERSION_NUMBER))
-        try:
-            while True:
-                opcode = self.stream.read(1)
-                if not opcode:
-                    raise EOFError
-                try:
-                    loader = self.opcodes[opcode]
-                except KeyError:
-                    raise Corruption("unkown opcode %s" % (opcode,))
-                loader(self)
-        except _Stop:
-            if len(self.stack) != 1:
-                raise UnserializationError("internal unserialization error")
-            return self.stack[0]
-        else:
-            raise Corruption("didn't get STOP")
-    opcodes = {}
-    def load_int(self):
-        i = self._read_int4()
-        self.stack.append(i)
-    opcodes[INT] = load_int
-    def load_float(self):
-        binary = self.stream.read(_float_format.size)
-        self.stack.append(_float_format.unpack(binary)[0])
-    opcodes[FLOAT] = load_float
-    def _read_int4(self):
-        return _int4_format.unpack(self.stream.read(4))[0]
-    def _read_byte_string(self):
-        length = self._read_int4()
-        as_bytes = self.stream.read(length)
-        return as_bytes
-    def load_py3string(self):
-        as_bytes = self._read_byte_string()
-        if not _INPY3 and self.options.py3_strings_as_str:
-            # XXX Should we try to decode into latin-1?
-            self.stack.append(as_bytes)
-        else:
-            self.stack.append(as_bytes.decode("utf-8"))
-    opcodes[PY3STRING] = load_py3string
-    def load_py2string(self):
-        as_bytes = self._read_byte_string()
-        if _INPY3 and self.options.py2_strings_as_str:
-            s = as_bytes.decode("latin-1")
-        else:
-            s = as_bytes
-        self.stack.append(s)
-    opcodes[PY2STRING] = load_py2string
-    def load_bytes(self):
-        s = self._read_byte_string()
-        self.stack.append(s)
-    opcodes[BYTES] = load_bytes
-    def load_unicode(self):
-        self.stack.append(self._read_byte_string().decode("utf-8"))
-    opcodes[UNICODE] = load_unicode
-    def load_newlist(self):
-        length = self._read_int4()
-        self.stack.append([None] * length)
-    opcodes[NEWLIST] = load_newlist
-    def load_setitem(self):
-        if len(self.stack) < 3:
-            raise Corruption("not enough items for setitem")
-        value = self.stack.pop()
-        key = self.stack.pop()
-        self.stack[-1][key] = value
-    opcodes[SETITEM] = load_setitem
-    def load_newdict(self):
-        self.stack.append({})
-    opcodes[NEWDICT] = load_newdict
-    def load_buildtuple(self):
-        length = self._read_int4()
-        tup = tuple(self.stack[-length:])
-        del self.stack[-length:]
-        self.stack.append(tup)
-    opcodes[BUILDTUPLE] = load_buildtuple
-    def load_stop(self):
-        raise _Stop
-    opcodes[STOP] = load_stop

--- a/conftest.py
+++ b/conftest.py
@@ -17,15 +17,18 @@ def pytest_addoption(parser):
 def pytest_funcarg__specssh(request):
     return getspecssh(request.config)
-def pytest_funcarg__specsocket(request):
-    return getsocketspec(request.config)
+def getgspecs(config=None):
+    if config is None:
+        config = py.test.config
+    return [execnet.XSpec(spec)
+                for spec in config.getvalueorskip("gspecs")]
 # configuration information for tests 
 def getgspecs(config=None):
     if config is None:
         config = py.test.config
-    return [py.execnet.XSpec(spec) 
+    return [execnet.XSpec(spec) 
                 for spec in config.getvalueorskip("gspecs")]
 def getspecssh(config=None):

--- a/py/execnet/script/shell.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-a remote python shell
-for injection into startserver.py
-import sys, os, socket, select
-    clientsock
-except NameError:
-    print("client side starting")
-    import sys
-    host, port  = sys.argv[1].split(':')
-    port = int(port)
-    myself = open(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]), 'rU').read()
-    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-    sock.connect((host, port))
-    sock.sendall(repr(myself)+'\n')
-    print("send boot string")
-    inputlist = [ sock, sys.stdin ]
-    try:
-        while 1:
-            r,w,e = select.select(inputlist, [], [])
-            if sys.stdin in r:
-                line = raw_input()
-                sock.sendall(line + '\n')
-            if sock in r:
-                line = sock.recv(4096)
-                sys.stdout.write(line)
-                sys.stdout.flush()
-    except:
-        import traceback
-        print(traceback.print_exc())
-    sys.exit(1)
-print("server side starting")
-# server side
-from traceback import print_exc
-from threading import Thread
-class promptagent(Thread):
-    def __init__(self, clientsock):
-        Thread.__init__(self)
-        self.clientsock = clientsock
-    def run(self):
-        print("Entering thread prompt loop")
-        clientfile = self.clientsock.makefile('w')
-        filein = self.clientsock.makefile('r')
-        loc = self.clientsock.getsockname()
-        while 1:
-            try:
-                clientfile.write('%s %s >>> ' % loc)
-                clientfile.flush()
-                line = filein.readline()
-                if len(line)==0: raise EOFError("nothing")
-                #print >>sys.stderr,"got line: " + line
-                if line.strip():
-                    oldout, olderr = sys.stdout, sys.stderr
-                    sys.stdout, sys.stderr = clientfile, clientfile
-                    try:
-                        try:
-                            exec(compile(line + '\n','<remote pyin>', 'single'))
-                        except:
-                            print_exc()
-                    finally:
-                        sys.stdout=oldout
-                        sys.stderr=olderr
-                clientfile.flush()
-            except EOFError:
-                e = sys.exc_info()[1]
-                sys.stderr.write("connection close, prompt thread returns")
-                break
-                #print >>sys.stdout, "".join(apply(format_exception,sys.exc_info()))
-        self.clientsock.close()
-prompter = promptagent(clientsock)
-print("promptagent - thread started")

--- a/py/__init__.py
+++ b/py/__init__.py
@@ -1,22 +1,20 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-advanced testing and development support library: 
+advanced testing and development support library:
 - `py.test`_: cross-project testing tool with many advanced features
-- `py.execnet`_: ad-hoc code distribution to SSH, Socket and local sub processes
-- `py.path`_: path abstractions over local and subversion files 
+- `py.path`_: path abstractions over local and subversion files
 - `py.code`_: dynamic code compile and traceback printing support
-Compatibility: Linux, Win32, OSX, Python versions 2.3-2.6. 
+Compatibility: Linux, Win32, OSX, Python versions 2.4 through to 3.1.
 For questions please check out http://pylib.org/contact.html
 .. _`py.test`: http://pylib.org/test.html
-.. _`py.execnet`: http://pylib.org/execnet.html
 .. _`py.path`: http://pylib.org/path.html
 .. _`py.code`: http://pylib.org/code.html
-(c) Holger Krekel and others, 2009  
+(c) Holger Krekel and others, 2009
 from py.initpkg import initpkg
 trunk = "trunk"
@@ -159,21 +157,6 @@ initpkg(__name__,
     'builtin.execfile'       : ('./builtin/builtin31.py', 'execfile'),
     'builtin.callable'       : ('./builtin/builtin31.py', 'callable'),
-    # gateways into remote contexts
-    'execnet.__doc__'        : ('./execnet/__init__.py', '__doc__'),
-    'execnet._HookSpecs'     : ('./execnet/gateway_base.py', 'ExecnetAPI'),
-    'execnet.SocketGateway'  : ('./execnet/gateway.py', 'SocketGateway'),
-    'execnet.PopenGateway'   : ('./execnet/gateway.py', 'PopenGateway'),
-    'execnet.SshGateway'     : ('./execnet/gateway.py', 'SshGateway'),
-    'execnet.HostNotFound'   : ('./execnet/gateway.py', 'HostNotFound'),
-    'execnet.XSpec'          : ('./execnet/xspec.py', 'XSpec'),
-    'execnet.makegateway'    : ('./execnet/xspec.py', 'makegateway'),
-    'execnet.MultiGateway'   : ('./execnet/multi.py', 'MultiGateway'),
-    'execnet.MultiChannel'   : ('./execnet/multi.py', 'MultiChannel'),
-    # execnet scripts
-    'execnet.RSync'          : ('./execnet/rsync.py', 'RSync'),
     # input-output helping 
     'io.__doc__'             : ('./io/__init__.py', '__doc__'),
     'io.dupfile'             : ('./io/capture.py', 'dupfile'), 

--- a/py/test/dist/gwmanage.py
+++ b/py/test/dist/gwmanage.py
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
 import py
 import sys, os
-from py.__.execnet.gateway_base import RemoteError
+import execnet
+from execnet.gateway_base import RemoteError
 class GatewayManager:
     RemoteError = RemoteError
@@ -13,8 +14,8 @@ class GatewayManager:
         self.specs = []
         self.hook = hook
         for spec in specs:
-            if not isinstance(spec, py.execnet.XSpec):
-                spec = py.execnet.XSpec(spec)
+            if not isinstance(spec, execnet.XSpec):
+                spec = execnet.XSpec(spec)
             if not spec.chdir and not spec.popen:
                 spec.chdir = defaultchdir
@@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ class GatewayManager:
     def makegateways(self):
         assert not self.gateways
         for spec in self.specs:
-            gw = py.execnet.makegateway(spec)
+            gw = execnet.makegateway(spec)
             gw.id = "[%s]" % len(self.gateways)
@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ class GatewayManager:
                 if remote:
-        return py.execnet.MultiGateway(gateways=l)
+        return execnet.MultiGateway(gateways=l)
     def multi_exec(self, source, inplacelocal=True):
         """ remote execute code on all gateways. 
@@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ class GatewayManager:
             gw = self.gateways.pop()
-class HostRSync(py.execnet.RSync):
+class HostRSync(execnet.RSync):
     """ RSyncer that filters out common files 
     def __init__(self, sourcedir, *args, **kwargs):

--- a/doc/test/customize.txt
+++ b/doc/test/customize.txt
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ remote environment.  For this you can im
     def pytest_gwmanage_newgateway(gateway, platinfo):
         """ called after a gateway is instantiated. """
-The ``gateway`` object here has a ``spec`` attribute which is an ``py.execnet.XSpec`` 
+The ``gateway`` object here has a ``spec`` attribute which is an ``execnet.XSpec`` 
 object, which has attributes that map key/values as specified from a ``--txspec``
 option. The platinfo object is a dictionary with information about the remote process: 

--- a/py/execnet/gateway_base.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,757 +0,0 @@
-base execnet gateway code, a quick overview. 
-the code of this module is sent to the "other side"
-as a means of bootstrapping a Gateway object
-capable of receiving and executing code,
-and routing data through channels. 
-Gateways operate on InputOutput objects offering
-a write and a read(n) method.
-Once bootstrapped a higher level protocol 
-based on Messages is used.  Messages are serialized
-to and from InputOutput objects.  The details of this protocol 
-are locally defined in this module.  There is no need 
-for standardizing or versioning the protocol.   
-After bootstrapping the BaseGateway opens a receiver thread which 
-accepts encoded messages and triggers actions to interpret them. 
-Sending of channel data items happens directly through
-write operations to InputOutput objects so there is no
-separate thread.  
-Code execution messages are put into an execqueue from
-which they will be taken for execution.  gateway.serve() 
-will take and execute such items, one by one.  This means
-that by incoming default execution is single-threaded. 
-The receiver thread terminates if the remote side sends 
-a gateway termination message or if the IO-connection drops. 
-It puts an end symbol into the execqueue so 
-that serve() can cleanly finish as well.  
-(C) 2004-2009 Holger Krekel, Armin Rigo and others
-import sys, os, weakref
-import threading, traceback, socket, struct
-    import queue 
-except ImportError:
-    import Queue as queue
-if sys.version_info > (3, 0):
-    exec("""def do_exec(co, loc):
-    exec(co, loc)""")
-    unicode = str
-    exec("""def do_exec(co, loc):
-    exec co in loc""")
-    bytes = str
-def str(*args):
-    raise EnvironmentError(
-        "use unicode or bytes, not cross-python ambigous 'str'")
-default_encoding = "UTF-8"
-sysex = (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit)
-debug = 0 # open('/tmp/execnet-debug-%d' % os.getpid()  , 'w')
-# ___________________________________________________________________________
-# input output classes
-# ___________________________________________________________________________
-class SocketIO:
-    server_stmt = "io = SocketIO(clientsock)"
-    error = (socket.error, EOFError)
-    def __init__(self, sock):
-        self.sock = sock
-        try:
-            sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)
-            sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_IP, socket.IP_TOS, 0x10)# IPTOS_LOWDELAY
-        except socket.error:
-            e = sys.exc_info()[1]
-            sys.stderr.write("WARNING: cannot set socketoption")
-        self.readable = self.writeable = True
-    def read(self, numbytes):
-        "Read exactly 'bytes' bytes from the socket."
-        buf = bytes()
-        while len(buf) < numbytes:
-            t = self.sock.recv(numbytes - len(buf))
-            if not t:
-                raise EOFError
-            buf += t
-        return buf
-    def write(self, data):
-        assert isinstance(data, bytes)
-        self.sock.sendall(data)
-    def close_read(self):
-        if self.readable:
-            try:
-                self.sock.shutdown(0)
-            except socket.error:
-                pass
-            self.readable = None
-    def close_write(self):
-        if self.writeable:
-            try:
-                self.sock.shutdown(1)
-            except socket.error:
-                pass
-            self.writeable = None
-class Popen2IO:
-    server_stmt = """
-import os, sys, tempfile
-io = Popen2IO(sys.stdout, sys.stdin)
-sys.stdout = tempfile.TemporaryFile('w')
-sys.stdin = tempfile.TemporaryFile('r')
-    error = (IOError, OSError, EOFError)
-    def __init__(self, outfile, infile):
-        # we need raw byte streams 
-        self.outfile, self.infile = outfile, infile
-        if sys.platform == "win32":
-            import msvcrt
-            msvcrt.setmode(infile.fileno(), os.O_BINARY)
-            msvcrt.setmode(outfile.fileno(), os.O_BINARY)
-        self.readable = self.writeable = True
-    def read(self, numbytes):
-        """Read exactly 'numbytes' bytes from the pipe. """
-        try:
-            data = self.infile.buffer.read(numbytes)
-        except AttributeError:
-            data = self.infile.read(numbytes)
-        if len(data) < numbytes:
-            raise EOFError
-        return data
-    def write(self, data):
-        """write out all data bytes. """ 
-        assert isinstance(data, bytes)
-        try:
-            self.outfile.buffer.write(data)
-        except AttributeError:
-            self.outfile.write(data)
-        self.outfile.flush()
-    def close_read(self):
-        if self.readable:
-            self.infile.close()
-            self.readable = None
-    def close_write(self):
-        try:
-            self.outfile.close()
-        except EnvironmentError:
-            pass
-        self.writeable = None
-# ___________________________________________________________________________
-# Messages
-# ___________________________________________________________________________
-# the header format
-HDR_FORMAT = "!hhii"
-HDR_SIZE   = struct.calcsize(HDR_FORMAT)
-is3k = sys.version_info >= (3,0)
-class Message:
-    """ encapsulates Messages and their wire protocol. """
-    _types = {}
-    def __init__(self, channelid=0, data=''):
-        self.channelid = channelid
-        self.data = data
-    def writeto(self, io):
-        # XXX marshal.dumps doesn't work for exchanging data across Python
-        # version :-(((  XXX check this statement wrt python2.4 through 3.1
-        data = self.data
-        if isinstance(data, bytes): 
-            dataformat = 1 + int(is3k)
-        else:
-            if isinstance(data, unicode):
-                dataformat = 3
-            else:
-                data = repr(self.data)  # argh
-                dataformat = 4
-            data = data.encode(default_encoding)
-        header = struct.pack(HDR_FORMAT, self.msgtype, dataformat,
-                                         self.channelid, len(data))
-        io.write(header + data)
-    def readfrom(cls, io):
-        header = io.read(HDR_SIZE)
-        (msgtype, dataformat,
-         senderid, stringlen) = struct.unpack(HDR_FORMAT, header)
-        data = io.read(stringlen)
-        if dataformat == 1:
-            if is3k: 
-                # remote was python2-str, we are 3k-text 
-                data = data.decode(default_encoding)
-        elif dataformat == 2:
-            # remote was python3-bytes
-            pass
-        else:
-            data = data.decode(default_encoding)
-            if dataformat == 3:
-                pass 
-            elif dataformat == 4:
-                data = eval(data, {})   # reversed argh
-            else:
-                raise ValueError("bad data format")
-        return cls._types[msgtype](senderid, data)
-    readfrom = classmethod(readfrom)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        r = repr(self.data)
-        if len(r) > 50:
-            return "<Message.%s channelid=%d len=%d>" %(self.__class__.__name__,
-                        self.channelid, len(r))
-        else:
-            return "<Message.%s channelid=%d %r>" %(self.__class__.__name__,
-                        self.channelid, self.data)
-def _setupmessages():
-    class CHANNEL_OPEN(Message):
-        def received(self, gateway):
-            channel = gateway._channelfactory.new(self.channelid)
-            gateway._local_schedulexec(channel=channel, sourcetask=self.data)
-    class CHANNEL_NEW(Message):
-        def received(self, gateway):
-            """ receive a remotely created new (sub)channel. """
-            newid = self.data
-            newchannel = gateway._channelfactory.new(newid)
-            gateway._channelfactory._local_receive(self.channelid, newchannel)
-    class CHANNEL_DATA(Message):
-        def received(self, gateway):
-            gateway._channelfactory._local_receive(self.channelid, self.data)
-    class CHANNEL_CLOSE(Message):
-        def received(self, gateway):
-            gateway._channelfactory._local_close(self.channelid)
-    class CHANNEL_CLOSE_ERROR(Message):
-        def received(self, gateway):
-            remote_error = gateway._channelfactory.RemoteError(self.data)
-            gateway._channelfactory._local_close(self.channelid, remote_error)
-    class CHANNEL_LAST_MESSAGE(Message):
-        def received(self, gateway):
-            gateway._channelfactory._local_close(self.channelid, sendonly=True)
-    for i, cls in enumerate(classes):
-        Message._types[i] = cls
-        cls.msgtype = i
-        setattr(Message, cls.__name__, cls)
-def geterrortext(excinfo):
-    try:
-        l = traceback.format_exception(*excinfo)
-        errortext = "".join(l)
-    except sysex:
-        raise
-    except:
-        errortext = '%s: %s' % (excinfo[0].__name__,
-                                excinfo[1])
-    return errortext
-class RemoteError(EOFError):
-    """ Contains an Exceptions from the other side. """
-    def __init__(self, formatted):
-        self.formatted = formatted
-        EOFError.__init__(self)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return self.formatted
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "%s: %s" %(self.__class__.__name__, self.formatted)
-    def warn(self):
-        # XXX do this better
-        sys.stderr.write("Warning: unhandled %r\n" % (self,))
-class Channel(object):
-    """Communication channel between two possibly remote threads of code. """
-    RemoteError = RemoteError
-    def __init__(self, gateway, id):
-        assert isinstance(id, int)
-        self.gateway = gateway
-        self.id = id
-        self._items = queue.Queue()
-        self._closed = False
-        self._receiveclosed = threading.Event()
-        self._remoteerrors = []
-    def setcallback(self, callback, endmarker=NO_ENDMARKER_WANTED):
-        # we first execute the callback on all already received
-        # items. We need to hold the receivelock to prevent 
-        # race conditions with newly arriving items. 
-        # after having cleared the queue we register 
-        # the callback only if the channel is not closed already.
-        _callbacks = self.gateway._channelfactory._callbacks
-        _receivelock = self.gateway._receivelock
-        _receivelock.acquire()
-        try:
-            if self._items is None:
-                raise IOError("%r has callback already registered" %(self,))
-            items = self._items
-            self._items = None
-            while 1:
-                try:
-                    olditem = items.get(block=False)
-                except queue.Empty:
-                    if not (self._closed or self._receiveclosed.isSet()):
-                        _callbacks[self.id] = (callback, endmarker)
-                    break
-                else:
-                    if olditem is ENDMARKER:
-                        items.put(olditem) # for other receivers
-                        if endmarker is not NO_ENDMARKER_WANTED:
-                            callback(endmarker) 
-                        break
-                    else:
-                        callback(olditem)
-        finally:
-            _receivelock.release()
-    def __repr__(self):
-        flag = self.isclosed() and "closed" or "open"
-        return "<Channel id=%d %s>" % (self.id, flag)
-    def __del__(self):
-        if self.gateway is None:   # can be None in tests
-            return
-        self.gateway._trace("Channel(%d).__del__" % self.id)
-        # no multithreading issues here, because we have the last ref to 'self'
-        if self._closed:
-            # state transition "closed" --> "deleted"
-            for error in self._remoteerrors:
-                error.warn()
-        elif self._receiveclosed.isSet():
-            # state transition "sendonly" --> "deleted"
-            # the remote channel is already in "deleted" state, nothing to do
-            pass
-        else:
-            # state transition "opened" --> "deleted"
-            if self._items is None:    # has_callback
-                Msg = Message.CHANNEL_LAST_MESSAGE
-            else:
-                Msg = Message.CHANNEL_CLOSE
-            self.gateway._send(Msg(self.id))
-    def _getremoteerror(self):
-        try:
-            return self._remoteerrors.pop(0)
-        except IndexError:
-            return None
-    #
-    # public API for channel objects 
-    #
-    def isclosed(self):
-        """ return True if the channel is closed. A closed 
-            channel may still hold items. 
-        """ 
-        return self._closed
-    def makefile(self, mode='w', proxyclose=False):
-        """ return a file-like object.  
-            mode: 'w' for writes, 'r' for reads 
-            proxyclose: if true file.close() will 
-            trigger a channel.close() call. 
-        """ 
-        if mode == "w":
-            return ChannelFileWrite(channel=self, proxyclose=proxyclose)
-        elif mode == "r":
-            return ChannelFileRead(channel=self, proxyclose=proxyclose)
-        raise ValueError("mode %r not availabe" %(mode,))
-    def close(self, error=None):
-        """ close down this channel on both sides. """
-        if not self._closed:
-            # state transition "opened/sendonly" --> "closed"
-            # threads warning: the channel might be closed under our feet,
-            # but it's never damaging to send too many CHANNEL_CLOSE messages
-            put = self.gateway._send 
-            if error is not None:
-                put(Message.CHANNEL_CLOSE_ERROR(self.id, error))
-            else:
-                put(Message.CHANNEL_CLOSE(self.id))
-            if isinstance(error, RemoteError):
-                self._remoteerrors.append(error)
-            self._closed = True         # --> "closed"
-            self._receiveclosed.set()
-            queue = self._items
-            if queue is not None:
-                queue.put(ENDMARKER)
-            self.gateway._channelfactory._no_longer_opened(self.id)
-    def waitclose(self, timeout=None):
-        """ wait until this channel is closed (or the remote side
-        otherwise signalled that no more data was being sent).
-        The channel may still hold receiveable items, but not receive
-        more.  waitclose() reraises exceptions from executing code on
-        the other side as channel.RemoteErrors containing a a textual
-        representation of the remote traceback.
-        """
-        self._receiveclosed.wait(timeout=timeout)  # wait for non-"opened" state
-        if not self._receiveclosed.isSet():
-            raise IOError("Timeout")
-        error = self._getremoteerror()
-        if error:
-            raise error
-    def send(self, item):
-        """sends the given item to the other side of the channel,
-        possibly blocking if the sender queue is full.
-        Note that an item needs to be marshallable.
-        """
-        if self.isclosed(): 
-            raise IOError("cannot send to %r" %(self,))
-        if isinstance(item, Channel):
-            data = Message.CHANNEL_NEW(self.id, item.id)
-        else:
-            data = Message.CHANNEL_DATA(self.id, item)
-        self.gateway._send(data)
-    def receive(self):
-        """receives an item that was sent from the other side,
-        possibly blocking if there is none.
-        Note that exceptions from the other side will be
-        reraised as channel.RemoteError exceptions containing
-        a textual representation of the remote traceback.
-        """
-        queue = self._items
-        if queue is None:
-            raise IOError("calling receive() on channel with receiver callback")
-        x = queue.get()
-        if x is ENDMARKER: 
-            queue.put(x)  # for other receivers 
-            raise self._getremoteerror() or EOFError()
-        else: 
-            return x
-    def __iter__(self):
-        return self 
-    def next(self): 
-        try:
-            return self.receive()
-        except EOFError: 
-            raise StopIteration 
-    __next__ = next
-ENDMARKER = object() 
-class ChannelFactory(object):
-    RemoteError = RemoteError
-    def __init__(self, gateway, startcount=1):
-        self._channels = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
-        self._callbacks = {}
-        self._writelock = threading.Lock()
-        self.gateway = gateway
-        self.count = startcount
-        self.finished = False
-    def new(self, id=None):
-        """ create a new Channel with 'id' (or create new id if None). """
-        self._writelock.acquire()
-        try:
-            if self.finished:
-                raise IOError("connexion already closed: %s" % (self.gateway,))
-            if id is None:
-                id = self.count
-                self.count += 2
-            channel = Channel(self.gateway, id)
-            self._channels[id] = channel
-            return channel
-        finally:
-            self._writelock.release()
-    def channels(self):
-        return list(self._channels.values())
-    #
-    # internal methods, called from the receiver thread 
-    #
-    def _no_longer_opened(self, id):
-        try:
-            del self._channels[id]
-        except KeyError:
-            pass
-        try:
-            callback, endmarker = self._callbacks.pop(id)
-        except KeyError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            if endmarker is not NO_ENDMARKER_WANTED:
-                callback(endmarker)
-    def _local_close(self, id, remoteerror=None, sendonly=False):
-        channel = self._channels.get(id)
-        if channel is None:
-            # channel already in "deleted" state
-            if remoteerror:
-                remoteerror.warn()
-        else:
-            # state transition to "closed" state
-            if remoteerror:
-                channel._remoteerrors.append(remoteerror)
-            if not sendonly: # otherwise #--> "sendonly"
-                channel._closed = True          # --> "closed"
-            channel._receiveclosed.set()
-            queue = channel._items
-            if queue is not None:
-                queue.put(ENDMARKER)
-        self._no_longer_opened(id)
-    def _local_receive(self, id, data): 
-        # executes in receiver thread
-        try:
-            callback, endmarker = self._callbacks[id]
-        except KeyError:
-            channel = self._channels.get(id)
-            queue = channel and channel._items
-            if queue is None:
-                pass    # drop data
-            else:
-                queue.put(data)
-        else:
-            callback(data)   # even if channel may be already closed
-    def _finished_receiving(self):
-        self._writelock.acquire()
-        try:
-            self.finished = True
-        finally:
-            self._writelock.release()
-        for id in list(self._channels):
-            self._local_close(id, sendonly=True)
-        for id in list(self._callbacks):
-            self._no_longer_opened(id)
-class ChannelFile(object):
-    def __init__(self, channel, proxyclose=True):
-        self.channel = channel
-        self._proxyclose = proxyclose 
-    def close(self):
-        if self._proxyclose: 
-            self.channel.close()
-    def __repr__(self):
-        state = self.channel.isclosed() and 'closed' or 'open'
-        return '<ChannelFile %d %s>' %(self.channel.id, state) 
-class ChannelFileWrite(ChannelFile):
-    def write(self, out):
-        self.channel.send(out)
-    def flush(self):
-        pass
-class ChannelFileRead(ChannelFile):
-    def __init__(self, channel, proxyclose=True):
-        super(ChannelFileRead, self).__init__(channel, proxyclose)
-        self._buffer = ""
-    def read(self, n):
-        while len(self._buffer) < n:
-            try:
-                self._buffer += self.channel.receive()
-            except EOFError:
-                self.close() 
-                break
-        ret = self._buffer[:n]
-        self._buffer = self._buffer[n:]
-        return ret 
-    def readline(self):
-        i = self._buffer.find("\n")
-        if i != -1:
-            return self.read(i+1)
-        line = self.read(len(self._buffer)+1)
-        while line and line[-1] != "\n":
-            c = self.read(1)
-            if not c:
-                break
-            line += c
-        return line
-class BaseGateway(object):
-    exc_info = sys.exc_info 
-    class _StopExecLoop(Exception): 
-        pass
-    def __init__(self, io, _startcount=2): 
-        """ initialize core gateway, using the given inputoutput object. 
-        """
-        self._io = io
-        self._channelfactory = ChannelFactory(self, _startcount)
-        self._receivelock = threading.RLock()
-    def _initreceive(self):
-        self._receiverthread = threading.Thread(name="receiver", 
-                                 target=self._thread_receiver)
-        self._receiverthread.setDaemon(1)
-        self._receiverthread.start() 
-    def _trace(self, msg):
-        if debug:
-            try:
-                debug.write(unicode(msg) + "\n")
-                debug.flush()
-            except sysex:
-                raise
-            except:
-                sys.stderr.write("exception during tracing\n")
-    def _thread_receiver(self):
-        """ thread to read and handle Messages half-sync-half-async. """
-        self._trace("starting to receive")
-        try:
-            while 1:
-                try:
-                    msg = Message.readfrom(self._io)
-                    self._trace("received <- %r" % msg)
-                    _receivelock = self._receivelock
-                    _receivelock.acquire()
-                    try:
-                        msg.received(self)
-                    finally:
-                        _receivelock.release()
-                except sysex:
-                    break
-                except EOFError:
-                    break
-                except:
-                    self._trace(geterrortext(self.exc_info()))
-                    break 
-        finally:
-            # XXX we need to signal fatal error states to
-            #     channels/callbacks, particularly ones 
-            #     where the other side just died. 
-            self._stopexec()
-            try:
-                self._stopsend()
-            except IOError: 
-                self._trace('IOError on _stopsend()')
-            self._channelfactory._finished_receiving()
-            if threading: # might be None during shutdown/finalization
-                self._trace('leaving %r' % threading.currentThread())
-    def _send(self, msg):
-        if msg is None:
-            self._io.close_write()
-        else:
-            try:
-                msg.writeto(self._io) 
-            except: 
-                excinfo = self.exc_info()
-                self._trace(geterrortext(excinfo))
-            else:
-                self._trace('sent -> %r' % msg)
-    def _stopsend(self):
-        self._send(None)
-    def _stopexec(self):
-        pass
-    def _local_schedulexec(self, channel, sourcetask):
-        channel.close("execution disallowed")
-    # _____________________________________________________________________
-    #
-    # High Level Interface
-    # _____________________________________________________________________
-    #
-    def newchannel(self): 
-        """ return new channel object.  """ 
-        return self._channelfactory.new()
-    def join(self, joinexec=True):
-        """ Wait for all IO (and by default all execution activity) 
-            to stop. the joinexec parameter is obsolete. 
-        """
-        current = threading.currentThread()
-        if self._receiverthread.isAlive():
-            self._trace("joining receiver thread")
-            self._receiverthread.join()
-class SlaveGateway(BaseGateway):
-    def _stopexec(self):
-        self._execqueue.put(None)
-    def _local_schedulexec(self, channel, sourcetask):
-        self._execqueue.put((channel, sourcetask)) 
-    def serve(self, joining=True):
-        self._execqueue = queue.Queue()
-        self._initreceive()
-        try:
-            while 1:
-                item = self._execqueue.get()
-                if item is None:
-                    self._stopsend()
-                    break
-                try:
-                    self.executetask(item)
-                except self._StopExecLoop:
-                    break
-        finally:
-            self._trace("serve") 
-        if joining:
-            self.join()
-    def executetask(self, item):
-        """ execute channel/source items. """
-        channel, source = item 
-        try:
-            loc = { 'channel' : channel, '__name__': '__channelexec__'}
-            #open("task.py", 'w').write(source)
-            self._trace("execution starts: %s" % repr(source)[:50])
-            try:
-                co = compile(source+'\n', '', 'exec')
-                do_exec(co, loc)
-            finally:
-                self._trace("execution finished")
-        except sysex:
-            pass 
-        except self._StopExecLoop:
-            channel.close()
-            raise
-        except:
-            excinfo = self.exc_info()
-            self._trace("got exception %s" % excinfo[1])
-            errortext = geterrortext(excinfo)
-            channel.close(errortext)
-        else:
-            channel.close()

--- a/example/execnet/redirect_remote_output.py
+++ b/example/execnet/redirect_remote_output.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ showcasing features of the channel objec
 import py
-gw = py.execnet.PopenGateway()
+gw = execnet.PopenGateway()
 outchan = gw.remote_exec("""
     import sys

--- a/py/execnet/script/socketserverservice.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-A windows service wrapper for the py.execnet socketserver.
-To use, run:
- python socketserverservice.py register
- net start ExecNetSocketServer
-import sys
-import os
-import time
-import win32serviceutil
-import win32service
-import win32event
-import win32evtlogutil
-import servicemanager
-import threading
-import socketserver
-appname = 'ExecNetSocketServer'
-class SocketServerService(win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework):
-    _svc_name_ = appname
-    _svc_display_name_ = "%s" % appname
-    _svc_deps_ = ["EventLog"]
-    def __init__(self, args):
-        # The exe-file has messages for the Event Log Viewer.
-        # Register the exe-file as event source.
-        #
-        # Probably it would be better if this is done at installation time,
-        # so that it also could be removed if the service is uninstalled.
-        # Unfortunately it cannot be done in the 'if __name__ == "__main__"'
-        # block below, because the 'frozen' exe-file does not run this code.
-        #
-        win32evtlogutil.AddSourceToRegistry(self._svc_display_name_,
-                                            servicemanager.__file__,
-                                            "Application")
-        win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework.__init__(self, args)
-        self.hWaitStop = win32event.CreateEvent(None, 0, 0, None)
-        self.WAIT_TIME = 1000 # in milliseconds
-    def SvcStop(self):
-        self.ReportServiceStatus(win32service.SERVICE_STOP_PENDING)
-        win32event.SetEvent(self.hWaitStop)
-    def SvcDoRun(self):
-        # Redirect stdout and stderr to prevent "IOError: [Errno 9] 
-        # Bad file descriptor". Windows services don't have functional
-        # output streams. 
-        sys.stdout = sys.stderr = open('nul', 'w')
-        # Write a 'started' event to the event log...
-        win32evtlogutil.ReportEvent(self._svc_display_name_,
-                                    servicemanager.PYS_SERVICE_STARTED,
-                                    0, # category
-                                    servicemanager.EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE,
-                                    (self._svc_name_, ''))
-        print("Begin: %s" % (self._svc_display_name_))
-        hostport = ':8888'
-        print('Starting py.execnet SocketServer on %s' % hostport)
-        serversock = socketserver.bind_and_listen(hostport)
-        thread = threading.Thread(target=socketserver.startserver, 
-                                    args=(serversock,),
-                                    kwargs={'loop':True})
-        thread.setDaemon(True)
-        thread.start()
-        # wait to be stopped or self.WAIT_TIME to pass
-        while True:
-            result = win32event.WaitForSingleObject(self.hWaitStop,
-                    self.WAIT_TIME)
-            if result == win32event.WAIT_OBJECT_0:
-                break
-        # write a 'stopped' event to the event log.
-        win32evtlogutil.ReportEvent(self._svc_display_name_,
-                                    servicemanager.PYS_SERVICE_STOPPED,
-                                    0, # category
-                                    servicemanager.EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE,
-                                    (self._svc_name_, ''))
-        print("End: %s" % appname)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    # Note that this code will not be run in the 'frozen' exe-file!!!
-    win32serviceutil.HandleCommandLine(SocketServerService)

--- a/py/execnet/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
-""" ad-hoc networking mechanism """

--- a/py/execnet/script/quitserver.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-  send a "quit" signal to a remote server
-import sys
-import socket
-hostport = sys.argv[1]
-host, port = hostport.split(':')
-hostport = (host, int(port))
-sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-sock.sendall('"raise KeyboardInterrupt"\n')

--- a/example/execnet/sysinfo.py
+++ b/example/execnet/sysinfo.py
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ def error(*args):
 def getinfo(sshname, ssh_config=None, loginfo=sys.stdout):
     debug("connecting to", sshname)
-        gw = py.execnet.SshGateway(sshname, ssh_config=ssh_config)
+        gw = execnet.SshGateway(sshname, ssh_config=ssh_config)
     except IOError:
         error("could not get sshagteway", sshname)

--- a/py/test/plugin/pytest_execnetcleanup.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-cleanup execnet gateways during test function runs.
-import py
-pytest_plugins = "xfail"
-def pytest_configure(config):
-    config.pluginmanager.register(Execnetcleanup())
-class Execnetcleanup:
-    _gateways = None
-    def __init__(self, debug=False):
-        self._debug = debug 
-    def pyexecnet_gateway_init(self, gateway):
-        if self._gateways is not None:
-            self._gateways.append(gateway)
-    def pyexecnet_gateway_exit(self, gateway):
-        if self._gateways is not None:
-            self._gateways.remove(gateway)
-    def pytest_sessionstart(self, session):
-        self._gateways = []
-    def pytest_sessionfinish(self, session, exitstatus):
-        l = []
-        for gw in self._gateways:
-            gw.exit()
-            l.append(gw)
-        #for gw in l:
-        #    gw.join()
-    def pytest_pyfunc_call(self, __multicall__, pyfuncitem):
-        if self._gateways is not None:
-            gateways = self._gateways[:]
-            res = __multicall__.execute()
-            while len(self._gateways) > len(gateways):
-                self._gateways[-1].exit()
-            return res

--- a/py/execnet/rsync_remote.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-def f():
-    import os, stat, shutil
-    try:
-        from hashlib import md5
-    except ImportError:
-        from md5 import md5
-    destdir, options = channel.receive() 
-    modifiedfiles = []
-    def remove(path):
-        assert path.startswith(destdir)
-        try:
-            os.unlink(path)
-        except OSError:
-            # assume it's a dir
-            shutil.rmtree(path)
-    def receive_directory_structure(path, relcomponents):
-        try:
-            st = os.lstat(path)
-        except OSError:
-            st = None
-        msg = channel.receive()
-        if isinstance(msg, list):
-            if st and not stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode):
-                os.unlink(path)
-                st = None
-            if not st:
-                os.makedirs(path)
-            entrynames = {}
-            for entryname in msg:
-                receive_directory_structure(os.path.join(path, entryname),
-                    relcomponents + [entryname])
-                entrynames[entryname] = True
-            if options.get('delete'): 
-                for othername in os.listdir(path):
-                    if othername not in entrynames:
-                        otherpath = os.path.join(path, othername)
-                        remove(otherpath)
-        elif msg is not None:
-            checksum = None
-            if st:
-                if stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode):
-                    msg_mtime, msg_size = msg
-                    if msg_size != st.st_size:
-                        pass
-                    elif msg_mtime != st.st_mtime:
-                        f = open(path, 'rb')
-                        checksum = md5(f.read()).digest()
-                        f.close()
-                    else:
-                        return    # already fine
-                else:
-                    remove(path)
-            channel.send(("send", (relcomponents, checksum)))
-            modifiedfiles.append((path, msg))
-    receive_directory_structure(destdir, [])
-    STRICT_CHECK = False    # seems most useful this way for py.test
-    channel.send(("list_done", None))
-    for path, (time, size) in modifiedfiles:
-        data = channel.receive()
-        channel.send(("ack", path[len(destdir) + 1:]))
-        if data is not None:
-            if STRICT_CHECK and len(data) != size:
-                raise IOError('file modified during rsync: %r' % (path,))
-            f = open(path, 'wb')
-            f.write(data)
-            f.close()
-        try:
-            os.utime(path, (time, time))
-        except OSError:
-            pass
-        del data
-    channel.send(("links", None))
-    msg = channel.receive()
-    while msg is not 42:
-        # we get symlink
-        _type, relpath, linkpoint = msg
-        assert _type == "link"
-        path = os.path.join(destdir, relpath)
-        try:
-            remove(path)
-        except OSError:
-            pass
-        os.symlink(os.path.join(destdir, linkpoint), path)
-        msg = channel.receive()
-    channel.send(("done", None))

--- a/example/funcarg/mysetup2/conftest.py
+++ b/example/funcarg/mysetup2/conftest.py
@@ -20,5 +20,5 @@ class MySetup:
         host = self.config.option.ssh
         if host is None:
             py.test.skip("specify ssh host with --ssh")
-        return py.execnet.SshGateway(host)
+        return execnet.SshGateway(host)

--- a/contrib/sysinfo.py
+++ b/contrib/sysinfo.py
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ def error(*args):
 def getinfo(sshname, ssh_config=None, loginfo=sys.stdout):
     debug("connecting to", sshname)
-        gw = py.execnet.SshGateway(sshname, ssh_config=ssh_config)
+        gw = execnet.SshGateway(sshname, ssh_config=ssh_config)
     except IOError:
         error("could not get sshagteway", sshname)

--- a/doc/execnet.txt
+++ b/doc/execnet.txt
@@ -2,263 +2,11 @@
 py.execnet: *elastic* distributed programming 
-``execnet`` helps you to: 
+Since pylib 1.1 "py.execnet" is separated out of hte lib and now 
+available through the standalone `execnet standalone package`_.
-* ad-hoc instantiate local or remote Python Processes
-* send code for execution in one or many processes 
-* send and receive data between processes through channels
+If you have usages of the "py.execnet.*" 1.0 API you can likely
+rename all occurences of the string ``py.execnet.`` with the 
+string ``execnet.``.  
-One of it's unique features is that it uses a **zero-install** 
-technique: no manual installation steps are required on 
-remote places, only a basic working Python interpreter 
-and some input/output connection to it. 
-There is a `EuroPython2009 talk`_ from July 2009 with
-examples and some pictures. 
-.. contents:: 
-    :local:
-    :depth: 2
-.. _`EuroPython2009 talk`: http://codespeak.net/download/py/ep2009-execnet.pdf 
-Gateways: immediately spawn local or remote process
-In order to send code to a remote place or a subprocess
-you need to instantiate a so-called Gateway object.  
-There are currently three Gateway classes:
-* :api:`py.execnet.PopenGateway` to open a subprocess 
-  on the local machine.  Useful for making use 
-  of multiple processors to to contain code execution
-  in a separated environment. 
-* :api:`py.execnet.SshGateway` to connect to 
-  a remote ssh server and distribute execution to it. 
-* :api:`py.execnet.SocketGateway` a way to connect to 
-  a remote Socket based server. *Note* that this method
-  requires a manually started 
-  :source:py/execnet/script/socketserver.py
-  script.  You can run this "server script" without 
-  having the py lib installed on the remote system
-  and you can setup it up as permanent service. 
-remote_exec: execute source code remotely 
-All gateways offer remote code execution via this high level function::
-    def remote_exec(source): 
-        """return channel object for communicating with the asynchronously 
-        executing 'source' code which will have a corresponding 'channel' 
-        object in its executing namespace."""
-With `remote_exec` you send source code to the other
-side and get both a local and a remote Channel_ object,
-which you can use to have the local and remote site
-communicate data in a structured way.   Here is 
-an example for reading the PID::
-  >>> import py 
-  >>> gw = py.execnet.PopenGateway()
-  >>> channel = gw.remote_exec("""
-  ...     import os
-  ...     channel.send(os.getpid())
-  ... """)
-  >>> remote_pid = channel.receive()
-  >>> remote_pid != py.std.os.getpid()
-  True
-.. _`Channel`: 
-.. _`channel-api`: 
-.. _`exchange data`: 
-Channels: bidirectionally exchange data between hosts 
-A channel object allows to send and receive data between 
-two asynchronously running programs.  When calling
-`remote_exec` you will get a channel object back and 
-the code fragment running on the other side will 
-see a channel object in its global namespace. 
-Here is the interface of channel objects::
-    #
-    # API for sending and receiving anonymous values
-    #
-    channel.send(item): 
-        sends the given item to the other side of the channel, 
-        possibly blocking if the sender queue is full. 
-        Note that items need to be marshallable (all basic 
-        python types are).
-    channel.receive():
-        receives an item that was sent from the other side, 
-        possibly blocking if there is none. 
-        Note that exceptions from the other side will be 
-        reraised as gateway.RemoteError exceptions containing 
-        a textual representation of the remote traceback. 
-    channel.waitclose(timeout=None): 
-        wait until this channel is closed.  Note that a closed
-        channel may still hold items that will be received or 
-        send. Note that exceptions from the other side will be 
-        reraised as gateway.RemoteError exceptions containing 
-        a textual representation of the remote traceback. 
-    channel.close(): 
-        close this channel on both the local and the remote side. 
-        A remote side blocking on receive() on this channel 
-        will get woken up and see an EOFError exception. 
-.. _xspec:
-XSpec: string specification for gateway type and configuration
-``py.execnet`` supports a simple extensible format for 
-specifying and configuring Gateways for remote execution.  
-You can use a string specification to instantiate a new gateway, 
-for example a new SshGateway::
-    gateway = py.execnet.makegateway("ssh=myhost")
-Let's look at some examples for valid specifications. 
-Specification for an ssh connection to `wyvern`, running on python2.4 in the (newly created) 'mycache'  subdirectory::
-    ssh=wyvern//python=python2.4//chdir=mycache
-Specification of a python2.5 subprocess; with a low CPU priority ("nice" level). Current dir will be the current dir of the instantiator (that's true for all 'popen' specifications unless they specify 'chdir')::
-    popen//python=2.5//nice=20
-Specification of a Python Socket server process that listens on; current dir will be the 'pyexecnet-cache' sub directory which is used a default for all remote processes::
-    socket=
-More generally, a specification string has this general format::
-    key1=value1//key2=value2//key3=value3
-If you omit a value, a boolean true value is assumed.  Currently
-the following key/values are supported: 
-* ``popen`` for a PopenGateway
-* ``ssh=host`` for a SshGateway
-* ``socket=address:port`` for a SocketGateway 
-* ``python=executable`` for specifying Python executables
-* ``chdir=path`` change remote working dir to given relative or absolute path
-* ``nice=value`` decrease remote nice level if platforms supports it 
-Examples of py.execnet usage 
-Compare cwd() of Popen Gateways
-A PopenGateway has the same working directory as the instantiatior::
-    >>> import py, os
-    >>> gw = py.execnet.PopenGateway()
-    >>> ch = gw.remote_exec("import os; channel.send(os.getcwd())")
-    >>> res = ch.receive()
-    >>> assert res == os.getcwd()
-    >>> gw.exit()
-Synchronously receive results from two sub processes 
-Use MultiChannels for receiving multiple results from remote code::
-    >>> import py
-    >>> ch1 = py.execnet.PopenGateway().remote_exec("channel.send(1)")
-    >>> ch2 = py.execnet.PopenGateway().remote_exec("channel.send(2)")
-    >>> mch = py.execnet.MultiChannel([ch1, ch2])
-    >>> l = mch.receive_each()
-    >>> assert len(l) == 2
-    >>> assert 1 in l 
-    >>> assert 2 in l 
-Asynchronously receive results from two sub processes 
-Use ``MultiChannel.make_receive_queue()`` for asynchronously receiving 
-multiple results from remote code.  This standard Queue provides 
-``(channel, result)`` tuples which allows to determine where 
-a result comes from::
-    >>> import py
-    >>> ch1 = py.execnet.PopenGateway().remote_exec("channel.send(1)")
-    >>> ch2 = py.execnet.PopenGateway().remote_exec("channel.send(2)")
-    >>> mch = py.execnet.MultiChannel([ch1, ch2])
-    >>> queue = mch.make_receive_queue()
-    >>> chan1, res1 = queue.get()  # you may also specify a timeout 
-    >>> chan2, res2 = queue.get()
-    >>> res1 + res2 
-    3
-    >>> assert chan1 in (ch1, ch2)
-    >>> assert chan2 in (ch1, ch2)
-    >>> assert chan1 != chan2
-Receive file contents from remote SSH account 
-Here is a small program that you can use to retrieve
-contents of remote files::
-    import py
-    # open a gateway to a fresh child process 
-    gw = py.execnet.SshGateway('codespeak.net') 
-    channel = gw.remote_exec("""
-            for fn in channel:
-                f = open(fn, 'rb')
-                channel.send(f.read())
-                f.close()
-    """) 
-    for fn in somefilelist: 
-        channel.send(fn) 
-        content = channel.receive()
-        # process content 
-    # later you can exit / close down the gateway
-    gw.exit()
-Instantiate a socket server in a new subprocess 
-The following example opens a PopenGateway, i.e. a python
-child process, and starts a socket server within that process 
-and then opens a second gateway to the freshly started
-    import py 
-    popengw = py.execnet.PopenGateway()
-    socketgw = py.execnet.SocketGateway.new_remote(popengw, ("", 0))
-    print socketgw._rinfo() # print some info about the remote environment
-Sending a module / checking if run through remote_exec 
-You can pass a module object to ``remote_exec`` in which case
-its source code will be sent.  No dependencies will be transferred
-so the module must be self-contained or only use modules that are 
-installed on the "other" side.  Module code can detect if it is 
-running in a remote_exec situation by checking for the special 
-``__name__`` attribute like this::
-    if __name__ == '__channelexec__':
-        # ... call module functions ... 
+.. _`execnet standalone package`: http://codespeak.net/execnet

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