[py-svn] r59697 - py/extradoc/talk/pycon-us-2009

briandorsey at codespeak.net briandorsey at codespeak.net
Mon Nov 3 21:09:12 CET 2008

Author: briandorsey
Date: Mon Nov  3 21:09:08 2008
New Revision: 59697

Begining to flesh out beginning outline.

Modified: py/extradoc/talk/pycon-us-2009/proposal-pytest-begin.txt
--- py/extradoc/talk/pycon-us-2009/proposal-pytest-begin.txt	(original)
+++ py/extradoc/talk/pycon-us-2009/proposal-pytest-begin.txt	Mon Nov  3 21:09:08 2008
@@ -1,15 +1,22 @@
 Title: py.test - rapid testing with minimal effort
-Presenter: Brian Dorsey <XXX>, Holger Krekel <holger at merlinux.eu>
+Presenter: Brian Dorsey <brian at dorseys.org>, Holger Krekel <holger at merlinux.eu>
 Tutorial format: interactive lecture 
-Recording: i give permission to record and publish my PyCon tutorial for free distribution. 
+Recording: I give permission to record and publish my PyCon tutorial for free distribution. 
 Intended Audience: beginner programmers 
 Maximum number of students: maybe 30 
 Perequisites/knowledge: basic knowledge of python programming
-Requirements: XXX
+Requirements: Laptop with Python 2.4 or greater installed. Or pair with someone. :)
 Presenter bio: 
-Brian XXX
+Brian Dorsey is a database and Python developer living in Seattle Washington,
+USA. He mostly writes command line tools, windows services and more recntly
+simple web apps. He is a long-time user of and occasional contributor to
+py.test. He is a co-organizer of the Seattle Python Interest Group
+(www.seapig.org), a member of www.saturdayhouse.org and co-founder of a
+co-working space in Seattle (www.giraffelabs.com). He also loves lunch and
+created www.noonhat.com to help feed that addiction. He doesn't like natto or
+talking about himself in the third person.
 Holger Krekel is a co-founder of the PyPy project and
 participates on many levels.  He is the initiator and
@@ -35,15 +42,21 @@
 Motivation / why automated testing? (15 minutes) 
+- what is unit testing and how does it compare to other types of testing
+- why do unit testing? benefits, etc
 - existing python testing tools
-- similarities of nose and py.test 
+- similarities and differences between nose and py.test 
-Basic usage of py.test (45 minutes)
-XXX extend, split intwo two sections? 
+Installation, basic test functions. (30 minutes) 
 - installation 
-- test functions, test classes 
+- test functions 
+- 20 minute work time (basic setup and working through inevitable setup problems)
+Basic usage of py.test (45 minutes)
+XXX extend, split into two sections? 
 - working with failures 
 - reinterpretation of asserts 
+- test classes 
 - setup and teardown test state 
 - skipping tests
 - generative tests
@@ -51,11 +64,18 @@
 - skipping chunks within doctests 
 - looponfailing: run large test set until all tests pass 
+XXX possible topics?
+Mock objects?
+continuous integration (running as part of a build)?
 Using existing extensions (30 minutes)
 - integrate collection/run of traditional unit-tests
 - run functions in their own tempdir 
 - testing ReST documents
 - running Javascript tests

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