[py-svn] r57522 - py/release/0.9.x/py/doc

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Wed Aug 20 18:27:42 CEST 2008

Author: hpk
Date: Wed Aug 20 18:27:39 2008
New Revision: 57522

0.9.2 updates to the entry-level docs

Modified: py/release/0.9.x/py/doc/download.txt
--- py/release/0.9.x/py/doc/download.txt	(original)
+++ py/release/0.9.x/py/doc/download.txt	Wed Aug 20 18:27:39 2008
@@ -1,104 +1,65 @@
-Download and Installation of the py lib 
-.. contents::
-.. sectnum::
-Downloading a tar/zip file and installing it
+"easy_install py"
-The latest public release: 
+With a working `setuptools installation`_ you can install from the command line::
-    `download py-0.9.1.tar.gz`_ 
-    `download py-0.9.1.zip`_ 
+    easy_install py 
-.. _`download py-0.9.1.tar.gz`: http://codespeak.net/download/py/py-0.9.1.tar.gz
-.. _`download py-0.9.1.zip`: http://codespeak.net/download/py/py-0.9.1.zip 
+to get the latest release of the py lib.  On non-Windows systems you will 
+need a working C-compiler in order to successfully complete this step. 
+The py lib and its tools are expected to work well on Linux, Windows 
+and OSX, Python versions 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6. 
-The py lib can be `globally installed via setup.py`_ 
-or `used locally`_.  
+.. _`setuptools installation`: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools
-WARNING: win32 there is no pre-packaged c-extension
-module (greenlet) yet and thus greenlets will not work
-out of the box.  
-Getting (and updating) via subversion 
-Use Subversion to checkout the latest 0.9.x stable release: 
-    svn co http://codespeak.net/svn/py/release/0.9.x py-0.9.x
-to obtain the complete code and documentation source. 
-If you experience problems with the subversion checkout e.g. 
-because you have a http-proxy in between that doesn't proxy 
-DAV requests you can try to use "codespeak.net:8080" instead 
-of just "codespeak.net".  Alternatively, you may tweak 
-your local subversion installation. 
-If you want to follow stable snapshots 
-then you may use the equivalent of this invocation: 
+Downloading a tar/zip archive and installing that
-    svn co http://codespeak.net/svn/py/dist py-dist 
+You may also download one of these archives:
+    `download py-0.9.2b6.tar.gz`_ 
-.. _`globally installed via setup.py`:
+    `download py-0.9.2b6.zip`_ 
-Installation via setup.py 
+.. _`download py-0.9.2b6.tar.gz`: http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/p/py/py-0.9.2b6.tar.gz
+.. _`download py-0.9.2b6.zip`: http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/p/py/py-0.9.2b6.zip
-Go to your unpacked/checked out directory
-and issue: 
+and unpack it to a directory, where you then type::
     python setup.py install
+You will need a working C-compiler in order to comlete this step successfully. 
-.. _`used locally`:
-Local Installation/Usage
+Installing from subversion / develop mode
-You need to put the checkout-directory into your ``PYTHONPATH``
-and you want to have the ``py-dist/py/bin/py.test`` script in 
-your (unixish) system path, which lets you execute test files 
-and directories.  
+To follow development or help with fixing things
+for the next release, checkout the complete code
+and documentation source::
-There is a convenient way for Bash/Shell based systems
-to setup the ``PYTHONPATH`` as well as the shell ``PATH``, insert:: 
-    eval `python ~/path/to/py-dist/py/env.py`
-into your ``.bash_profile``.  Of course, you need to
-specify your own checkout-directory. 
-.. _`svn-external scenario`: 
-The py lib as an svn external
-Add the py lib as an external to your project `DIRECTORY` 
-which contains your svn-controlled root package::
+    svn co http://codespeak.net/svn/py/release/0.9.x py-0.9.x
-    svn propedit 'svn:externals' DIRECTORY 
+You should then be able to issue::
-which will open an editor where you can add 
-the following line: 
+    python setup.py develop 
-    py http://codespeak.net/svn/py/dist 
+and work with the local version.  
-This will make your projcet automatically use the 
-most recent stable snapshot of the py lib.  
+If this doesn't work for you then you can also 
+source (linux) or execute (windows) some scripts
+that set environment variables for using your checkout. 
+You can execute: 
-Alternatively you may use this url for
-integrating the development version:
+    python ~/path/to/checkout/py/env.py 
-    http://codespeak.net/svn/py/trunk 
+or on windows:  
-or the next one for following the e.g. the 0.9 release branch
+    \\path\\to\\checkout\\py\\env.cmd
-    http://codespeak.net/svn/py/release/0.9.x
+to get settings for PYTHONPATH and PATH.
 py subversion directory structure

Modified: py/release/0.9.x/py/doc/index.txt
--- py/release/0.9.x/py/doc/index.txt	(original)
+++ py/release/0.9.x/py/doc/index.txt	Wed Aug 20 18:27:39 2008
@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
 py lib documentation 
-    The py lib aims at supporting a decent development process 
-    addressing deployment, versioning, testing and documentation 
-    perspectives. 
+    The py lib is a development support library featuring
+    py.test, ad-hoc distributed execution, micro-threads
+    (greenlets) and uniform local path and svn abstractions.  
+    Works on Linux, Windows and OSX, Python versions 
+    2.3, 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6. 
 `Download and Installation`_ 
-`0.9.1 release announcement`_ 
+`0.9.2 release announcement`_ 
 Main tools and API 
@@ -59,4 +61,4 @@
 .. _`Why What how py?`: why_py.html 
 .. _`future`: future.html 
 .. _`miscellaneous features`: misc.html 
-.. _`0.9.1 release announcement`: release-0.9.1.html
+.. _`0.9.2 release announcement`: release-0.9.2.html

Modified: py/release/0.9.x/py/doc/release-0.9.2.txt
--- py/release/0.9.x/py/doc/release-0.9.2.txt	(original)
+++ py/release/0.9.x/py/doc/release-0.9.2.txt	Wed Aug 20 18:27:39 2008
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 mainly fixing Windows issues, providing better
 packaging and integration with setuptools. 
-Summary of main feature of the py lib:
+Here is a quick summary of what it provides: 
 * py.test: cross-project testing tool with many advanced features
 * py.execnet: ad-hoc code distribution to SSH, Socket and local sub processes
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 See here for more information:
 Download/Install:   http://codespeak.net/py/0.9.2/download.html
 Documentation/API:  http://codespeak.net/py/0.9.2/index.html
 best and have fun,

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