[py-svn] r33177 - py/dist/py/documentation/apigen

fijal at codespeak.net fijal at codespeak.net
Wed Oct 11 19:09:36 CEST 2006

Author: fijal
Date: Wed Oct 11 19:09:34 2006
New Revision: 33177


Modified: py/dist/py/documentation/apigen/roadmap.txt
--- py/dist/py/documentation/apigen/roadmap.txt	(original)
+++ py/dist/py/documentation/apigen/roadmap.txt	Wed Oct 11 19:09:34 2006
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 * further py.test distributed developement, especially incorporating
   some command line options (I think -x and -k are done). This might be:
-  - options transfer to clients (maybe whole conftest) to allow them
+  - DONE options transfer to clients (maybe whole conftest) to allow them
     to perform special things.
   - -s (how???) --view for pypy, etc.
   - screen/--pdb (there is some work done in this area)
@@ -31,47 +31,37 @@
     connects to it (actually it does not).
   - XXX: anything else?
 * integration from py.test distributed into normal py.test, especially
   cool reporting features as well as web frontend (and extend it a bit)
-* benchmark integration into py.test. This issue haven't been discussed
-  in details. From my POV there should be done like running test in a
-  loop till having at least few seconds of run (some pypy tests takes
-  minutes to run, so this will not re-run the tests, but just take one),
-  than gather information and report it somehow. Should work as well
-  in distributed version (due to cool reporting, this might be the first
-  place to integrate). Various issues:
+* integrate some kind of TestRunner, which will run the tests and perform
+  some additional stuff. This is related to (but not limited):
+  - benchmarks
-  - Measure in MegaPystones or some other not-CPU-dependant units, so
-    we can compare results from different machines.
+  - py.api integration
 (actually lying down in py.test.tracer in branch, maybe not
-too nice name for that).
-Actual working version can provide simple ReST out of running very
-simple tests (functions only).
+too nice name for that, will go to py.api).
 So, todo list is (in random order):
 * Make interface for every possible single item on the end (function,
-  method, generator) to provide better coverage.
+  method, generator) to provide better coverage. Function/method DONE.
 * Make more... (frontend for API extraction, backend for output 
   generation, different source link generators, etc. etc.)
-* Integrate it into py.test, as well as make possibility of gathering
-  this data from running process (this might allow to get it remotely
-  as well) with quite different tool (console/web, with possibility
-  to snapshot to static outcome).
 * Provide some model of determining which methods are exposed as API
   and which are internal (just called directly in unittest looks like
   enough for now, altough we do not have method of determining that yet)
+* Provide some command line debugger-like tool (PDB hook?) which will expose
+  API information additionally to debugging info.
 * Make clean vision of pypy annotation typesystem, probably even
   extend it a bit (it's still easier to use than providing all
   the interface on our own). Possible extensions:

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