[py-svn] r34668 - in py/dist/py/rest: . testing

guido at codespeak.net guido at codespeak.net
Thu Nov 16 14:57:02 CET 2006

Author: guido
Date: Thu Nov 16 14:57:00 2006
New Revision: 34668

Removing unused py.rest.rst files, to be replaced with the stuff from py.rst
(which is used already).

Deleted: /py/dist/py/rest/rst.py
--- /py/dist/py/rest/rst.py	Thu Nov 16 14:57:00 2006
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import generators
-import py
-from py.xml import Namespace, Tag
-#from py.__.xmlobj.visit import SimpleUnicodeVisitor
-#from py.__.xmlobj.html import HtmlVisitor
-def itertext(text):
-    """ Generator: like string.split, but ''.join(itertext(t)) == t
-    >>> list(itertext('word\n  second word')) 
-    ['word', '\n', '  ', 'second', ' ', 'word']
-    """
-    state_word = 'not isspace()' 
-    state_whitespace = '\t\n\x0b\x0c\r'
-    state_space = ' '
-    def compute_state(char):
-        if char in state_whitespace:
-            return state_whitespace
-        if char == ' ':
-            return state_space
-        return state_word
-    word = ''
-    state = None 
-    for char in text:
-        if state is None:
-            # init
-            state = compute_state(char)
-            word = char
-            continue
-        next_state = compute_state(char)
-        if state != state_whitespace and state == next_state:
-            word += char
-            continue
-        yield word
-        word = char
-        state = next_state
-    yield word
-class Out:
-    """ wrap text like textwarp.wrap, but preserves \n
-    all lines are left aligned
-    arguments to write must be strings or iterable and
-    return strings of length 1 (chars)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, width=70):
-        self.width = width
-        self.lines = ['']
-    def copy(self):
-        ' like copy, except self.lines = ['']'
-        return self.__class__(width = self.width)
-    def write(self, arg, literal=False):
-        line = self.lines.pop()
-        for w in itertext(arg):
-            if w == '\n':
-                self.lines.append(line)
-                line = ''
-                continue
-            if literal or self.width is None or \
-                   line and not line[-1].isspace():
-                line += w
-                continue
-            if not line and w == ' '*len(w):
-                continue
-            if len(line) + len(w) > self.width:
-                if line != '':
-                    self.lines.append(line)
-                line = w.lstrip()
-                continue
-            line += w
-        self.lines.append(line)
-        return self   
-    def writeln(self, arg='', literal=False):
-        self.write(arg, literal)
-        self.write('\n')
-    def write_literal(self, arg):
-        self.write(arg, literal=True)
-    def writeln_literal(self, arg):
-        self.writeln(arg, literal=True)
-    def append(self, out, indent = '', join=''):
-        keepends = True
-        self.write_literal(join.join(
-            [indent + line
-             for line in out.render().splitlines(keepends)]))
-    def extend(self, out_list, indent = '', infix = ' ',
-               join = '', literal = False):
-        l = list(out_list)
-        if not l: return
-        for out in l[:-1]:
-            self.append(out, indent, join=join)
-            self.write(infix, literal=literal)
-        self.append(l[-1], indent, join=join)
-    def max_length(self):
-        return max([len(l) for l in self.lines])
-    def render(self):
-        return '\n'.join(self.lines)
-class RestTag(Tag):
-    start_string = ''
-    end_string = ''
-    sep = ''
-    write_literal = False
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        super(RestTag, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-        self.parse_options(self.attr)
-    def parse_options(self, attr):
-        pass
-    def text(self, width = 70):
-        out = Out(width = width)
-        self.__rest__(out)
-        return out.render()
-    def __rest__(self, out):
-        out.write(self.sep)
-        out.write(self.start_string)
-        self.write_children(out, self.render_children(out))
-        out.write(self.end_string)
-        out.write(self.sep)
-    def write_children(self, out, child_outs):
-        out.extend(child_outs)
-    def render_children(self, out):
-        outs = []
-        for child in self:
-            child_out = out.copy()
-            if isinstance(child, RestTag):
-                child.__rest__(child_out)
-            else:
-                child_out.write(child, literal = self.write_literal)
-            outs.append(child_out)
-        return outs
-class DirectiveMetaclass(type): 
-    def __getattr__(self, name): 
-        if name[:1] == '_': 
-            raise AttributeError(name)
-        # convert '_' to '-'
-        name = name.replace('_','-')
-        classattr = {'name': name}
-        cls = type(name, (self.__tagclass__,), classattr) 
-        setattr(self, name, cls) 
-        return cls 
-class UniversalDirective(RestTag):
-    sep = '\n\n'
-    start_string = '.. '
-    def write_children(self, out, child_outs):
-        out.write(self.name)
-        out.write(':: ')
-        out.writeln(child_outs[0].render())
-        keys = [attr for attr in dir(self.attr) if not attr.startswith('__')]
-        keys.sort()
-        for key in keys:
-            value = str(getattr(self.attr, key))
-            out.write_literal(' ' * len(self.start_string) +':%s: %s\n' \
-                              % (key,value))
-        if len(child_outs) > 1:
-            # directive block
-            out.writeln(' ' * len(self.start_string))
-            out.extend(child_outs[1:], indent = ' ' * len(self.start_string))
-class rest(UniversalDirective):
-    __tagclass__ = RestTag
-    __stickname__ = True
-    class hyperref(RestTag):
-        start_string = '`'
-        end_string = '`_'
-        write_literal = True
-    class emph(RestTag):
-        start_string = '*'
-        end_string = start_string
-    class strongemph(RestTag):
-        start_string = '**'
-        end_string = start_string
-    class inline_literal(RestTag):
-        start_string = "``"
-        end_string = "``"
-    class interpreted_text(RestTag):
-        start_string ='`'
-        end_string = '`'
-        role = ''
-        def parse_options(self, attr):
-            self.role = getattr(attr, 'role', self.role)
-            if self.role:
-                self.start_string = ':%s:%s' % (self.role, self.start_string)
-    class paragraph(RestTag):
-        sep = '\n\n'
-    class explicit_markup(RestTag):
-        sep = '\n\n'
-        start_string = '.. '
-        def write_children(self, out, child_outs):
-            out.extend(child_outs, join = ' ' * len(self.start_string))
-    class hypertarget(RestTag):
-        sep = '\n\n'
-        start_string = '.. _'
-        end_string = ':'
-        write_literal = True
-    class title(RestTag):
-        sep = '\n'
-        start_string = '#'
-        end_string = '#'
-        quotes = """! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~""".split()
-        def parse_options(self, attr):
-            self.start_string = getattr(attr, 'overline', '#')
-            self.end_string = getattr(attr, 'underline', '#')
-        def __rest__(self, out):
-            child_outs = self.render_children(out)
-            max_length = max([o.max_length() for o in child_outs])
-            out.write(self.sep)
-            out.writeln_literal(self.start_string * max_length)
-            out.extend(child_outs)
-            out.writeln()
-            out.writeln_literal(self.end_string * max_length)
-            out.write(self.sep)
-    class list_item(RestTag):
-        sep = '\n\n'
-        start_string = '* '
-        def parse_options(self, attr):
-            self.start_string = getattr(attr, 'bullet', '*') + ' '
-            if  getattr(attr, 'auto_enumerate', False):
-                self.start_string = '#. '
-        def write_children(self, out, child_outs):
-            out.extend(child_outs, join = ' ' * len(self.start_string))
-    class literal_block(RestTag):
-        sep = '\n\n'
-        start_string = '::\n\n'
-        indent = '  '
-        quote = '  '
-        quotes = """! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~""".split() + [' ']
-        write_literal = True
-        def parse_options(self, attr):
-            self.quote = getattr(attr, 'quote', '  ')
-        def write_children(self, out, child_outs):
-            out.extend(child_outs, indent = self.quote, infix ='', literal = True)
-    unidirective = UniversalDirective
-    class directive:
-        __metaclass__ = DirectiveMetaclass
-        __tagclass__ = UniversalDirective

Deleted: /py/dist/py/rest/testing/test_rst.py
--- /py/dist/py/rest/testing/test_rst.py	Thu Nov 16 14:57:00 2006
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-import py
-from py.__.rest.rst import rest, Out, itertext, RestTag
-from py.__.misc import rest as pyrest
-    import docutils
-except ImportError:
-    py.test.skip("docutils not present")
-temp = py.test.ensuretemp('check_rest')
-#temp = py.path.local.mkdtemp()
-def check_rest(content, include_dir = None):
-    " try to convert content to html "
-    if isinstance(content, RestTag):
-        content = content.text()
-    content = unicode(content)
-    print content
-    tempdir = py.path.local.make_numbered_dir(rootdir=temp)
-    if include_dir is None:
-        include_dir = tempdir
-    #logging
-    tempdir.ensure('input.txt').write(content)
-    try:
-        output = pyrest.convert_rest_html(content, include_dir)
-    except:
-        fail_msg = '''
-        failed to convert %s to html, probably not valid reStructuredText
-        see recorded stderr for error message'''
-        py.test.fail(fail_msg % tempdir.join('input.txt') + '\n\n' + str(py.code.ExceptionInfo()))
-    tempdir.ensure('output.html').write(output)
-    return True
-def render_xml(arg):
-    'try to generate a xml representation of arg'
-    return arg.unicode()
-def strip_lines(line_list):
-    'filter line_list and remove trailing whitespaces'
-    return [line.rstrip() for line in line_list if line.strip()]
-def print_lines(line_list):
-    'pretty print line_list'
-    py.std.pprint.pprint(strip_lines(line_list))
-class TestSplit:
-    def test_empyt_string(self):
-        assert list(itertext('')) == ['']
-    def test_whitespace(self):
-        assert list(itertext('  ')) == ['  ']
-    def test_single_word(self):
-        assert list(itertext('word')) == ['word']
-    def test_word_with_whitespace(self):
-        assert list(itertext('word ')) == ['word', ' ']
-    def test_two_words(self):
-        assert list(itertext('first second')) == ['first', ' ', 'second']
-    def test_trailing_newline(self):
-        assert list(itertext('\nfirst word')) == ['\n', 'first', ' ', 'word']
-    def test_newline_and_space_are_seperated(self):
-        assert list(itertext('\n third_item')) == ['\n', ' ', 'third_item']
-class TestOut:
-    def test_write_nothing(self):
-        assert Out().write('').render() == ''
-    def test_write_returns_self(self):
-        out = Out()
-        assert out.write('') is out
-        assert out.write('') is not Out().write('')
-    def test_write_newline(self):
-        out = Out()
-        out.write('\n')
-        assert len(out.lines) == 2
-        assert out.render() == '\n'
-    def test_write_one_line(self):
-        text = "'[B]ut assume that I have some other use case' isn't a valid use case. - Fredrik Lundh"
-        out = Out(width=None)
-        out.write(text)
-        assert out.lines == [text]
-        assert out.render() == text
-    def test_write_and_width(self):
-        text = "This sentence is 36 characters wide."
-        out = Out(width = 36)
-        out.write(text)
-        assert len(out.lines) == 1
-        out = Out(width = 35)
-        out.write(text)
-        assert len(out.lines) == 2
-    def test_write_and_newline(self):
-        text = "1234567890\n1234567890"
-        out = Out(width=30)
-        out.write(text)
-        assert len(out.lines) == 2
-        assert len(out.lines[0]) == 10
-        assert out.render() == text
-        out.write(text)
-        assert len(out.lines) == 3
-    def test_write_with_trailing_newline(self):
-        text = "0123456789\n"
-        out = Out()
-        out.write(text)
-        assert len(out.lines) == 2
-        assert out.render() == text
-    def test_write_long_word(self):
-        text = '12345678901234567890'
-        out = Out(width=19)
-        out.write(text)
-        assert len(out.lines) == 1
-        assert text == out.render()
-        out.write('1')
-        assert len(out.lines) == 1
-        out.write(' 2')
-        assert len(out.lines) == 2
-    def test_long_literal_and_newline(self):
-        text = '12345678901234567890'
-        out = Out(width=10)
-        out.write_literal(text)
-        assert len(out.lines) == 1
-        text += '\n1234567890'
-        out.write_literal(text)
-        assert len(out.lines) == 2
-    def test_append(self):
-        out = Out()
-        out.write('First line\n')
-        out.write('Second line')
-        root_out = Out()
-        root_out.write('Root')
-        root_out.append(out)
-        assert len(root_out.lines) == 2
-    def test_extend_empty_list(self):
-        out = Out()
-        text = out.render()
-        out.extend([])
-        assert text == out.render()
-    def test_max_length(self):
-        out = Out()
-        out.write('1234567890')
-        out.writeln()
-        out.write('123456789')
-        assert out.max_length() == 10
-class TestRest:
-    disabled = False
-    def setup_method(self, method):
-        self.text = {}
-        self.text['paragraph'] = "Paragraphs consist of blocks of "
-        "left-aligned text with no markup indicating any other body "
-        "element. Blank lines separate paragraphs from each other and "
-        "from other body elements. Paragraphs may contain inline markup."
-    def test_paragraph(self):
-        para = rest.paragraph(self.text['paragraph'])
-        print render_xml(para)
-        text = para.text()
-        check_rest(text)
-        assert text[0] == '\n'
-        assert text[-1] == '\n'
-    def test_paragraph_with_whitespaces(self):
-        phrase =  "Perhaps if we wrote                 programs from "
-        "childhood on, as                 adults                     "
-        "               we'd be able to read them."
-        para = rest.paragraph(phrase)
-        check_rest(para)
-        assert True not in [line.startswith(' ') for line in para.text().splitlines()]
-    def test_emph(self):
-        emph = rest.emph('strong')
-        assert emph.text() == '*strong*'
-        assert check_rest(emph.text())
-    def test_paragraph_adds_whitespace(self):
-        para = rest.paragraph('Starttext', rest.emph('EMPHASIS'), 'endtext')
-        assert para.text() == para.sep +'Starttext *EMPHASIS* endtext'+ para.sep
-    def test_nested_emph(self):
-        "Nested Inline Markup not allowed in ReST, don't try at home ;-)"
-        emph = rest.emph('start', rest.emph('middle'), 'end')
-        check_rest(emph.text())
-        assert emph.text() == '*start *middle* end*'
-    def test_strongemph(self):
-        phrase = 'failure is not an option'
-        emph = rest.strongemph(phrase)
-        assert emph.text() == '**' + phrase + '**'
-    def test_title(self):
-        phrase = 'Everything should be built top-down, except the first time.'
-        title = rest.title(phrase)
-        expected = title.sep + title.start_string * len(phrase) \
-                   +'\n' + phrase + '\n' + title.end_string *len(phrase)\
-                   + '\n' + title.sep
-        assert title.text() == expected
-        check_rest(title.text())
-    def test_list_item(self):
-        item_text = 'A short item.'
-        item = rest.list_item(item_text)
-        assert item.text() == item.sep + item.start_string + item_text \
-               + item.end_string + item.sep
-        check_rest(item)
-    def test_list_item_multiline(self):
-        item_text = '01234567890 1234567890'
-        item = rest.list_item(item_text)
-        text = item.text(width = 15)
-        assert len([l for l in text.splitlines() if l.strip()]) == 2
-        check_rest(text)
-        out = Out(width = 15)
-        item.__rest__(out)
-        assert out.max_length() <= 15
-    def test_list_item_custom_bullet(self):
-        item_text = '12345678901234567890'
-        item = rest.list_item(item_text, bullet='+')
-        assert item.text().strip()[0] == '+'
-        check_rest(item)
-    def test_auto_enumerated_list(self):
-        item_text = '12345678901234567890'
-        item = rest.list_item(item_text, auto_enumerate = True)
-        assert item.text().strip()[0:2] == '#.'
-        check_rest(item)
-    def test_literal_block(self):
-        text = '''\
-        This line is only 45 characters wide.
-          This one is even longer (two spaces).\
-        '''
-        block = rest.literal_block(text)
-        assert block.text()[:6] == block.sep + '::' + block.sep
-        out = Out()
-        block.__rest__(out)
-        assert out.max_length() == len(block.quote) + max([len(l) for l in text.splitlines()])
-        check_rest(block)
-        block = rest.literal_block(text, quote= rest.literal_block.quotes[3])
-        assert block.text().strip()[4] == rest.literal_block.quotes[3]
-        check_rest(block)
-    def test_interpreted_text(self):
-        itext = rest.interpreted_text('just text')
-        assert itext.text() == '`just text`'
-        itext_role = rest.interpreted_text('just text with role', role = 'red')
-        assert itext_role.text().startswith(':red:`just')
-    def test_directive(self):
-        dir = rest.directive.image('img.png')
-        assert dir.text() == dir.sep + '.. image:: img.png\n' + dir.sep
-        check_rest(dir.text())
-    def test_directive_with_options(self):
-        expected = """\
-.. figure:: picture.png
-   :alt: map to buried treasure
-   :scale: 50
-   This is the caption of the figure (a simple paragraph).
-   The legend consists of all elements after the caption.  In this
-   case, the legend consists of this paragraph."""
-        legend = """ The legend consists of all elements after the caption.  In this\n case, the legend consists of this paragraph."""
-        figure = rest.directive.figure('picture.png', rest.paragraph('This is the caption of the figure (a simple paragraph).'), rest.paragraph(legend), scale=50, alt= 'map to buried treasure')
-        check_rest(expected)
-        check_rest(figure.text())
-        print_lines(expected.splitlines())
-        print_lines(figure.text().splitlines())
-        assert strip_lines(expected.splitlines()) == strip_lines(figure.text().splitlines())
-    def test_directive_replace_underscore_in_directive_name(self):
-        # should we replace underscore in keyword arguments?
-        expected = '''\
-.. csv-table:: Frozen Delights!
-   :header: "Treat", "Quantity", "Description"
-   :widths: 15, 10, 30
-   Albatross,2.99,On a stick!
-   Crunchy Frog,1.49,"If we took the bones out, it wouldn't be crunchy,
-   now would it?"
-   Gannet Ripple,1.99,On a stick!
-''' #"
-        data =[["Albatross", 2.99, "On a stick!"],
-               ["Crunchy Frog", 1.49, "If we took the bones out, it wouldn't be crunchy, now would it?"],
-               ["Gannet Ripple", 1.99, "On a stick!"]
-               ]
-        out = Out(width = None)
-        py.std.csv.writer(out).writerows(data)
-        text = out.render()
-        table = rest.directive.csv_table('Frozen Delights!', text,
-                                         header = '"Treat", "Quantity", "Description"',
-                                         widths = "15, 10, 30")
-        print_lines(expected.splitlines())
-        print_lines(table.text().splitlines())
-        check_rest(expected)
-        check_rest(table.text())
-        assert strip_lines(expected.splitlines()) == strip_lines(table.text().splitlines())
-##     def test_block_quote(self):
-##         block ="""\
-## This is an ordinary paragraph, introducing a block quote.
-##     "It is my business to know things.  That is my trade."
-##     -- Sherlock Holmes
-##     """
-##         assert check_rest(block)
-##     def test_quoted_line_block(self):
-##         text = """\
-## Take it away, Eric the Orchestra Leader!
-##     | A one, two, a one two three four
-##     |
-##     | Half a bee, philosophically,
-##     |     must, *ipso facto*, half not be.
-##     | But half the bee has got to be,
-##     |     *vis a vis* its entity.  D'you see?
-##     |
-##     | But can a bee be said to be
-##     |     or not to be an entire bee,
-##     |         when half the bee is not a bee,
-##     |             due to some ancient injury?
-##     |
-##     | Singing...
-##     """
-##         assert check_rest(text)
-#def test_temdir_output():
-#    py.test.skip('tempdir is %s' % temp)

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