[py-svn] r11855 - in py/dist/py/test: . testing

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Tue May 3 15:02:43 CEST 2005

Author: hpk
Date: Tue May  3 15:02:43 2005
New Revision: 11855

flesh out keyword support, you can supply a google-style 
keyword expression, e.g. 

    py.test -k "something -otherthing" 

will run tests that have something but not otherthing 
in their test name. 

Modified: py/dist/py/test/defaultconftest.py
--- py/dist/py/test/defaultconftest.py	(original)
+++ py/dist/py/test/defaultconftest.py	Tue May  3 15:02:43 2005
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
                help="disable catching of sys.stdout/stderr output."),
                action="store", dest="keyword", default='',
-               help="select tests if they match the given keyword"), 
+               help="only run test items matching the given (google-style) keyword expression"), 
         Option('-l', '--showlocals',
                action="store_true", dest="showlocals", default=False,
                help="show locals in tracebacks (disabled by default)"),

Modified: py/dist/py/test/session.py
--- py/dist/py/test/session.py	(original)
+++ py/dist/py/test/session.py	Tue May  3 15:02:43 2005
@@ -84,18 +84,29 @@
+    def skipbykeyword(self, colitem): 
+        keyword = self.config.option.keyword
+        if not keyword: 
+            return 
+        chain = colitem.listchain()
+        for key in filter(None, keyword.split()): 
+            eor = key[:1] == '-' 
+            if eor: 
+                key = key[1:]
+            if not (eor ^ self._matchonekeyword(key, chain)): 
+                py.test.skip("test not selected by keyword %r" %(keyword,))
+    def _matchonekeyword(self, key, chain): 
+        for subitem in chain: 
+            if subitem.haskeyword(key): 
+                return True 
+        return False
     def run(self, colitem): 
         if self.config.option.collectonly and isinstance(colitem, py.test.Item): 
         if isinstance(colitem, py.test.Item): 
-            keyword = self.config.option.keyword
-            if keyword: 
-                for subitem in colitem.listchain(): 
-                    if subitem.haskeyword(keyword): 
-                        break 
-                else: 
-                    py.test.skip("test not selected by keyword %r" %(keyword,))
+            self.skipbykeyword(colitem)
         res = colitem.run() 
         if res is None: 
             return py.test.Item.Passed() 

Modified: py/dist/py/test/testing/test_session.py
--- py/dist/py/test/testing/test_session.py	(original)
+++ py/dist/py/test/testing/test_session.py	Tue May  3 15:02:43 2005
@@ -66,17 +66,21 @@
             import py
             class Class(py.test.collect.Class): 
                 def haskeyword(self, keyword): 
-                    return keyword == 'XXX' or \
+                    return keyword == 'xxx' or \
                            super(Class, self).haskeyword(keyword) 
-        config, args = py.test.Config.parse(['-k', 'XXX'])
-        session = config.getsessionclass()(config) 
-        session.main([o])
-        l = session.getitemoutcomepairs(py.test.Item.Passed)
-        assert len(l) == 1
-        assert l[0][0].name == 'test_2'
-        l = session.getitemoutcomepairs(py.test.Item.Skipped)
-        assert l[0][0].name == 'test_1' 
+        for keyword in ('xxx', 'xxx test_2', 'TestClass', 'xxx -test_1', 
+                        'TestClass test_2', 'xxx TestClass test_2',): 
+            f = StringIO()
+            config, args = py.test.Config.parse(['-k', keyword]) 
+            session = config.getsessionclass()(config, f) 
+            session.main([o])
+            print "keyword", repr(keyword)
+            l = session.getitemoutcomepairs(py.test.Item.Passed)
+            assert len(l) == 1
+            assert l[0][0].name == 'test_2'
+            l = session.getitemoutcomepairs(py.test.Item.Skipped)
+            assert l[0][0].name == 'test_1' 
 #f = open('/tmp/logfile', 'wa')  
 class TestTerminalSession: 
@@ -182,6 +186,10 @@
             def test_capturing():
                 print 42
                 print >>py.std.sys.stderr, 23 
+            def test_capturing_error():
+                print 1
+                print >>py.std.sys.stderr, 2
+                raise ValueError
         conftest = o.join('conftest.py').write(py.code.Source("""
             import py
@@ -209,7 +217,8 @@
         assert out.find('module level output') != -1 
         allout = self.file.getvalue()
         print "allout:", allout
-        assert allout.find('module level output') != -1
+        assert allout.find('module level output') != -1, (
+                           "session didn't show module output")
     def test_raises_output(self): 
         o = tmpdir.ensure('raisestest', dir=1)

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