[py-svn] r6986 - py/dist/doc

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Sun Oct 17 18:46:25 CEST 2004

Author: hpk
Date: Sun Oct 17 18:46:25 2004
New Revision: 6986

added a first "getting started" document. 

Added: py/dist/doc/getting_started.txt
--- (empty file)
+++ py/dist/doc/getting_started.txt	Sun Oct 17 18:46:25 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+Getting started with the py lib 
+.. contents::
+.. sectnum::
+getting the current py lib 
+Due to the nature of its goals the py lib can't be easily 
+released without a certain API consistency.  Nevertheless, 
+the API is pretty stable in many respects and very 
+well tested.  So we invite you to participate and 
+use it - especially if you share `the frustrations with
+current python package development`_. 
+getting it via subversion 
+Checkout the py lib distribution tree with subversion, e.g. use:: 
+    svn co http://codespeak.net/svn/py/dist dist-py 
+to checkout the code, documentation, tool and example tree 
+into a ``dist-py`` checkout directory.  Your naming desire may vary, 
+of course. 
+setting it up
+You need to put the checkout-directory into your PYTHONPATH
+and you want to have the ``dist-py/py/bin/py.test`` script in 
+your system path, which lets you execute test files and directories.  
+There already is a convenient way for Bash/Shell based systems
+to setup the PYTHONPATH as well as the shell PATH, insert:: 
+    eval `python ~/path/to/dist-py/dist/py/env.py`
+into your ``.bash_profile``.  Of course, you need to
+specify your own checkout-directory. 
+If you know of a good developer-style way of doing the
+equivalent on win32 (non-cygwin) environments, tell us_. 
+And no, we don't provide a distutils-install currently, 
+because we really want have the py lib installable 
+on multiple python versions, want to have automated
+upgrades ...
+upgrading it 
+Well, simple. Go to your checkout and issue:: 
+    svn up 
+Participating in development 
+If you feel the desire to help tackle bugs and fixes, 
+or support resolution of some `frustrations`_ then 
+please subscribe to our mailinglist: 
+    http://codespeak.net/mailman/listinfo/py-dev 
+or start communicating by submitting improved code 
+if you already have an account on codespeak_. 
+.. _`frustrations`: 
+.. _`the frustrations with current python package development`: why_py.html#frustrations
+.. _us: http://codespeak.net/mailman/listinfo/py-dev
+.. _codespeak: http://codespeak.net/

Modified: py/dist/doc/index.txt
--- py/dist/doc/index.txt	(original)
+++ py/dist/doc/index.txt	Sun Oct 17 18:46:25 2004
@@ -13,8 +13,11 @@
    `future`_ handles development visions and plans for the near future. 
+There also is some preliminary documentation on `getting started`_ 
 .. _`py.execnet`: execnet.html 
 .. _`py.test`: test.html 
 .. _`why_py`: why_py.html 
 .. _`future`: future.html 
+.. _`getting started`: getting_started.html 

Modified: py/dist/doc/why_py.txt
--- py/dist/doc/why_py.txt	(original)
+++ py/dist/doc/why_py.txt	Sun Oct 17 18:46:25 2004
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
 .. contents::
 .. sectnum::
+.. _frustrations: 
 Why do we do the py lib?
@@ -102,7 +104,7 @@
 across releases. If you are itching to actually fix or
 refactor any implementation code you can likely get commit
 rights to do it. However, it is then a good idea to follow
-py-dev at codespeak.net and grasp some of the things that are
+`py-dev mailing list`_ and grasp some of the things that are
 going on. Oh right, and you should also agree to release 
 your code under an ``MIT license``.  Maybe we can compute 
 the individual copyrights from the subversion blame 

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