[PySilesia] Lightening Talks

Filip Kłębczyk fklebczyk w gmail.com
Pią, 19 Maj 2017, 04:44:08 EDT


Lightning talks have 5 min. limit. and only one can be given during
the lightning talks session. Regarding the full talk - it should be
possible, but not in June, as there is a workshop planned (about
Openshift by Maciej Szulik), so July would be better for your long


2017-05-19 10:32 GMT+02:00 Christopher Lozinski <lozinski w blogory.org>:
> Over time I would like to give two lightening talks, and a longer technical
> talk at PySilesia.
> PythonLinks.info is the world’s largest Python directory.
> https://pythonlinks.info/welcome
> You can watch the lightening talk on that web page.
> And PolandTrade.info will soon be the world’s largest directory about
> international trade with Poland.  I am focussed on the catalog of Polish
> software exporting companies.
> You can watch the 10 minute talk at:
> https://polandtrade.info/welcome
> I can shrink it down to 5 minutes.
> The longer technical talk would be on the software which runs these
> websites.  Blogory is a first cousin to Plone, but much more modern.  There
> are lots of interesting concepts represented in the software.  Python is
> great at building abstractions, and blogory takes full advantage of those
> abstractions.
> Poland Trade includes a large section (45 pages) about doing business  with
> the US and Silicon Valley.  There are three Polish trade offices in Silicon
> valley, two of them  from  Katowice.  One the Polish US Trade Council, and
> the other a Katowice trade office which is about to open in California.
> They all want to help sell your products and services into Silicon Valley,
> but they probably do not know about you.
> These web sites are all based on Python and the ZODB.  Just subclass off of
> class persistent and your application becomes persistent.  Amazing how many
> people do not know about the ZODB.  I should probably offer to give a
> separate talk about the ZODB.   Let me see if I can find some slides from a
> friend.
> For those who know about this work, I just got back from exhibiting at
> InfoShare.  After numerous failures, PythonTrade.info is a huge hit.  Every
> one likes it.   And the iOS market is now not nearly as hot as the Python
> market, so my attention is no longer on iOSLinks.info, but rather on
> PythonLinks.info.  Time to go and talk about it.  Good to start close to
> home at PySilesia.
> Do let me know which lightening talk would interest people more.  Feel free
> to reply in Polish.  May I volunteer to do a longer technical talk next
> month?
> Warm Regards
> Chris
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