[pypy-issue] Issue #2428: platform.uname() fails on Windows (pypy/pypy)

Daniil Yarancev issues-reply at bitbucket.org
Sat Nov 5 06:10:37 EDT 2016

New issue 2428: platform.uname() fails on Windows

Daniil Yarancev:

Using latest nigthly build of PyPy for Win32.
This code fails:


import platform
With this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:\PyPy\lib-python\2.7\platform.py", line 1159, in uname
    release,version,csd,ptype = win32_ver()
  File "C:\PyPy\lib-python\2.7\platform.py", line 635, in win32_ver
    maj, min, build = _get_real_winver(*winver[:3])
  File "C:\PyPy\lib-python\2.7\platform.py", line 600, in _get_real_winver
    actual_len = kernel32.GetModuleFileNameW(HANDLE(kernel32._handle),
  File "C:\PyPy\lib_pypy\_ctypes\primitive.py", line 319, in __init__
    self.value = value
  File "C:\PyPy\lib_pypy\_ctypes\primitive.py", line 188, in _setvalue
    self._buffer[0] = value
TypeError: unsupported operand type for long(): '_rawffi.alt.WinDLL'
With PyPy v5.4.1 everything works fine

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