[pypy-issue] Issue #2102: Mysterious segfault in Hypothesis (pypy/pypy)

David MacIver issues-reply at bitbucket.org
Fri Jul 31 23:31:33 CEST 2015

New issue 2102: Mysterious segfault in Hypothesis

David MacIver:

Sorry. I've tried to turn this into something small and self contained and I simply haven't been able to. Also I'm currently on the worst internet connection in the world, which makes it hard for me to try out a debug or development build of pypy.

The attached file pretty consistently segfaults for me when run under pypy-2.6.0 under 64-bit Linux against my current upcoming branch in Hypothesis (commit 1c33291ae76e4a7e546362c8f4104fdf3b3c11b5 of https://github.com/DRMacIver/hypothesis.git).

The problem is introduced in commit f6f07bf0437458d4851ac1fae56b2d2a64d5b791. Reverting this commit makes it go away.

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