[pypy-issue] Issue #1933: BareBoneArrayDefNode.access_expr_varindex, incorrect string formatting (pypy/pypy)

Andrey Churin issues-reply at bitbucket.org
Thu Nov 27 08:02:10 CET 2014

New issue 1933: BareBoneArrayDefNode.access_expr_varindex, incorrect string formatting

Andrey Churin:

rpython/translator/c/node.py (line 345 - 347)

class BareBoneArrayDefNode(NodeWithDependencies):
    def access_expr(self, baseexpr, index):
        return '%s[%d]' % (baseexpr, index)
    access_expr_varindex = access_expr
here only number is allowed, but index can be a string (for access_expr_varindex)

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