[pypy-issue] [Bitbucket] Issue #1811: finditer() stalls PyPy 2.3.1 (pypy/pypy)

Rui Carmo issues-reply at bitbucket.org
Sun Jul 6 18:32:50 CEST 2014

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Issue 1811: finditer() stalls PyPy 2.3.1

Rui Carmo:

Aaand I'm back. Stalling does seem to be gone in 2.4.0-alpha0 (`pypy-c-jit-72361-85672cabac67-linux64.tar.bz2`) using `re`, but overall, it's not as fast as CPython (I'm seeing on average twice as long times).

`regex` seems to be slightly faster (~200ms less), but I need to run a proper profile and average this out over 100(ish) invocations to be sure.


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