[pypy-issue] [issue1193] numpy ufuncs break if used in-place

Andrew Pendleton tracker at bugs.pypy.org
Tue Oct 2 12:24:48 CEST 2012

Andrew Pendleton <abpend at gmail.com> added the comment:

Status should probably be "resolved" and rather than "invalid."  I just tested
with both 1.9 and the nightly build, and it definitely still occurs in 1.9 but
doesn't anymore in the nightly build.  Thanks for (inadvertently?) fixing it! 
For the record, here's the whole interaction on 1.9:

andrew at josquin:~$ pypy
Python 2.7.2 (341e1e3821ff, Jun 07 2012, 15:42:54)
[PyPy 1.9.0 with GCC 4.2.1] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
And now for something completely different: ``and now for something completely
>>>> import numpypy as numpy
>>>> arr = numpy.zeros(10)
>>>> numpy.maximum(arr, 1, arr)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded

and here's the nightly, which behaves as expected:

andrew at josquin:~/Temp/pypy-c-jit-57707-7f6d5c878b90-osx64$ ./bin/pypy 
Python 2.7.3 (7f6d5c878b90, Oct 02 2012, 01:00:21)
[PyPy 1.9.1-dev0 with GCC 4.2.1] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
And now for something completely different: ``<arigato> fijal: I'm sure there
is tons of unspecified context information that I should ideally also be aware
>>>> import numpypy as numpy
>>>> arr = numpy.zeros(10)
>>>> numpy.maximum(arr, 1, arr)
array([ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.])

status: invalid -> chatting

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