[pypy-dev] Questions about pypy log

Andrea Jeradi andrea.jeradi at studenti.univr.it
Mon Dec 9 10:06:40 CET 2013

	I have just tried to use jitviewer but it shows me the traces, the opcode and the assembly.
For me it is easier to use the log file directly, and so i need to understand the meaning of the jit-summary, and for completeness what the entry of the summary refers to.
For example the “abort: trace too long” entry shows me the number of traces that have been aborted because they were too long (for standard option of pypy trace_limit=6000). But i don’t understand the meaning of the other entrys.

Il giorno 07/dic/2013, alle ore 15:01, Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org> ha scritto:

> Hi Andrea,
> On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 11:24 AM,  <andrea.jeradi at studenti.univr.it> wrote:
>> I'm Andrea Jeradi, a computer science student of university of Verona
>> (Italy). I'm doing a project and I'm using pypy. On Internet I have not
>> found explanation about the meaning of some entry of the log.
> The whole log's format and what it prints are internal to PyPy and
> changes from time to time.  If you find obscure entries that you
> cannot find documented anywhere, it's because they are not recognized
> as very useful so they were never documented.  To find more
> information about them, the source code of PyPy is the reference.
> A bientôt,
> Armin.

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