[pypy-dev] microbench & pybench

Leonardo Santagada santagada at gmail.com
Mon Apr 28 13:20:49 CEST 2008

On 28/04/2008, at 11:38, Maciej Fijalkowski wrote:

> First: benchmarks (especially those which are micro) sucks. It seems
> that these days we're vastly faster on microbenchs than cpython 2.5
> and way slower on some tests from pybench (like small tuple
> operations). Here are some results (it's the other way around than on
> tuatara, higher is better, more than 1 means faster than cpython).
> This only showcases how much microbenchmarks are dependand on tight
> loop speed in my opinion :-( Pybench is slightly smarter in this
> regard.

One important question is, can we profile some real python programs  
and see the same behavior in slowdowns? Because right now what you are  
doing is comparing two synthetic benchmarks, which I think is not as  
usefull for pypython.

The python interpreter needs better benchmarks... that is a given.

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