[pypy-dev] Looking for a thesis

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Fri Mar 10 00:21:13 CET 2006

Antonio Cuni wrote:
> Hi,
> my name is Antonio and I'm studying computer science at university of 
> Genoa (Italy).
> Since I need a thesis for graduating and since I love Python very much 
> I'd like to contribute to the pypy project, if you think I could help.
> I have already read the online docs and I have played a little with the 
> current version of pypy.
> I have two questions:
> 1) do you think I could help the project, as I hope?

Absolutely, we appreciate this very much!

> 2) what tasks do you think could be suitable for a thesis? Obviously 
> before begin coding I have to discuss with my professor to decide if the 
> task if not too big or too small for our purposes.

How much time is scheduled for a thesis? 1/2 year or something?
There are lots of possibilities, since PyPy touches many
interesting areas of computer science. Maybe you want to give
us an idea of your background, what you are interested in
and such. There is probably also space for some theoretical work.

ciao - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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