[pypy-dev] problems compiling with complex

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Sat Feb 11 21:00:11 CET 2006

Stephan Diehl wrote:

> [translation:ERROR]  AssertionError: <class exceptions.ValueError at 
> 0xb7f9eadc> should not have grown atributes
> [translation] batch mode, not calling interactive helpers
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I have no idea, where this is coming from.
> Maybe connected to this (or not, who knows) are a lot of warning like this:
> [rtyper:WARNING] prebuilt instance W_DictObject(r_dict({})) has no attribute 
> 'imagval'
> [rtyper:WARNING] prebuilt instance W_DictObject(r_dict({})) has no attribute 
> 'realval'

That's the typical effect when some object type was degenerated,
and now it is assumed that every object has this attribute.
You are probably doing some operation that does not make it
clear to the objspace that you have a complex.
You are also raising standard exceptions with argumens, which
is not supported (thanks Samuele).

I'd propose to use IRC if you need more hints. This is quicker
than emails. There is not problem with pasting, since the relevant
part is two lines.
I guess you still want to solve it alone, right?

ciao - chris

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