[pypy-dev] talk needed at europython

Stefan Drees sdrees at sdrees.de
Mon Apr 26 10:38:36 CEST 2004

On Mon, Apr 26, 2004 at 10:27:45AM +0200 - a wonderful day - 
Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Anna Ravenscroft wrote:
> >On Saturday 24 April 2004 22:31, Martijn Faassen wrote:
> >>Additionally there could be a chat about funding issues on another track
> >>but I think it'd be odd to have a whole sprint about PyPy plus all the
> >>developments since last year's EuroPython and then *not* have a talk
> >>about it on the Python language track.
> >>
> >>I'm rather shocked that this hadn't been planned earlier. :)
> >
> >Um, maybe they were too busy planning the sprint and trying to *get* the 
> >funding... ;-)
> Is the whole focus on the funding issue causing people to ignore the 
> technical progress that has already been made *without* the funding?
> Putting on my Python language hat, I don't care a whit about the 
> funding, I just want to know what PyPy is (if I don't already know), 
> what progress it made since I last heard about it (if I did hear about 
> it before), and where it is going now. I want to hear technical details.
Yes, good point!
+1 from me, whatever this means ;) 

All the best,
.o. e-mail: stefan at drees.name, web: www.sdrees.org, +49 700 SDREESDE
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