[pypy-commit] [Git][pypy/pypy][branch/py3.7] 26 commits: start whacking to make things slowly work on python3 - window comes up, still a

Matti Picus (@mattip) foss at heptapod.net
Thu Jun 17 15:02:54 EDT 2021

Matti Picus pushed to branch branch/py3.7 at PyPy / pypy

aa65d76e by Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick at 2021-04-27T11:39:13+02:00
start whacking to make things slowly work on python3 - window comes up, still a
bit broken

branch : dotviewer-python3

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2a02c10d by Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick at 2021-04-27T11:43:12+02:00
kill debug output

branch : dotviewer-python3

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4faeb81d by Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick at 2021-04-27T11:44:27+02:00

branch : dotviewer-python3

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2fe3b06c by Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick at 2021-04-28T10:07:57+02:00
more hacking, almost works

branch : dotviewer-python3

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8acda9cb by Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick at 2021-04-28T10:08:52+02:00
add a __main__.py

branch : dotviewer-python3

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bb11edb3 by Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick at 2021-04-29T13:47:12+02:00
support a lot more shapes

branch : dotviewer-python3

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0f432b74 by Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick at 2021-04-29T14:02:25+02:00
sign error

branch : dotviewer-python3

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ee02ff6b by Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick at 2021-04-29T19:59:08+02:00
start supporting records

branch : dotviewer-python3

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fa0981f8 by Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick at 2021-04-29T21:57:33+02:00
bit too much code, but records almost work

branch : dotviewer-python3

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ad7e22a5 by Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick at 2021-04-29T22:17:19+02:00
highlight the searched string

branch : dotviewer-python3

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a96e4cc6 by Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick at 2021-04-29T22:17:35+02:00
don't show edges with style=invis

branch : dotviewer-python3

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191260e5 by Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick at 2021-04-30T12:38:05+02:00
add a test for records

branch : dotviewer-python3

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0b3d78d9 by Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick at 2021-05-03T22:26:18+02:00
support for escaping \{, \}, html entities in records

branch : dotviewer-python3

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db680a26 by Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick at 2021-05-04T22:07:49+02:00
switch to FiraMath, for better symbol unicode support

branch : dotviewer-python3

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477c1a1f by Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick at 2021-05-07T13:00:20+02:00
hide pygame message, as it can mess up the communication with the server

branch : dotviewer-python3

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21a6e885 by Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick at 2021-05-15T16:35:28+02:00
(cfbolz, Karl G. Ulbrich): fix more python2-isms, in particular search

branch : dotviewer-python3

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d0dcd24b by nimaje at 2021-06-13T10:20:33+02:00
only set VMPROF_APPLE on darwin

setting that on all systems that aren't handled explicitly breaks translation at least on freebsd,
but probably on everything that isn't darwin (wanted there), linux or windows (handled explicitly).

branch : set-vmprof_apple-only-on-darwin

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b0c7ca14 by Matti Picus at 2021-06-13T11:48:18+03:00
document and close branch to be merged

branch : set-vmprof_apple-only-on-darwin

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68eba336 by Matti Picus at 2021-06-13T11:48:53+03:00
merge set-vmprof_apple-only-on-darwin

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72852e11 by Matti Picus at 2021-06-13T11:50:26+03:00
document merged branch

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160b793d by Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick at 2021-06-16T13:08:43+02:00
add raise function to r_signal

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f60c26a0 by Matti Picus at 2021-06-16T23:24:26+03:00
add alias (from comment in issue 3490)

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01a32ca4 by Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick at 2021-06-17T17:53:39+02:00
merge dotviewer-python3: make dotviewer also python3 compatible and add a few features

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ff03d1dc by Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick at 2021-06-17T17:54:46+02:00
document branch

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73bb2ac5 by Matti Picus at 2021-06-17T20:56:04+03:00
merge default into py3.7

branch : py3.7

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fa5a7a90 by Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick at 2021-06-12T21:52:06+02:00
backport py3.8-buffer-gets-w_obj to py3.7

Collapsed revision
* (cfbolz, twitch): start passing w_obj to the constructors of the subclasses of
* (cfbolz, twitch): don't store the w_obj on the memoryobject any more, instead
return the underlying view's w_obj in the .obj getter
* (cfbolz, mattip, twitch): implement memoryview.toreadonly

(we did that by wrapping the underlying with in a new ReadonlyWrapper class,
not 100% sure this is the right design)
* (cfbolz, twitch): fix translation

branch : py3.7

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30 changed files:

- + dotviewer/__main__.py
- dotviewer/dotviewer.py
- dotviewer/drawgraph.py
- + dotviewer/font/FiraMath-Regular.otf
- + dotviewer/font/LICENSE
- dotviewer/font/README.txt
- dotviewer/graphclient.py
- dotviewer/graphdisplay.py
- dotviewer/graphpage.py
- dotviewer/graphparse.py
- dotviewer/graphserver.py
- dotviewer/msgstruct.py
- dotviewer/sshgraphserver.py
- dotviewer/strunicode.py
- + dotviewer/test/test_record.py
- pypy/doc/tool/makecontributor.py
- pypy/doc/whatsnew-head.rst
- pypy/interpreter/buffer.py
- pypy/interpreter/test/test_buffer.py
- pypy/module/__pypy__/interp_buffer.py
- pypy/module/__pypy__/test/test_bytebuffer.py
- pypy/module/_cffi_backend/cbuffer.py
- pypy/module/_io/interp_bufferedio.py
- pypy/module/_io/interp_bytesio.py
- pypy/module/_rawffi/interp_array.py
- pypy/module/_rawffi/interp_rawffi.py
- pypy/module/array/interp_array.py
- pypy/module/cpyext/test/test_memoryobject.py
- pypy/module/mmap/interp_mmap.py
- pypy/objspace/fake/objspace.py

View it on Heptapod: https://foss.heptapod.net/pypy/pypy/-/compare/44924cf5b44633e6ed3beb1d4b5eec43793b5974...fa5a7a90a96aa4b1181001ae21d5c05b3f536021

View it on Heptapod: https://foss.heptapod.net/pypy/pypy/-/compare/44924cf5b44633e6ed3beb1d4b5eec43793b5974...fa5a7a90a96aa4b1181001ae21d5c05b3f536021
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