[pypy-commit] extradoc extradoc: start a blog post about the hpy sprint

antocuni pypy.commits at gmail.com
Tue Dec 17 10:42:10 EST 2019

Author: Antonio Cuni <anto.cuni at gmail.com>
Branch: extradoc
Changeset: r5966:48e199e316c7
Date: 2019-12-17 16:41 +0100

Log:	start a blog post about the hpy sprint

diff --git a/blog/draft/2019-12-hpy-sprint.rst b/blog/draft/2019-12-hpy-sprint.rst
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blog/draft/2019-12-hpy-sprint.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+HPy kick-off sprint report
+Recently Antonio, Armin and Ronan had a small internal sprint in the beautiful
+city of Gdańsk to kick-off the development of HPy. Here is a brief report of
+what it has been accomplished during the sprint.
+What is HPy?
+The TL;DR answer is "a better way to write C extensions for Python".
+The idea of HPy was born during EuroPython 2019 in Basel, where there was an
+informal meeting which included core developers of PyPy, CPython (Victor
+Stinner and Mark Shannon) and Cython (Stefan Behnel).
+All of us agreeded that the current design of the CPython C API is problematic
+for various reasons and, in particular, because it is too tied to the current
+internal design of CPython.  The end result is that:
+  - alternative implementations of Python (such as PyPy, but not only) have a
+    `hard time` to load and execute existing C extensions;
+  - CPython itself is unable to change some of its internal implementation
+    details without breaking the world. For example, as of today it would be
+    impossible to switch from using reference counting to using a real GC,
+    which in turns make it hard for example to remove the GIL, as gilectomy_
+    attempted.
+HPy tries to address these issues by following two major design guidelines:
+  1. objects are referenced and passed around using opaque handles, which are
+     similar to e.g. file descriptors in spirit. Multiple, different handles
+     can point to the same underlying object, handles can be duplicated and
+     each handle must be closed independently.
+  2. The internal data structures and C-level layout of objects are not
+     visible nor accessible using the API, so each implementation if free to
+     use what fits best.
+The other major design goal of HPy is to allow an incremental
+transition/porting, so existing module can migrate their codebase one method
+at a time.  Moreover, Cython eventually will generate HPy code, so extension
+module written in Cython will be able to benefit from HPy automatically.
+More details can be found in the README of the official `HPy repository`_.
+.. _`hard time`: https://morepypy.blogspot.com/2018/09/inside-cpyext-why-emulating-cpython-c.html
+.. _gilectomy: https://pythoncapi.readthedocs.io/gilectomy.html
+.. _`HPy repository`: https://github.com/pyhandle/hpy
+CPython and universal target ABI
+When compiling an HPy extension you can choose two different target ABI:
+  - **CPython ABI**: in this case, ``hpy.h`` contains a set of macros and
+    static inline functions which translates at compilation time the HPy API
+    into the standard C-API: the compiled module will have no performance
+    penalty and it will have an filename like
+    ``foo.cpython-37m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so``.
+  - **Universal HPy ABI**: as the name implies, extension modules compiled
+    this way are "universal" and can be loaded unmodified by multiple Python
+    interpreters and version.  Moreover, it will be possible to dynamically
+    enable a special debug mode which will make it easy to find e.g. unclosed
+    handles or memory leaks, **without having to recompile the extension**.
+Universal modules can be loaded **also** on CPython, thanks to the
+``hpy_universal`` module which is under development: because of an extra layer
+of indirection, extensions compiled with the universal ABI will face a small
+performance penalty compared to the ones using the CPython ABI.
+This setup gives several benefits:
+  - extension developers can use the extra debug features given by the
+    Universal ABI with no need to use a special debug version of Python
+  - projects which need the maximum level of performance can compile their
+    extension for each relevant version of CPython, as they are doing now
+  - projects for which runtime speed is less important will have the choice of
+    distributing a single binary which will work on any version of Python
+A simple example
+The HPy repo contains a `proof of concept`_ module. Here is a simplified
+version which illustrates how an HPy module looks like:
+.. sourcecode:: C
+    #include "hpy.h"
+    HPy_DEF_METH_VARARGS(add_ints)
+    static HPy add_ints_impl(HPyContext ctx, HPy self, HPy *args, HPy_ssize_t nargs)
+    {
+        long a, b;
+        if (!HPyArg_Parse(ctx, args, nargs, "ll", &a, &b))
+            return HPy_NULL;
+        return HPyLong_FromLong(ctx, a+b);
+    }
+    static HPyMethodDef PofMethods[] = {
+        {"add_ints", add_ints, HPy_METH_VARARGS, ""},
+        {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL}
+    };
+    static HPyModuleDef moduledef = {
+        HPyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT,
+        .m_name = "pof",
+        .m_doc = "HPy Proof of Concept",
+        .m_size = -1,
+        .m_methods = PofMethods
+    };
+    HPy_MODINIT(pof)
+    static HPy init_pof_impl(HPyContext ctx)
+    {
+        HPy m;
+        m = HPyModule_Create(ctx, &moduledef);
+        if (HPy_IsNull(m))
+            return HPy_NULL;
+        return m;
+    }
+People who are familiar with the current C-API will surely notice lots of
+similarities. The biggest differences are:
+  - Instead of ``PyObject *``, objects have the type ``HPy``, which as
+    explained above represents a handle.
+  - You need to explicitly pass an ``HPyContext`` around: the intent is
+    primary to be future-proof and make it easier to implement things like
+    sub- interpreters.
+  - ``HPy_METH_VARARGS`` is implemented differently than CPython's
+    ``METH_VARARGS``: in particular, these methods receive an array of ``HPy``
+    and its length, instead of a fully constructed tuple: passing a tuple
+    makes sense on CPython where you have it anyway, but it might be an
+    unnecessary burden for alternate implementations.  Note that this is
+    similar to the new `METH_FASTCALL` which was introduced in CPython.
+  - HPy relies a lot on C macros, which most of the time are needed to support
+    the CPython ABI compilation mode. For example, ``HPy_DEF_METH_VARARGS``
+    expands into a trampoline which has the correct C signature that CPython
+    expects (i.e., ``PyObject (*)(PyObject *self, *PyObject *args)``) and
+    which calls ``add_ints_impl``.
+.. _`proof of concept`: https://github.com/pyhandle/hpy/blob/master/proof-of-concept/pof.c
+.. _`METH_FASTCALL`: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0580/
+Sprint report and current status
+XXX finish me

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