[pypy-commit] pypy sandbox-2: Fix some of the tests

arigo pypy.commits at gmail.com
Tue Aug 27 02:43:07 EDT 2019

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Branch: sandbox-2
Changeset: r97288:7177f77afa08
Date: 2019-08-26 23:04 +0200

Log:	Fix some of the tests

diff --git a/rpython/translator/sandbox/graphchecker.py b/rpython/translator/sandbox/graphchecker.py
--- a/rpython/translator/sandbox/graphchecker.py
+++ b/rpython/translator/sandbox/graphchecker.py
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
             elif opname in ('cast_ptr_to_adr', 'force_cast',
                 if is_gc_ptr(op.result.concretetype):
-                    return "result is a GC ptr: %r" % (opname,)
+                    return "result is a GC ptr: %r" % (op,)
                 return "unsupported llop: %r" % (opname,)
diff --git a/rpython/translator/sandbox/sandlib.py b/rpython/translator/sandbox/sandlib.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/rpython/translator/sandbox/sandlib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,517 +0,0 @@
-A Python library to execute and communicate with a subprocess that
-was translated from RPython code with --sandbox.  This library is
-for the outer process, which can run CPython or PyPy.
-import sys, os, posixpath, errno, stat, time
-import subprocess
-from rpython.tool.killsubprocess import killsubprocess
-from rpython.translator.sandbox.vfs import UID, GID
-import py
-WIN32 = os.name == "nt"
-def create_log():
-    """Make and return a log for the sandbox to use, if needed."""
-    from rpython.tool.ansi_print import AnsiLogger
-    return AnsiLogger("sandlib")
-def write_exception(g, exception, tb=None):
-    for i, excclass in EXCEPTION_TABLE:
-        if isinstance(exception, excclass):
-            write_message(g, i)
-            if excclass is OSError:
-                error = exception.errno
-                if error is None:
-                    error = errno.EPERM
-                write_message(g, error)
-            g.flush()
-            break
-    else:
-        # just re-raise the exception
-        raise exception.__class__, exception, tb
-def shortrepr(x):
-    r = repr(x)
-    if len(r) >= 80:
-        r = r[:20] + '...' + r[-8:]
-    return r
-def signal_name(n):
-    import signal
-    for key, value in signal.__dict__.items():
-        if key.startswith('SIG') and not key.startswith('SIG_') and value == n:
-            return key
-    return 'signal %d' % (n,)
-class SandboxedProc(object):
-    """Base class to control a sandboxed subprocess.
-    Inherit from this class and implement all the do_xxx() methods
-    for the external functions xxx that you want to support.
-    """
-    debug = False
-    log = None
-    os_level_sandboxing = False   # Linux only: /proc/PID/seccomp
-    def __init__(self, args, executable=None):
-        """'args' should a sequence of argument for the subprocess,
-        starting with the full path of the executable.
-        """
-        self.popen = subprocess.Popen(args, executable=executable,
-                                      bufsize=-1,
-                                      stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
-                                      stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                                      close_fds=False if WIN32 else True,
-                                      env={})
-        self.popenlock = None
-        self.currenttimeout = None
-        self.currentlyidlefrom = None
-        if self.debug:
-            self.log = create_log()
-    def withlock(self, function, *args, **kwds):
-        lock = self.popenlock
-        if lock is not None:
-            lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            return function(*args, **kwds)
-        finally:
-            if lock is not None:
-                lock.release()
-    def settimeout(self, timeout, interrupt_main=False):
-        """Start a timeout that will kill the subprocess after the given
-        amount of time.  Only one timeout can be active at a time.
-        """
-        import thread
-        def _waiting_thread():
-            while True:
-                while self.currentlyidlefrom is not None:
-                    time.sleep(1)   # can't timeout while idle
-                t = self.currenttimeout
-                if t is None:
-                    return  # cancelled
-                delay = t - time.time()
-                if delay <= 0.0:
-                    break   # expired!
-                time.sleep(min(delay*1.001, 1))
-            if self.log:
-                self.log.timeout("timeout!")
-            self.kill()
-            #if interrupt_main:
-            #    if hasattr(os, 'kill'):
-            #        import signal
-            #        os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGINT)
-            #    else:
-            #        thread.interrupt_main()
-        def _settimeout():
-            need_new_thread = self.currenttimeout is None
-            self.currenttimeout = time.time() + timeout
-            if need_new_thread:
-                thread.start_new_thread(_waiting_thread, ())
-        if self.popenlock is None:
-            self.popenlock = thread.allocate_lock()
-        self.withlock(_settimeout)
-    def canceltimeout(self):
-        """Cancel the current timeout."""
-        self.currenttimeout = None
-        self.currentlyidlefrom = None
-    def enter_idle(self):
-        self.currentlyidlefrom = time.time()
-    def leave_idle(self):
-        def _postpone_timeout():
-            t = self.currentlyidlefrom
-            if t is not None and self.currenttimeout is not None:
-                self.currenttimeout += time.time() - t
-        try:
-            self.withlock(_postpone_timeout)
-        finally:
-            self.currentlyidlefrom = None
-    def poll(self):
-        returncode = self.withlock(self.popen.poll)
-        if returncode is not None:
-            self.canceltimeout()
-        return returncode
-    def wait(self):
-        returncode = self.withlock(self.popen.wait)
-        if returncode is not None:
-            self.canceltimeout()
-        return returncode
-    def kill(self):
-        self.withlock(killsubprocess, self.popen)
-    def handle_forever(self):
-        returncode = self.handle_until_return()
-        if returncode != 0:
-            raise OSError("the sandboxed subprocess exited with code %d" % (
-                returncode,))
-    def handle_until_return(self):
-        child_stdin  = self.popen.stdin
-        child_stdout = self.popen.stdout
-        if self.os_level_sandboxing and sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
-            # rationale: we wait until the child process started completely,
-            # letting the C library do any system calls it wants for
-            # initialization.  When the RPython code starts up, it quickly
-            # does its first system call.  At this point we turn seccomp on.
-            import select
-            select.select([child_stdout], [], [])
-            f = open('/proc/%d/seccomp' % self.popen.pid, 'w')
-            print >> f, 1
-            f.close()
-        while True:
-            try:
-                fnname = read_message(child_stdout)
-                args   = read_message(child_stdout)
-            except EOFError as e:
-                break
-            if self.log and not self.is_spam(fnname, *args):
-                self.log.call('%s(%s)' % (fnname,
-                                     ', '.join([shortrepr(x) for x in args])))
-            try:
-                answer, resulttype = self.handle_message(fnname, *args)
-            except Exception as e:
-                tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
-                write_exception(child_stdin, e, tb)
-                if self.log:
-                    if str(e):
-                        self.log.exception('%s: %s' % (e.__class__.__name__, e))
-                    else:
-                        self.log.exception('%s' % (e.__class__.__name__,))
-            else:
-                if self.log and not self.is_spam(fnname, *args):
-                    self.log.result(shortrepr(answer))
-                try:
-                    write_message(child_stdin, 0)  # error code - 0 for ok
-                    write_message(child_stdin, answer, resulttype)
-                    child_stdin.flush()
-                except (IOError, OSError):
-                    # likely cause: subprocess is dead, child_stdin closed
-                    if self.poll() is not None:
-                        break
-                    else:
-                        raise
-        returncode = self.wait()
-        return returncode
-    def is_spam(self, fnname, *args):
-        # To hide the spamming amounts of reads and writes to stdin and stdout
-        # in interactive sessions
-        return (fnname in ('ll_os.ll_os_read', 'll_os.ll_os_write') and
-                args[0] in (0, 1, 2))
-    def handle_message(self, fnname, *args):
-        if '__' in fnname:
-            raise ValueError("unsafe fnname")
-        try:
-            handler = getattr(self, 'do_' + fnname.replace('.', '__'))
-        except AttributeError:
-            raise RuntimeError("no handler for this function")
-        resulttype = getattr(handler, 'resulttype', None)
-        return handler(*args), resulttype
-class SimpleIOSandboxedProc(SandboxedProc):
-    """Control a sandboxed subprocess which is only allowed to read from
-    its stdin and write to its stdout and stderr.
-    """
-    _input = None
-    _output = None
-    _error = None
-    inputlogfile = None
-    def communicate(self, input=None):
-        """Send data to stdin. Read data from stdout and stderr,
-        until end-of-file is reached. Wait for process to terminate.
-        """
-        import cStringIO
-        if input:
-            if isinstance(input, str):
-                input = cStringIO.StringIO(input)
-            self._input = input
-        self._output = cStringIO.StringIO()
-        self._error = cStringIO.StringIO()
-        self.handle_forever()
-        output = self._output.getvalue()
-        self._output = None
-        error = self._error.getvalue()
-        self._error = None
-        return (output, error)
-    def interact(self, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None):
-        """Interact with the subprocess.  By default, stdin, stdout and
-        stderr are set to the ones from 'sys'."""
-        import sys
-        self._input  = stdin  or sys.stdin
-        self._output = stdout or sys.stdout
-        self._error  = stderr or sys.stderr
-        returncode = self.handle_until_return()
-        if returncode != 0:
-            if os.name == 'posix' and returncode < 0:
-                print >> self._error, "[Subprocess killed by %s]" % (
-                    signal_name(-returncode),)
-            else:
-                print >> self._error, "[Subprocess exit code: %d]" % (
-                    returncode,)
-        self._input = None
-        self._output = None
-        self._error = None
-        return returncode
-    def setlogfile(self, filename):
-        self.inputlogfile = open(filename, 'a')
-    def do_ll_os__ll_os_read(self, fd, size):
-        if fd == 0:
-            if self._input is None:
-                return ""
-            elif (getattr(self, 'virtual_console_isatty', False) or
-                  self._input.isatty()):
-                # don't wait for all 'size' chars if reading from a tty,
-                # to avoid blocking.  Instead, stop after reading a line.
-                # For now, waiting at the interactive console is the
-                # only time that counts as idle.
-                self.enter_idle()
-                try:
-                    inputdata = self._input.readline(size)
-                finally:
-                    self.leave_idle()
-            else:
-                inputdata = self._input.read(size)
-            if self.inputlogfile is not None:
-                self.inputlogfile.write(inputdata)
-            return inputdata
-        raise OSError("trying to read from fd %d" % (fd,))
-    def do_ll_os__ll_os_write(self, fd, data):
-        if fd == 1:
-            self._output.write(data)
-            return len(data)
-        if fd == 2:
-            self._error.write(data)
-            return len(data)
-        raise OSError("trying to write to fd %d" % (fd,))
-    # let's allow access to the real time
-    def do_ll_time__ll_time_sleep(self, seconds):
-        # regularly check for timeouts that could have killed the
-        # subprocess
-        while seconds > 5.0:
-            time.sleep(5.0)
-            seconds -= 5.0
-            if self.poll() is not None:   # subprocess finished?
-                return
-        time.sleep(seconds)
-    def do_ll_time__ll_time_time(self):
-        return time.time()
-    def do_ll_time__ll_time_clock(self):
-        # measuring the CPU time of the controller process has
-        # not much meaning, so let's emulate this and return
-        # the real time elapsed since the first call to clock()
-        # (this is one of the behaviors allowed by the docs)
-        try:
-            starttime = self.starttime
-        except AttributeError:
-            starttime = self.starttime = time.time()
-        return time.time() - starttime
-class VirtualizedSandboxedProc(SandboxedProc):
-    """Control a virtualized sandboxed process, which is given a custom
-    view on the filesystem and a custom environment.
-    """
-    virtual_env = {}
-    virtual_cwd = '/tmp'
-    virtual_console_isatty = False
-    virtual_fd_range = range(3, 50)
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
-        super(VirtualizedSandboxedProc, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
-        self.virtual_root = self.build_virtual_root()
-        self.open_fds = {}   # {virtual_fd: (real_file_object, node)}
-    def build_virtual_root(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError("must be overridden")
-    def do_ll_os__ll_os_envitems(self):
-        return self.virtual_env.items()
-    def do_ll_os__ll_os_getenv(self, name):
-        return self.virtual_env.get(name)
-    def translate_path(self, vpath):
-        # XXX this assumes posix vpaths for now, but os-specific real paths
-        vpath = posixpath.normpath(posixpath.join(self.virtual_cwd, vpath))
-        dirnode = self.virtual_root
-        components = [component for component in vpath.split('/')]
-        for component in components[:-1]:
-            if component:
-                dirnode = dirnode.join(component)
-                if dirnode.kind != stat.S_IFDIR:
-                    raise OSError(errno.ENOTDIR, component)
-        return dirnode, components[-1]
-    def get_node(self, vpath):
-        dirnode, name = self.translate_path(vpath)
-        if name:
-            node = dirnode.join(name)
-        else:
-            node = dirnode
-        if self.log:
-            self.log.vpath('%r => %r' % (vpath, node))
-        return node
-    def do_ll_os__ll_os_stat(self, vpathname):
-        node = self.get_node(vpathname)
-        return node.stat()
-    do_ll_os__ll_os_stat.resulttype = RESULTTYPE_STATRESULT
-    do_ll_os__ll_os_lstat = do_ll_os__ll_os_stat
-    def do_ll_os__ll_os_access(self, vpathname, mode):
-        try:
-            node = self.get_node(vpathname)
-        except OSError as e:
-            if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
-                return False
-            raise
-        return node.access(mode)
-    def do_ll_os__ll_os_isatty(self, fd):
-        return self.virtual_console_isatty and fd in (0, 1, 2)
-    def allocate_fd(self, f, node=None):
-        for fd in self.virtual_fd_range:
-            if fd not in self.open_fds:
-                self.open_fds[fd] = (f, node)
-                return fd
-        else:
-            raise OSError(errno.EMFILE, "trying to open too many files")
-    def get_fd(self, fd, throw=True):
-        """Get the objects implementing file descriptor `fd`.
-        Returns a pair, (open file, vfs node)
-        `throw`: if true, raise OSError for bad fd, else return (None, None).
-        """
-        try:
-            f, node = self.open_fds[fd]
-        except KeyError:
-            if throw:
-                raise OSError(errno.EBADF, "bad file descriptor")
-            return None, None
-        return f, node
-    def get_file(self, fd, throw=True):
-        """Return the open file for file descriptor `fd`."""
-        return self.get_fd(fd, throw)[0]
-    def do_ll_os__ll_os_open(self, vpathname, flags, mode):
-        node = self.get_node(vpathname)
-        if flags & (os.O_RDONLY|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_RDWR) != os.O_RDONLY:
-            raise OSError(errno.EPERM, "write access denied")
-        # all other flags are ignored
-        f = node.open()
-        return self.allocate_fd(f, node)
-    def do_ll_os__ll_os_close(self, fd):
-        f = self.get_file(fd)
-        del self.open_fds[fd]
-        f.close()
-    def do_ll_os__ll_os_read(self, fd, size):
-        f = self.get_file(fd, throw=False)
-        if f is None:
-            return super(VirtualizedSandboxedProc, self).do_ll_os__ll_os_read(
-                fd, size)
-        else:
-            if not (0 <= size <= sys.maxint):
-                raise OSError(errno.EINVAL, "invalid read size")
-            # don't try to read more than 256KB at once here
-            return f.read(min(size, 256*1024))
-    def do_ll_os__ll_os_fstat(self, fd):
-        f, node = self.get_fd(fd)
-        return node.stat()
-    do_ll_os__ll_os_fstat.resulttype = RESULTTYPE_STATRESULT
-    def do_ll_os__ll_os_lseek(self, fd, pos, how):
-        f = self.get_file(fd)
-        f.seek(pos, how)
-        return f.tell()
-    do_ll_os__ll_os_lseek.resulttype = RESULTTYPE_LONGLONG
-    def do_ll_os__ll_os_getcwd(self):
-        return self.virtual_cwd
-    def do_ll_os__ll_os_strerror(self, errnum):
-        # unsure if this shouldn't be considered safeboxsafe
-        return os.strerror(errnum) or ('Unknown error %d' % (errnum,))
-    def do_ll_os__ll_os_listdir(self, vpathname):
-        node = self.get_node(vpathname)
-        return node.keys()
-    def do_ll_os__ll_os_unlink(self, vpathname):
-        raise OSError(errno.EPERM, "write access denied")
-    def do_ll_os__ll_os_mkdir(self, vpathname, mode=None):
-        raise OSError(errno.EPERM, "write access denied")
-    def do_ll_os__ll_os_getuid(self):
-        return UID
-    do_ll_os__ll_os_geteuid = do_ll_os__ll_os_getuid
-    def do_ll_os__ll_os_getgid(self):
-        return GID
-    do_ll_os__ll_os_getegid = do_ll_os__ll_os_getgid
-class VirtualizedSocketProc(VirtualizedSandboxedProc):
-    """ Extends VirtualizedSandboxProc with socket
-    options, ie tcp://host:port as args to os.open
-    """
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
-        super(VirtualizedSocketProc, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
-        self.sockets = {}
-    def do_ll_os__ll_os_open(self, name, flags, mode):
-        if not name.startswith("tcp://"):
-            return super(VirtualizedSocketProc, self).do_ll_os__ll_os_open(
-                name, flags, mode)
-        import socket
-        host, port = name[6:].split(":")
-        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-        sock.connect((host, int(port)))
-        fd = self.allocate_fd(sock)
-        self.sockets[fd] = True
-        return fd
-    def do_ll_os__ll_os_read(self, fd, size):
-        if fd in self.sockets:
-            return self.get_file(fd).recv(size)
-        return super(VirtualizedSocketProc, self).do_ll_os__ll_os_read(
-            fd, size)
-    def do_ll_os__ll_os_write(self, fd, data):
-        if fd in self.sockets:
-            return self.get_file(fd).send(data)
-        return super(VirtualizedSocketProc, self).do_ll_os__ll_os_write(
-            fd, data)
diff --git a/rpython/translator/sandbox/test/test_graphchecker.py b/rpython/translator/sandbox/test/test_graphchecker.py
--- a/rpython/translator/sandbox/test/test_graphchecker.py
+++ b/rpython/translator/sandbox/test/test_graphchecker.py
@@ -52,7 +52,11 @@
             return llop.force_cast(lltype.Signed, x)
         self.check_safe(f, [float])
         self.check_safe(f, [lltype.Ptr(SRAW)])
-        self.check_unsafe("argument is a GC ptr", f, [lltype.Ptr(SGC)])
+        self.check_safe(f, [lltype.Ptr(SGC)])
+        #
+        def g(x):
+            return llop.force_cast(lltype.Ptr(SGC), x)
+        self.check_unsafe("result is a GC ptr", g, [int])
     def test_direct_call_to_check_caller(self):
diff --git a/rpython/translator/sandbox/test/test_sandlib.py b/rpython/translator/sandbox/test/test_sandlib.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/rpython/translator/sandbox/test/test_sandlib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
-import py
-import errno, os, StringIO
-from rpython.tool.sourcetools import func_with_new_name
-from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import rffi
-from rpython.translator.sandbox.sandlib import SandboxedProc
-from rpython.translator.sandbox.sandlib import SimpleIOSandboxedProc
-from rpython.translator.sandbox.sandlib import VirtualizedSandboxedProc
-from rpython.translator.sandbox.sandlib import VirtualizedSocketProc
-from rpython.translator.sandbox.test.test_sandbox import compile
-from rpython.translator.sandbox.vfs import Dir, File, RealDir, RealFile
-class MockSandboxedProc(SandboxedProc):
-    """A sandbox process wrapper that replays expected syscalls."""
-    def __init__(self, args, expected):
-        SandboxedProc.__init__(self, args)
-        self.expected = expected
-        self.seen = 0
-    def _make_method(name):
-        def do_xxx(self, *input):
-            print "decoded from subprocess: %s%r" % (name, input)
-            expectedmsg, expectedinput, output = self.expected[self.seen]
-            assert name == expectedmsg
-            assert input == expectedinput
-            self.seen += 1
-            if isinstance(output, Exception):
-                raise output
-            return output
-        return func_with_new_name(do_xxx, 'do_%s' % name)
-    do_ll_os__ll_os_open  = _make_method("open")
-    do_ll_os__ll_os_read  = _make_method("read")
-    do_ll_os__ll_os_write = _make_method("write")
-    do_ll_os__ll_os_close = _make_method("close")
-def test_lib():
-    def entry_point(argv):
-        fd = os.open("/tmp/foobar", os.O_RDONLY, 0777)
-        assert fd == 77
-        res = os.read(fd, 123)
-        assert res == "he\x00llo"
-        count = os.write(fd, "world\x00!\x00")
-        assert count == 42
-        for arg in argv:
-            count = os.write(fd, arg)
-            assert count == 61
-        os.close(fd)
-        return 0
-    exe = compile(entry_point)
-    proc = MockSandboxedProc([exe, 'x1', 'y2'], expected = [
-        ("open", ("/tmp/foobar", os.O_RDONLY, 0777), 77),
-        ("read", (77, 123), "he\x00llo"),
-        ("write", (77, "world\x00!\x00"), 42),
-        ("write", (77, exe), 61),
-        ("write", (77, "x1"), 61),
-        ("write", (77, "y2"), 61),
-        ("close", (77,), None),
-        ])
-    proc.handle_forever()
-    assert proc.seen == len(proc.expected)
-def test_foobar():
-    py.test.skip("to be updated")
-    foobar = rffi.llexternal("foobar", [rffi.CCHARP], rffi.LONG)
-    def entry_point(argv):
-        s = rffi.str2charp(argv[1]); n = foobar(s); rffi.free_charp(s)
-        s = rffi.str2charp(argv[n]); n = foobar(s); rffi.free_charp(s)
-        return n
-    exe = compile(entry_point)
-    proc = MockSandboxedProc([exe, 'spam', 'egg'], expected = [
-        ("foobar", ("spam",), 2),
-        ("foobar", ("egg",), 0),
-        ])
-    proc.handle_forever()
-    assert proc.seen == len(proc.expected)
-def test_simpleio():
-    def entry_point(argv):
-        print "Please enter a number:"
-        buf = ""
-        while True:
-            t = os.read(0, 1)    # 1 character from stdin
-            if not t:
-                raise EOFError
-            if t == '\n':
-                break
-            buf += t
-        num = int(buf)
-        print "The double is:", num * 2
-        return 0
-    exe = compile(entry_point)
-    proc = SimpleIOSandboxedProc([exe, 'x1', 'y2'])
-    output, error = proc.communicate("21\n")
-    assert output == "Please enter a number:\nThe double is: 42\n"
-    assert error == ""
-def test_socketio():
-    class SocketProc(VirtualizedSocketProc, SimpleIOSandboxedProc):
-        def build_virtual_root(self):
-            pass
-    def entry_point(argv):
-        fd = os.open("tcp://python.org:80", os.O_RDONLY, 0777)
-        os.write(fd, 'GET /\n')
-        print os.read(fd, 50)
-        return 0
-    exe = compile(entry_point)
-    proc = SocketProc([exe])
-    output, error = proc.communicate("")
-    assert output.startswith('HTTP/1.0 400 Bad request')
-def test_oserror():
-    def entry_point(argv):
-        try:
-            os.open("/tmp/foobar", os.O_RDONLY, 0777)
-        except OSError as e:
-            os.close(e.errno)    # nonsense, just to see outside
-        return 0
-    exe = compile(entry_point)
-    proc = MockSandboxedProc([exe], expected = [
-        ("open", ("/tmp/foobar", os.O_RDONLY, 0777), OSError(-42, "baz")),
-        ("close", (-42,), None),
-        ])
-    proc.handle_forever()
-    assert proc.seen == len(proc.expected)
-class SandboxedProcWithFiles(VirtualizedSandboxedProc, SimpleIOSandboxedProc):
-    """A sandboxed process with a simple virtualized filesystem.
-    For testing file operations.
-    """
-    def build_virtual_root(self):
-        return Dir({
-            'hi.txt': File("Hello, world!\n"),
-            'this.pyc': RealFile(__file__),
-             })
-def test_too_many_opens():
-    def entry_point(argv):
-        try:
-            open_files = []
-            for i in range(500):
-                fd = os.open('/hi.txt', os.O_RDONLY, 0777)
-                open_files.append(fd)
-                txt = os.read(fd, 100)
-                if txt != "Hello, world!\n":
-                    print "Wrong content: %s" % txt
-        except OSError as e:
-            # We expect to get EMFILE, for opening too many files.
-            if e.errno != errno.EMFILE:
-                print "OSError: %s!" % (e.errno,)
-        else:
-            print "We opened 500 fake files! Shouldn't have been able to."
-        for fd in open_files:
-            os.close(fd)
-        try:
-            open_files = []
-            for i in range(500):
-                fd = os.open('/this.pyc', os.O_RDONLY, 0777)
-                open_files.append(fd)
-        except OSError as e:
-            # We expect to get EMFILE, for opening too many files.
-            if e.errno != errno.EMFILE:
-                print "OSError: %s!" % (e.errno,)
-        else:
-            print "We opened 500 real files! Shouldn't have been able to."
-        print "All ok!"
-        return 0
-    exe = compile(entry_point)
-    proc = SandboxedProcWithFiles([exe])
-    output, error = proc.communicate("")
-    assert output == "All ok!\n"
-    assert error == ""
-def test_fstat():
-    def compare(a, b, i):
-        if a != b:
-            print "stat and fstat differ @%d: %s != %s" % (i, a, b)
-    def entry_point(argv):
-        try:
-            # Open a file, and compare stat and fstat
-            fd = os.open('/hi.txt', os.O_RDONLY, 0777)
-            st = os.stat('/hi.txt')
-            fs = os.fstat(fd)
-            # RPython requires the index for stat to be a constant.. :(
-            compare(st[0], fs[0], 0)
-            compare(st[1], fs[1], 1)
-            compare(st[2], fs[2], 2)
-            compare(st[3], fs[3], 3)
-            compare(st[4], fs[4], 4)
-            compare(st[5], fs[5], 5)
-            compare(st[6], fs[6], 6)
-            compare(st[7], fs[7], 7)
-            compare(st[8], fs[8], 8)
-            compare(st[9], fs[9], 9)
-        except OSError as e:
-            print "OSError: %s" % (e.errno,)
-        print "All ok!"
-        return 0
-    exe = compile(entry_point)
-    proc = SandboxedProcWithFiles([exe])
-    output, error = proc.communicate("")
-    assert output == "All ok!\n"
-    assert error == ""
-def test_lseek():
-    def char_should_be(c, should):
-        if c != should:
-            print "Wrong char: '%s' should be '%s'" % (c, should)
-    def entry_point(argv):
-        fd = os.open('/hi.txt', os.O_RDONLY, 0777)
-        char_should_be(os.read(fd, 1), "H")
-        new = os.lseek(fd, 3, os.SEEK_CUR)
-        if new != 4:
-            print "Wrong offset, %d should be 4" % new
-        char_should_be(os.read(fd, 1), "o")
-        new = os.lseek(fd, -3, os.SEEK_END)
-        if new != 11:
-            print "Wrong offset, %d should be 11" % new
-        char_should_be(os.read(fd, 1), "d")
-        new = os.lseek(fd, 7, os.SEEK_SET)
-        if new != 7:
-            print "Wrong offset, %d should be 7" % new
-        char_should_be(os.read(fd, 1), "w")
-        print "All ok!"
-        return 0
-    exe = compile(entry_point)
-    proc = SandboxedProcWithFiles([exe])
-    output, error = proc.communicate("")
-    assert output == "All ok!\n"
-    assert error == ""
-def test_getuid():
-    if not hasattr(os, 'getuid'):
-        py.test.skip("posix only")
-    def entry_point(argv):
-        import os
-        print "uid is %s" % os.getuid()
-        print "euid is %s" % os.geteuid()
-        print "gid is %s" % os.getgid()
-        print "egid is %s" % os.getegid()
-        return 0
-    exe = compile(entry_point)
-    proc = SandboxedProcWithFiles([exe])
-    output, error = proc.communicate("")
-    assert output == "uid is 1000\neuid is 1000\ngid is 1000\negid is 1000\n"
-    assert error == ""
diff --git a/rpython/translator/sandbox/test/test_vfs.py b/rpython/translator/sandbox/test/test_vfs.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/rpython/translator/sandbox/test/test_vfs.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-import py
-import sys, stat, os
-from rpython.translator.sandbox.vfs import *
-from rpython.tool.udir import udir
-HASLINK = hasattr(os, 'symlink')
-def setup_module(mod):
-    d = udir.ensure('test_vfs', dir=1)
-    d.join('file1').write('somedata1')
-    d.join('file2').write('somelongerdata2')
-    os.chmod(str(d.join('file2')), stat.S_IWUSR)     # unreadable
-    d.join('.hidden').write('secret')
-    d.ensure('subdir1', dir=1).join('subfile1').write('spam')
-    d.ensure('.subdir2', dir=1).join('subfile2').write('secret as well')
-    if HASLINK:
-        d.join('symlink1').mksymlinkto(str(d.join('subdir1')))
-        d.join('symlink2').mksymlinkto('.hidden')
-        d.join('symlink3').mksymlinkto('BROKEN')
-def test_dir():
-    d = Dir({'foo': Dir()})
-    assert d.keys() == ['foo']
-    py.test.raises(OSError, d.open)
-    assert 0 <= d.getsize() <= sys.maxint
-    d1 = d.join('foo')
-    assert stat.S_ISDIR(d1.kind)
-    assert d1.keys() == []
-    py.test.raises(OSError, d.join, 'bar')
-    st = d.stat()
-    assert stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)
-    assert d.access(os.R_OK | os.X_OK)
-    assert not d.access(os.W_OK)
-def test_file():
-    f = File('hello world')
-    assert stat.S_ISREG(f.kind)
-    py.test.raises(OSError, f.keys)
-    assert f.getsize() == 11
-    h = f.open()
-    data = h.read()
-    assert data == 'hello world'
-    h.close()
-    st = f.stat()
-    assert stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode)
-    assert st.st_size == 11
-    assert f.access(os.R_OK)
-    assert not f.access(os.W_OK)
-def test_realdir_realfile():
-    for show_dotfiles in [False, True]:
-        for follow_links in [False, True]:
-            v_udir = RealDir(str(udir), show_dotfiles = show_dotfiles,
-                                        follow_links  = follow_links)
-            v_test_vfs = v_udir.join('test_vfs')
-            names = v_test_vfs.keys()
-            names.sort()
-            assert names == (show_dotfiles * ['.hidden', '.subdir2'] +
-                                          ['file1', 'file2', 'subdir1'] +
-                             HASLINK * ['symlink1', 'symlink2', 'symlink3'])
-            py.test.raises(OSError, v_test_vfs.open)
-            assert 0 <= v_test_vfs.getsize() <= sys.maxint
-            f = v_test_vfs.join('file1')
-            assert f.open().read() == 'somedata1'
-            f = v_test_vfs.join('file2')
-            assert f.getsize() == len('somelongerdata2')
-            if os.name != 'nt':     # can't have unreadable files there?
-                py.test.raises(OSError, f.open)
-            py.test.raises(OSError, v_test_vfs.join, 'does_not_exist')
-            py.test.raises(OSError, v_test_vfs.join, 'symlink3')
-            if follow_links and HASLINK:
-                d = v_test_vfs.join('symlink1')
-                assert stat.S_ISDIR(d.stat().st_mode)
-                assert d.keys() == ['subfile1']
-                assert d.join('subfile1').open().read() == 'spam'
-                f = v_test_vfs.join('symlink2')
-                assert stat.S_ISREG(f.stat().st_mode)
-                assert f.access(os.R_OK)
-                assert f.open().read() == 'secret'
-            else:
-                py.test.raises(OSError, v_test_vfs.join, 'symlink1')
-                py.test.raises(OSError, v_test_vfs.join, 'symlink2')
-            if show_dotfiles:
-                f = v_test_vfs.join('.hidden')
-                assert f.open().read() == 'secret'
-                d = v_test_vfs.join('.subdir2')
-                assert d.keys() == ['subfile2']
-                assert d.join('subfile2').open().read() == 'secret as well'
-            else:
-                py.test.raises(OSError, v_test_vfs.join, '.hidden')
-                py.test.raises(OSError, v_test_vfs.join, '.subdir2')
-def test_realdir_exclude():
-    xdir = udir.ensure('test_realdir_exclude', dir=1)
-    xdir.ensure('test_realdir_exclude.yes')
-    xdir.ensure('test_realdir_exclude.no')
-    v_udir = RealDir(str(udir), exclude=['.no'])
-    v_xdir = v_udir.join('test_realdir_exclude')
-    assert 'test_realdir_exclude.yes' in v_xdir.keys()
-    assert 'test_realdir_exclude.no' not in v_xdir.keys()
-    v_xdir.join('test_realdir_exclude.yes')    # works
-    py.test.raises(OSError, v_xdir.join, 'test_realdir_exclude.no')
-    # Windows and Mac tests, for the case
-    py.test.raises(OSError, v_xdir.join, 'Test_RealDir_Exclude.no')
-    py.test.raises(OSError, v_xdir.join, 'test_realdir_exclude.No')
-    py.test.raises(OSError, v_xdir.join, 'test_realdir_exclude.nO')
-    py.test.raises(OSError, v_xdir.join, 'test_realdir_exclude.NO')
diff --git a/rpython/translator/sandbox/vfs.py b/rpython/translator/sandbox/vfs.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/rpython/translator/sandbox/vfs.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import stat, errno
-UID = 1000
-GID = 1000
-class FSObject(object):
-    read_only = True
-    def stat(self):
-        try:
-            st_ino = self._st_ino
-        except AttributeError:
-            global INO_COUNTER
-            INO_COUNTER += 1
-            st_ino = self._st_ino = INO_COUNTER
-        st_dev = 1
-        st_nlink = 1
-        st_size = self.getsize()
-        st_mode = self.kind
-        st_mode |= stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH
-        if stat.S_ISDIR(self.kind):
-            st_mode |= stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH
-        if self.read_only:
-            st_uid = 0       # read-only files are virtually owned by root
-            st_gid = 0
-        else:
-            st_uid = UID     # read-write files are owned by this virtual user
-            st_gid = GID
-        st_atime = ATIME
-        st_mtime = MTIME
-        st_ctime = CTIME
-        return os.stat_result(
-            (st_mode, st_ino, st_dev, st_nlink, st_uid, st_gid,
-             st_size, st_atime, st_mtime, st_ctime))
-    def access(self, mode):
-        s = self.stat()
-        e_mode = s.st_mode & stat.S_IRWXO
-        if UID == s.st_uid:
-            e_mode |= (s.st_mode & stat.S_IRWXU) >> 6
-        if GID == s.st_gid:
-            e_mode |= (s.st_mode & stat.S_IRWXG) >> 3
-        return (e_mode & mode) == mode
-    def keys(self):
-        raise OSError(errno.ENOTDIR, self)
-    def open(self):
-        raise OSError(errno.EACCES, self)
-    def getsize(self):
-        return 0
-class Dir(FSObject):
-    kind = stat.S_IFDIR
-    def __init__(self, entries={}):
-        self.entries = entries
-    def keys(self):
-        return self.entries.keys()
-    def join(self, name):
-        try:
-            return self.entries[name]
-        except KeyError:
-            raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, name)
-class RealDir(Dir):
-    # If show_dotfiles=False, we pretend that all files whose name starts
-    # with '.' simply don't exist.  If follow_links=True, then symlinks are
-    # transparently followed (they look like a regular file or directory to
-    # the sandboxed process).  If follow_links=False, the subprocess is
-    # not allowed to access them at all.  Finally, exclude is a list of
-    # file endings that we filter out (note that we also filter out files
-    # with the same ending but a different case, to be safe).
-    def __init__(self, path, show_dotfiles=False, follow_links=False,
-                 exclude=[]):
-        self.path = path
-        self.show_dotfiles = show_dotfiles
-        self.follow_links  = follow_links
-        self.exclude       = [excl.lower() for excl in exclude]
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<RealDir %s>' % (self.path,)
-    def keys(self):
-        names = os.listdir(self.path)
-        if not self.show_dotfiles:
-            names = [name for name in names if not name.startswith('.')]
-        for excl in self.exclude:
-            names = [name for name in names if not name.lower().endswith(excl)]
-        return names
-    def join(self, name):
-        if name.startswith('.') and not self.show_dotfiles:
-            raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, name)
-        for excl in self.exclude:
-            if name.lower().endswith(excl):
-                raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, name)
-        path = os.path.join(self.path, name)
-        if self.follow_links:
-            st = os.stat(path)
-        else:
-            st = os.lstat(path)
-        if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode):
-            return RealDir(path, show_dotfiles = self.show_dotfiles,
-                                 follow_links  = self.follow_links,
-                                 exclude       = self.exclude)
-        elif stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode):
-            return RealFile(path)
-        else:
-            # don't allow access to symlinks and other special files
-            raise OSError(errno.EACCES, path)
-class File(FSObject):
-    kind = stat.S_IFREG
-    def __init__(self, data=''):
-        self.data = data
-    def getsize(self):
-        return len(self.data)
-    def open(self):
-        import cStringIO
-        return cStringIO.StringIO(self.data)
-class RealFile(File):
-    def __init__(self, path, mode=0):
-        self.path = path
-        self.kind |= mode
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<RealFile %s>' % (self.path,)
-    def getsize(self):
-        return os.stat(self.path).st_size
-    def open(self):
-        try:
-            return open(self.path, "rb")
-        except IOError as e:
-            raise OSError(e.errno, "open failed")

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