[pypy-commit] pypy py3.6: Backed out changeset d6fbbd74e9d4 (breaks test_smalllongobject.py)

rlamy pypy.commits at gmail.com
Fri Aug 9 11:51:07 EDT 2019

Author: Ronan Lamy <ronan.lamy at gmail.com>
Branch: py3.6
Changeset: r97124:1097e21c2af6
Date: 2019-08-09 16:49 +0100

Log:	Backed out changeset d6fbbd74e9d4 (breaks test_smalllongobject.py)

diff --git a/pypy/objspace/std/test/apptest_longobject.py b/pypy/objspace/std/test/apptest_longobject.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/pypy/objspace/std/test/apptest_longobject.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,472 +0,0 @@
-from pytest import raises
-def _long(obj):
-    # XXX: currently returns a W_LongObject but might return
-    # W_IntObject in the future
-    huge = 1 << 65
-    return obj + huge - huge
-def test_trunc():
-    import math
-    assert math.trunc(_long(1)) == _long(1)
-    assert math.trunc(-_long(1)) == -_long(1)
-def test_add():
-    x = _long(123)
-    assert int(x + _long(12443)) == 123 + 12443
-    x = -20
-    assert x + 2 + _long(3) + True == -_long(14)
-def test_sub():
-    assert int(_long(58543) - _long(12332)) == 58543 - 12332
-    assert int(_long(58543) - 12332) == 58543 - 12332
-    assert int(58543 - _long(12332)) == 58543 - 12332
-    x = _long(237123838281233)
-    assert x * 12 == x * _long(12)
-def test_mul():
-    x = _long(363)
-    assert x * 2 ** 40 == x << 40
-def test_truediv():
-    a = _long(31415926) / _long(10000000)
-    assert a == 3.1415926
-def test_floordiv():
-    x = _long(31415926)
-    a = x // _long(10000000)
-    assert a == _long(3)
-def test_int_floordiv():
-    import sys
-    long = _long
-    x = long(3000)
-    a = x // 1000
-    assert a == 3
-    x = long(3000)
-    a = x // -1000
-    assert a == -3
-    x = long(3000)
-    raises(ZeroDivisionError, "x // 0")
-    n = sys.maxsize + 1
-    assert n / int(-n) == long(-1)
-def test_numerator_denominator():
-    assert (_long(1)).numerator == _long(1)
-    assert (_long(1)).denominator == _long(1)
-    assert (_long(42)).numerator == _long(42)
-    assert (_long(42)).denominator == _long(1)
-def test_compare():
-    Z = 0
-    ZL = _long(0)
-    assert Z == ZL
-    assert not (Z != ZL)
-    assert ZL == Z
-    assert not (ZL != Z)
-    assert Z <= ZL
-    assert not (Z < ZL)
-    assert ZL <= ZL
-    assert not (ZL < ZL)
-    for BIG in (_long(1), _long(1) << 62, _long(1) << 9999):
-        assert not (Z == BIG)
-        assert Z != BIG
-        assert not (BIG == Z)
-        assert BIG != Z
-        assert not (ZL == BIG)
-        assert ZL != BIG
-        assert Z <= BIG
-        assert Z < BIG
-        assert not (BIG <= Z)
-        assert not (BIG < Z)
-        assert ZL <= BIG
-        assert ZL < BIG
-        assert not (BIG <= ZL)
-        assert not (BIG < ZL)
-        assert not (Z <= -BIG)
-        assert not (Z < -BIG)
-        assert -BIG <= Z
-        assert -BIG < Z
-        assert not (ZL <= -BIG)
-        assert not (ZL < -BIG)
-        assert -BIG <= ZL
-        assert -BIG < ZL
-        #
-        assert not (BIG <  int(BIG))
-        assert     (BIG <= int(BIG))
-        assert     (BIG == int(BIG))
-        assert not (BIG != int(BIG))
-        assert not (BIG >  int(BIG))
-        assert     (BIG >= int(BIG))
-        #
-        assert     (BIG <  int(BIG)+1)
-        assert     (BIG <= int(BIG)+1)
-        assert not (BIG == int(BIG)+1)
-        assert     (BIG != int(BIG)+1)
-        assert not (BIG >  int(BIG)+1)
-        assert not (BIG >= int(BIG)+1)
-        #
-        assert not (BIG <  int(BIG)-1)
-        assert not (BIG <= int(BIG)-1)
-        assert not (BIG == int(BIG)-1)
-        assert     (BIG != int(BIG)-1)
-        assert     (BIG >  int(BIG)-1)
-        assert     (BIG >= int(BIG)-1)
-        #
-        assert not (int(BIG) <  BIG)
-        assert     (int(BIG) <= BIG)
-        assert     (int(BIG) == BIG)
-        assert not (int(BIG) != BIG)
-        assert not (int(BIG) >  BIG)
-        assert     (int(BIG) >= BIG)
-        #
-        assert not (int(BIG)+1 <  BIG)
-        assert not (int(BIG)+1 <= BIG)
-        assert not (int(BIG)+1 == BIG)
-        assert     (int(BIG)+1 != BIG)
-        assert     (int(BIG)+1 >  BIG)
-        assert     (int(BIG)+1 >= BIG)
-        #
-        assert     (int(BIG)-1 <  BIG)
-        assert     (int(BIG)-1 <= BIG)
-        assert not (int(BIG)-1 == BIG)
-        assert     (int(BIG)-1 != BIG)
-        assert not (int(BIG)-1 >  BIG)
-        assert not (int(BIG)-1 >= BIG)
-def test_conversion():
-    class long2(int):
-        pass
-    x = _long(1)
-    x = long2(x<<100)
-    y = int(x)
-    assert type(y) == int
-    assert type(+long2(5)) is int
-    assert type(long2(5) << 0) is int
-    assert type(long2(5) >> 0) is int
-    assert type(long2(5) + 0) is int
-    assert type(long2(5) - 0) is int
-    assert type(long2(5) * 1) is int
-    assert type(1 * long2(5)) is int
-    assert type(0 + long2(5)) is int
-    assert type(-long2(0)) is int
-    assert type(long2(5) // 1) is int
-def test_shift():
-    long = _long
-    assert long(65) >> long(2) == long(16)
-    assert long(65) >> 2 == long(16)
-    assert 65 >> long(2) == long(16)
-    assert long(65) << long(2) == long(65) * 4
-    assert long(65) << 2 == long(65) * 4
-    assert 65 << long(2) == long(65) * 4
-    raises(ValueError, "long(1) << long(-1)")
-    raises(ValueError, "long(1) << -1")
-    raises(OverflowError, "long(1) << (2 ** 100)")
-    raises(ValueError, "long(1) >> long(-1)")
-    raises(ValueError, "long(1) >> -1")
-    raises(OverflowError, "long(1) >> (2 ** 100)")
-def test_pow():
-    long = _long
-    x = _long(0)
-    assert pow(x, _long(0), _long(1)) == _long(0)
-    assert pow(-_long(1), -_long(1)) == -1.0
-    assert pow(2 ** 68, 0.5) == 2.0 ** 34
-    assert pow(2 ** 68, 2) == 2 ** 136
-    raises(ValueError, pow, long(2), -1, 3)
-    raises(ValueError, pow, long(2), 5, 0)
-    # some rpow tests
-    assert pow(0, long(0), long(1)) == long(0)
-    assert pow(-1, long(-1)) == -1.0
-def test_int_pow():
-    long = _long
-    x = long(2)
-    assert pow(x, 2) == long(4)
-    assert pow(x, 2, 2) == long(0)
-    assert pow(x, 2, long(3)) == long(1)
-def test_getnewargs():
-    assert  _long(0) .__getnewargs__() == (_long(0),)
-    assert  (-_long(1)) .__getnewargs__() == (-_long(1),)
-def test_divmod():
-    long = _long
-    def check_division(x, y):
-        q, r = divmod(x, y)
-        pab, pba = x*y, y*x
-        assert pab == pba
-        assert q == x // y
-        assert r == x % y
-        assert x == q*y + r
-        if y > 0:
-            assert 0 <= r < y
-        else:
-            assert y < r <= 0
-    for x in [-_long(1), _long(0), _long(1), _long(2) ** 100 - 1, -_long(2) ** 100 - 1]:
-        for y in [-_long(105566530), -_long(1), _long(1), _long(1034522340)]:
-            print("checking division for %s, %s" % (x, y))
-            check_division(x, y)
-            check_division(x, int(y))
-            check_division(int(x), y)
-    # special case from python tests:
-    s1 = 33
-    s2 = 2
-    x = 16565645174462751485571442763871865344588923363439663038777355323778298703228675004033774331442052275771343018700586987657790981527457655176938756028872904152013524821759375058141439
-    x >>= s1*16
-    y = 10953035502453784575
-    y >>= s2*16
-    x = 0x3FE0003FFFFC0001FFF
-    y = _long(0x9800FFC1)
-    check_division(x, y)
-    raises(ZeroDivisionError, "x // _long(0)")
-    divmod(3, _long(4))
-    raises(ZeroDivisionError, "x % long(0)")
-    raises(ZeroDivisionError, divmod, x, long(0))
-    raises(ZeroDivisionError, "x // 0")
-    raises(ZeroDivisionError, "x % 0")
-    raises(ZeroDivisionError, divmod, x, 0)
-def test_int_divmod():
-    long = _long
-    q, r = divmod(long(100), 11)
-    assert q == 9
-    assert r == 1
-def test_format():
-    assert repr(12345678901234567890) == '12345678901234567890'
-    assert str(12345678901234567890) == '12345678901234567890'
-    assert hex(_long(0x1234567890ABCDEF)) == '0x1234567890abcdef'
-    assert oct(_long(0o1234567012345670)) == '0o1234567012345670'
-def test_bits():
-    x = _long(0xAAAAAAAA)
-    assert x | _long(0x55555555) == _long(0xFFFFFFFF)
-    assert x & _long(0x55555555) == _long(0x00000000)
-    assert x ^ _long(0x55555555) == _long(0xFFFFFFFF)
-    assert -x | _long(0x55555555) == -_long(0xAAAAAAA9)
-    assert x | _long(0x555555555) == _long(0x5FFFFFFFF)
-    assert x & _long(0x555555555) == _long(0x000000000)
-    assert x ^ _long(0x555555555) == _long(0x5FFFFFFFF)
-def test_hash():
-    import sys
-    modulus = sys.hash_info.modulus
-    def longhash(x):
-        return hash(_long(x))
-    for x in (list(range(200)) +
-                [1234567890123456789, 18446743523953737727,
-                987685321987685321987685321987685321987685321,
-                10**50]):
-        y = x % modulus
-        assert longhash(x) == longhash(y)
-        assert longhash(-x) == longhash(-y)
-    assert longhash(modulus - 1) == modulus - 1
-    assert longhash(modulus) == 0
-    assert longhash(modulus + 1) == 1
-    assert longhash(-1) == -2
-    value = -(modulus + 1)
-    assert longhash(value) == -2
-    assert longhash(value * 2 + 1) == -2
-    assert longhash(value * 4 + 3) == -2
-def test_hash_2():
-    class AAA:
-        def __hash__(a):
-            return _long(-1)
-    assert hash(AAA()) == -2
-def test_math_log():
-    import math
-    raises(ValueError, math.log, _long(0))
-    raises(ValueError, math.log, -_long(1))
-    raises(ValueError, math.log, -_long(2))
-    raises(ValueError, math.log, -(_long(1) << 10000))
-    #raises(ValueError, math.log, 0)
-    raises(ValueError, math.log, -1)
-    raises(ValueError, math.log, -2)
-def test_long():
-    import sys
-    n = -sys.maxsize-1
-    assert int(n) == n
-    assert str(int(n)) == str(n)
-    a = memoryview(b'123')
-    assert int(a) == _long(123)
-def test_huge_longs():
-    import operator
-    x = _long(1)
-    huge = x << _long(40000)
-    raises(OverflowError, float, huge)
-    raises(OverflowError, operator.truediv, huge, 3)
-    raises(OverflowError, operator.truediv, huge, _long(3))
-def test_just_trunc():
-    class myint(object):
-        def __trunc__(self):
-            return 42
-    assert int(myint()) == 42
-def test_override___int__():
-    class myint(int):
-        def __int__(self):
-            return 42
-    assert int(myint(21)) == 42
-    class myotherint(int):
-        pass
-    assert int(myotherint(21)) == 21
-def test___int__():
-    class A(object):
-        def __int__(self):
-            return 42
-    assert int(A()) == 42
-    class IntSubclass(int):
-        pass
-    class ReturnsIntSubclass(object):
-        def __int__(self):
-            return IntSubclass(42)
-    n = int(ReturnsIntSubclass())
-    assert n == 42
-    # cpython 3.6 fixed behaviour to actually return type int here
-    assert type(n) is int
-def test_trunc_returns():
-    # but!: (blame CPython 2.7)
-    class Integral(object):
-        def __int__(self):
-            return 42
-    class TruncReturnsNonInt(object):
-        def __trunc__(self):
-            return Integral()
-    n = int(TruncReturnsNonInt())
-    assert type(n) is int
-    assert n == 42
-    class IntSubclass(int):
-        pass
-    class TruncReturnsNonInt(object):
-        def __trunc__(self):
-            return IntSubclass(42)
-    n = int(TruncReturnsNonInt())
-    assert n == 42
-    assert type(n) is int
-def test_long_before_string():
-    class A(str):
-        def __int__(self):
-            return 42
-    assert int(A('abc')) == 42
-def test_conjugate():
-    assert (_long(7)).conjugate() == _long(7)
-    assert (-_long(7)).conjugate() == -_long(7)
-    class L(int):
-        pass
-    assert type(L(7).conjugate()) is int
-    class L(int):
-        def __pos__(self):
-            return 43
-    assert L(7).conjugate() == _long(7)
-def test_bit_length():
-    assert _long(8).bit_length() == 4
-    assert (-1<<40).bit_length() == 41
-    assert ((2**31)-1).bit_length() == 31
-def test_from_bytes():
-    assert int.from_bytes(b'c', 'little') == 99
-    assert int.from_bytes(b'\x01\x01', 'little') == 257
-    assert int.from_bytes(b'\x01\x00', 'big') == 256
-    assert int.from_bytes(b'\x00\x80', 'little', signed=True) == -32768
-    assert int.from_bytes([255, 0, 0], 'big', signed=True) == -65536
-    raises(TypeError, int.from_bytes, 0, 'big')
-    raises(TypeError, int.from_bytes, '', 'big')
-    raises(ValueError, int.from_bytes, b'c', 'foo')
-def test_to_bytes():
-    assert 65535 .to_bytes(2, 'big') == b'\xff\xff'
-    assert (-8388608).to_bytes(3, 'little', signed=True) == b'\x00\x00\x80'
-    raises(OverflowError, (-5).to_bytes, 1, 'big')
-    raises(ValueError, (-5).to_bytes, 1, 'foo')
-    assert 65535 .to_bytes(length=2, byteorder='big') == b'\xff\xff'
-def test_negative_zero():
-    x = eval("-_long(0)")
-    assert x == _long(0)
-def test_long_real():
-    class A(int): pass
-    b = A(5).real
-    assert type(b) is int
-#@py.test.mark.skipif("not config.option.runappdirect and sys.maxunicode == 0xffff")
-def test_long_from_unicode():
-    raises(ValueError, int, '123L')
-    assert int('L', 22) == 21
-    s = '\U0001D7CF\U0001D7CE' # 𝟏𝟎
-    assert int(s) == 10
-def test_long_from_bytes():
-    assert int(b'1234') == 1234
-def test_invalid_literal_message():
-    try:
-        int('hello àèìò')
-    except ValueError as e:
-        assert 'hello àèìò' in str(e)
-    else:
-        assert False, 'did not raise'
-def test_base_overflow():
-    raises(ValueError, int, '42', 2**63)
-def test_long_real():
-    class A(int): pass
-    b = A(5).real
-    assert type(b) is int
-def test__int__():
-    class A(int):
-        def __int__(self):
-            return 42
-    assert int(int(3)) == int(3)
-    assert int(A(13)) == 42
-def test_long_error_msg():
-    e = raises(TypeError, int, [])
-    assert str(e.value) == (
-        "int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object "
-        "or a number, not 'list'")
-def test_linear_long_base_16():
-    # never finishes if int(_, 16) is not linear-time
-    size = 100000
-    n = "a" * size
-    expected = (2 << (size * 4)) // 3
-    assert int(n, 16) == expected
-def test_large_identity():
-    import sys
-    if '__pypy__' not in sys.builtin_module_names:
-        skip('PyPy only')
-    a = sys.maxsize + 1
-    b = sys.maxsize + 2
-    assert a is not b
-    b -= 1
-    assert a is b
diff --git a/pypy/objspace/std/test/test_longobject.py b/pypy/objspace/std/test/test_longobject.py
--- a/pypy/objspace/std/test/test_longobject.py
+++ b/pypy/objspace/std/test/test_longobject.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+import py
 from pypy.objspace.std import longobject as lobj
 from rpython.rlib.rbigint import rbigint
@@ -36,3 +37,477 @@
                     x &= r.MASK
                 w_obj = space.newlong_from_rarith_int(r(x))
                 assert space.bigint_w(w_obj).eq(rbigint.fromlong(x))
+class AppTestLong:
+    def w__long(self, obj):
+        # XXX: currently returns a W_LongObject but might return
+        # W_IntObject in the future
+        huge = 1 << 65
+        return obj + huge - huge
+    def test_trunc(self):
+        import math
+        assert math.trunc(self._long(1)) == self._long(1)
+        assert math.trunc(-self._long(1)) == -self._long(1)
+    def test_add(self):
+        x = self._long(123)
+        assert int(x + self._long(12443)) == 123 + 12443
+        x = -20
+        assert x + 2 + self._long(3) + True == -self._long(14)
+    def test_sub(self):
+        assert int(self._long(58543) - self._long(12332)) == 58543 - 12332
+        assert int(self._long(58543) - 12332) == 58543 - 12332
+        assert int(58543 - self._long(12332)) == 58543 - 12332
+        x = self._long(237123838281233)
+        assert x * 12 == x * self._long(12)
+    def test_mul(self):
+        x = self._long(363)
+        assert x * 2 ** 40 == x << 40
+    def test_truediv(self):
+        a = self._long(31415926) / self._long(10000000)
+        assert a == 3.1415926
+    def test_floordiv(self):
+        x = self._long(31415926)
+        a = x // self._long(10000000)
+        assert a == self._long(3)
+    def test_int_floordiv(self):
+        import sys
+        long = self._long
+        x = long(3000)
+        a = x // 1000
+        assert a == 3
+        x = long(3000)
+        a = x // -1000
+        assert a == -3
+        x = long(3000)
+        raises(ZeroDivisionError, "x // 0")
+        n = sys.maxsize + 1
+        assert n / int(-n) == long(-1)
+    def test_numerator_denominator(self):
+        assert (self._long(1)).numerator == self._long(1)
+        assert (self._long(1)).denominator == self._long(1)
+        assert (self._long(42)).numerator == self._long(42)
+        assert (self._long(42)).denominator == self._long(1)
+    def test_compare(self):
+        Z = 0
+        ZL = self._long(0)
+        assert Z == ZL
+        assert not (Z != ZL)
+        assert ZL == Z
+        assert not (ZL != Z)
+        assert Z <= ZL
+        assert not (Z < ZL)
+        assert ZL <= ZL
+        assert not (ZL < ZL)
+        for BIG in (self._long(1), self._long(1) << 62, self._long(1) << 9999):
+            assert not (Z == BIG)
+            assert Z != BIG
+            assert not (BIG == Z)
+            assert BIG != Z
+            assert not (ZL == BIG)
+            assert ZL != BIG
+            assert Z <= BIG
+            assert Z < BIG
+            assert not (BIG <= Z)
+            assert not (BIG < Z)
+            assert ZL <= BIG
+            assert ZL < BIG
+            assert not (BIG <= ZL)
+            assert not (BIG < ZL)
+            assert not (Z <= -BIG)
+            assert not (Z < -BIG)
+            assert -BIG <= Z
+            assert -BIG < Z
+            assert not (ZL <= -BIG)
+            assert not (ZL < -BIG)
+            assert -BIG <= ZL
+            assert -BIG < ZL
+            #
+            assert not (BIG <  int(BIG))
+            assert     (BIG <= int(BIG))
+            assert     (BIG == int(BIG))
+            assert not (BIG != int(BIG))
+            assert not (BIG >  int(BIG))
+            assert     (BIG >= int(BIG))
+            #
+            assert     (BIG <  int(BIG)+1)
+            assert     (BIG <= int(BIG)+1)
+            assert not (BIG == int(BIG)+1)
+            assert     (BIG != int(BIG)+1)
+            assert not (BIG >  int(BIG)+1)
+            assert not (BIG >= int(BIG)+1)
+            #
+            assert not (BIG <  int(BIG)-1)
+            assert not (BIG <= int(BIG)-1)
+            assert not (BIG == int(BIG)-1)
+            assert     (BIG != int(BIG)-1)
+            assert     (BIG >  int(BIG)-1)
+            assert     (BIG >= int(BIG)-1)
+            #
+            assert not (int(BIG) <  BIG)
+            assert     (int(BIG) <= BIG)
+            assert     (int(BIG) == BIG)
+            assert not (int(BIG) != BIG)
+            assert not (int(BIG) >  BIG)
+            assert     (int(BIG) >= BIG)
+            #
+            assert not (int(BIG)+1 <  BIG)
+            assert not (int(BIG)+1 <= BIG)
+            assert not (int(BIG)+1 == BIG)
+            assert     (int(BIG)+1 != BIG)
+            assert     (int(BIG)+1 >  BIG)
+            assert     (int(BIG)+1 >= BIG)
+            #
+            assert     (int(BIG)-1 <  BIG)
+            assert     (int(BIG)-1 <= BIG)
+            assert not (int(BIG)-1 == BIG)
+            assert     (int(BIG)-1 != BIG)
+            assert not (int(BIG)-1 >  BIG)
+            assert not (int(BIG)-1 >= BIG)
+    def test_conversion(self):
+        class long2(int):
+            pass
+        x = self._long(1)
+        x = long2(x<<100)
+        y = int(x)
+        assert type(y) == int
+        assert type(+long2(5)) is int
+        assert type(long2(5) << 0) is int
+        assert type(long2(5) >> 0) is int
+        assert type(long2(5) + 0) is int
+        assert type(long2(5) - 0) is int
+        assert type(long2(5) * 1) is int
+        assert type(1 * long2(5)) is int
+        assert type(0 + long2(5)) is int
+        assert type(-long2(0)) is int
+        assert type(long2(5) // 1) is int
+    def test_shift(self):
+        long = self._long
+        assert long(65) >> long(2) == long(16)
+        assert long(65) >> 2 == long(16)
+        assert 65 >> long(2) == long(16)
+        assert long(65) << long(2) == long(65) * 4
+        assert long(65) << 2 == long(65) * 4
+        assert 65 << long(2) == long(65) * 4
+        raises(ValueError, "long(1) << long(-1)")
+        raises(ValueError, "long(1) << -1")
+        raises(OverflowError, "long(1) << (2 ** 100)")
+        raises(ValueError, "long(1) >> long(-1)")
+        raises(ValueError, "long(1) >> -1")
+        raises(OverflowError, "long(1) >> (2 ** 100)")
+    def test_pow(self):
+        long = self._long
+        x = self._long(0)
+        assert pow(x, self._long(0), self._long(1)) == self._long(0)
+        assert pow(-self._long(1), -self._long(1)) == -1.0
+        assert pow(2 ** 68, 0.5) == 2.0 ** 34
+        assert pow(2 ** 68, 2) == 2 ** 136
+        raises(ValueError, pow, long(2), -1, 3)
+        raises(ValueError, pow, long(2), 5, 0)
+        # some rpow tests
+        assert pow(0, long(0), long(1)) == long(0)
+        assert pow(-1, long(-1)) == -1.0
+    def test_int_pow(self):
+        long = self._long
+        x = long(2)
+        assert pow(x, 2) == long(4)
+        assert pow(x, 2, 2) == long(0)
+        assert pow(x, 2, long(3)) == long(1)
+    def test_getnewargs(self):
+        assert  self._long(0) .__getnewargs__() == (self._long(0),)
+        assert  (-self._long(1)) .__getnewargs__() == (-self._long(1),)
+    def test_divmod(self):
+        long = self._long
+        def check_division(x, y):
+            q, r = divmod(x, y)
+            pab, pba = x*y, y*x
+            assert pab == pba
+            assert q == x // y
+            assert r == x % y
+            assert x == q*y + r
+            if y > 0:
+                assert 0 <= r < y
+            else:
+                assert y < r <= 0
+        for x in [-self._long(1), self._long(0), self._long(1), self._long(2) ** 100 - 1, -self._long(2) ** 100 - 1]:
+            for y in [-self._long(105566530), -self._long(1), self._long(1), self._long(1034522340)]:
+                print("checking division for %s, %s" % (x, y))
+                check_division(x, y)
+                check_division(x, int(y))
+                check_division(int(x), y)
+        # special case from python tests:
+        s1 = 33
+        s2 = 2
+        x = 16565645174462751485571442763871865344588923363439663038777355323778298703228675004033774331442052275771343018700586987657790981527457655176938756028872904152013524821759375058141439
+        x >>= s1*16
+        y = 10953035502453784575
+        y >>= s2*16
+        x = 0x3FE0003FFFFC0001FFF
+        y = self._long(0x9800FFC1)
+        check_division(x, y)
+        raises(ZeroDivisionError, "x // self._long(0)")
+        divmod(3, self._long(4))
+        raises(ZeroDivisionError, "x % long(0)")
+        raises(ZeroDivisionError, divmod, x, long(0))
+        raises(ZeroDivisionError, "x // 0")
+        raises(ZeroDivisionError, "x % 0")
+        raises(ZeroDivisionError, divmod, x, 0)
+    def test_int_divmod(self):
+        long = self._long
+        q, r = divmod(long(100), 11)
+        assert q == 9
+        assert r == 1
+    def test_format(self):
+        assert repr(12345678901234567890) == '12345678901234567890'
+        assert str(12345678901234567890) == '12345678901234567890'
+        assert hex(self._long(0x1234567890ABCDEF)) == '0x1234567890abcdef'
+        assert oct(self._long(0o1234567012345670)) == '0o1234567012345670'
+    def test_bits(self):
+        x = self._long(0xAAAAAAAA)
+        assert x | self._long(0x55555555) == self._long(0xFFFFFFFF)
+        assert x & self._long(0x55555555) == self._long(0x00000000)
+        assert x ^ self._long(0x55555555) == self._long(0xFFFFFFFF)
+        assert -x | self._long(0x55555555) == -self._long(0xAAAAAAA9)
+        assert x | self._long(0x555555555) == self._long(0x5FFFFFFFF)
+        assert x & self._long(0x555555555) == self._long(0x000000000)
+        assert x ^ self._long(0x555555555) == self._long(0x5FFFFFFFF)
+    def test_hash(self):
+        import sys
+        modulus = sys.hash_info.modulus
+        def longhash(x):
+            return hash(self._long(x))
+        for x in (list(range(200)) +
+                  [1234567890123456789, 18446743523953737727,
+                   987685321987685321987685321987685321987685321,
+                   10**50]):
+            y = x % modulus
+            assert longhash(x) == longhash(y)
+            assert longhash(-x) == longhash(-y)
+        assert longhash(modulus - 1) == modulus - 1
+        assert longhash(modulus) == 0
+        assert longhash(modulus + 1) == 1
+        assert longhash(-1) == -2
+        value = -(modulus + 1)
+        assert longhash(value) == -2
+        assert longhash(value * 2 + 1) == -2
+        assert longhash(value * 4 + 3) == -2
+    def test_hash_2(self):
+        class AAA:
+            def __hash__(a):
+                return self._long(-1)
+        assert hash(AAA()) == -2
+    def test_math_log(self):
+        import math
+        raises(ValueError, math.log, self._long(0))
+        raises(ValueError, math.log, -self._long(1))
+        raises(ValueError, math.log, -self._long(2))
+        raises(ValueError, math.log, -(self._long(1) << 10000))
+        #raises(ValueError, math.log, 0)
+        raises(ValueError, math.log, -1)
+        raises(ValueError, math.log, -2)
+    def test_long(self):
+        import sys
+        n = -sys.maxsize-1
+        assert int(n) == n
+        assert str(int(n)) == str(n)
+        a = memoryview(b'123')
+        assert int(a) == self._long(123)
+    def test_huge_longs(self):
+        import operator
+        x = self._long(1)
+        huge = x << self._long(40000)
+        raises(OverflowError, float, huge)
+        raises(OverflowError, operator.truediv, huge, 3)
+        raises(OverflowError, operator.truediv, huge, self._long(3))
+    def test_just_trunc(self):
+        class myint(object):
+            def __trunc__(self):
+                return 42
+        assert int(myint()) == 42
+    def test_override___int__(self):
+        class myint(int):
+            def __int__(self):
+                return 42
+        assert int(myint(21)) == 42
+        class myotherint(int):
+            pass
+        assert int(myotherint(21)) == 21
+    def test___int__(self):
+        class A(object):
+            def __int__(self):
+                return 42
+        assert int(A()) == 42
+        class IntSubclass(int):
+            pass
+        class ReturnsIntSubclass(object):
+            def __int__(self):
+                return IntSubclass(42)
+        n = int(ReturnsIntSubclass())
+        assert n == 42
+        # cpython 3.6 fixed behaviour to actually return type int here
+        assert type(n) is int
+    def test_trunc_returns(self):
+        # but!: (blame CPython 2.7)
+        class Integral(object):
+            def __int__(self):
+                return 42
+        class TruncReturnsNonInt(object):
+            def __trunc__(self):
+                return Integral()
+        n = int(TruncReturnsNonInt())
+        assert type(n) is int
+        assert n == 42
+        class IntSubclass(int):
+            pass
+        class TruncReturnsNonInt(object):
+            def __trunc__(self):
+                return IntSubclass(42)
+        n = int(TruncReturnsNonInt())
+        assert n == 42
+        assert type(n) is int
+    def test_long_before_string(self):
+        class A(str):
+            def __int__(self):
+                return 42
+        assert int(A('abc')) == 42
+    def test_conjugate(self):
+        assert (self._long(7)).conjugate() == self._long(7)
+        assert (-self._long(7)).conjugate() == -self._long(7)
+        class L(int):
+            pass
+        assert type(L(7).conjugate()) is int
+        class L(int):
+            def __pos__(self):
+                return 43
+        assert L(7).conjugate() == self._long(7)
+    def test_bit_length(self):
+        assert self._long(8).bit_length() == 4
+        assert (-1<<40).bit_length() == 41
+        assert ((2**31)-1).bit_length() == 31
+    def test_from_bytes(self):
+        assert int.from_bytes(b'c', 'little') == 99
+        assert int.from_bytes(b'\x01\x01', 'little') == 257
+        assert int.from_bytes(b'\x01\x00', 'big') == 256
+        assert int.from_bytes(b'\x00\x80', 'little', signed=True) == -32768
+        assert int.from_bytes([255, 0, 0], 'big', signed=True) == -65536
+        raises(TypeError, int.from_bytes, 0, 'big')
+        raises(TypeError, int.from_bytes, '', 'big')
+        raises(ValueError, int.from_bytes, b'c', 'foo')
+    def test_to_bytes(self):
+        assert 65535 .to_bytes(2, 'big') == b'\xff\xff'
+        assert (-8388608).to_bytes(3, 'little', signed=True) == b'\x00\x00\x80'
+        raises(OverflowError, (-5).to_bytes, 1, 'big')
+        raises(ValueError, (-5).to_bytes, 1, 'foo')
+        assert 65535 .to_bytes(length=2, byteorder='big') == b'\xff\xff'
+    def test_negative_zero(self):
+        x = eval("-self._long(0)")
+        assert x == self._long(0)
+    def test_long_real(self):
+        class A(int): pass
+        b = A(5).real
+        assert type(b) is int
+    @py.test.mark.skipif("not config.option.runappdirect and sys.maxunicode == 0xffff")
+    def test_long_from_unicode(self):
+        raises(ValueError, int, '123L')
+        assert int('L', 22) == 21
+        s = '\U0001D7CF\U0001D7CE' # 𝟏𝟎
+        assert int(s) == 10
+    def test_long_from_bytes(self):
+        assert int(b'1234') == 1234
+    def test_invalid_literal_message(self):
+        try:
+            int('hello àèìò')
+        except ValueError as e:
+            assert 'hello àèìò' in str(e)
+        else:
+            assert False, 'did not raise'
+    def test_base_overflow(self):
+        raises(ValueError, int, '42', 2**63)
+    def test_long_real(self):
+        class A(int): pass
+        b = A(5).real
+        assert type(b) is int
+    def test__int__(self):
+        class A(int):
+            def __int__(self):
+                return 42
+        assert int(int(3)) == int(3)
+        assert int(A(13)) == 42
+    def test_long_error_msg(self):
+        e = raises(TypeError, int, [])
+        assert str(e.value) == (
+            "int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object "
+            "or a number, not 'list'")
+    def test_linear_long_base_16(self):
+        # never finishes if int(_, 16) is not linear-time
+        size = 100000
+        n = "a" * size
+        expected = (2 << (size * 4)) // 3
+        assert int(n, 16) == expected
+    def test_large_identity(self):
+        import sys
+        if '__pypy__' not in sys.builtin_module_names:
+            skip('PyPy only')
+        a = sys.maxsize + 1
+        b = sys.maxsize + 2
+        assert a is not b
+        b -= 1
+        assert a is b

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