[pypy-commit] pypy py3.5: Add validation of __getnewargs__()/__getnewargs_ex__() return values

rlamy pypy.commits at gmail.com
Mon May 22 11:58:53 EDT 2017

Author: Ronan Lamy <ronan.lamy at gmail.com>
Branch: py3.5
Changeset: r91372:48119cb4c0db
Date: 2017-05-22 16:58 +0100

Log:	Add validation of __getnewargs__()/__getnewargs_ex__() return values

diff --git a/pypy/objspace/std/objectobject.py b/pypy/objspace/std/objectobject.py
--- a/pypy/objspace/std/objectobject.py
+++ b/pypy/objspace/std/objectobject.py
@@ -173,31 +173,55 @@
     return space.get_and_call_function(w_impl, w_obj)
+def _getnewargs(space, w_obj):
+    w_descr = space.lookup(w_obj, '__getnewargs_ex__')
+    hasargs = True
+    if w_descr is not None:
+        w_result = space.get_and_call_function(w_descr, w_obj)
+        if not space.isinstance_w(w_result, space.w_tuple):
+            raise oefmt(space.w_TypeError,
+                "__getnewargs_ex__ should return a tuple, not '%T'", w_result)
+        n = space.len_w(w_result)
+        if n != 2:
+            raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError,
+                "__getnewargs_ex__ should return a tuple of length 2, not %d",
+                n)
+        w_args, w_kwargs = space.fixedview(w_result, 2)
+        if not space.isinstance_w(w_args, space.w_tuple):
+            raise oefmt(space.w_TypeError,
+                "first item of the tuple returned by __getnewargs_ex__ must "
+                "be a tuple, not '%T'", w_args)
+        if not space.isinstance_w(w_kwargs, space.w_dict):
+            raise oefmt(space.w_TypeError,
+                "second item of the tuple returned by __getnewargs_ex__ must "
+                "be a dict, not '%T'", w_kwargs)
+    else:
+        w_descr = space.lookup(w_obj, '__getnewargs__')
+        if w_descr is not None:
+            w_args = space.get_and_call_function(w_descr, w_obj)
+            if not space.isinstance_w(w_args, space.w_tuple):
+                raise oefmt(space.w_TypeError,
+                    "__getnewargs__ should return a tuple, not '%T'", w_args)
+        else:
+            hasargs = False
+            w_args = space.newtuple([])
+        w_kwargs = space.w_None
+    return hasargs, w_args, w_kwargs
 def descr__reduce__(space, w_obj, proto=0):
     w_proto = space.newint(proto)
     if proto >= 2:
-        w_descr = space.lookup(w_obj, '__getnewargs_ex__')
-        hasargs = True
-        if w_descr is not None:
-            w_result = space.get_and_call_function(w_descr, w_obj)
-            w_args, w_kwargs = space.fixedview(w_result, 2)
-        else:
-            w_descr = space.lookup(w_obj, '__getnewargs__')
-            if w_descr is not None:
-                w_args = space.get_and_call_function(w_descr, w_obj)
-            else:
-                hasargs = False
-                w_args = space.newtuple([])
-            w_kwargs = space.w_None
+        hasargs, w_args, w_kwargs = _getnewargs(space, w_obj)
         w_getstate = space.lookup(w_obj, '__get_state__')
         if w_getstate is None:
-            required = not hasargs and \
-                       not space.isinstance_w(w_obj, space.w_list) and \
-                       not space.isinstance_w(w_obj, space.w_dict)
+            required = (not hasargs and
+                not space.isinstance_w(w_obj, space.w_list) and
+                not space.isinstance_w(w_obj, space.w_dict))
             w_obj_type = space.type(w_obj)
             if required and w_obj_type.layout.typedef.variable_sized:
-                raise oefmt(space.w_TypeError, "cannot pickle %N objects", w_obj_type)
+                raise oefmt(
+                    space.w_TypeError, "cannot pickle %N objects", w_obj_type)
         return reduce_2(space, w_obj, w_proto, w_args, w_kwargs)
     return reduce_1(space, w_obj, w_proto)
diff --git a/pypy/objspace/std/test/test_obj.py b/pypy/objspace/std/test/test_obj.py
--- a/pypy/objspace/std/test/test_obj.py
+++ b/pypy/objspace/std/test/test_obj.py
@@ -89,6 +89,47 @@
         assert '__getnewargs__' not in seen
         assert '__getnewargs_ex__' not in seen
+    def test_reduce_ex_errors(self):
+        # cf. lib-python/3/test/test_descr.py::PicklingTests.test_reduce()
+        args = (-101, "spam")
+        kwargs = {'bacon': -201, 'fish': -301}
+        class C2:
+            def __getnewargs__(self):
+                return "bad args"
+        excinfo = raises(TypeError, C2().__reduce_ex__, 4)
+        assert str(excinfo.value) == \
+            "__getnewargs__ should return a tuple, not 'str'"
+        class C4:
+            def __getnewargs_ex__(self):
+                return (args, "bad dict")
+        excinfo = raises(TypeError, C4().__reduce_ex__, 4)
+        assert str(excinfo.value) == ("second item of the tuple "
+            "returned by __getnewargs_ex__ must be a dict, not 'str'")
+        class C5:
+            def __getnewargs_ex__(self):
+                return ("bad tuple", kwargs)
+        excinfo = raises(TypeError, C5().__reduce_ex__, 4)
+        assert str(excinfo.value) == ("first item of the tuple "
+            "returned by __getnewargs_ex__ must be a tuple, not 'str'")
+        class C6:
+            def __getnewargs_ex__(self):
+                return ()
+        excinfo = raises(ValueError, C6().__reduce_ex__, 4)
+        assert str(excinfo.value) == \
+            "__getnewargs_ex__ should return a tuple of length 2, not 0"
+        class C7:
+            def __getnewargs_ex__(self):
+                return "bad args"
+        excinfo = raises(TypeError, C7().__reduce_ex__, 4)
+        assert str(excinfo.value) == \
+            "__getnewargs_ex__ should return a tuple, not 'str'"
     def test_reduce_state_empty_dict(self):
         class X(object):

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