[pypy-commit] pypy default: repackage script - mroe robust and quieter, check hg hash, refactor for 2.7/3.5

mattip pypy.commits at gmail.com
Wed Jun 7 10:15:19 EDT 2017

Author: Matti Picus <matti.picus at gmail.com>
Changeset: r91562:a0bfbbf2ecb2
Date: 2017-06-07 17:14 +0300

Log:	repackage script - mroe robust and quieter, check hg hash, refactor
	for 2.7/3.5

diff --git a/pypy/tool/release/repackage.sh b/pypy/tool/release/repackage.sh
--- a/pypy/tool/release/repackage.sh
+++ b/pypy/tool/release/repackage.sh
@@ -1,24 +1,44 @@
 # Edit these appropriately before running this script
+pmaj=2  # python main version
+pmin=7  # python minor version
-branchname=release-pypy2.7-5.x # ==OR== release-$maj.x  # ==OR== release-$maj.$min.x
-tagname=release-pypy2.7-v$maj.$min.$rev  # ==OR== release-$maj.$min
+branchname=release-pypy$pmaj.$pmin-$maj.x # ==OR== release-$maj.x  # ==OR== release-$maj.$min.x
+tagname=release-pypy$pmaj.$pmin-v$maj.$min.$rev  # ==OR== release-$maj.$min
 echo checking hg log -r $branchname
 hg log -r $branchname || exit 1
 echo checking hg log -r $tagname
 hg log -r $tagname || exit 1
+hgrev=`hg id -r $tagname -i`
-# This script will download latest builds from the buildmaster, rename the top
-# level directory, and repackage ready to be uploaded to bitbucket. It will also
-# download source, assuming a tag for the release already exists, and repackage them.
-# The script should be run in an empty directory, i.e. /tmp/release_xxx
+# The script should be run in an empty in the pypy tree, i.e. pypy/tmp
+if [ "`ls . | wc -l`" != "0" ]
+    echo this script must be run in an empty directory
+    exit -1
+# Download latest builds from the buildmaster, rename the top
+# level directory, and repackage ready to be uploaded to bitbucket
 for plat in linux linux64 linux-armhf-raspbian linux-armhf-raring linux-armel osx64 s390x
     echo downloading package for $plat
-    wget http://buildbot.pypy.org/nightly/$branchname/pypy-c-jit-latest-$plat.tar.bz2
+    if wget -q --show-progress http://buildbot.pypy.org/nightly/$branchname/pypy-c-jit-latest-$plat.tar.bz2
+    then
+        echo $plat downloaded 
+    else
+        echo $plat no download available
+        continue
+    fi
+    hgcheck=`tar -tf pypy-c-jit-latest-$plat.tar.bz2 |head -n1 | cut -d- -f5`
+    if [ "$hgcheck" != "$hgrev" ]
+    then
+        echo $plat hg tag mismatch, expected $hgrev, got $hgcheck
+        continue
+    fi
     tar -xf pypy-c-jit-latest-$plat.tar.bz2
     rm pypy-c-jit-latest-$plat.tar.bz2
@@ -32,23 +52,31 @@
-wget http://buildbot.pypy.org/nightly/$branchname/pypy-c-jit-latest-$plat.zip
-unzip pypy-c-jit-latest-$plat.zip
-rm pypy-c-jit-latest-$plat.zip
-mv pypy-c-jit-*-$plat $rel-$plat
-zip -rq $rel-$plat.zip $rel-$plat
-rm -rf $rel-$plat
+if wget http://buildbot.pypy.org/nightly/$branchname/pypy-c-jit-latest-$plat.zip
+    unzip -q pypy-c-jit-latest-$plat.zip
+    rm pypy-c-jit-latest-$plat.zip
+    mv pypy-c-jit-*-$plat $rel-$plat
+    zip -rq $rel-$plat.zip $rel-$plat
+    rm -rf $rel-$plat
+    echo no download for $plat
+# Download source and repackage
 # Requires a valid $tagname, note the untarred directory is pypy-pypy-<hash>
 # so make sure there is not another one
-wget https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/get/$tagname.tar.bz2
-tar -xf $tagname.tar.bz2
-rm $tagname.tar.bz2
-mv pypy-pypy-* $rel-src
-tar --owner=root --group=root --numeric-owner -cjf $rel-src.tar.bz2 $rel-src
-zip -rq $rel-src.zip $rel-src
-rm -rf $rel-src
+if wget https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/get/$tagname.tar.bz2
+    tar -xf $tagname.tar.bz2
+    rm $tagname.tar.bz2
+    mv pypy-pypy-* $rel-src
+    tar --owner=root --group=root --numeric-owner -cjf $rel-src.tar.bz2 $rel-src
+    zip -rq $rel-src.zip $rel-src
+    rm -rf $rel-src
+    echo source tarfile for $tagname not found on bitbucket, did you push the tag commit?
 # Print out the md5, sha1, sha256
 #md5sum *.bz2 *.zip
 #sha1sum *.bz2 *.zip

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