[pypy-commit] pypy default: update to cffi/e46941e99bf4

arigo pypy.commits at gmail.com
Mon Feb 6 03:57:46 EST 2017

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Changeset: r89968:3e215d0078ab
Date: 2017-02-06 09:56 +0100

Log:	update to cffi/e46941e99bf4

diff --git a/pypy/module/_cffi_backend/cbuffer.py b/pypy/module/_cffi_backend/cbuffer.py
--- a/pypy/module/_cffi_backend/cbuffer.py
+++ b/pypy/module/_cffi_backend/cbuffer.py
@@ -56,6 +56,62 @@
                 e.w_type = space.w_ValueError
+    def _comparison_helper(self, space, w_other, mode):
+        if space.isinstance_w(w_other, space.w_unicode):
+            return space.w_NotImplemented
+        try:
+            other_buf = space.buffer_w(w_other, space.BUF_SIMPLE)
+        except OperationError as e:
+            if e.async(space):
+                raise
+            return space.w_NotImplemented
+        my_buf = self.buf
+        my_len = len(my_buf)
+        other_len = len(other_buf)
+        if other_len != my_len:
+            if mode == 'E':
+                return space.w_False
+            if mode == 'N':
+                return space.w_True
+        cmp = _memcmp(my_buf, other_buf, min(my_len, other_len))
+        if cmp == 0:
+            if my_len < other_len:
+                cmp = -1
+            elif my_len > other_len:
+                cmp = 1
+        if   mode == 'L': res = cmp <  0
+        elif mode == 'l': res = cmp <= 0
+        elif mode == 'E': res = cmp == 0
+        elif mode == 'N': res = cmp != 0
+        elif mode == 'G': res = cmp >  0
+        elif mode == 'g': res = cmp >= 0
+        else: raise AssertionError
+        return space.newbool(res)
+    def descr_eq(self, space, w_other):
+        return self._comparison_helper(space, w_other, 'E')
+    def descr_ne(self, space, w_other):
+        return self._comparison_helper(space, w_other, 'N')
+    def descr_lt(self, space, w_other):
+        return self._comparison_helper(space, w_other, 'L')
+    def descr_le(self, space, w_other):
+        return self._comparison_helper(space, w_other, 'l')
+    def descr_gt(self, space, w_other):
+        return self._comparison_helper(space, w_other, 'G')
+    def descr_ge(self, space, w_other):
+        return self._comparison_helper(space, w_other, 'g')
+def _memcmp(buf1, buf2, length):
+    # XXX very slow
+    for i in range(length):
+        if buf1[i] < buf2[i]:
+            return -1
+        if buf1[i] > buf2[i]:
+            return 1
+    return 0
 @unwrap_spec(w_cdata=cdataobj.W_CData, size=int)
 def MiniBuffer___new__(space, w_subtype, w_cdata, size=-1):
     ctype = w_cdata.ctype
@@ -85,6 +141,12 @@
     __len__ = interp2app(MiniBuffer.descr_len),
     __getitem__ = interp2app(MiniBuffer.descr_getitem),
     __setitem__ = interp2app(MiniBuffer.descr_setitem),
+    __eq__ = interp2app(MiniBuffer.descr_eq),
+    __ne__ = interp2app(MiniBuffer.descr_ne),
+    __lt__ = interp2app(MiniBuffer.descr_lt),
+    __le__ = interp2app(MiniBuffer.descr_le),
+    __gt__ = interp2app(MiniBuffer.descr_gt),
+    __ge__ = interp2app(MiniBuffer.descr_ge),
     __weakref__ = make_weakref_descr(MiniBuffer),
     __str__ = interp2app(MiniBuffer.descr_str),
     __doc__ = """ffi.buffer(cdata[, byte_size]):
diff --git a/pypy/module/_cffi_backend/test/test_ffi_obj.py b/pypy/module/_cffi_backend/test/test_ffi_obj.py
--- a/pypy/module/_cffi_backend/test/test_ffi_obj.py
+++ b/pypy/module/_cffi_backend/test/test_ffi_obj.py
@@ -259,6 +259,25 @@
         assert ffi.buffer(cdata=a, size=2)[:] == b'\x05\x06'
         assert type(ffi.buffer(a)) is ffi.buffer
+    def test_ffi_buffer_comparisons(self):
+        import _cffi_backend as _cffi1_backend
+        ffi = _cffi1_backend.FFI()
+        ba = bytearray(range(100, 110))
+        assert ba == memoryview(ba)    # justification for the following
+        a = ffi.new("uint8_t[]", list(ba))
+        c = ffi.new("uint8_t[]", [99] + list(ba))
+        b_full = ffi.buffer(a)
+        b_short = ffi.buffer(a, 3)
+        b_mid = ffi.buffer(a, 6)
+        b_other = ffi.buffer(c, 6)
+        content = b_full[:]
+        assert content == b_full == ba
+        assert b_short < b_mid < b_full
+        assert b_other < b_short < b_mid < b_full
+        assert ba > b_mid > ba[0:2]
+        assert b_short != ba[1:4]
+        assert b_short != 42
     def test_ffi_from_buffer(self):
         import _cffi_backend as _cffi1_backend
         import array
diff --git a/pypy/objspace/std/bytearrayobject.py b/pypy/objspace/std/bytearrayobject.py
--- a/pypy/objspace/std/bytearrayobject.py
+++ b/pypy/objspace/std/bytearrayobject.py
@@ -1254,6 +1254,7 @@
 def _memcmp(selfvalue, buffer, length):
+    # XXX that's very slow if selfvalue or buffer are Buffer objects
     for i in range(length):
         if selfvalue[i] < buffer[i]:
             return -1

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