[pypy-commit] pypy py3.5: Merged in py3.5-sendmsg-recvmsg (pull request #562)

rlamy pypy.commits at gmail.com
Thu Aug 31 07:51:16 EDT 2017

Author: Ronan Lamy <ronan.lamy at gmail.com>
Branch: py3.5
Changeset: r92286:d12c25571050
Date: 2017-08-31 11:50 +0000

Log:	Merged in py3.5-sendmsg-recvmsg (pull request #562)

	Implement socket.sendmsg()/.recvmsg()

diff --git a/pypy/module/_socket/__init__.py b/pypy/module/_socket/__init__.py
--- a/pypy/module/_socket/__init__.py
+++ b/pypy/module/_socket/__init__.py
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
             ntohs ntohl htons htonl inet_aton inet_ntoa inet_pton inet_ntop
             getaddrinfo getnameinfo
             getdefaulttimeout setdefaulttimeout
+            CMSG_SPACE CMSG_LEN
             if (name in ('inet_pton', 'inet_ntop', 'socketpair') and
diff --git a/pypy/module/_socket/interp_func.py b/pypy/module/_socket/interp_func.py
--- a/pypy/module/_socket/interp_func.py
+++ b/pypy/module/_socket/interp_func.py
@@ -327,6 +327,42 @@
             for (family, socktype, protocol, canonname, addr) in lst]
     return space.newlist(lst1)
+ at unwrap_spec(size=int)
+def CMSG_SPACE(space, size):
+    """
+    Socket method to determine the optimal byte size of the ancillary.
+    Recommended to be used when computing the ancillary size for recvmsg.
+    :param space:
+    :param size: an integer with the minimum size required.
+    :return: an integer with the minimum memory needed for the required size. The value is memory alligned
+    """
+    if size < 0:
+        raise oefmt(space.w_OverflowError,
+                    "CMSG_SPACE() argument out of range")
+    retval = rsocket.CMSG_SPACE(size)
+    if retval == 0:
+        raise oefmt(space.w_OverflowError,
+                    "CMSG_SPACE() argument out of range")
+    return space.newint(retval)
+ at unwrap_spec(len=int)
+def CMSG_LEN(space, len):
+    """
+    Socket method to determine the optimal byte size of the ancillary.
+    Recommended to be used when computing the ancillary size for recvmsg.
+    :param space:
+    :param len: an integer with the minimum size required.
+    :return: an integer with the minimum memory needed for the required size. The value is not mem alligned.
+    """
+    if len < 0:
+        raise oefmt(space.w_OverflowError,
+                    "CMSG_LEN() argument out of range")
+    retval = rsocket.CMSG_LEN(len)
+    if retval == 0:
+        raise oefmt(space.w_OverflowError,
+                    "CMSG_LEN() argument out of range")
+    return space.newint(retval)
 def getdefaulttimeout(space):
     """getdefaulttimeout() -> timeout
diff --git a/pypy/module/_socket/interp_socket.py b/pypy/module/_socket/interp_socket.py
--- a/pypy/module/_socket/interp_socket.py
+++ b/pypy/module/_socket/interp_socket.py
@@ -446,6 +446,52 @@
                 converted_error(space, e, eintr_retry=True)
         return space.newtuple([space.newbytes(data), w_addr])
+    @unwrap_spec(message_size=int, ancbufsize=int, flags=int)
+    def recvmsg_w(self, space, message_size, ancbufsize=0, flags=0):
+        """
+        recvmsg(message_size[, ancbufsize[, flags]]) -> (message, ancillary, flags, address)
+        Receive normal data (up to bufsize bytes) and ancillary data from the socket.
+        The ancbufsize argument sets the size in bytes of the internal buffer used to receive the ancillary data;
+        it defaults to 0, meaning that no ancillary data will be received.
+        Appropriate buffer sizes for ancillary data can be calculated using CMSG_SPACE() or CMSG_LEN(),
+        and items which do not fit into the buffer might be truncated or discarded.
+        The flags argument defaults to 0 and has the same meaning as for recv().
+        The ancdata item is a list of zero or more tuples (cmsg_level, cmsg_type, cmsg_data):
+        cmsg_level and cmsg_type are integers specifying the protocol level and protocol-specific type respectively,
+        and cmsg_data is a bytes object holding the associated data.
+        :param space: Non useable parameter. It represents the object space.
+        :param message_size: Maximum size of the message to be received
+        :param ancbufsize:  Maximum size of the ancillary data to be received
+        :param flags: Receive flag. For more details, please check the Unix manual
+        :return: a tuple consisting of the message, the ancillary data, return flag and the address.
+        """
+        if message_size < 0:
+            raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError, "negative buffer size in recvmsg()")
+        if ancbufsize < 0:
+            raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError, "invalid ancillary data buffer length")
+        while True:
+            try:
+                recvtup = self.sock.recvmsg(message_size, ancbufsize, flags)
+                w_message = space.newbytes(recvtup[0])
+                anclist = []
+                for l in recvtup[1]:
+                    tup = space.newtuple([space.newint(l[0]), space.newint(l[1]), space.newbytes(l[2])])
+                    anclist.append(tup)
+                w_anc = space.newlist(anclist)
+                w_flag = space.newint(recvtup[2])
+                if (recvtup[3] is not None):
+                    w_address = addr_as_object(recvtup[3], self.sock.fd, space)
+                else:
+                    w_address = space.w_None
+                rettup = space.newtuple([w_message, w_anc, w_flag, w_address])
+                break
+            except SocketError as e:
+                converted_error(space, e, eintr_retry=True)
+        return rettup
     @unwrap_spec(data='bufferstr', flags=int)
     def send_w(self, space, data, flags=0):
         """send(data[, flags]) -> count
@@ -501,6 +547,67 @@
                 converted_error(space, e, eintr_retry=True)
         return space.newint(count)
+    @unwrap_spec(flags=int)
+    def sendmsg_w(self, space, w_data, w_ancillary=None, flags=0 ,w_address=None):
+        """
+        sendmsg(data[,ancillary[,flags[,address]]]) -> bytes_sent
+        Send normal and ancillary data to the socket, gathering the non-ancillary data
+        from a series of buffers and concatenating it into a single message.
+        The ancdata argument specifies the ancillary data (control messages) as an iterable of zero or more tuples
+        (cmsg_level, cmsg_type, cmsg_data), where cmsg_level and cmsg_type are integers specifying the protocol level
+        and protocol-specific type respectively, and cmsg_data is a bytes-like object holding the associated data.
+        :param space: Represents the object space.
+        :param w_data: The message(s). needs to be a bytes like object
+        :param w_ancillary: needs to be a sequence object Can remain unspecified.
+        :param w_flags: needs to be an integer. Can remain unspecified.
+        :param w_address: needs to be a bytes-like object Can remain unspecified.
+        :return: Bytes sent from the message
+        """
+        # Get the flag and address from the object space
+        while True:
+            try:
+                address = None
+                if not space.is_none(w_address):
+                    address = self.addr_from_object(space, w_address)
+                # find data's type in the ObjectSpace and get a list of string out of it.
+                data = []
+                data_iter = space.unpackiterable(w_data)
+                for i in data_iter:
+                    data.append(space.readbuf_w(i).as_str())
+                # find the ancillary's type in the ObjectSpace and get a list of tuples out of it.
+                ancillary = []
+                if w_ancillary is not None:
+                    anc_iter = space.unpackiterable(w_ancillary)
+                    for w_i in anc_iter:
+                        if not space.isinstance_w(w_i, space.w_tuple):
+                            raise oefmt(space.w_TypeError, "[sendmsg() ancillary data items]() argument must be sequence")
+                        if space.len_w(w_i) == 3:
+                            intemtup = space.unpackiterable(w_i)
+                            level = space.int_w(intemtup[0])
+                            type = space.int_w(intemtup[1])
+                            cont = space.readbuf_w(intemtup[2]).as_str()
+                            tup = (level, type, cont)
+                            ancillary.append(tup)
+                        else:
+                            raise oefmt(space.w_TypeError,
+                                        "[sendmsg() ancillary data items]() argument must be sequence of length 3")
+                count = self.sock.sendmsg(data, ancillary, flags, address)
+                if count < 0:
+                    if (count == -1000):
+                        raise oefmt(space.w_OSError, "sending multiple control messages not supported")
+                    if (count == -1001):
+                        raise oefmt(space.w_OSError, "ancillary data item too large")
+                    if (count == -1002):
+                        raise oefmt(space.w_OSError, "too much ancillary data")
+                break
+            except SocketError as e:
+                converted_error(space, e, eintr_retry=True)
+        return space.newint(count)
     def setblocking_w(self, flag):
@@ -772,7 +879,7 @@
 socketmethodnames = """
 _accept bind close connect connect_ex fileno detach
 getpeername getsockname getsockopt gettimeout listen
-recv recvfrom send sendall sendto setblocking
+recv recvfrom recvmsg send sendall sendto sendmsg setblocking
 setsockopt settimeout shutdown _reuse _drop recv_into recvfrom_into
 if hasattr(rsocket._c, 'WSAIoctl'):
@@ -813,6 +920,8 @@
 sendall(data[, flags]) -- send all data
 send(data[, flags]) -- send data, may not send all of it
 sendto(data[, flags], addr) -- send data to a given address
+sendmsg(messages[, ancillary[, flags[, address]]]) -- send data and ancillary payload in a packet. May specifiy flags or the address
+recvmsg(message_size,[ ancillary_size,[ flags]]) -- receive data and ancillary payload. Return a tup of message, ancdata, flags and address
 setblocking(0 | 1) -- set or clear the blocking I/O flag
 setsockopt(level, optname, value) -- set socket options
 settimeout(None | float) -- set or clear the timeout
diff --git a/rpython/rlib/_rsocket_rffi.py b/rpython/rlib/_rsocket_rffi.py
--- a/rpython/rlib/_rsocket_rffi.py
+++ b/rpython/rlib/_rsocket_rffi.py
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype
 from rpython.rtyper.tool import rffi_platform as platform
 from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem.rffi import CCHARP
+from rpython.rlib import jit
 from rpython.translator.tool.cbuild import ExternalCompilationInfo
 from rpython.translator.platform import platform as target_platform
@@ -190,6 +191,8 @@
@@ -260,6 +263,7 @@
 sockaddr_ptr = lltype.Ptr(lltype.ForwardReference())
 addrinfo_ptr = lltype.Ptr(lltype.ForwardReference())
 # struct types
 CConfig.sockaddr = platform.Struct('struct sockaddr',
                                              [('sa_family', rffi.INT),
@@ -343,6 +347,650 @@
                                 [('ifr_ifindex', rffi.INT),
                                  ('ifr_name', rffi.CFixedArray(rffi.CHAR, 8))])
+# insert handler for sendmsg / recvmsg here
+if _POSIX:
+    includes = ['stddef.h',
+                'sys/socket.h',
+                'unistd.h',
+                'string.h',
+                'stdlib.h',
+                'errno.h',
+                'limits.h',
+                'stdio.h',
+                'sys/types.h',
+                'netinet/in.h',
+                'arpa/inet.h']
+    separate_module_sources = ['''
+        // special defines for returning from recvmsg
+        #define BAD_MSG_SIZE_GIVEN -10000
+        #define BAD_ANC_SIZE_GIVEN -10001
+        #define MAL_ANC -10002
+        // special defines for returning from sendmsg
+        #define MUL_MSGS_NOT_SUP -1000
+        #define ANC_DATA_TOO_LARGE -1001
+        #define ANC_DATA_TOO_LARGEX -1002
+        /*
+            Even though you could, theoretically, receive more than one message, IF you set the socket option,
+            CPython has hardcoded the message number to 1, and implemented the option to receive more then 1 in a
+            different socket method: recvmsg_into
+        */
+        #define MSG_IOVLEN 1 // CPython has hardcoded this as well.
+        #if INT_MAX > 0x7fffffff
+            #define SOCKLEN_T_LIMIT 0x7fffffff
+        #else
+        #define SOCKLEN_T_LIMIT INT_MAX
+        #endif
+        // ################################################################################################
+        // Recvmsg implementation and associated functions
+        // Taken from CPython. Determines the minimum memory space required for the ancillary data.
+        #ifdef CMSG_SPACE
+        static int
+        cmsg_min_space(struct msghdr *msg, struct cmsghdr *cmsgh, size_t space)
+        {
+            size_t cmsg_offset;
+            static const size_t cmsg_len_end = (offsetof(struct cmsghdr, cmsg_len) +
+                                                sizeof(cmsgh->cmsg_len));
+            /* Note that POSIX allows msg_controllen to be of signed type. */
+            if (cmsgh == NULL || msg->msg_control == NULL)
+                return 0;
+            /* Note that POSIX allows msg_controllen to be of a signed type. This is
+               annoying under OS X as it's unsigned there and so it triggers a
+               tautological comparison warning under Clang when compared against 0.
+               Since the check is valid on other platforms, silence the warning under
+               Clang. */
+            #ifdef __clang__
+            #pragma clang diagnostic push
+            #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wtautological-compare"
+            #endif
+            #if defined(__GNUC__) && ((__GNUC__ > 4) || ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ > 5)))
+            #pragma GCC diagnostic push
+            #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wtype-limits"
+            #endif
+            if (msg->msg_controllen < 0)
+                return 0;
+            #if defined(__GNUC__) && ((__GNUC__ > 4) || ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ > 5)))
+            #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
+            #endif
+            #ifdef __clang__
+            #pragma clang diagnostic pop
+            #endif
+            if (space < cmsg_len_end)
+                space = cmsg_len_end;
+            cmsg_offset = (char *)cmsgh - (char *)msg->msg_control;
+            return (cmsg_offset <= (size_t)-1 - space &&
+                    cmsg_offset + space <= msg->msg_controllen);
+        }
+        #endif
+        // Taken from CPython.
+        #ifdef CMSG_LEN
+        /* If pointer CMSG_DATA(cmsgh) is in buffer msg->msg_control, set
+           *space to number of bytes following it in the buffer and return
+           true; otherwise, return false.  Assumes cmsgh, msg->msg_control and
+           msg->msg_controllen are valid. */
+        static int
+        get_cmsg_data_space(struct msghdr *msg, struct cmsghdr *cmsgh, size_t *space)
+        {
+            size_t data_offset;
+            char *data_ptr;
+            if ((data_ptr = (char *)CMSG_DATA(cmsgh)) == NULL)
+                return 0;
+            data_offset = data_ptr - (char *)msg->msg_control;
+            if (data_offset > msg->msg_controllen)
+                return 0;
+            *space = msg->msg_controllen - data_offset;
+            return 1;
+        }
+        // Taken from CPython.
+        /* If cmsgh is invalid or not contained in the buffer pointed to by
+           msg->msg_control, return -1.  If cmsgh is valid and its associated
+           data is entirely contained in the buffer, set *data_len to the
+           length of the associated data and return 0.  If only part of the
+           associated data is contained in the buffer but cmsgh is otherwise
+           valid, set *data_len to the length contained in the buffer and
+           return 1. */
+        static int
+        get_cmsg_data_len(struct msghdr *msg, struct cmsghdr *cmsgh, size_t *data_len)
+        {
+            size_t space, cmsg_data_len;
+            if (!cmsg_min_space(msg, cmsgh, CMSG_LEN(0)) ||
+                cmsgh->cmsg_len < CMSG_LEN(0))
+                return -1;
+            cmsg_data_len = cmsgh->cmsg_len - CMSG_LEN(0);
+            if (!get_cmsg_data_space(msg, cmsgh, &space))
+                return -1;
+            if (space >= cmsg_data_len) {
+                *data_len = cmsg_data_len;
+                return 0;
+            }
+            *data_len = space;
+            return 1;
+        }
+        #endif    /* CMSG_LEN */
+        /*
+            Structure meant to hold the information received after a recvmsg is performed.
+            Essentially it holds: the address, the message, the ancillary data and the return flags.
+            I use this structure for 2 main reasons:
+               - keep things ordered
+               - some of the ancillary parameters need to be int not long (rffi SignedP is actually long*),
+                 therefore I cannot use the parameters directly
+        */
+        struct recvmsg_info
+        {
+            struct sockaddr* address; // address fields
+            socklen_t addrlen;
+            int* length_of_messages; // message fields
+            char** messages;
+            int no_of_messages;
+            int size_of_ancillary; // ancillary fields
+            int* levels;
+            int* types;
+            char** file_descr;
+            int* descr_per_ancillary;
+            int retflag; // return flag field
+        };
+        /*
+            Wrapper function over recvmsg. Since it returns a lot of data,
+            in a structure that is hard to parse in rffi, it was implemented in C.
+            All the parameters, save the socket fd, message_size, ancillary_size
+            will be malloc'd and/or modified.
+        */
+        RPY_EXTERN
+        int recvmsg_implementation(
+                                  int socket_fd,
+                                  int message_size,
+                                  int ancillary_size,
+                                  int flags,
+                                  struct sockaddr* address,
+                                  socklen_t* addrlen,
+                                  long** length_of_messages,
+                                  char** messages,
+                                  long* no_of_messages,
+                                  long* size_of_ancillary,
+                                  long** levels,
+                                  long** types,
+                                  char** file_descr,
+                                  long** descr_per_ancillary,
+                                  long* retflag)
+        {
+            struct sockaddr* recvd_address;
+            socklen_t recvd_addrlen;
+            struct msghdr msg = {0};
+            void *controlbuf = NULL;
+            struct cmsghdr *cmsgh;
+            int cmsg_status;
+            struct iovec iov;
+            struct recvmsg_info* retinfo;
+            int error_flag;   // variable to be set in case of special errors.
+            int cmsgdatalen = 0;
+            // variables that are set to 1, if the message charp has been allocated
+            // and if the ancillary variables have been allocated. To be used in case of failure.
+            int iov_alloc = 0;
+            int anc_alloc = 0;
+            retinfo = (struct recvmsg_info*) malloc(sizeof(struct recvmsg_info));
+            if (ancillary_size > SOCKLEN_T_LIMIT){
+                error_flag = BAD_ANC_SIZE_GIVEN;
+                goto fail;
+            }
+            // Setup the messages iov struct memory
+            iov.iov_base = (char*) malloc(message_size);
+            memset(iov.iov_base, 0, message_size);
+            iov.iov_len = message_size;
+            // Setup the ancillary buffer memory
+            controlbuf = malloc(ancillary_size);
+            // Setup the recv address memory
+            recvd_addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage);
+            recvd_address = (struct sockaddr*) malloc(recvd_addrlen);
+            memset(recvd_address, 0,recvd_addrlen);
+            // Setup the msghdr struct
+            msg.msg_name = recvd_address;
+            msg.msg_namelen = recvd_addrlen;
+            msg.msg_iov = &iov;
+            msg.msg_iovlen = MSG_IOVLEN;
+            msg.msg_control = controlbuf;
+            msg.msg_controllen = ancillary_size;
+            // Link my structure to the msghdr fields
+            retinfo->address = msg.msg_name;
+            retinfo->length_of_messages = (int*) malloc (MSG_IOVLEN * sizeof(int));
+            retinfo->no_of_messages = MSG_IOVLEN;
+            retinfo->messages = (char**) malloc (MSG_IOVLEN * sizeof(char*));
+            retinfo->messages[0] = msg.msg_iov->iov_base;
+            iov_alloc = 1;
+            ssize_t bytes_recvd = 0;
+            bytes_recvd = recvmsg(socket_fd, &msg, flags);
+            if (bytes_recvd < 0){
+                 goto fail;
+            }
+            retinfo->addrlen = (socklen_t) msg.msg_namelen;
+            retinfo->length_of_messages[0] = msg.msg_iov->iov_len;
+            // Count the ancillary items & allocate the memory
+            int anc_counter = 0;
+            for (cmsgh = ((msg.msg_controllen > 0) ? CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg) : NULL);
+                 cmsgh != NULL; cmsgh = CMSG_NXTHDR(&msg, cmsgh)) {
+                 anc_counter++;
+            }
+            retinfo->size_of_ancillary = anc_counter;
+            retinfo->file_descr = (char**) malloc (anc_counter * sizeof(char*));
+            retinfo->levels = (int*) malloc(anc_counter * sizeof(int));
+            retinfo->types = (int*) malloc(anc_counter * sizeof(int));
+            retinfo->descr_per_ancillary = (int*) malloc(anc_counter * sizeof(int));
+            anc_alloc = 1;
+            // Extract the ancillary items
+            int i=0;
+            for (cmsgh = ((msg.msg_controllen > 0) ? CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg) : NULL);
+                 cmsgh != NULL; cmsgh = CMSG_NXTHDR(&msg, cmsgh)) {
+                 size_t local_size = 0;
+                 cmsg_status = get_cmsg_data_len(&msg, cmsgh, &local_size);
+                 if (cmsg_status !=0 ){
+                    error_flag = MAL_ANC;
+                    goto err_closefds;
+                 }
+                 retinfo->file_descr[i] = (char*) malloc(local_size);
+                 memcpy(retinfo->file_descr[i], CMSG_DATA(cmsgh), local_size);
+                 retinfo->levels[i] = cmsgh->cmsg_level;
+                 retinfo->types[i] = cmsgh->cmsg_type;
+                 retinfo->descr_per_ancillary[i] =local_size;
+                 i++;
+            }
+            retinfo->retflag = msg.msg_flags;
+            // Set the parameters of address
+            memcpy(address,retinfo->address,retinfo->addrlen);
+            *addrlen = retinfo->addrlen;
+            // Set the parameters of message
+            no_of_messages[0] = retinfo->no_of_messages;
+            size_of_ancillary[0] = retinfo->size_of_ancillary;
+            *length_of_messages = (long*) malloc (sizeof(long) * retinfo->no_of_messages);
+            //memcpy(*length_of_messages, retinfo->length_of_messages, sizeof(int) * retinfo->no_of_messages);
+            int counter = 0;
+            for (i=0; i< retinfo->no_of_messages; i++){
+                counter += retinfo->length_of_messages[i];
+                length_of_messages[0][i] = retinfo->length_of_messages[i];
+            }
+            memset(*messages, 0, sizeof(char) * counter);
+            counter = 0;
+            for(i=0; i< retinfo->no_of_messages; i++){
+                memcpy(*messages+counter,retinfo->messages[i],retinfo->length_of_messages[i]);
+                counter += retinfo->length_of_messages[i];
+            }
+            // Set the parameters of ancillary
+            *levels = (long*) malloc (sizeof(long) * retinfo->size_of_ancillary);
+            *types = (long*) malloc (sizeof(long) * retinfo->size_of_ancillary);
+            *descr_per_ancillary = (long*) malloc (sizeof(long) * retinfo->size_of_ancillary);
+            counter = 0;
+            for (i=0; i < retinfo->size_of_ancillary; i++){
+                counter += retinfo->descr_per_ancillary[i];
+                // Convert the int* to long*
+                levels[0][i] = (long) retinfo->levels[i];
+                types[0][i] = (long) retinfo->types[i];
+                descr_per_ancillary[0][i] = (long) retinfo->descr_per_ancillary[i];
+            }
+            *file_descr = (char*) malloc (sizeof(char) * counter);
+            memset(*file_descr, 0, sizeof(char) * counter);
+            counter = 0;
+            for (i=0; i<retinfo->size_of_ancillary; i++){
+                memcpy(*file_descr+counter,retinfo->file_descr[i], retinfo->descr_per_ancillary[i]);
+                counter += retinfo->descr_per_ancillary[i];
+            }
+            // Set the retflag
+            retflag[0] = retinfo->retflag;
+            // Free the memory
+            free(retinfo->address);
+            free(retinfo->length_of_messages);
+            free(retinfo->levels);
+            free(retinfo->types);
+            free(retinfo->descr_per_ancillary);
+            for(i = 0; i<retinfo->no_of_messages; i++)
+                free(retinfo->messages[i]);
+            for (i = 0; i < retinfo->size_of_ancillary; i++)
+                free(retinfo->file_descr[i]);
+            free(retinfo->file_descr);
+            free(retinfo->messages);
+            free(retinfo);
+            free(controlbuf);
+            return bytes_recvd;
+        fail:
+            if (anc_alloc){
+                free(retinfo->file_descr);
+                free(retinfo->levels);
+                free(retinfo->types);
+                free(retinfo->descr_per_ancillary);
+                free(retinfo->length_of_messages);
+                free(retinfo->messages[0]);
+                free(retinfo->messages);
+                free(retinfo->address);
+                free(retinfo);
+                free(controlbuf);
+            }else{
+                if (iov_alloc){
+                    free(retinfo->length_of_messages);
+                    free(retinfo->messages[0]);
+                    free(retinfo->messages);
+                    free(retinfo->address);
+                    free(controlbuf);
+                    free(retinfo);
+                }
+            }
+            return error_flag;
+        err_closefds:
+        // Special case for UNIX sockets. In case file descriptors are received, they need to be closed.
+        // Taken from CPython
+        #ifdef SCM_RIGHTS
+            /* Close all descriptors coming from SCM_RIGHTS, so they don't leak. */
+            for (cmsgh = ((msg.msg_controllen > 0) ? CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg) : NULL);
+                 cmsgh != NULL; cmsgh = CMSG_NXTHDR(&msg, cmsgh)) {
+                size_t dataleng;
+                cmsg_status = get_cmsg_data_len(&msg, cmsgh, &dataleng);
+                cmsgdatalen = (int) dataleng;
+                if (cmsg_status < 0)
+                    break;
+                if (cmsgh->cmsg_level == SOL_SOCKET &&
+                    cmsgh->cmsg_type == SCM_RIGHTS) {
+                    size_t numfds;
+                    int *fdp;
+                    numfds = cmsgdatalen / sizeof(int);
+                    fdp = (int *)CMSG_DATA(cmsgh);
+                    while (numfds-- > 0)
+                        close(*fdp++);
+                }
+                if (cmsg_status != 0)
+                    break;
+            }
+        #endif /* SCM_RIGHTS */
+            goto fail;
+        }
+        // ################################################################################################
+        // Sendmsg implementation and associated functions
+        #ifdef CMSG_LEN
+        static int
+        get_CMSG_LEN(size_t length, size_t *result)
+        {
+            size_t tmp;
+            if (length > (SOCKLEN_T_LIMIT - CMSG_LEN(0)))
+                return 0;
+            tmp = CMSG_LEN(length);
+            if ((tmp > SOCKLEN_T_LIMIT) || (tmp < length))
+                return 0;
+            *result = tmp;
+            return 1;
+        }
+        #endif
+        #ifdef CMSG_SPACE
+        /* If length is in range, set *result to CMSG_SPACE(length) and return
+           true; otherwise, return false. */
+        static int
+        get_CMSG_SPACE(size_t length, size_t *result)
+        {
+            size_t tmp;
+            /* Use CMSG_SPACE(1) here in order to take account of the padding
+               necessary before *and* after the data. */
+            if (length > (SOCKLEN_T_LIMIT - CMSG_SPACE(1)))
+                return 0;
+            tmp = CMSG_SPACE(length);
+            if ((tmp > SOCKLEN_T_LIMIT) || (tmp < length))
+                return 0;
+            *result = tmp;
+            return 1;
+        }
+        #endif
+        /*
+            sendmsg_implementation is a wrapper over sendmsg of the API.
+            It was inspired from the way CPython did their implementation of this.
+            The main reason that it was written in C, is the struct msghdr,
+            which contains the ancillary data in a linked list of cmsghdr structures.
+            It was simpler to use it in C, and then push the simpler types of data via rffi.
+        */
+        RPY_EXTERN
+        int sendmsg_implementation
+                            (int socket,
+                            struct sockaddr* address,
+                            socklen_t addrlen,
+                            long* length_of_messages,
+                            char** messages,
+                            int no_of_messages,
+                            long* levels,
+                            long* types,
+                            char** file_descriptors,
+                            long* no_of_fds,
+                            int control_length,
+                            int flag
+                            )
+        {
+            struct msghdr        msg = {0};
+            struct cmsghdr       *cmsg;
+            void* controlbuf = NULL;
+            int retval;
+            size_t i;
+            // Prepare the msghdr structure for the send:
+            // Add the address
+            if (address != NULL) {
+                msg.msg_name = address;
+                msg.msg_namelen = addrlen;
+            }
+            // Add the message
+            struct iovec *iovs = NULL;
+            if (no_of_messages > 0){
+                iovs = (struct iovec*) malloc(no_of_messages * sizeof(struct iovec));
+                memset(iovs, 0, no_of_messages * sizeof(struct iovec));
+                msg.msg_iov = iovs;
+                msg.msg_iovlen = no_of_messages;
+                for (i=0; i< no_of_messages; i++){
+                    iovs[i].iov_base = messages[i];
+                    iovs[i].iov_len = length_of_messages[i];
+                }
+            }
+            // Add the ancillary
+            #ifndef CMSG_SPACE
+                if (control_length > 1){
+                    free(iovs);
+                    return MUL_MSGS_NOT_SUP;
+                }
+            #endif
+            if (control_length > 0){
+                //compute the total size of the ancillary
+                //getting the exact amount of space can be tricky and os dependent.
+                size_t total_size_of_ancillary = 0;
+                size_t space;
+                size_t controllen = 0, controllen_last = 0;
+                for (i = 0; i< control_length; i++){
+                    total_size_of_ancillary = no_of_fds[i];
+                    #ifdef CMSG_SPACE
+                        if (!get_CMSG_SPACE(total_size_of_ancillary, &space)) {
+                    #else
+                        if (!get_CMSG_LEN(total_size_of_ancillary, &space)) {
+                    #endif
+                            if (iovs != NULL)
+                                free(iovs);
+                            return ANC_DATA_TOO_LARGE;
+                        }
+                    controllen +=space;
+                    if ((controllen > SOCKLEN_T_LIMIT) || (controllen < controllen_last)) {
+                        if (iovs != NULL)
+                                free(iovs);
+                        return ANC_DATA_TOO_LARGEX;
+                    }
+                    controllen_last = controllen;
+                }
+                controlbuf = malloc(controllen);
+                msg.msg_control= controlbuf;
+                msg.msg_controllen = controllen;
+                // memset controlbuf to 0 to avoid trash in the ancillary
+                memset(controlbuf, 0, controllen);
+                cmsg = NULL;
+                for (i = 0; i< control_length; i++){
+                    cmsg = (i == 0) ? CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg) : CMSG_NXTHDR(&msg, cmsg);
+                    cmsg->cmsg_level = (int) levels[i];
+                    cmsg->cmsg_type = (int) types[i];
+                    cmsg->cmsg_len = CMSG_LEN(sizeof(char) * no_of_fds[i]);
+                    memcpy(CMSG_DATA(cmsg), file_descriptors[i], sizeof(char) * no_of_fds[i]);
+                }
+            }
+            // Add the flags
+            msg.msg_flags = flag;
+            // Send the data
+            retval = sendmsg(socket, &msg, flag);
+            // free everything that was allocated here, and we would not need in rsocket
+            if (iovs != NULL)
+                free(iovs);
+            if (controlbuf !=NULL)
+               free(controlbuf);
+            return retval;
+        }
+        // ################################################################################################
+        // Wrappers for CMSG_SPACE and CMSG_LEN
+        /*
+            These 2 functions are wrappers over sys/socket.h's CMSG_SPACE and CMSG_LEN.
+            They are identical to CPython's.
+        */
+        #ifdef CMSG_SPACE
+        RPY_EXTERN
+        size_t CMSG_SPACE_wrapper(size_t desired_space){
+            size_t result;
+            if (!get_CMSG_SPACE(desired_space, &result)){
+                return 0;
+            }
+            return result;
+        }
+        #endif
+        #ifdef CMSG_LEN
+        RPY_EXTERN
+        size_t CMSG_LEN_wrapper(size_t desired_len){
+            size_t result;
+            if (!get_CMSG_LEN(desired_len, &result)){
+                return 0;
+            }
+            return result;
+        }
+        #endif
+        // ################################################################################################
+        // Extra functions that I needed
+        /*
+           This function is used to memcpy from a char* at an offset.
+           Could not get rffi.c_memcpy to do it at an offset, so I made my own.
+        */
+        RPY_EXTERN
+        int memcpy_from_CCHARP_at_offset_and_size(char* stringfrom, char** stringto, int offset, int size){
+            *stringto = memcpy(*stringto, stringfrom + offset, size);
+            return 0;
+        }
+        /*
+            These functions free memory that was allocated in C (sendmsg or recvmsg) was used in rsocket and now needs cleanup
+        */
+        RPY_EXTERN
+        int free_pointer_to_signedp(int** ptrtofree){
+            free(*ptrtofree);
+            return 0;
+        }
+        RPY_EXTERN
+        int free_ptr_to_charp(char** ptrtofree){
+            free(*ptrtofree);
+            return 0;
+        }
+    ''',]
+    post_include_bits =[ "RPY_EXTERN "
+                         "int sendmsg_implementation(int socket, struct sockaddr* address, socklen_t addrlen, long* length_of_messages, char** messages, int no_of_messages, long* levels, long* types, char** file_descriptors, long* no_of_fds, int control_length, int flag );\n"
+                         "RPY_EXTERN "
+                         "int recvmsg_implementation(int socket_fd, int message_size, int ancillary_size, int flags, struct sockaddr* address, socklen_t* addrlen, long** length_of_messages, char** messages, long* no_of_messages, long* size_of_ancillary, long** levels, long** types, char** file_descr, long** descr_per_ancillary, long* flag);\n"
+                         "static "
+                         "int cmsg_min_space(struct msghdr *msg, struct cmsghdr *cmsgh, size_t space);\n"
+                         "static "
+                         "int get_cmsg_data_space(struct msghdr *msg, struct cmsghdr *cmsgh, size_t *space);\n"
+                         "static "
+                         "int get_cmsg_data_len(struct msghdr *msg, struct cmsghdr *cmsgh, size_t *data_len);\n"
+                         "static "
+                         "int get_CMSG_LEN(size_t length, size_t *result);\n"
+                         "static "
+                         "int get_CMSG_SPACE(size_t length, size_t *result);\n"
+                         "RPY_EXTERN "
+                         "size_t CMSG_LEN_wrapper(size_t desired_len);\n"
+                         "RPY_EXTERN "
+                         "size_t CMSG_SPACE_wrapper(size_t desired_space);\n"
+                         "RPY_EXTERN "
+                         "int memcpy_from_CCHARP_at_offset_and_size(char* stringfrom, char** stringto, int offset, int size);\n"
+                         "RPY_EXTERN "
+                         "int free_pointer_to_signedp(int** ptrtofree);\n"
+                         "RPY_EXTERN "
+                         "int free_ptr_to_charp(char** ptrtofree);\n"
+                         ]
+    compilation_info = ExternalCompilationInfo(
+                                    includes=includes,
+                                    separate_module_sources=separate_module_sources,
+                                    post_include_bits=post_include_bits,
+                               )
 if _WIN32:
     CConfig.WSAEVENT = platform.SimpleType('WSAEVENT', rffi.VOIDP)
     CConfig.WSANETWORKEVENTS = platform.Struct(
@@ -387,6 +1035,7 @@
 # fill in missing constants with reasonable defaults
 cConfig.NI_MAXHOST = cConfig.NI_MAXHOST or 1025
 cConfig.NI_MAXSERV = cConfig.NI_MAXSERV or 32
@@ -571,11 +1220,32 @@
 recvfrom = external('recvfrom', [socketfd_type, rffi.VOIDP, size_t,
                            rffi.INT, sockaddr_ptr, socklen_t_ptr], rffi.INT,
+recvmsg = jit.dont_look_inside(rffi.llexternal("recvmsg_implementation",
+                                               [rffi.INT, rffi.INT, rffi.INT, rffi.INT,sockaddr_ptr, socklen_t_ptr, rffi.SIGNEDPP, rffi.CCHARPP,
+                                                rffi.SIGNEDP,rffi.SIGNEDP, rffi.SIGNEDPP, rffi.SIGNEDPP, rffi.CCHARPP, rffi.SIGNEDPP, rffi.SIGNEDP],
+                                               rffi.INT, save_err=SAVE_ERR,
+                                               compilation_info=compilation_info))
+memcpy_from_CCHARP_at_offset = jit.dont_look_inside(rffi.llexternal("memcpy_from_CCHARP_at_offset_and_size",
+                                    [rffi.CCHARP, rffi.CCHARPP,rffi.INT,rffi.INT],rffi.INT,save_err=SAVE_ERR,compilation_info=compilation_info))
+freeccharp = jit.dont_look_inside(rffi.llexternal("free_ptr_to_charp",
+                                    [rffi.CCHARPP],rffi.INT,save_err=SAVE_ERR,compilation_info=compilation_info))
+freesignedp = jit.dont_look_inside(rffi.llexternal("free_pointer_to_signedp",
+                                    [rffi.SIGNEDPP],rffi.INT,save_err=SAVE_ERR,compilation_info=compilation_info))
 send = external('send', [socketfd_type, rffi.CCHARP, size_t, rffi.INT],
                        ssize_t, save_err=SAVE_ERR)
 sendto = external('sendto', [socketfd_type, rffi.VOIDP, size_t, rffi.INT,
                                     sockaddr_ptr, socklen_t], ssize_t,
+sendmsg = jit.dont_look_inside(rffi.llexternal("sendmsg_implementation",
+                               [rffi.INT, sockaddr_ptr, socklen_t, rffi.SIGNEDP, rffi.CCHARPP, rffi.INT,
+                                rffi.SIGNEDP, rffi.SIGNEDP, rffi.CCHARPP, rffi.SIGNEDP, rffi.INT, rffi.INT],
+                               rffi.INT, save_err=SAVE_ERR,
+                               compilation_info=compilation_info))
+CMSG_SPACE = jit.dont_look_inside(rffi.llexternal("CMSG_SPACE_wrapper",[size_t], size_t, save_err=SAVE_ERR,compilation_info=compilation_info))
+CMSG_LEN = jit.dont_look_inside(rffi.llexternal("CMSG_LEN_wrapper",[size_t], size_t, save_err=SAVE_ERR,compilation_info=compilation_info))
 socketshutdown = external('shutdown', [socketfd_type, rffi.INT], rffi.INT,
 gethostname = external('gethostname', [rffi.CCHARP, rffi.INT], rffi.INT,
diff --git a/rpython/rlib/rsocket.py b/rpython/rlib/rsocket.py
--- a/rpython/rlib/rsocket.py
+++ b/rpython/rlib/rsocket.py
@@ -963,6 +963,126 @@
                 return (read_bytes, address)
             raise self.error_handler()
+    @jit.dont_look_inside
+    def recvmsg(self, message_size, ancbufsize = 0, flags = 0):
+        """
+        Receive up to message_size bytes from a message. Also receives ancillary data.
+        Returns the message, ancillary, flag and address of the sender.
+        :param message_size: Maximum size of the message to be received
+        :param ancbufsize:  Maximum size of the ancillary data to be received
+        :param flags: Receive flag. For more details, please check the Unix manual
+        :return: a tuple consisting of the message, the ancillary data, return flag and the address.
+        """
+        if message_size < 0:
+            raise RSocketError("Invalid message size")
+        if ancbufsize < 0:
+            raise RSocketError("invalid ancillary data buffer length")
+        self.wait_for_data(False)
+        address, addr_p, addrlen_p  = self._addrbuf()
+        len_of_msgs = lltype.malloc(rffi.SIGNEDPP.TO,1,flavor='raw',track_allocation=True,nonmovable=False)
+        messages = lltype.malloc(rffi.CCHARPP.TO,1,flavor='raw',track_allocation=True,nonmovable=False )
+        messages[0] = lltype.malloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO, message_size,flavor='raw',track_allocation=True,nonmovable=False)
+        rffi.c_memset(messages[0], 0, message_size)
+        no_of_messages  = lltype.malloc(rffi.SIGNEDP.TO,1,flavor='raw',track_allocation=True,nonmovable=False )
+        no_of_messages[0] = rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED, 0)
+        size_of_anc = lltype.malloc(rffi.SIGNEDP.TO,1,flavor='raw',track_allocation=True,nonmovable=False )
+        size_of_anc[0] = rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED,0)
+        levels = lltype.malloc(rffi.SIGNEDPP.TO,1,flavor='raw',track_allocation=True,nonmovable=False)
+        types = lltype.malloc(rffi.SIGNEDPP.TO,1,flavor='raw',track_allocation=True,nonmovable=False)
+        file_descr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CCHARPP.TO,1,flavor='raw',track_allocation=True,nonmovable=False )
+        descr_per_anc = lltype.malloc(rffi.SIGNEDPP.TO,1,flavor='raw',track_allocation=True,nonmovable=False)
+        retflag = lltype.malloc(rffi.SIGNEDP.TO,1,flavor='raw',track_allocation=True,nonmovable=False )
+        retflag[0] = rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED,0)
+        # a mask for the SIGNEDP's that need to be cast to int. (long default)
+        reply = _c.recvmsg(self.fd, rffi.cast(lltype.Signed,message_size),
+                           rffi.cast(lltype.Signed,ancbufsize),rffi.cast(lltype.Signed,flags),
+                           addr_p, addrlen_p, len_of_msgs, messages, no_of_messages,size_of_anc,
+                           levels, types,file_descr,descr_per_anc,retflag)
+        if reply >= 0:
+            anc_size  = rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED,size_of_anc[0])
+            returnflag  = rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED,retflag[0])
+            addrlen = rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED,addrlen_p[0])
+            retmsg = rffi.charpsize2str(messages[0],reply)
+            offset = 0
+            list_of_tuples = []
+            pre_anc = lltype.malloc(rffi.CCHARPP.TO, 1, flavor='raw', track_allocation=True, nonmovable=False)
+            for i in range(anc_size):
+                level = rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED, levels[0][i])
+                type = rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED, types[0][i])
+                bytes_in_anc = rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED, descr_per_anc[0][i])
+                pre_anc[0] = lltype.malloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO, bytes_in_anc,flavor='raw',track_allocation=True,nonmovable=False)
+                _c.memcpy_from_CCHARP_at_offset(file_descr[0], pre_anc,rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED,offset), bytes_in_anc)
+                anc = rffi.charpsize2str(pre_anc[0],bytes_in_anc)
+                tup = (level,type, anc)
+                list_of_tuples.append(tup)
+                offset += bytes_in_anc
+                lltype.free(pre_anc[0], flavor='raw')
+            if addrlen:
+                address.addrlen = addrlen
+            else:
+                address.unlock()
+                address = None
+            rettup = (retmsg,list_of_tuples,returnflag,address)
+            if address is not None:
+                address.unlock()
+            # free underlying complexity first
+            _c.freeccharp(file_descr)
+            _c.freesignedp(len_of_msgs)
+            _c.freesignedp(levels)
+            _c.freesignedp(types)
+            _c.freesignedp(descr_per_anc)
+            lltype.free(messages[0], flavor='raw')
+            lltype.free(pre_anc,flavor='raw')
+            lltype.free(messages,flavor='raw')
+            lltype.free(file_descr,flavor='raw')
+            lltype.free(len_of_msgs,flavor='raw')
+            lltype.free(no_of_messages, flavor='raw')
+            lltype.free(size_of_anc, flavor='raw')
+            lltype.free(levels, flavor='raw')
+            lltype.free(types, flavor='raw')
+            lltype.free(descr_per_anc, flavor='raw')
+            lltype.free(retflag, flavor='raw')
+            lltype.free(addrlen_p,flavor='raw')
+            return rettup
+        else:
+            #in case of failure the underlying complexity has already been freed
+            lltype.free(messages[0], flavor='raw')
+            lltype.free(messages, flavor='raw')
+            lltype.free(file_descr, flavor='raw')
+            lltype.free(len_of_msgs, flavor='raw')
+            lltype.free(no_of_messages, flavor='raw')
+            lltype.free(size_of_anc, flavor='raw')
+            lltype.free(levels, flavor='raw')
+            lltype.free(types, flavor='raw')
+            lltype.free(descr_per_anc, flavor='raw')
+            lltype.free(retflag, flavor='raw')
+            lltype.free(addrlen_p, flavor='raw')
+            if address is not None:
+                address.unlock()
+            if _c.geterrno() == _c.EINTR:
+                raise last_error()
+            if (reply == -10000):
+                raise RSocketError("Invalid message size")
+            if (reply == -10001):
+                raise RSocketError("Invalid ancillary data buffer length")
+            if (reply == -10002):
+                raise RSocketError("received malformed or improperly truncated ancillary data")
+            raise last_error()
     def send_raw(self, dataptr, length, flags=0):
         """Send data from a CCHARP buffer."""
@@ -1009,6 +1129,86 @@
             raise self.error_handler()
         return res
+    @jit.dont_look_inside
+    def sendmsg(self, messages, ancillary=None, flags=0, address=None):
+        """
+        Send data and ancillary on a socket. For use of ancillary data, please check the Unix manual.
+        Work on connectionless sockets via the address parameter.
+        :param messages: a message that is a list of strings
+        :param ancillary: data to be sent separate from the message body. Needs to be a list of tuples.
+                            E.g. [(level,type, bytes),...]. Default None.
+        :param flags: the flag to be set for sendmsg. Please check the Unix manual regarding values. Default 0
+        :param address: address of the recepient. Useful for when sending on connectionless sockets. Default None
+        :return: Bytes sent from the message
+        """
+        need_to_free_address = True
+        if address is None:
+            need_to_free_address = False
+            addr = lltype.nullptr(_c.sockaddr)
+            addrlen = 0
+        else:
+            addr = address.lock()
+            addrlen = address.addrlen
+        no_of_messages = len(messages)
+        messages_ptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CCHARPP.TO,no_of_messages+1,flavor='raw',track_allocation=True,nonmovable=False)
+        messages_length_ptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.SIGNEDP.TO,no_of_messages,flavor='raw',zero=True, track_allocation=True,nonmovable=False)
+        counter = 0
+        for message in messages:
+            messages_ptr[counter] = rffi.str2charp(message)
+            messages_length_ptr[counter] = rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED, len(message))
+            counter += 1
+        messages_ptr[counter] = lltype.nullptr(rffi.CCHARP.TO)
+        if ancillary is not None:
+            size_of_ancillary = len(ancillary)
+        else:
+            size_of_ancillary = 0
+        levels = lltype.malloc(rffi.SIGNEDP.TO, size_of_ancillary,flavor='raw',zero=True, track_allocation=True,nonmovable=False)
+        types = lltype.malloc(rffi.SIGNEDP.TO, size_of_ancillary,flavor='raw',zero=True, track_allocation=True,nonmovable=False)
+        desc_per_ancillary = lltype.malloc(rffi.SIGNEDP.TO, size_of_ancillary,flavor='raw',zero=True, track_allocation=True,nonmovable=False)
+        file_descr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CCHARPP.TO, size_of_ancillary,flavor='raw', track_allocation=True,nonmovable=False)
+        if ancillary is not None:
+            counter = 0
+            for level, type, content in ancillary:
+                assert isinstance(type,int)
+                assert isinstance(level, int)
+                levels[counter] = rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED,level)
+                types[counter] = rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED,type)
+                desc_per_ancillary[counter] = rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED, (len(content)))
+                file_descr[counter] = rffi.str2charp(content, track_allocation=True)
+                counter +=1
+        else:
+            size_of_ancillary = 0
+        snd_no_msgs = rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED, no_of_messages)
+        snd_anc_size =rffi.cast(rffi.SIGNED, size_of_ancillary)
+        bytes_sent = _c.sendmsg(self.fd, addr, addrlen, messages_length_ptr, messages_ptr, snd_no_msgs,levels,types,file_descr,desc_per_ancillary,snd_anc_size,flags)
+        if need_to_free_address:
+            address.unlock()
+        for i in range(len(messages)):
+            lltype.free(messages_ptr[i], flavor='raw', track_allocation=True)
+        lltype.free(messages_ptr, flavor='raw', track_allocation=True)
+        lltype.free(messages_length_ptr, flavor='raw', track_allocation=True)
+        if size_of_ancillary > 0:
+            for i in range(len(ancillary)):
+                lltype.free(file_descr[i], flavor='raw', track_allocation=True)
+        lltype.free(desc_per_ancillary, flavor='raw', track_allocation=True)
+        lltype.free(types, flavor='raw', track_allocation=True)
+        lltype.free(levels, flavor='raw', track_allocation=True)
+        lltype.free(file_descr, flavor='raw', track_allocation=True)
+        self.wait_for_data(True)
+        if (bytes_sent < 0) and (bytes_sent!=-1000) and (bytes_sent!=-1001) and (bytes_sent!=-1002):
+            raise last_error()
+        return bytes_sent
     def setblocking(self, block):
         if block:
             timeout = -1.0
@@ -1190,6 +1390,31 @@
         return (make_socket(fd0, family, type, proto, SocketClass),
                 make_socket(fd1, family, type, proto, SocketClass))
+if _c._POSIX:
+    def CMSG_LEN( demanded_len):
+        """
+        Socket method to determine the optimal byte size of the ancillary.
+        Recommended to be used when computing the ancillary size for recvmsg.
+        :param demanded_len: an integer with the minimum size required.
+        :return: an integer with the minimum memory needed for the required size. The value is not memory alligned
+        """
+        if demanded_len < 0:
+            return 0
+        result = _c.CMSG_LEN(demanded_len)
+        return result
+    def CMSG_SPACE( demanded_size):
+        """
+        Socket method to determine the optimal byte size of the ancillary.
+        Recommended to be used when computing the ancillary size for recvmsg.
+        :param demanded_size: an integer with the minimum size required.
+        :return: an integer with the minimum memory needed for the required size. The value is memory alligned
+        """
+        if demanded_size < 0:
+            return 0
+        result = _c.CMSG_SPACE(demanded_size)
+        return result
 if _c.WIN32:
     def dup(fd, inheritable=True):
         with lltype.scoped_alloc(_c.WSAPROTOCOL_INFO, zero=True) as info:
diff --git a/rpython/rtyper/lltypesystem/rffi.py b/rpython/rtyper/lltypesystem/rffi.py
--- a/rpython/rtyper/lltypesystem/rffi.py
+++ b/rpython/rtyper/lltypesystem/rffi.py
@@ -752,7 +752,8 @@
 # Signed, Signed *
 SIGNED = lltype.Signed
-SIGNEDP = lltype.Ptr(lltype.Array(SIGNED, hints={'nolength': True}))
+SIGNEDP = lltype.Ptr(lltype.Array(lltype.Signed, hints={'nolength': True}))
+SIGNEDPP = lltype.Ptr(lltype.Array(SIGNEDP, hints={'nolength': True}))
 # various type mapping

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