[pypy-commit] pypy reverse-debugger: Remove the runtime part, move it to http://bitbucket.org/pypy/revdb/

arigo pypy.commits at gmail.com
Thu Sep 8 16:37:36 EDT 2016

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Branch: reverse-debugger
Changeset: r86966:9f8dd66da2a9
Date: 2016-09-08 18:01 +0200

Log:	Remove the runtime part, move it to http://bitbucket.org/pypy/revdb/

diff --git a/rpython/translator/revdb/ancillary.py b/rpython/translator/revdb/ancillary.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/rpython/translator/revdb/ancillary.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-import py
-import os, sys
-def build(tmpdir):
-    import cffi
-    ffibuilder = cffi.FFI()
-    ffibuilder.cdef("""
-        int ancil_send_fds(int, const int *, unsigned);
-        int ancil_recv_fds(int, int *, unsigned);
-    """)
-    local_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-    src_dir = os.path.join(local_dir, 'src-revdb')
-    ffibuilder.set_source("_ancillary_cffi", """
-        #include <ancillary.h>
-    """, include_dirs=[src_dir],
-         sources=[os.path.join(src_dir, 'fd_send.c'),
-                  os.path.join(src_dir, 'fd_recv.c')])
-    ffibuilder.compile(tmpdir=tmpdir, verbose=True)
-def import_(verbose=False):
-    import rpython
-    basedir = py.path.local(rpython.__file__).dirpath()
-    tmpdir = str(basedir.ensure('_cache', 'ancillary', dir=1))
-    if verbose:
-        print tmpdir
-    old_sys_path = sys.path[:]
-    sys.path.insert(0, tmpdir)
-    try:
-        import _ancillary_cffi
-    except ImportError:
-        build(tmpdir)
-        import _ancillary_cffi
-    sys.path[:] = old_sys_path
-    return _ancillary_cffi.ffi, _ancillary_cffi.lib
-def send_fds(pipe_num, fd_list):
-    ffi, lib = import_()
-    if lib.ancil_send_fds(pipe_num, fd_list, len(fd_list)) < 0:
-        raise OSError(ffi.errno, "ancil_send_fds() failed")
-def recv_fds(pipe_num, fd_count):
-    ffi, lib = import_()
-    p = ffi.new("int[]", fd_count)
-    result = lib.ancil_recv_fds(pipe_num, p, fd_count)
-    if result < 0:
-        raise OSError(ffi.errno, "ancil_recv_fds() failed")
-    return [p[i] for i in xrange(result)]
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    import_(verbose=True)
diff --git a/rpython/translator/revdb/interact.py b/rpython/translator/revdb/interact.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/rpython/translator/revdb/interact.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,492 +0,0 @@
-import sys, os, re
-import subprocess, socket
-import traceback, linecache
-from contextlib import contextmanager
-    import readline
-except ImportError:
-    pass
-from rpython.translator.revdb.process import ReplayProcessGroup
-from rpython.translator.revdb.process import Breakpoint
-r_cmdline = re.compile(r"([a-zA-Z0-9_]\S*|.)\s*(.*)")
-r_dollar_num = re.compile(r"\$(\d+)\b")
-class RevDebugControl(object):
-    def __init__(self, revdb_log_filename, executable=None,
-                 pygments_background=None):
-        with open(revdb_log_filename, 'rb') as f:
-            header = f.readline()
-        assert header.endswith('\n')
-        fields = header[:-1].split('\t')
-        if len(fields) < 2 or fields[0] != 'RevDB:':
-            raise ValueError("file %r is not a RevDB log" % (
-                revdb_log_filename,))
-        if executable is None:
-            executable = fields[1]
-        if not os.path.isfile(executable):
-            raise ValueError("executable %r not found" % (executable,))
-        linecacheoutput = self.getlinecacheoutput(pygments_background)
-        self.pgroup = ReplayProcessGroup(executable, revdb_log_filename,
-                                         linecacheoutput)
-        self.print_extra_pending_info = None
-    def interact(self):
-        self.last_command = 'help'
-        self.previous_time = None
-        self.previous_thread = 0
-        while True:
-            prompt = self.print_lines_before_prompt()
-            try:
-                while True:
-                    cmdline = self.display_prompt(prompt)
-                    self.run_command(cmdline)
-                    prompt = self.print_lines_before_prompt()
-            except KeyboardInterrupt:
-                rtime = self.previous_time or 1
-                print
-                print 'KeyboardInterrupt: restoring state at time %d...' % (
-                    rtime,)
-                self.pgroup.recreate_subprocess(rtime)
-                print "(type 'q' or Ctrl-D to quit)"
-                self.last_command = ''
-                self.previous_thread = '?'
-                self.previous_time = '?'
-    def print_lines_before_prompt(self):
-        last_time = self.pgroup.get_current_time()
-        if last_time != self.previous_time:
-            print
-            if self.pgroup.get_current_thread() != self.previous_thread:
-                self.previous_thread = self.pgroup.get_current_thread()
-                if self.previous_thread == 0:
-                    print ('-------------------- in main thread #0 '
-                           '--------------------')
-                else:
-                    print ('-------------------- in non-main thread '
-                           '#%d --------------------' % (self.previous_thread,))
-            self.pgroup.update_watch_values()
-            last_time = self.pgroup.get_current_time()
-        if self.print_extra_pending_info:
-            print self.print_extra_pending_info
-            self.print_extra_pending_info = None
-        if last_time != self.previous_time:
-            self.pgroup.show_backtrace(complete=0)
-            self.previous_time = last_time
-        prompt = '(%d)$ ' % last_time
-        return prompt
-    def display_prompt(self, prompt):
-        try:
-            cmdline = raw_input(prompt).strip()
-        except EOFError:
-            print
-            cmdline = 'quit'
-        if not cmdline:
-            cmdline = self.last_command
-        return cmdline
-    def run_command(self, cmdline):
-        match = r_cmdline.match(cmdline)
-        if not match:
-            return
-        self.last_command = cmdline
-        command, argument = match.groups()
-        try:
-            runner = getattr(self, 'command_' + command)
-        except AttributeError:
-            print >> sys.stderr, "no command '%s', try 'help'" % (command,)
-        else:
-            try:
-                runner(argument)
-            except KeyboardInterrupt:
-                raise
-            except Exception as e:
-                traceback.print_exc()
-                print >> sys.stderr
-                print >> sys.stderr, 'Something went wrong.  You are now',
-                print >> sys.stderr, 'in a pdb; press Ctrl-D to continue.'
-                import pdb; pdb.post_mortem(sys.exc_info()[2])
-                print >> sys.stderr
-                print >> sys.stderr, 'You are back running %s.' % (
-                    sys.argv[0],)
-    def command_help(self, argument):
-        """Display commands summary"""
-        print 'Available commands:'
-        lst = dir(self)
-        commands = [(name[len('command_'):], getattr(self, name))
-                    for name in lst
-                        if name.startswith('command_')]
-        seen = {}
-        for name, func in commands:
-            seen.setdefault(func, []).append(name)
-        for _, func in commands:
-            if func in seen:
-                names = seen.pop(func)
-                names.sort(key=len, reverse=True)
-                docstring = func.__doc__ or 'undocumented'
-                print '\t%-16s %s' % (', '.join(names), docstring)
-    def command_quit(self, argument):
-        """Exit the debugger"""
-        self.pgroup.close()
-        sys.exit(0)
-    command_q = command_quit
-    def command_go(self, argument):
-        """Jump to time ARG"""
-        arg = int(argument or self.pgroup.get_current_time())
-        self.pgroup.jump_in_time(arg)
-    def command_info(self, argument):
-        """Display various info ('info help' for more)"""
-        display = getattr(self, 'cmd_info_' + argument, self.cmd_info_help)
-        return display()
-    def cmd_info_help(self):
-        """Display info topics summary"""
-        print 'Available info topics:'
-        for name in dir(self):
-            if name.startswith('cmd_info_'):
-                command = name[len('cmd_info_'):]
-                docstring = getattr(self, name).__doc__ or 'undocumented'
-                print '\tinfo %-12s %s' % (command, docstring)
-    def cmd_info_paused(self):
-        """List current paused subprocesses"""
-        lst = [str(n) for n in sorted(self.pgroup.paused)]
-        print ', '.join(lst)
-    def _bp_kind(self, num):
-        break_at = self.pgroup.all_breakpoints.num2break.get(num, '??')
-        if break_at[0] == 'B':
-            kind = 'breakpoint'
-            name = break_at[4:]
-        elif break_at[0] == 'W':
-            kind = 'watchpoint'
-            name = self.pgroup.all_breakpoints.sources.get(num, '??')
-        elif num == -3:
-            kind = 'stoppoint'
-            name = 'explicit stop'
-        elif num == -4:
-            kind = 'switchpoint'
-            name = 'thread switch'
-        else:
-            kind = '?????point'
-            name = repr(break_at)
-        return kind, name
-    def _bp_new(self, source_expr, break_code, break_at, nids=None):
-        b = self.pgroup.edit_breakpoints()
-        new = 1
-        while new in b.num2break:
-            new += 1
-        b.set_num2break(new, break_code, break_at)
-        b.sources[new] = source_expr
-        if break_code == 'W':
-            b.watchvalues[new] = ''
-            if nids:
-                b.watchuids[new] = self.pgroup.nids_to_uids(nids)
-        return new
-    def cmd_info_breakpoints(self):
-        """List current breakpoints and watchpoints"""
-        lst = self.pgroup.all_breakpoints.num2break.keys()
-        if lst:
-            for num in sorted(lst):
-                kind, name = self._bp_kind(num)
-                print '\t%s %d: %s' % (kind, num, name)
-        else:
-            print 'no breakpoints/watchpoints.'
-    cmd_info_watchpoints = cmd_info_breakpoints
-    def move_forward(self, steps):
-        self.remove_tainting()
-        try:
-            self.pgroup.go_forward(steps)
-            return None
-        except Breakpoint as b:
-            self.hit_breakpoints(b)
-            return b
-    def move_backward(self, steps):
-        try:
-            self.pgroup.go_backward(steps)
-            return None
-        except Breakpoint as b:
-            self.hit_breakpoints(b, backward=True)
-            return b
-    def hit_breakpoints(self, b, backward=False):
-        printing = []
-        for num in b.regular_breakpoint_nums():
-            kind, name = self._bp_kind(num)
-            printing.append('%s %s%s: %s' % (
-                'Reverse-hit' if backward else 'Hit',
-                kind,
-                '' if kind == 'stoppoint' else ' %d' % (num,),
-                name))
-        self.print_extra_pending_info = '\n'.join(printing)
-        if self.pgroup.get_current_time() != b.time:
-            target_time = b.time
-            if backward and any(self._bp_kind(num)[0] == 'watchpoint'
-                                for num in b.regular_breakpoint_nums()):
-                target_time += 1
-            self.pgroup.jump_in_time(target_time)
-    def remove_tainting(self):
-        if self.pgroup.is_tainted():
-            self.pgroup.jump_in_time(self.pgroup.get_current_time())
-            assert not self.pgroup.is_tainted()
-    def command_step(self, argument):
-        """Run forward ARG steps (default 1)"""
-        arg = int(argument or '1')
-        self.move_forward(arg)
-    command_s = command_step
-    def command_bstep(self, argument):
-        """Run backward ARG steps (default 1)"""
-        arg = int(argument or '1')
-        self.move_backward(arg)
-    command_bs = command_bstep
-    @contextmanager
-    def _stack_id_break(self, stack_id):
-        # add temporarily a breakpoint that hits when we enter/leave
-        # a frame from/to the frame identified by 'stack_id'
-        b = self.pgroup.edit_breakpoints()
-        b.stack_id = stack_id
-        try:
-            yield
-        finally:
-            b.stack_id = 0
-    @contextmanager
-    def _thread_num_break(self, thread_num):
-        # add temporarily a breakpoint that hits when we enter/leave
-        # the given thread
-        b = self.pgroup.edit_breakpoints()
-        b.thread_num = thread_num
-        try:
-            yield
-        finally:
-            b.thread_num = -1
-    def command_next(self, argument):
-        """Run forward for one step, skipping calls"""
-        while True:
-            stack_id = self.pgroup.get_stack_id(is_parent=False)
-            with self._stack_id_break(stack_id):
-                b = self.move_forward(1)
-            while b is not None:
-                # if we hit a regular breakpoint, stop
-                if any(b.regular_breakpoint_nums()):
-                    return
-                # we hit only calls and returns inside stack_id.  If the
-                # last one of these is a "return", then we're now back inside
-                # stack_id, so stop
-                if b.nums[-1] == -2:
-                    break
-                # else, the last one is a "call", so we entered another frame.
-                # Continue running until the next call/return event occurs
-                # inside stack_id
-                with self._stack_id_break(stack_id):
-                    b = self.move_forward(self.pgroup.get_max_time() -
-                                          self.pgroup.get_current_time())
-                # and then look at that 'b' again (closes the loop)
-            # we might be at a "<<" position on the same line as before,
-            # which returns a get_hiddenpos_level() value of 1.  Continue
-            # until we reach a get_hiddenpos_level() value of 0.
-            if b is None or self.pgroup.get_hiddenpos_level() == 0:
-                break
-    command_n = command_next
-    def command_bnext(self, argument):
-        """Run backward for one step, skipping calls"""
-        while True:
-            stack_id = self.pgroup.get_stack_id(is_parent=False)
-            with self._stack_id_break(stack_id):
-                b = self.move_backward(1)
-            while b is not None:
-                # if we hit a regular breakpoint, stop
-                if any(b.regular_breakpoint_nums()):
-                    return
-                # we hit only calls and returns inside stack_id.  If the
-                # first one of these is a "call", then we're now back inside
-                # stack_id, so stop
-                if b.nums[0] == -1:
-                    break
-                # else, the first one is a "return", so before, we were
-                # inside a different frame.  Continue running until the next
-                # call/return event occurs inside stack_id
-                with self._stack_id_break(stack_id):
-                    b = self.move_backward(self.pgroup.get_current_time() - 1)
-                # and then look at that 'b' again (closes the loop)
-            # we might be at a "<<" position on the same line as before,
-            # which returns a get_hiddenpos_level() value of 1.  Continue
-            # until we reach a get_hiddenpos_level() value of 0.
-            if self.pgroup.get_hiddenpos_level() == 0:
-                break
-    command_bn = command_bnext
-    def command_finish(self, argument):
-        """Run forward until the current function finishes"""
-        stack_id = self.pgroup.get_stack_id(is_parent=True)
-        if stack_id == 0:
-            print 'No caller.'
-        else:
-            with self._stack_id_break(stack_id):
-                self.command_continue('')
-    def command_bfinish(self, argument):
-        """Run backward until the current function is called"""
-        stack_id = self.pgroup.get_stack_id(is_parent=True)
-        if stack_id == 0:
-            print 'No caller.'
-        else:
-            with self._stack_id_break(stack_id):
-                self.command_bcontinue('')
-    def command_continue(self, argument):
-        """Run forward"""
-        self.move_forward(self.pgroup.get_max_time() -
-                          self.pgroup.get_current_time())
-    command_c = command_continue
-    def command_bcontinue(self, argument):
-        """Run backward"""
-        self.move_backward(self.pgroup.get_current_time() - 1)
-    command_bc = command_bcontinue
-    def _cmd_thread(self, argument, cmd_continue):
-        argument = argument.lstrip('#')
-        if argument:
-            arg = int(argument)
-            if arg == self.pgroup.get_current_thread():
-                print 'Thread #%d is already the current one.' % (arg,)
-                return
-        else:
-            # use the current thread number to detect switches to any
-            # other thread (this works because revdb.c issues a
-            # breakpoint whenever there is a switch FROM or TO the
-            # thread '#arg').
-            arg = self.pgroup.get_current_thread()
-        #
-        with self._thread_num_break(arg):
-            cmd_continue('')
-    def command_nthread(self, argument):
-        """Run forward until thread switch (optionally to #ARG)"""
-        self._cmd_thread(argument, self.command_continue)
-    def command_bthread(self, argument):
-        """Run backward until thread switch (optionally to #ARG)"""
-        self._cmd_thread(argument, self.command_bcontinue)
-    def command_print(self, argument):
-        """Print an expression or execute a line of code"""
-        # locate which $NUM appear used in the expression
-        nids = map(int, r_dollar_num.findall(argument))
-        self.pgroup.print_cmd(argument, nids=nids)
-    command_p = command_print
-    locals()['command_!'] = command_print
-    def command_backtrace(self, argument):
-        """Show the backtrace"""
-        self.pgroup.show_backtrace(complete=1)
-    command_bt = command_backtrace
-    def command_list(self, argument):
-        """Show the current function"""
-        self.pgroup.show_backtrace(complete=2)
-    def command_locals(self, argument):
-        """Show the locals"""
-        self.pgroup.show_locals()
-    def command_break(self, argument):
-        """Add a breakpoint"""
-        if not argument:
-            print "Break where?"
-            return
-        num = self._bp_new(argument, 'B', argument)
-        self.pgroup.update_breakpoints()
-        b = self.pgroup.edit_breakpoints()
-        if num not in b.num2break:
-            print "Breakpoint not added"
-        else:
-            kind, name = self._bp_kind(num)
-            print "Breakpoint %d added: %s" % (num, name)
-    command_b = command_break
-    def command_delete(self, argument):
-        """Delete a breakpoint/watchpoint"""
-        b = self.pgroup.edit_breakpoints()
-        try:
-            arg = int(argument)
-        except ValueError:
-            for arg in b.num2break:
-                if self._bp_kind(arg)[1] == argument:
-                    break
-            else:
-                print "No such breakpoint/watchpoint: %s" % (argument,)
-                return
-        if arg not in b.num2break:
-            print "No breakpoint/watchpoint number %d" % (arg,)
-        else:
-            kind, name = self._bp_kind(arg)
-            b.num2break.pop(arg, '')
-            b.sources.pop(arg, '')
-            b.watchvalues.pop(arg, '')
-            b.watchuids.pop(arg, '')
-            print "%s %d deleted: %s" % (kind.capitalize(), arg, name)
-    command_del = command_delete
-    def command_watch(self, argument):
-        """Add a watchpoint (use $NUM in the expression to watch)"""
-        if not argument:
-            print "Watch what?"
-            return
-        #
-        ok_flag, compiled_code = self.pgroup.compile_watchpoint_expr(argument)
-        if not ok_flag:
-            print compiled_code     # the error message
-            print 'Watchpoint not added'
-            return
-        #
-        nids = map(int, r_dollar_num.findall(argument))
-        ok_flag, text = self.pgroup.check_watchpoint_expr(compiled_code, nids)
-        if not ok_flag:
-            print text
-            print 'Watchpoint not added'
-            return
-        #
-        new = self._bp_new(argument, 'W', compiled_code, nids=nids)
-        self.pgroup.update_watch_values()
-        print "Watchpoint %d added" % (new,)
-    def getlinecacheoutput(self, pygments_background):
-        if not pygments_background or pygments_background == 'off':
-            return
-        try:
-            from pygments import highlight
-            from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer
-            from pygments.formatters import TerminalFormatter
-        except ImportError as e:
-            print >> sys.stderr, 'ImportError: %s' % (e,)
-            return None
-        #
-        lexer = PythonLexer()
-        fmt = TerminalFormatter(bg=pygments_background)
-        #
-        def linecacheoutput(filename, lineno):
-            line = linecache.getline(filename, lineno)
-            return highlight(line, lexer, fmt)
-        return linecacheoutput
diff --git a/rpython/translator/revdb/message.py b/rpython/translator/revdb/message.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/rpython/translator/revdb/message.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-# See the corresponding answers for details about messages.
-CMD_FORK      = -1     # Message(CMD_FORK)
-CMD_QUIT      = -2     # Message(CMD_QUIT)
-CMD_FORWARD   = -3     # Message(CMD_FORWARD, steps, breakpoint_mode)
-CMD_FUTUREIDS = -4     # Message(CMD_FUTUREIDS, extra=list-of-8bytes-uids)
-CMD_PING      = -5     # Message(CMD_PING)
-# extra commands which are not handled by revdb.c, but
-# by revdb.register_debug_command()
-CMD_PRINT       = 1    # Message(CMD_PRINT, extra=expression)
-CMD_LOCALS      = 3    # Message(CMD_LOCALS)
-CMD_BREAKPOINTS = 4    # Message(CMD_BREAKPOINTS, stack_id,
-                       #         extra="\0-separated names")
-CMD_STACKID     = 5    # Message(CMD_STACKID, parent-flag)
-CMD_ATTACHID    = 6    # Message(CMD_ATTACHID, small-num, unique-id)
-CMD_COMPILEWATCH= 7    # Message(CMD_COMPILEWATCH, extra=expression)
-CMD_CHECKWATCH  = 8    # Message(CMD_CHECKWATCH, extra=compiled_code)
-CMD_WATCHVALUES = 9    # Message(CMD_WATCHVALUES, extra=texts)
-# the first message sent by the first child:
-#    Message(ANSWER_INIT, INIT_VERSION_NUMBER, total_stop_points)
-ANSWER_INIT       = -20
-# sent when the child is done and waiting for the next command:
-#    Message(ANSWER_READY, current_time, currently_created_objects)
-ANSWER_READY      = -21
-# sent after CMD_FORK:
-#    Message(ANSWER_FORKED, child_pid)
-ANSWER_FORKED     = -22
-# sent when a child reaches the end (should not occur with process.py)
-#    Message(ANSWER_AT_END)           (the child exits afterwards)
-ANSWER_AT_END     = -23
-# breakpoint detected in CMD_FORWARD:
-#    Message(ANSWER_BREAKPOINT, break_time, break_created_objects, bpkt_num)
-# if breakpoint_mode=='b': sent immediately when seeing a breakpoint,
-#                          followed by ANSWER_STD with the same time
-# if breakpoint_mode=='r': sent when we're done going forward, about
-#                          the most recently seen breakpoint
-# if breakpoint_mode=='i': ignored, never sent
-# sent after an Attempted to do I/O or access raw memory, as the last message
-# print one line of a file to the console, for CMD_PRINT
-#    Message(ANSWER_LINECACHE, linenum, extra=filename)
-# print text to the console, for CMD_PRINT and others
-#    Message(ANSWER_TEXT, extra=text)
-ANSWER_TEXT       = 20
-# CMD_STACKID returns the id of the current or parent frame (depending
-# on the 'parent-flag' passed in), or 0 if not found.  The id can be just
-# the stack depth, or it can be the unique id of the frame object.  When
-# used in CMD_BREAKPOINTS, it means "break if we are entering/leaving a
-# frame from/to the given frame".
-#    Message(ANSWER_STACKID, stack-id)
-# sent from CMD_PRINT to record the existence of a recallable object
-#    Message(ANSWER_NEXTNID, unique-id)
-# sent after CMD_COMPILEWATCH:
-#    Message(ANSWER_WATCH, ok_flag, extra=marshalled_code)
-# sent after CMD_CHECKWATCH:
-#    Message(ANSWER_WATCH, ok_flag, extra=result_of_expr)
-ANSWER_WATCH      = 23
-# sent sometimes after CMD_BREAKPOINTS:
-#    Message(ANSWER_CHBKPT, bkpt_num, extra=new_breakpoint_text)
-# ____________________________________________________________
-class Message(object):
-    """Represent messages sent and received to subprocesses
-    started with --revdb-replay.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, cmd, arg1=0, arg2=0, arg3=0, extra=""):
-        self.cmd = cmd
-        self.arg1 = arg1
-        self.arg2 = arg2
-        self.arg3 = arg3
-        self.extra = extra
-    def __repr__(self):
-        cmd = self.cmd
-        for key, value in globals().items():
-            if (key.startswith('CMD_') or key.startswith('ANSWER_')) and (
-                    value == cmd):
-                cmd = key
-                break
-        return 'Message(%s, %d, %d, %d, %r)' % (cmd, self.arg1,
-                                                self.arg2, self.arg3,
-                                                self.extra)
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        return (self.cmd == other.cmd and
-                self.arg1 == other.arg1 and
-                self.arg2 == other.arg2 and
-                self.arg3 == other.arg3 and
-                self.extra == other.extra)
-    def __ne__(self, other):
-        return not (self == other)
diff --git a/rpython/translator/revdb/process.py b/rpython/translator/revdb/process.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/rpython/translator/revdb/process.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,637 +0,0 @@
-import sys, os, struct, socket, errno, subprocess
-import linecache
-from rpython.translator.revdb import ancillary
-from rpython.translator.revdb.message import *
-class Breakpoint(Exception):
-    def __init__(self, time):
-        self.time = time   # time of the previous stop_point
-        self.nums = []     # list of breakpoint numbers that occurred, in order
-    def record_num(self, num):
-        self.nums.append(num)
-    def regular_breakpoint_nums(self):
-        for num in self.nums:
-            if num != -1 and num != -2:
-                yield num
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return 'Breakpoint(%d, %r)' % (self.time, self.nums)
-    __str__ = __repr__
-class AllBreakpoints(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.num2break = {}    # {small number: encoded break/watchpoint}
-        self.sources = {}      # {small number: src text}
-        self.watchvalues = {}  # {small number: resulting text}
-        self.watchuids = {}    # {small number: [uid...]}
-        self.stack_id = 0      # breaks when leaving/entering a frame from/to
-                               # the frame identified by 'stack_id'
-        self.thread_num = -1   # breaks when leaving/entering the thread_num
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return 'AllBreakpoints(%r, %r, %r, %r, %r)' % (
-            self.num2break, self.watchvalues, self.watchuids,
-            self.stack_id, self.thread_num)
-    def compare(self, other):
-        if (self.num2break == other.num2break and
-            self.stack_id == other.stack_id and
-            self.thread_num == other.thread_num):
-            if self.watchvalues == other.watchvalues:
-                return 2     # completely equal
-            else:
-                return 1     # equal, but watchvalues out-of-date
-        else:
-            return 0     # different
-    def is_empty(self):
-        return (len(self.num2break) == 0 and self.stack_id == 0
-                                         and self.thread_num == -1)
-    def duplicate(self):
-        a = AllBreakpoints()
-        a.num2break.update(self.num2break)
-        a.stack_id = self.stack_id
-        a.thread_num = self.thread_num
-        return a
-    def set_num2break(self, new, break_code, break_at):
-        if len(break_at) > 0xFFFFFF:
-            raise OverflowError("break/watchpoint too complex")
-        self.num2break[new] = (break_code +
-                               chr(len(break_at) & 0xFF) +
-                               chr((len(break_at) >> 8) & 0xFF) +
-                               chr(len(break_at) >> 16) +
-                               break_at)
-class RecreateSubprocess(Exception):
-    pass
-class ReplayProcess(object):
-    """Represent one replaying subprocess.
-    It can be either the one started with --revdb-replay, or a fork.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, pid, control_socket,
-                 breakpoints_cache=AllBreakpoints(),
-                 printed_objects=frozenset(),
-                 linecacheoutput=None):
-        self.pid = pid
-        self.control_socket = control_socket
-        self.tainted = False
-        self.breakpoints_cache = breakpoints_cache    # don't mutate this
-        self.printed_objects = printed_objects        # don't mutate this
-        # ^^^ frozenset containing the uids of the objects that are
-        #     either already discovered in this child
-        #     (if uid < currently_created_objects), or that will
-        #     automatically be discovered when we move forward
-        self.linecacheoutput = linecacheoutput or linecache.getline
-    def _recv_all(self, size):
-        pieces = []
-        while size > 0:
-            data = self.control_socket.recv(size)
-            if not data:
-                raise EOFError
-            size -= len(data)
-            pieces.append(data)
-        return ''.join(pieces)
-    def send(self, msg):
-        #print 'SENT:', self.pid, msg
-        binary = struct.pack("iIqqq", msg.cmd, len(msg.extra),
-                             msg.arg1, msg.arg2, msg.arg3)
-        self.control_socket.sendall(binary + msg.extra)
-    def recv(self):
-        binary = self._recv_all(struct.calcsize("iIqqq"))
-        cmd, size, arg1, arg2, arg3 = struct.unpack("iIqqq", binary)
-        extra = self._recv_all(size)
-        msg = Message(cmd, arg1, arg2, arg3, extra)
-        #print 'RECV:', self.pid, msg
-        return msg
-    def expect(self, cmd, arg1=0, arg2=0, arg3=0, extra=""):
-        msg = self.recv()
-        assert msg.cmd == cmd, msg
-        if arg1 is not Ellipsis:
-            assert msg.arg1 == arg1, msg
-        if arg2 is not Ellipsis:
-            assert msg.arg2 == arg2, msg
-        if arg3 is not Ellipsis:
-            assert msg.arg3 == arg3, msg
-        if extra is not Ellipsis:
-            assert msg.extra == extra, msg
-        return msg
-    def expect_ready(self):
-        msg = self.expect(ANSWER_READY, Ellipsis, Ellipsis, Ellipsis)
-        self.update_times(msg)
-    def update_times(self, msg):
-        self.current_time = msg.arg1
-        self.currently_created_objects = msg.arg2
-        self.current_thread = msg.arg3
-    def clone(self, activate=False):
-        """Fork this subprocess.  Returns a new ReplayProcess() that is
-        an identical copy.
-        """
-        self.send(Message(CMD_FORK, int(activate)))
-        s1, s2 = socket.socketpair()
-        ancillary.send_fds(self.control_socket.fileno(), [s2.fileno()])
-        s2.close()
-        msg = self.expect(ANSWER_FORKED, Ellipsis)
-        child_pid = msg.arg1
-        self.expect_ready()
-        other = ReplayProcess(child_pid, s1,
-                              breakpoints_cache=self.breakpoints_cache,
-                              printed_objects=self.printed_objects,
-                              linecacheoutput=self.linecacheoutput)
-        other.expect_ready()
-        #print >> sys.stderr, 'CLONED', self.current_time
-        return other
-    def close(self):
-        """Close this subprocess."""
-        try:
-            self.send(Message(CMD_QUIT))
-        except socket.error:
-            pass
-    def forward(self, steps, breakpoint_mode):
-        """Move this subprocess forward in time.
-        Returns the Breakpoint or None.
-        """
-        assert not self.tainted
-        # <DEBUGGING ONLY>
-        currents = self.current_time, self.currently_created_objects
-        self.send(Message(CMD_PING))
-        self.expect_ready()
-        assert currents == (self.current_time, self.currently_created_objects)
-        # </DEBUGGING ONLY>
-        self.send(Message(CMD_FORWARD, steps, ord(breakpoint_mode)))
-        #
-        # record all breakpoints that occur together during the *last* step
-        bkpt = None
-        while True:
-            msg = self.recv()
-            if msg.cmd != ANSWER_BREAKPOINT:
-                break
-            if bkpt is None or bkpt.time != msg.arg1:
-                bkpt = Breakpoint(msg.arg1)
-            bkpt.record_num(msg.arg3)
-        assert msg.cmd == ANSWER_READY, msg
-        self.update_times(msg)
-        return bkpt
-    def print_text_answer(self, pgroup=None):
-        while True:
-            msg = self.recv()
-            if msg.cmd == ANSWER_TEXT:
-                sys.stdout.write(msg.extra)
-                sys.stdout.flush()
-            elif msg.cmd == ANSWER_READY:
-                self.update_times(msg)
-                break
-            elif msg.cmd == ANSWER_LINECACHE:
-                line = self.linecacheoutput(msg.extra, msg.arg1)
-                if line == '':
-                    line = '?'
-                if msg.arg2:    # strip?
-                    line = line.strip()
-                else:
-                    line = line.rstrip('\r\n')
-                sys.stdout.write(line + '\n')
-                sys.stdout.flush()
-            elif msg.cmd == ANSWER_NEXTNID and pgroup is not None:
-                uid = msg.arg1
-                if uid < pgroup.initial_uid:
-                    continue     # created before the first stop point, ignore
-                self.printed_objects = self.printed_objects.union([uid])
-                new_nid = len(pgroup.all_printed_objects_lst)
-                nid = pgroup.all_printed_objects.setdefault(uid, new_nid)
-                if nid == new_nid:
-                    pgroup.all_printed_objects_lst.append(uid)
-                sys.stdout.write('$%d = ' % nid)
-                sys.stdout.flush()
-            elif msg.cmd == ANSWER_ATTEMPT_IO:
-                raise RecreateSubprocess
-            elif msg.cmd == ANSWER_CHBKPT and pgroup is not None:
-                # change the breakpoint definition.  Needed for
-                # ":linenum" breakpoints which must be expanded to the
-                # current file only once
-                b = pgroup.edit_breakpoints()
-                assert b.num2break[msg.arg1][0] == 'B'
-                if msg.extra:
-                    b.set_num2break(msg.arg1, 'B', msg.extra)
-                else:
-                    del b.num2break[msg.arg1]
-            else:
-                print >> sys.stderr, "unexpected %r" % (msg,)
-class ReplayProcessGroup(object):
-    """Handle a family of subprocesses.
-    """
-    MAX_SUBPROCESSES = 31       # maximum number of subprocesses
-    STEP_RATIO = 0.25           # subprocess n is between subprocess n-1
-                                #   and the end, at this fraction of interval
-    def __init__(self, executable, revdb_log_filename, linecacheoutput=None):
-        s1, s2 = socket.socketpair()
-        initial_subproc = subprocess.Popen(
-            [executable, '--revdb-replay', revdb_log_filename,
-             str(s2.fileno())], preexec_fn=s1.close)
-        s2.close()
-        child = ReplayProcess(initial_subproc.pid, s1,
-                              linecacheoutput=linecacheoutput)
-        msg = child.expect(ANSWER_INIT, INIT_VERSION_NUMBER, Ellipsis)
-        self.total_stop_points = msg.arg2
-        if self.total_stop_points == 0:
-            raise ValueError("%r does not contain any stop point" %
-                             (revdb_log_filename,))
-        child.expect_ready()
-        self.initial_uid = child.currently_created_objects
-        self.active = child
-        self.paused = {1: child.clone()}     # {time: subprocess}
-        self.all_breakpoints = AllBreakpoints()
-        self.all_printed_objects = {}
-        self.all_printed_objects_lst = []
-    def get_current_time(self):
-        return self.active.current_time
-    def get_currently_created_objects(self):
-        return self.active.currently_created_objects
-    def get_current_thread(self):
-        return self.active.current_thread
-    def _check_current_time(self, time):
-        assert self.get_current_time() == time
-        self.active.send(Message(CMD_FORWARD, 0))
-        return self.active.expect(ANSWER_READY, time, Ellipsis, Ellipsis)
-    def get_max_time(self):
-        return self.total_stop_points
-    def get_next_clone_time(self):
-        # if 'active' has more printed_objects than the next process
-        # already in 'paused', then we re-clone 'active'.
-        cur_time = self.get_current_time()
-        future = [time for time in self.paused if time > cur_time]
-        if future:
-            for futime in sorted(future):
-                if (self.paused[futime].printed_objects !=
-                        frozenset(self.all_printed_objects_lst)):
-                    # 'futime' is the time of the first "future" childs
-                    # with an incomplete 'printed_objects'.  This will
-                    # be re-cloned.
-                    return futime
-        #
-        if len(self.paused) >= self.MAX_SUBPROCESSES:
-            next_time = self.total_stop_points + 1
-        else:
-            latest_done = max(self.paused)
-            range_not_done = self.total_stop_points - latest_done
-            next_time = latest_done + int(self.STEP_RATIO * range_not_done) + 1
-        return next_time
-    def is_tainted(self):
-        return self.active.tainted
-    def go_forward(self, steps, breakpoint_mode='b'):
-        """Go forward, for the given number of 'steps' of time.
-        If needed, it will leave clones at intermediate times.
-        Does not close the active subprocess.  Note that
-        is_tainted() must return false in order to use this.
-        breakpoint_mode:
-          'b' = regular mode where hitting a breakpoint stops
-          'i' = ignore breakpoints
-          'r' = record the occurrence of a breakpoint but continue
-        """
-        assert steps >= 0
-        if breakpoint_mode != 'i':
-            self.update_breakpoints()
-        latest_bkpt = None
-        while True:
-            cur_time = self.get_current_time()
-            if cur_time + steps > self.total_stop_points:
-                steps = self.total_stop_points - cur_time
-            next_clone = self.get_next_clone_time()
-            rel_next_clone = next_clone - cur_time
-            if rel_next_clone > steps:
-                break
-            assert rel_next_clone >= 0
-            if rel_next_clone > 0:
-                bkpt = self.active.forward(rel_next_clone, breakpoint_mode)
-                if breakpoint_mode == 'r':
-                    latest_bkpt = bkpt or latest_bkpt
-                elif bkpt:
-                    raise bkpt
-                steps -= rel_next_clone
-            if self.active.current_time in self.paused:
-                self.paused[self.active.current_time].close()
-            clone = self.active.clone()
-            self.paused[clone.current_time] = clone
-        bkpt = self.active.forward(steps, breakpoint_mode)
-        if breakpoint_mode == 'r':
-            bkpt = bkpt or latest_bkpt
-        if bkpt:
-            raise bkpt
-    def go_backward(self, steps, ignore_breakpoints=False):
-        """Go backward, for the given number of 'steps' of time.
-        Closes the active process.  Implemented as jump_in_time()
-        and then forward-searching for breakpoint locations (if any).
-        """
-        assert steps >= 0
-        initial_time = self.get_current_time()
-        if self.all_breakpoints.is_empty() or ignore_breakpoints:
-            self.jump_in_time(initial_time - steps)
-        else:
-            if self.all_breakpoints.watchvalues:
-                first_steps = 97    # use smaller steps, because that's costly
-            else:
-                first_steps = 957
-            self._backward_search_forward(
-                search_start_time       = initial_time - first_steps,
-                search_stop_time        = initial_time,
-                search_go_on_until_time = initial_time - steps)
-    def _backward_search_forward(self, search_start_time, search_stop_time,
-                                 search_go_on_until_time=1):
-        while True:
-            self.jump_in_time(max(search_start_time, search_go_on_until_time))
-            search_start_time = self.get_current_time()
-            time_range_to_search = search_stop_time - search_start_time
-            if time_range_to_search <= 0:
-                print "[search end]"
-                return
-            print "[searching %d..%d]" % (search_start_time,
-                                          search_stop_time)
-            self.go_forward(time_range_to_search, breakpoint_mode='r')
-            # If at least one breakpoint was found, the Breakpoint
-            # exception is raised with the *last* such breakpoint.
-            # Otherwise, we continue here.  Search farther along a
-            # 3-times-bigger range.
-            search_stop_time = search_start_time
-            search_start_time -= time_range_to_search * 3
-    def _update_watchpoints_uids(self):
-        if self.all_breakpoints.watchuids:
-            uids = set()
-            uids.update(*self.all_breakpoints.watchuids.values())
-            #print self.all_breakpoints
-            #print '\t===>', uids
-            self.attach_printed_objects(uids, watch_env=True)
-    def update_breakpoints(self):
-        self._update_watchpoints_uids()
-        cmp = self.all_breakpoints.compare(self.active.breakpoints_cache)
-        #print 'compare:', cmp, self.all_breakpoints.watchvalues
-        if cmp == 2:
-            return      # up-to-date
-        # update the breakpoints/watchpoints
-        self.active.breakpoints_cache = None
-        num2break = self.all_breakpoints.num2break
-        N = (max(num2break) + 1) if num2break else 0
-        if cmp == 0:
-            flat = [num2break.get(n, '\x00') for n in range(N)]
-            arg1 = self.all_breakpoints.stack_id
-            arg2 = self.all_breakpoints.thread_num
-            extra = ''.join(flat)
-            self.active.send(Message(CMD_BREAKPOINTS, arg1, arg2, extra=extra))
-            self.active.print_text_answer(pgroup=self)
-        else:
-            assert cmp == 1
-        # update the watchpoint values
-        if any(name.startswith('W') for name in num2break.values()):
-            watchvalues = self.all_breakpoints.watchvalues
-            flat = []
-            for n in range(N):
-                text = ''
-                name = num2break.get(n, '')
-                if name.startswith('W'):
-                    text = watchvalues[n]
-                flat.append(text)
-            extra = '\x00'.join(flat)
-            self.active.send(Message(CMD_WATCHVALUES, extra=extra))
-            self.active.expect_ready()
-        self.active.breakpoints_cache = self.all_breakpoints.duplicate()
-    def update_watch_values(self):
-        try:
-            self._update_watchpoints_uids()
-        except socket.error as e:
-            print >> sys.stderr, "socket.error: %s" % (e,)
-            print >> sys.stderr, "restarting at position 1"
-            self.jump_in_time(1)
-            self._update_watchpoints_uids()
-        seen = set()
-        for num, name in self.all_breakpoints.num2break.items():
-            if name.startswith('W'):
-                _, text = self.check_watchpoint_expr(name[4:])
-                if text != self.all_breakpoints.watchvalues[num]:
-                    #print self.active.pid
-                    print 'updating watchpoint value: %s => %s' % (
-                        self.all_breakpoints.sources[num], text)
-                    self.all_breakpoints.watchvalues[num] = text
-                seen.add(num)
-        assert set(self.all_breakpoints.watchvalues) == seen
-    def compile_watchpoint_expr(self, expr):
-        self.active.send(Message(CMD_COMPILEWATCH, extra=expr))
-        msg = self.active.expect(ANSWER_WATCH, Ellipsis, extra=Ellipsis)
-        self.active.expect_ready()
-        return msg.arg1, msg.extra
-    def check_watchpoint_expr(self, compiled_code, nids=None):
-        if nids:
-            self.ensure_nids_to_uids(nids)
-            uids = self.nids_to_uids(nids)
-            self.attach_printed_objects(uids, watch_env=True)
-        self.active.send(Message(CMD_CHECKWATCH, extra=compiled_code))
-        msg = self.active.expect(ANSWER_WATCH, Ellipsis, extra=Ellipsis)
-        self.active.expect_ready()
-        return msg.arg1, msg.extra
-    def _resume(self, from_time):
-        clone_me = self.paused[from_time]
-        if self.active is not None:
-            self.active.close()
-        self.active = clone_me.clone(activate=True)
-    def jump_in_time(self, target_time):
-        """Jump in time at the given 'target_time'.
-        This function always closes the active subprocess.
-        """
-        if target_time < 1:
-            target_time = 1
-        if target_time > self.total_stop_points:
-            target_time = self.total_stop_points
-        uids = set()
-        uids.update(*self.all_breakpoints.watchuids.values())
-        self.ensure_printed_objects(uids, forced_time = target_time)
-    def close(self):
-        """Close all subprocesses.
-        """
-        for subp in [self.active] + self.paused.values():
-            subp.close()
-    def ensure_printed_objects(self, uids, forced_time=None):
-        """Ensure that all the given unique_ids are loaded in the active
-        child, if necessary by forking another child from earlier.
-        """
-        if forced_time is None:
-            initial_time = self.get_current_time()
-            child = self.active
-        else:
-            initial_time = forced_time
-            stop_time = max(time for time in self.paused
-                                 if time <= initial_time)
-            child = self.paused[stop_time]
-        while True:
-            uid_limit = child.currently_created_objects
-            missing_uids = [uid for uid in uids
-                                if uid < uid_limit
-                                   and uid not in child.printed_objects]
-            if not missing_uids:
-                break
-            # pick the earlier fork
-            start_time = child.current_time
-            stop_time = max(time for time in self.paused if time < start_time)
-            child = self.paused[stop_time]
-        # No missing_uids left: all uids are either already in
-        # self.active.printed_objects, or in the future.
-        future_uids = [uid for uid in uids if uid >= uid_limit]
-        if child is self.active:
-            assert not future_uids
-        else:
-            self._resume(stop_time)
-            if future_uids:
-                future_uids.sort()
-                pack_uids = [struct.pack('q', uid) for uid in future_uids]
-                pack_uids = ''.join(pack_uids)
-                #print '%d: from %d: CMD_FUTUREIDS %r' % (
-                #    self.active.pid,
-                #    self.active.current_time,
-                #    future_uids)
-                self.active.send(Message(CMD_FUTUREIDS, extra=pack_uids))
-                self.active.expect_ready()
-                self.active.printed_objects = (
-                    self.active.printed_objects.union(future_uids))
-            self.go_forward(initial_time - self.get_current_time(),
-                            breakpoint_mode='i')
-        assert self.active.printed_objects.issuperset(uids)
-    def nids_to_uids(self, nids, skip_futures=False):
-        uids = []
-        for nid in set(nids):
-            try:
-                uid = self.all_printed_objects_lst[nid]
-            except IndexError:
-                continue
-            if skip_futures and uid >= self.get_currently_created_objects():
-                #print >> sys.stderr, (
-                #    "note: '$%d' refers to an object that is "
-                #    "only created later in time" % nid)
-                continue
-            uids.append(uid)
-        return uids
-    def ensure_nids_to_uids(self, nids):
-        # Take the objects listed in nids which are alive at the
-        # current time, and return a list of uids of them.  This
-        # might require some replaying.
-        uids = []
-        if nids:
-            uids = self.nids_to_uids(nids, skip_futures=True)
-            self.ensure_printed_objects(uids)
-        return uids
-    def attach_printed_objects(self, uids, watch_env):
-        for uid in uids:
-            nid = self.all_printed_objects[uid]
-            #print '%d: %s => %s (watch_env=%d)' % (self.active.pid, nid, uid,
-            #                                       watch_env)
-            self.active.send(Message(CMD_ATTACHID, nid, uid, int(watch_env)))
-            self.active.expect_ready()
-    def recreate_subprocess(self, target_time=None):
-        # recreate a subprocess at the given time, or by default the
-        # current time
-        if target_time is None:
-            target_time = self.get_current_time()
-        self.active = None
-        self.jump_in_time(target_time)
-    def print_cmd(self, expression, nids=[]):
-        """Print an expression.
-        """
-        uids = self.ensure_nids_to_uids(nids)
-        self.active.tainted = True
-        self.attach_printed_objects(uids, watch_env=False)
-        self.active.send(Message(CMD_PRINT, extra=expression))
-        try:
-            self.active.print_text_answer(pgroup=self)
-        except RecreateSubprocess:
-            self.recreate_subprocess()
-    def show_backtrace(self, complete=1):
-        """Show the backtrace.
-        """
-        if complete:
-            self.active.tainted = True
-        self.active.send(Message(CMD_BACKTRACE, complete))
-        try:
-            self.active.print_text_answer()
-        except RecreateSubprocess:
-            self.recreate_subprocess()
-    def show_locals(self):
-        """Show the locals.
-        """
-        self.active.tainted = True
-        self.active.send(Message(CMD_LOCALS))
-        try:
-            self.active.print_text_answer()
-        except RecreateSubprocess:
-            self.recreate_subprocess()
-    def edit_breakpoints(self):
-        return self.all_breakpoints
-    def _stack_id(self, is_parent=0):
-        self.active.send(Message(CMD_STACKID, is_parent))
-        msg = self.active.expect(ANSWER_STACKID, Ellipsis, Ellipsis)
-        self.active.expect_ready()
-        return msg
-    def get_stack_id(self, is_parent):
-        return self._stack_id(is_parent).arg1
-    def get_hiddenpos_level(self):
-        return self._stack_id().arg2
diff --git a/rpython/translator/revdb/revdb.py b/rpython/translator/revdb/revdb.py
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/rpython/translator/revdb/revdb.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python2
-import sys, os
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    import argparse
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Reverse debugger')
-    parser.add_argument('log', metavar='LOG', help='log file name')
-    parser.add_argument('-x', '--executable', dest='executable',
-                        help='name of the executable file '
-                             'that recorded the log')
-    parser.add_argument('-c', '--color', dest='color',
-                        help='colorize source code (dark,light,off)')
-    options = parser.parse_args()
-    sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(
-        os.path.join(__file__, '..', '..', '..', '..')))
-    from rpython.translator.revdb.interact import RevDebugControl
-    ctrl = RevDebugControl(options.log, executable=options.executable,
-                           pygments_background=options.color)
-    ctrl.interact()
diff --git a/rpython/translator/revdb/src-revdb/fd_send.c b/rpython/translator/revdb/src-revdb/fd_send.c
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/rpython/translator/revdb/src-revdb/fd_send.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
- * libancillary - black magic on Unix domain sockets
- * (C) Nicolas George
- * fd_send.c - sending file descriptors
- ***************************************************************************/
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- * 
- *  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
- *     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- *  3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
- *     derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- * 
- */
-#ifndef _XPG4_2 /* Solaris sucks */
-# define _XPG4_2
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/uio.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#if defined(__FreeBSD__)
-# include <sys/param.h> /* FreeBSD sucks */
-#include "ancillary.h"
-ancil_send_fds_with_buffer(int sock, const int *fds, unsigned n_fds, void *buffer)
-    struct msghdr msghdr;
-    char nothing = '!';
-    struct iovec nothing_ptr;
-    struct cmsghdr *cmsg;
-    int i;
-    nothing_ptr.iov_base = ¬hing;
-    nothing_ptr.iov_len = 1;
-    msghdr.msg_name = NULL;
-    msghdr.msg_namelen = 0;
-    msghdr.msg_iov = &nothing_ptr;
-    msghdr.msg_iovlen = 1;
-    msghdr.msg_flags = 0;
-    msghdr.msg_control = buffer;
-    msghdr.msg_controllen = sizeof(struct cmsghdr) + sizeof(int) * n_fds;
-    cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msghdr);
-    cmsg->cmsg_len = msghdr.msg_controllen;
-    cmsg->cmsg_level = SOL_SOCKET;
-    cmsg->cmsg_type = SCM_RIGHTS;
-    for(i = 0; i < n_fds; i++)
-	((int *)CMSG_DATA(cmsg))[i] = fds[i];
-    return(sendmsg(sock, &msghdr, 0) >= 0 ? 0 : -1);
-ancil_send_fds(int sock, const int *fds, unsigned n_fds)
-    assert(n_fds <= ANCIL_MAX_N_FDS);
-    return(ancil_send_fds_with_buffer(sock, fds, n_fds, &buffer));
-#endif /* SPARE_SEND_FDS */
-#ifndef SPARE_SEND_FD
-ancil_send_fd(int sock, int fd)
-    ANCIL_FD_BUFFER(1) buffer;
-    return(ancil_send_fds_with_buffer(sock, &fd, 1, &buffer));
-#endif /* SPARE_SEND_FD */

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